Chapter 1438 Dragon Wolf Devours!Brutal Harvest! -Second more please subscribe!
"I understand!" Tataglia lost her voice: "The three goddesses of fate are also the remnants of the extraterrestrial demons! They control the fate and operation of this world, and they are the most important joints in this world. Unexpectedly, they were invaded by extraterritorial demons. gone."

The three Kroso sisters licked their lips at the same time and screamed, "That's right! We have long been His Excellency Hum's loyal subordinates, but you have defeated His Excellency Hum's plan five times and three times. We have long intended to kill you. We will kill you today." Die!"

The three artifacts of destiny started to work again.

Du Yu's expression was normal, and he said with a long laugh: "Even Hum was beaten by me to retreat and give up, so what about you three lackeys? My fate is always in my control! Hand over the mirror of fate to me, and then die!" "

Du Yu's great sage stick technique was launched with all his strength, and he slammed the stick hard at Croso.

The three artifacts of destiny, the holy light enveloped Du Yu, the spindle of destiny, the spinning wheel of destiny and the blade of destiny surrounded Du Yu like a revolving lantern, constantly launching fierce attacks.

Du Yu's face sank like water, and the great sage surrounded Croso with a stick, attacking frantically, making the goddess of fate howl in agony.Every time it hits, it can shatter several of Closso's bones.

Klosso, the goddess of fate, finally couldn't take it anymore, and flew back.

Even if she was the leader of the Goddess of Fate, she couldn't stop Du Yu's fierce onslaught, and every time she could cause Colosso's hemorrhage and serious injury.

The goddess of fate is also afraid of fate.

The goddess of fate in Greek mythology is different from the goddess of fate in Norse mythology.The latter are completely independent, and even Odin, the leader of the Nordic protoss, has no right to order them to do anything.They were born together with the world, guarding the world tree, and watching the birth and fall of the world with cold eyes.However, since the goddess of fate in Greece can be in the same temple as Zeus, her status is equivalent to a member of the Protoss, and she chose to support and obey many of Zeus's strategies and plans.This also objectively led to the lack of supervision of Zeus's behavior, dominating the world in this world, and extremely inflating himself.

But today, in the face of Du Yu, who is like a god of killing, the three goddesses of fate finally know what fear is.Du Yu knocked them over by himself.

But Du Yu, who broke through the thread of fate, has become unstoppable.

Even with the help of the Fate Spinning Wheel, the Fate Shuttle, and the Fate Blade, in front of Du Yu who understands the essence of fate and breaks through the limits of his thinking, the fate of the three goddesses of fate is decided by others for the first time.

They no longer had the coldness they had before, and fled into the depths of the temple like panicked prey.

Du Yu grinned grimly, and walked in, carrying the golden cudgel step by step.

Tattaglia and the others heard the screams of the goddesses and the cracking of bones from the depths of the temple, and finally everything fell silent.

Trembling with fear, they walked into the depths of the temple and saw three goddesses of fate surrounded by black air, who had been slaughtered by Du Yu, and their corpses were scattered all over the place.

Du Yu held the key of the Three Goddesses of Fate in his hand and threw it into the space.

Just now, in the fierce battle deep in the palace, Du Yu was like a tyrannical beast, ignoring the pleas of the three sisters, Closor, Atperth, and Lachesis, and wielding the Ruyi golden cudgel, sent the three goddesses of fate to death. He was beaten badly.

Even the dragon and wolf, who never showed up in the battle of gods, were attracted by the divine power weakened by the three goddesses including Crosor, jumped out of the void ferociously, and rushed towards the three depraved and helpless people who were polluted by demonic energy. goddess.

Du Yu smiled slightly.

When dealing with Ares and the sun god Opulus before, due to the fierce battle situation and the disparity between the enemy and our divine power, the seriously injured dragon and wolf did not jump out to devour the enemy's soul, but this time when they met the three goddesses of fate, they were finally defeated by Du With a pinch in his hand, he gained the upper hand.Of course, Longlang would not miss this good opportunity to eat for free.

Besides, it has been stuck in the fifth-order weather for a long, long time.No matter how many monsters and Du Yu's enemy souls are devoured later, they cannot advance.Both Long Lang and Du Yu guessed that with Long Lang's heavy taste at this time, devouring ordinary people would no longer be effective.Only stronger enemies—such as the spirits of gods—could allow the dragon and wolf to make this one-hundred-foot-high leap.

The three goddesses of fate, the ultimate fate is extremely cruel.

Du Yu stepped on their heads and released the cruel and bloodthirsty dragon wolf.

The dragon wolf showed no mercy, devouring the flesh and blood of the three goddesses, Closor, Atpers and Lachesis, and devouring their spirits and souls.

Closor, Artpos, and Lachesis screamed horribly. They never thought that this seemingly ordinary mortal man would have such a cruel and ferocious pet.Even Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog beside Pluto, is as cute as a pug compared to it.

This dragon wolf really got the best chance, it bit the three goddesses unceremoniously, and pulled out the spirits they begged for one by one, and swallowed them down.

