Chapter 1436 The Holy Tree Golden Apple!Artifact of Destiny! -Subscribe for the third watch!
According to legend, at the wedding of the human hero Paleus and the sea goddess Thetis.All the gods were invited to the wedding except Eris, the goddess of misfortune.Holding a grudge, Eris came up with a poisonous plan to present an extremely precious golden apple to the guests at the wedding, with the words "for the most beautiful goddess" written on it.Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite were arguing over the golden apple. Other gods dared not speak for fear of offending the goddess. Zeus, the god of heaven, let Paris, a beautiful young man shepherding sheep on the mountain, be the judge.

In order to get the golden apple, the three goddesses offered tempting conditions: Hera gave him supreme power and blessed him as a high ruler; Athena was willing to give him wisdom and strength and encourage him to be courageous. Go on an adventure and break out a heroic and brilliant road; Aphrodite promised to make the most beautiful woman in the world fall in love with him and be his wife.After much deliberation, Paris felt that power and rule would be enough for him to inherit his father's throne in the future. He has a lot of good skills on the road of a hero, but he can venture boldly, but love is not something that can be encountered every day.So he gave the golden apple to Aphrodite.Later, with the help of Aphrodite, Paris abducted the queen of Sparta, the beauty Helen, which became the fuse of the Trojan War.

Now, even the three goddesses of fate, who have always been aloof, can't resist the temptation of this golden apple!

Why do so many goddesses want this golden apple at all costs?

Because the golden apple is by no means just a "most beautiful goddess" glory.This golden apple brought back from the west coast of the God Realm by Gaia, the ancestor of the Titans, actually contains the secret of truly eternal youth and everlasting voice!

For the goddesses of Olympus, although their appearance will never age, everything is based on the premise of having enough power of faith!
Without the power of faith, even Athena will fall into eternal sleep. How can there be immortality and eternal youth?
And as long as this golden apple is eaten, any god will form a system in the body similar to the golden apple sacred tree, which can be rooted in the earth, continuously draw strength from the earth, and maintain youth and beauty forever without any help. Power of Faith Sustains!

That is to say, even if they lose all their divine power, as long as they eat the golden apple, the gods will not fall into eternal sleep, and they can still walk and even fight in the world and the heavens.It's just that the combat power is not as good as the power of faith system.

This is good news for the goddesses who rely heavily on divine power!

It is the true gospel of immortality.

Who can guarantee that they will always be on the side of the winner?
Not even the goddess of fate!

Therefore, when Zeus took out this incomparably precious golden apple, the three goddesses of destiny were all moved by it!
"Remember, goddesses of fate, as long as Du Yu comes to you, kill him." Zeus said meaningfully: "You will leave this golden apple. Although you took the risk, it is worth it."

Lachesis thought of the golden apple and his immortality, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "So, your fate will be irreversible. Accept your fate! Mortals!"

She pulled out a shuttle of fate and stabbed Du Yu in the air.

The weapons of the three goddesses of fate are the shuttle of fate, the spinning thread of fate and the blade of fate.It's about their work.The daily work of the three goddesses of fate is to use each person's fate as the spinning thread according to the rules of the power of fate, weave the spinning thread of fate with the shuttle of fate, and then cut off the person's flesh and blood with the blade of fate at the right time. The thread of fate!
Once the thread of fate is cut off by the goddess of fate, the person will die.

Therefore, a person is under the arrangement of the goddess of fate from birth to death.

But having said that, the goddess of fate cannot arbitrarily decide a person's fate.If the fate operation is wrong, they will also be backlashed by the power of fate.Of course, in the past, this rarely happened.

This time, for the alluring golden apple, Lachesis blatantly violated the rules of fate and chose to attack Du Yu.

Why didn't the three Goddesses of Fate take the simple method of cutting Du Yu's thread of fate, with a single cut, and with a click, Du Yu was completely wiped out?
Regarding Du Yu's fate, the three goddesses of fate were in a dilemma.

This is not Du Yu's fate, how hard it is, in fact, even the most fateful Greek hero, the three goddesses of fate are not in their eyes.

The problem is, Du Yu has no thread of fate at all!

The three goddesses of fate searched all over the world for the lines of fate, but they couldn't find the line corresponding to Du Yu.

The Temple of Destiny, which was supposed to store everyone's fate, could not find Du Yu's fate!

Adventurers have no destiny.

In desperation, the three goddesses of fate had to adopt the most stupid method.

Kill yourself.

This method without technical content sounds very LOW.The goddesses of fate are quite amateurs.Rather than wielding the weapon of fate, they prefer to cut the thread of fate before the spindle of fate.

But if you can't find Du Yu's thread of fate, the concubines can't do it.

