Chapter 1435 The Three Goddesses of Destiny!Appear! -Second more please subscribe!
Among the gods, the winner usually builds a new temple in the occupied land, and converts the believers of the loser to complete the transfer of power and territory.Although the transformation process is a bit slow, cities that lose their patron saints generally succumb to the winners.For example, after Du Yu captured Rhodes Island, he quickly turned the island into his place of faith.

However, Zeus adopted a cruel and inhumane method of slaughtering the unprotected city of Sparta, which made Athena extremely regretful.

Zeus, has gone mad.

Holding the general's body, Du Yu was also furious.

But the summoned Zeus did not appear.On the contrary, a terrifying big monster—Skila from the ocean quietly appeared behind Du Yu and attacked him.

Although there were warnings and help from Galadriel and others, Du Yu, who was immersed in the grief of losing a believer, was caught off guard for a while, and almost lost the power to resist, and was quickly rolled up by Skyla with his tentacles.

In the silence, Du Yu seemed to feel that he had come near Sparta, standing on the hill overlooking the burning city.A familiar figure came towards him, it turned out to be Kratos' wife in the plot.
As Kratos, Du Yu once rescued her and placed her and her daughter in his own city, Sparta.

Unexpectedly, this actually killed their mother and daughter!

Bewildered by desire and power, Zeus, maddened, killed them.

Du Yu felt a burst of grief in his heart.

He is not Kratos, but his identity is Kratos. The mother and daughter pinned all their hopes on him, but what they waited for was the massacre of Zeus.

"I'm sorry~~~ dear," Du Yu said tremblingly, "Can you forgive me?"
The wife opened her mouth, but what came out was Gaia's voice: "It's not over yet, Du Yu, you have to keep fighting."
"I haven't defeated Zeus yet, but Zeus took me out of my nest." Du Yu said discouragedly, "Even the hundreds of thousands of people I wanted to protect died under Zeus's lightning. What chance do I have?"
"Victory belongs to you, Du Yu," said Gaia's voice, "but you must get the mirror of fate and control your own destiny. Once time and space are reversed, before you fight Zeus, these human beings killed by Zeus, Will resurrect them all. A great war is imminent, and we need you to lead this battle. As long as you are alive, Zeus will not let you go. Even if you die, Zeus' brother Hades will continue to torture you in Hades .You have no other choice. Accept this power, warrior of Sparta. Use your anger to drive it and change your destiny. This battle has just begun, Du Yu."
Du Yu got a new magical technique.

[Power of Gaia]: Consumes 10 divine power.The effective time is 60 seconds, as long as your legs stand on the ground, you will gain endless strength and quickly repair your body.

This is the third magic spell that Du Yu obtained.

Du Yu's fighting spirit was ignited again, and the power from the Titan filled his whole body, bursting out with unprecedented power.

With a roar, he burned all the remaining divine power.

【The Power of Gaia】!
Du Yu felt the wrath of the earth and endless power pouring into his body continuously.Like Gaia, he is an invincible existence on the earth!
Sent by Zeus to kill Duyu was the terrifying Skyla.It is a sea monster in Greek mythology, and its residence is not far from the sirens. Her voice is just like the barking of a newborn puppy, but she is indeed a huge and fierce monster.She has twelve legs, all of which hang in the air.There are six extremely long necks, each with a terrible head, with teeth, three layers, densely packed, filled with dark death.Her body, from the waist down, is curled up in the empty hole, but her head sticks out, hanging out of the terrible abyss, preying on fish, looking around the cliffs, looking for dolphins, star sharks, or any big fish. monsters.He tore it up like a piece of paper.

In the Temple of Destiny, Skila and Du Yu fought fiercely.

Six necks and twelve tentacles attacked Du Yu frantically from different angles.

This series of god-level monsters made it impossible for Amin, Deni and others to intervene.Unless they work as a team, they can barely fight this monster.But in the face of Du Yu, who has lost all his territories and followers, there is no need for them to take action!

Du Yu's anger was burning fiercely.

Du Yu's eyes are cold, his feet are on the ground, and Gaia's power makes him an invincible existence within 60 seconds!

Ruyi golden cudgel, smashed down with hatred.

The two heads of Skira were smashed to pieces.Du Yu's strength was indeed incomparable. Even if the tentacles and sharp claws made wounds on his body, they were repaired by the earth at an extremely fast speed.

Du Yu went mad, and Ruyi's golden cudgel swung like the wind, hitting Skila with wailing, blood spattering, and his head shattered.

Du Yu lamented that the people in the territory he had worked so hard for were destroyed by Zeus, roared furiously, and within 60 seconds, launched countless fierce attacks on Skila.