Seeing that the doom of death was unavoidable, the three goddesses of fate issued painful and vicious curses: "Du Yu! We curse you, and you will die in the end! Your soul will fall into the hands of the god of the underworld, tormented by pain, and forever Turn over. Your women and children will become slaves of others and be bullied and enjoyed by others.”

Before they could finish their words, Du Yu grabbed their hair with a grinning grin, and ruthlessly brought them to his eyes.

The lower body of the three goddesses has been devoured by the dragon and wolf, but the upper body is still intact.

Du Yu grinned grimly and said, "Don't talk to me about fate. The thing I don't believe in is fate! If I believed in it, I would have rotted in some stinky ditch by now. You three, I still have a little pity. But feed me to the dogs now!"

He twisted the necks of the three goddesses of fate, and blocked all the vicious curses.

The dragon wolf was not polite, and devoured the three goddesses.

It's ironic to say that, the three goddesses of fate were killed and eaten by the super villain Du Yu and his dragon and wolf appearance, not even a single bone was left.I don't know if the three goddesses, who usually take pleasure in manipulating the fate of others, have thought of such a tragic end.

After eating the souls of the three goddesses, Longlang burped in satisfaction.Even the insatiable dragon and wolf ate three gods, and they were very satisfied.

"Go back and rest." Du Yu looked at Longlang carefully for a long time, but he didn't find any difference between the dragon and wolf, so he waved him to go back to rest.

Dragon Wolf did not have any breakthroughs in cultivation, but there is already a trace of abnormality between its brows!
The shape of a wheel appeared on Longlang's forehead.

If Du Yu looked more closely, he would definitely find that it was in the shape of the key used by the three Fate goddesses to open the Temple of Fate!
This is the wheel of fortune, which symbolizes the fate of the world, and it is reincarnation, and the way of heaven is impermanent.

Longlang let out a low growl in satisfaction, threw himself into Du Yu's atmosphere, and fell asleep.

It has a premonition that its crucial sixth breakthrough is coming.

The sixth level weather is about to be born.

In addition, of course Du Yu did not ignore a golden golden apple, which Gululu rolled to his feet - it was the treasure that Zeus used to bribe the three goddesses of fate.It turned out to be this thing.

Du Yu picked up the golden apple and saw the words on it:

【Holy Tree Golden Apple】: The treasure in Greek mythology.Disposable supplements.Gods who have eaten golden apples will be able to form golden apple sacred trees in their bodies, and their feet can absorb energy from the earth to maintain immortal power and maintain a youthful and beautiful appearance forever.The sacred golden apple tree produces a golden apple every 1 years.Even in the Olympus god system, it is an extremely precious item.Hera has always wanted to get this object, and even caused many goddesses to compete for it.The speed of divine power replenishment is fixed at 24 power of faith every [-] hours.Golden apples can be eaten repeatedly, but each deity will be invalid after up to three.

"I wipe it! Good stuff!" Du Yu exclaimed.

Although the divine power is extremely powerful, but Du Yu was brutally beaten by Zeus, deprived of the godhead, slaughtered the believers, and also realized how desperate it is for the gods to run out of divine power.

2 points of power of faith are equivalent to the belief of [-] believers, which is really not much for red and purple gods.But after multiplying by the godhead, [-] points of divine power can be recorded every day.For those gods whose faith has dried up, this is the source of immortality.

If Athena had won the three goddesses competing for the golden apple back then, she probably wouldn't have fallen into eternal sleep.

Du Yu didn't say anything about the golden apples, he swallowed them in three mouthfuls.

He was fed up with the embarrassment of being cut off by Zeus, and he automatically replenished 24 divine power every 2 hours, and he could gather a powerful magic spell in 5 days, which was already against the sky.How can this kind of treasure fall into the hands of others, it is better to eat it yourself.

The golden apple looks good, but it's very sour, and it doesn't taste good at all, but it's not a problem for people who desire power.

He felt the core of the golden apple enter his intestines and stomach, and then it took root. Thin fibrous roots similar to tree roots protruded from the soles of his feet, and began to absorb the nutrients from the earth, slowly supplementing his depleted divine power.Although the speed is not fast, it is better than the source of running water, which is continuous and does not require any external assistance.

Who has too much power?
The stories that happened just now disappeared in the depths of the Temple of Destiny.

"The three goddesses of fate, what good things will come out?" Amin's eyes turned into money, and he was also a big money fan.

Du Yu just smiled.Killing the Three Goddesses of Fate was a career he accomplished alone, and he didn't need to share it with others.However, after the battle was finally over, he would still give the three companions some compensation and rewards. He ate the meat and others drank some soup.

Du Yu didn't intend to let a few people see his real achievement - Godhead!
The three goddesses of destiny are also gods with sculptures in the Athens temple, and of course they will accept the worship and belief of everyone.In fact, whether it is a peaceful believer who believes in Athena or a radical believer who believes in Zeus or Ares, the belief in the goddess of fate does not distinguish between national boundaries and ethnic groups.The godheads of the three goddesses of fate are not low at all.

(End of this chapter)

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