What can they do?
Thus, Du Yu and Lachesis fought fiercely together.

The spindle of fate in Lachesis' hands, as long as it hits the enemy, it can peel off the fate of the opponent, analyze the opponent's future life, who is Wulun, even the god Zeus, will be pulled out of the thread of fate.

As long as there is a thread of fate, it can be cut off by Lachesis in one blow!
That person's fate will also come to an abrupt end.

But even though Du Yu lost his divine power, he was more cautious, not easily letting Lachesis' spindle of fate hit his body.Lachesis was full of vicious tricks, but the hero was useless, and was cornered by Du Yu.

Du Yu has the advantages of skill, speed and strength. Without divine power, the immortal magic will not be affected. Lachesis, who was exercising, was very familiar with the road, relaxed and freehand, and Lachesis kept retreating.

With Du Yu's overwhelming power, even Lachesis is no match.

Three dozen bone spirits smashed the Pansi Cave directly, and together with making a big fuss in Wuzhi Mountain, these big holy sticks poured out like clouds and flowing water, smashing Lachesis' head and blood.

Du Yu knocked down the lofty Goddess of Fate one after another, and she yelled angrily, "You can't fight against fate! Du Yu!"
Tattaglia and the others smiled and watched Du Yu beat Lachesis with a relaxed expression.

"This Goddess of Destiny sounds tall, but it's actually very frustrating." Amin complained, "With my melee strength, I can crush them."

"Fart!" Tataglia scolded with a smile: "Don't look at Du Yu's beating so easily, but he dare not be careless at all. Once Lachesis's spindle of fate hits your body, your fate will fall into her hands." Can you guarantee that you won't be hit by her? Don't dare to press too hard without watching Du Yu."

"What is that?" Galadriel pointed to the void, and a shadow called out.

Another Goddess of Destiny!
In the Temple of Destiny, naturally there is not only one Lachesis.Seeing the sisters being beaten up by Du Yu, how could the other two goddesses of fate sit idly by?

A shadow appears in the nearby mirror.That's another of the Fates: Atpers.

Atperth's weapon is the remote-controlled Spinning Wheel of Fate.The enemy hit by Lachesis's spindle of fate reveals the thread of fate, which is given to her to be spun into a thread of fate, and then cut by the blade of fate.

Atperth screamed, "Du Yu, we control everything about your life, and now it's time for your life to end, stupid mortal!"

She let out a wild laugh, and the spinning wheel of fate appeared out of thin air!

The shape of the spinning wheel of fate is quite similar to a harp. Sitting in front of the spinning wheel of fate, Atperth is combined with Lachesis' spinning wheel of fate to form a complete posture of the spinning wheel of fate.That feeling of Heaven being Luo, enemy as net, God as wife, life as thread, letting people slaughter and strangle you, just looking at it is shocking, and the soul impact is extremely strong!
Whether it is an ordinary person or the half-god half-blood heroes in the legend, seeing the posture of these two goddesses of fate, it is like a mouse meeting a cat, and they are born to be afraid from the depths of their souls and can only be slaughtered by them.

But Du Yu, what burns in his body is the soul of a natural villain!

What he fears the most is heaven and earth, what he disbelieves the most is fate, and what he disrespects the most is gods!
When the two goddesses were fighting together, Du Yu invoked the power of time and space, trying to cross the blockade and escape to one side.

But the power of the spinning wheel and spindle of fate, can human beings resist?

An irresistible force of fate bound Du Yu!
The power of fate is like a spider spitting out silk thread, transparent and invisible, but it unknowingly binds Du Yu's hands and feet. No matter how hard Du Yu tries to break free, he can't break free from the fetters of the thread of fate!
"Hehe" Atperth said with a shrill smile, "you can just struggle as much as you want. The more you struggle, the faster your energy will flow. The power of fate is like a spider's web, let the flying insects in it exhaust you Scheming, can only be slaughtered by orders."

"Hmph! You sisters keep saying that you are the spokesperson of fate. I don't believe that there is no power to restrain you!" Du Yu scolded angrily: "I believe that the fate you are ushering in is worse than mine!"

"Tough mouth!" Atperth said angrily, "Look at the trick!"

Du Yu was picked up by the spinning wheel of fate and taken to another time and space.

Atperth's laughter came: "Look at your own destiny, you will regret provoking our sisters!"

Du Yu looked around, and was surprised to find that he was at the place where he was fighting Ares at that time, and happened to be standing on the battlefield of Athens.Not far away, Ares and another self are fighting hard.
At that time, I was using [Space Tear], at the cost of two arms, dangerous and dangerous, and killed Ares.

Du Yu couldn't move his body, so he could only passively watch his past achievements, replaying them scene by scene.

(End of this chapter)

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