Chapter 1439 Take down the three artifacts!Mirror of Fate! - Please subscribe!

He remembered something again, took out the key of the three goddesses of fate, and asked: "I want to take away the three artifacts of fate from the three of them, but I wonder if it can be done?"

Du Yu coveted the Spindle of Fate, Spinning Wheel of Fate and Blade of Fate.These three artifacts are so handsome, and they are infinitely powerful to use for their own women.

Athena's beautiful eyes floated to the key of the Three Goddesses of Fate quietly floating in the air, and she smiled lightly: "If you ask other people, you will definitely not be able to help you, but it just so happens that I am Mount Olympus who happens to know The only person for this message!"

"Why?" Du Yu asked curiously.

"Because I'm the Goddess of Wisdom." Athena said with a smug smile, "Given my priesthood, there is nothing in the world that I don't know."

Du Yu was overjoyed and handed over the keys of the three goddesses to Athena.

She used her divine power to float the keys of the three goddesses in the air, activated her divine power, and analyzed the three keys bit by bit.

In front of Du Yu, all the possible items contained in the three keys were projected on the retina like holographic images.

"The collection of the three goddesses of fate is really quite a lot!" Du Yu was amazed.There are countless things that have been used by gods, heroes and monsters.

"The three goddesses of fate are usually very strict and have a good reputation." Athena said softly: "But since the Hum invaded the world, they seem to have been contaminated with demonic energy, their temperament has changed drastically, and they have become greedy. Asking for sacrifices from the living beings. With their priesthood of controlling destiny, who would dare not give it? Such a huge amount of wealth has been accumulated in a short period of time. Unfortunately, it will not become your spoils of war in the end?"

Du Yu smiled, his eyes were dazzled by the careful selection of the many trophies.

In the end, he locked on the three artifacts of destiny: "It's them! I don't want the others, I can't chew as much as I can."

Athena used her divine power to extract the three artifacts of destiny from the three keys: "Thank you for finding me. The three artifacts of destiny are super artifacts that surpass ordinary artifacts, similar to the sword of Olympus. After the three Fate Goddesses of this generation are killed, they will automatically disappear into the void, waiting for the next Fate Goddess to arrive. Therefore, I don’t know how long such things can remain in your hands.”

Du Yu nodded.

Space wonders, at least take a look to satisfy curiosity.

[Spindle of Destiny]: A super artifact, the only item in space, it belongs to you temporarily.This item will automatically disappear from your inventory as soon as you have a new Fate fulfilled.Possesses the ability to peel off the thread of fate of all creatures.After being hit by it, the creature will lose part of its soul with a priority of 120 points.

[Fate Spinning Wheel]: A super artifact, the only item in space, it belongs to you temporarily.This item will automatically disappear from your inventory as soon as you have a new Fate fulfilled.The ability to weave the thread of destiny spun from the spindle of destiny into a thread of destiny has a priority of 120 points.

[Blade of Destiny] Super artifact, the only item in space, temporarily belongs to you.This item will automatically disappear from your inventory as soon as you have a new Fate fulfilled.It can cut the thread of fate, thereby ending the fate of the target, causing it to die immediately and fall into hell.Priority 120 points.

After the Destiny Three Artifacts are assembled, the effect of the suit is to increase the attack (spinning) speed by 100%, and the priority is increased by 20 points, reaching 140 points!
This is the first time Du Yu has seen a weapon or item with a priority of 140 points. This should be a priority that even the gods cannot escape. It is indeed the only super artifact in space, the three artifacts of destiny.
Looking at the operating requirements, it seems that there is no rule that only the goddess of fate can use it, and ordinary humans and adventurers can also use it, but the effect is very poor.

The most regrettable thing is that once the new goddess of fate comes to take over, this thing will disappear automatically.

Think about it too, if such a terrifying three artifacts can be possessed by adventurers for a long time and used to deal with bosses, which boss in the plot can block the three artifacts of destiny?
Wouldn't it make the space unbalanced?

The corner of Du Yu's mouth smiled wickedly.

Before the birth of the new Goddess of Destiny, make good use of this thing and let them play the most valuable.

Du Yu thought deeply about the three artifacts of destiny.

The principle of the three artifacts of destiny seems to be explained by multi-dimensional theory.

One-dimensional is a line, two-dimensional is a surface, three-dimensional is a static space, and four-dimensional is a dynamic space (because of the time axis).

But the highest limit of space can reach 11 dimensions!

Click to form a line, line to form a surface, surface to form a body

Several points form a line, several lines form a surface, and several surfaces form a body

Anyone who has watched the popular sci-fi movie [Time and Space] knows that when the existence of high dimensions overlooks the existence of low dimensions, your life is a thread!

This is where the thread of fate comes in.

And the existence of high dimensions can be understood as creation gods or gods!
Because their lives exist in more than one dimension.