The final blow hit Skira's sixth and final head.

Skylar neighed miserably and fell to the ground, convulsing and lifeless.

The terrifying monster was completely no match for Du Yu's anger and divine power.

But Du Yu also lost the last bit of divine power.

He still has a godhead, but the problem is that no mortal in the lower realm dares to believe him.

Without believers, there is no divine power.

Zeus's trick is extremely vicious.

For Du Yu, who is in urgent need of strength at this time, it can be said that he has drawn his salary from the bottom of the pot.

But Zeus never dreamed that the biggest difference between Du Yu and the gods was that besides being a Western God of War, his other identity was an Eastern Immortal Cultivator.

A cultivator who has transcended calamity and ascended to Dzogchen.

Du Yu is really fortunate that he has a dual combat system, otherwise he would definitely be killed by Zeus' wave.

After killing Skila, Du Yu threw the key into the space, not bothering to take a look.After the key is returned, it will be handed over to Elizabeth to open it, which can achieve the best results.

Tattaglia and others also knew that Du Yu's believers were all killed by Zeus and their territory was taken away. They looked at Du Yu worriedly.

They are also worried that if Du Yu, who is the absolute main force in the battle, is abolished in one wave, it will become a nightmare to challenge the Temple of Destiny next.

But fortunately, Du Yu just smiled lightly: "You all know my abilities before I became a god. The power of cultivating immortals is not less than that of becoming a god. Today I will completely defeat Zeus' wishful thinking!"

He strode toward the depths of the Temple of Destiny.

The best counterattack against Zeus is to obtain the mirror of fate, reverse time and space, and go back to the past!
What appeared in front of his eyes was Lachesis, the goddess of fate!
She is not an illusion this time, but a real goddess.
"Our sisters have been waiting for you for a long time, Du Yu." Lachesis said in a voice full of mystery.
"Don't block my way!" Du Yu was furious at this moment, not in any mood to talk to her easily.
Lachesis was not angry, but just looked at Du Yu with a sneer: "I'm afraid you will be disappointed, Du Yu. No one can change your own destiny, only our sisters can decide everyone's fate. I let Titan Losing the battle of the gods, I brought you to this place—you were not destined to kill Zeus."
"You can no longer control my fate!" Du Yu said.
"Look at Zhilai, you really believe Gaia's lies." Lachesis said coldly: "You idiot, you think you are taking revenge, but in fact, you are just a pawn of Gaia. It was the Titans who turned around It's just a tool. It has a lot of things that it doesn't tell you."

Du Yu said coldly: "I will find out one by one, but I am warning you now, let me go there!"
Lachesis laughed out loud: "You always interest us, Du Yu, but don't push yourself further. No one can match the power of the goddess of fate. If you dare to defy us, you will only die!"
But Du Yu, this warrior who killed gods with a mortal body, this fierce man who never surrendered, this bloodthirsty God of War, how could he succumb to such a threat?
Since the first day he entered the space, Du Yu has been fighting with fate.

If he believes in the arrangement of fate, he is probably still in the slums where the sewage is flowing, and he may become the cannon fodder for some gang fighting or one of the biochemical dead soldiers of General Hou Shen!
Du Yu, to be able to get to where he is today is because he doesn't believe in fate and evil!

He calmly pulled out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and pointed it at Lachesis.

Fight with the God of Destiny!

"If my conjecture is correct, you are just one of the guardians of the mirror of fate." Du Yu said coldly, "It is said that anyone's fate is in your hands. Under the arrangement of the power of God, perform your duty as a night watchman, and watch the changes in this world with a cold eye. If there is love, the sky will be old! You have violated the rules of fate if you dare to intervene in the battle between me and Zeus?"

Lachesis' expression changed.

The three goddesses of fate really cannot interfere with the rotation of the wheel of fortune.

The reason for making an exception is to help Zeus once, because Zeus gives them extra benefits.

Not long ago, the three goddesses of fate welcomed Zeus who had become a white eagle in the temple.

Zeus brought the news that the three Fates wanted to hear most.

"If you can help me, kill Du Yu, and prevent him from reversing his fate, I will give you the golden apple." Zeus took out the legendary treasure golden apple with a neither blunt nor humble expression.

In Greek mythology, this golden apple was a big deal.

The golden apple is the most famous treasure in Greek mythology.It first appeared at the wedding of Zeus and Hera.Gaia, the goddess of the earth, brought back a large tree with lush branches from the west coast to Zeus and Hera as a wedding gift, and the tree was full of golden apples.Zeus sent the four daughters of the god of night, called Hesperides, to guard the holy garden where the golden apples were planted.In addition, there is a hundred dragon Ladon to help them guard.

(End of this chapter)

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