For example, in this world, there is Athena, but this is only a clone of her divine sense. In the world of Saint Seiya, there is also Athena, which is also a clone of her divine sense.

The dimension of her existence far exceeds the four-dimensional space of human beings.

What if there are higher dimensional beings, such as gods, who cut the thread of your destiny?
This kind of thing can happen.Not only is it the thread of destiny, but in the eyes of high-dimensional beings, our earth is actually a piece of paper.

If he tears off our piece of paper, our world will collapse!
What the Goddess of Destiny does to mortals is nothing more than using higher-dimensional thinking and means to overlook and override low-dimensional existence!

The reason why Du Yu is so interested in the three artifacts of destiny is because they surpass all weapons currently understood in space and have risen to the height of dimensional weapons!

Dimensional weapons are tools that use the difference in dimensions to crush low-dimensional existence with high-dimensional thinking and understanding.

The Spindle of Fate can decompose the soul of the enemy into threads of fate, which can be understood as intercepting the fate of the opponent.

The spinning wheel of fate restores the thread of fate of the other party and reaches the thread of fate, which can be understood as raising the dimension and finding the fate of the other party in the multidimensional space.

The blade of fate cuts off the opponent's thread of fate. It can be understood as the existence of high-dimensional space and the destruction of low-dimensional space.

What a cool thing!

Use the three artifacts of fate, like a librarian, wandering in the vast library composed of threads of fate, take out a book at random, twist a thread, it is the world of the enemy, the life of the enemy, and then no longer Tear it off casually!

The enemy and the plane he is in are finished together!
Is there a cooler way to fight than this?

What?Since the three artifacts of destiny are so supernatural, so heaven-defying, even the gods are afraid, why did Du Yu slaughter the three goddesses of destiny and get this thing?

This is a bit off topic.

Because the three goddesses of fate have been abandoned by fate.

The power of destiny has its own way.The so-called heaven has permanence, it does not exist for Yao, and does not perish for Jie.If you respond to it, there will be good luck, and if you respond to it, chaos will result in disaster!

The three goddesses of fate are just female textile workers who work step by step according to the rules of fate!
This is no exaggeration.

In essence, they are textile workers, the kind who still work on the assembly line and can't tolerate any mistakes.

When the three goddesses of fate began to be invaded by demonic energy, accepting bribes wantonly, and began to change the fate of others against the sky, they had already desecrated the sanctity of fate, and thus were rejected and abandoned by fate.

It was so smooth for Du Yu to kill them today, because the three Goddesses of Destiny already had lines of fate that should never be seen on the Goddesses of Destiny!Even they themselves didn't realize that when they had greed and interests, they also had right and wrong, and cause and effect.

If the sky is loving, the sky is also old.

When fate decided to produce a new Goddess of Fate to replace them, the deaths of the three of them were already doomed.

Therefore, the three-piece set of three artifacts of destiny did not display their normal abilities at all.Otherwise, as soon as Du Yu touches the three artifacts, he will be stripped and turned into a thread of fate, just like the enemies killed by the three goddesses of fate before, they will become fish and be slaughtered.

Besides the three artifacts of destiny, the Goddess Athena found Du Yu's goal next to Croso's corpse!
【Mirror of Destiny】!
[Mirror of Destiny]: Artifact.Everyone who uses this mirror can see his own future and present life in the mirror, and clearly know his own destiny for a period of time in the future.But what is even more precious is that you can return to the past by setting a plot restoration point.Can be used once per world.The cost of using it is to consume 1000 million survival points, and lose all positive and negative effects obtained during this period (from the restoration point of the plot to the present).

[Mirror of Destiny] is Du Yu's only artifact that can be preserved for a long time.Its logic can also be explained by multi-dimensional theory.In fact, [Mirror of Destiny] is equivalent to a channel, allowing people to temporarily become a high-dimensional existence, enter the vault of fate, find a time node in their past, and return there.

For the three goddesses of fate, this [Mirror of Fate] is actually a tool for their work.Used to inquire about someone's past and future.

"What? And lose all the positive and negative effects gained during this period (from the restoration point of the plot to the present)?" Du Yu exclaimed: "Isn't that like restoring a computer, killing the virus, but removing this The achievements achieved in a period of time are also obliterated?"

Since the Battle of Ares, although Du Yu was unlucky and was thrown into the Underworld and the Temple of Destiny, he encountered many adventures and gained a lot of divine power and magic. Will he disappear?
"There is another saying, let's see again." Athena also found it interesting.

"If you want to keep the positive effect, you need to pay an additional 1000 million survival points," that's what the instructions say.

"Scared to death." Du Yu stuck out his tongue, "I thought I couldn't keep it. If that's the case, I'd really consider whether to go back."

(End of this chapter)

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