Chapter 1440 Revenge begins!Du Yu VS Zeus! -Second more please subscribe!
Although accumulatively, 2000 million survival points are scary enough, but for Du Yu, who dominates the space and establishes a party, it is basically worthless.If it weren't for each world, there is only one chance to use it, this [Mirror of Destiny] is no different from invincible.

But the problem is, this is just prevention!
Du Yu is not the only one trying to preserve the positive effects.

Tattaglia, Amin, Deni, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who would like to return the fruits of hard work during this period to before liberation overnight?

So Du Yu was dumbfounded.

The relevant interest contacts, added together, the number is not a decimal.

Although he can walk with a pat on the butt, but to leave Tataglia and others behind, is it always a bit unethical to be a human being?

So Du Yu wept.

He paid a total cost of 6000 million survival points to settle the matter!

Several people activated the [Mirror of Destiny] at the same time, a ray of fate shone over, and several people disappeared in place at the same time!

For high-dimensional existence, the effect of this [Mirror of Destiny] is an inconspicuous point of time and space, just like you watch Baofeng Movies, use the mouse to drag the time axis to a certain time in front That's all!

Du Yu instantly appeared in Rhodes Island!
Not far in front of him, stood Zeus with a look of astonishment!

In this world, the time period is exactly the moment before Zeus ambush Du Yu and kill Du Yu!
At this time, Du Yu possessed the priesthood of the God of War and the people of Sparta, Rhodes Island and other places, the divine power of faith that had once disappeared and dried up was recharged.

He felt the long-lost power return to his body, not only a burst of excitement arose.

"That's what I want." Du Yu's eyes fell on Zeus who was not far away.

Zeus was walking slowly with a kind and kind face.

But in Du Yu's eyes, he could faintly see the edge of the sword of Olympus.

This guy is planning to give himself a fatal blow.

Du Yu will not let this tragedy happen again for the second time!

He also had a smile on his face and walked up slowly.

Of course, Athena, Tattaglia and others in this world also followed and replaced them seamlessly.But if this person does not exist in this world, the transmission cannot be completed.

Zeus still said: "My child, you are doing well. But"

He suddenly stabbed the sword of Olympus towards Du Yu.

The corner of his mouth was obviously still smiling, but his attack was extremely vicious. He was a tiger with a smile on his face and a beast's heart. His black-bellied skills were as black as a pot.No wonder Du Yu knew that Zeus was malicious towards him for the first time, but he still couldn't dodge and died tragically by Zeus' knife.

With the divine power of Zeus, this sword is sure to kill Du Yu.

The sinister smile on his mouth became even more fierce.

But the problem is that Du Yu is a person who came back from the future, and he is fully focused, just waiting for Zeus' blow!

After devouring the godhead, Du Yu's godhead rose to 3.3 units.This power allowed his divine power to break through the 200 million mark.

The improvement in strength made Du Yu more confident to deal with Zeus' blow.

The sword of Olympus, with a lightning-like posture, flashed by and slashed down.

Du Yu, who had been preparing for a long time, dodged in an instant.

Zeus missed the shot, and looked at Du Yu with disbelief.

Du Yu actually escaped the sword from Zeus!
"What?" Zeus said in amazement: "How is this possible? How can you, a mere newly promoted God of War, be able to hide from my Olympus Excalibur?"

His gaze was fixed on Du Yu.

At this time, Du Yu experienced a journey to the Underworld and the Temple of Destiny. Great changes took place in his strength, self-confidence, and even temperament.As the person involved, Du Yu didn't feel it, but in the eyes of God King Zeus, he felt that Du Yu's temperament at this time was completely different.

If Du Yu, who had just ascended the throne of the God of War, although he had domineering aura, it was like an over-sharp sword, which aroused the suspicion and jealousy of the gods and caused Du Yu to fall early.

But at this time, Du Yu, in addition to the previous aura, has more of a calm atmosphere that sees through life and death. This kind of aura can only be seen in the first-class main god.

Zeus suddenly realized: "You are not Du Yu at this time. Who are you?"

Du Yu pressed on step by step: "Who do you say I am?"

But Du Yu's strength has increased greatly at this time, and the gap with him is not too big. Killing Zeus is now!
Zeus retreated step by step, the fear of the unknown made his body tremble, and he suddenly roared: "You are from the future! That's why you know my plan. The three goddesses of fate helped you? I only know those three women, it's not worth it trust!"

Du Yu coldly took out the blood-stained clothes of the three goddesses of fate, and threw them in front of Zeus: "They are really not worthy of trust, because they all died tragically at my feet! You will too!"

"Well! Then let me deal with you with my own hands, and let you see the true power of a god!" Zeus roared.
He raised the sword of Olympus and stabbed Du Yu.

Beside Zeus, lightning flashed constantly, roaring through the sky.Zeus was furious, dancing in the sky just like in the myth.

Du Yu flickered and disappeared on the spot, dodging Zeus' decisive blow again.

Zeus' giant hand, grab it in the air!
A bolt of lightning strikes in the void, instantly turning into a lightning lance [Thunderbolt]!
Zeus uttered an earth-shattering roar, and [Thunder] came out!

It took almost an instant for [Thunderbolt] to stab Du Yu's chest!

Du Yu yelled and fell backwards.

As the main weapon of the main god Zeus, [Thunderbolt], according to the weight of the divine weapon, can definitely be classified as a high-grade divine weapon.

A series of powerful lightning bolts enveloped Du Yu's body in an instant. Du Yu's body was hit by a million volts of high voltage and sparks shot out, and he was about to be overloaded to death.

Zeus laughed loudly: "You came back from the future and strengthened your strength, so you dare to face and challenge the king of the gods? The weapons in my hands and my divine power are not comparable to yours. I admire your bravery and fearlessness." , but I can only say sorry for your stupidity!"

With a ferocious smile, he pressed on step by step and killed Du Yu completely.

Just when Du Yu was pierced by [Thunderbolt], a ray of light suddenly fell on Du Yu.

The goddess Athena, dressed in military uniform, holding a shield and the scepter of the goddess of victory, walked step by step.

Her divine power shrouded Du Yu's body, absorbing most of the terrifying damage caused by [Thunderbolt].

Du Yu gradually regained consciousness. The power of [Thunderbolt] is really extraordinary.His life value leaked all the way, and he almost died.The power of lightning has the ability to jump continuously.Without Athena's timely rescue, Du Yu's dying protection mechanism would not be able to save his life.

Seeing Athena's attack, Zeus was even more furious: "Even you want to oppose me? Are you afraid of being killed by me?"

Athena was expressionless, and said lightly: "Your depravity is a foregone conclusion. In order to save this world, I must be your enemy. This is the last time I will call you, father! We will be mortal enemies from now on."

Du Yu sweated profusely.

As expected of a god, you have a thick skin. You clearly want to subdue your superiors, kill your father with your own daughters, but you say it so righteously, killing your relatives with righteousness, as if you are so noble.

But he also learned something. To become a god, one should not be too thin-skinned and incompetent.

Zeus roared suddenly: "You rebellious son, how dare you disobey your father. I will send you to hell!"

He grabbed it again, and the lightning spear [Thunder] pierced Athena.

Athena raised her shield high and blocked [Thunder].The Lightning Lance disappeared into thin air.

"Zeus, you have lost yourself without knowing it." Athena slammed the scepter, and her brows were full of heroism: "I represent the conscience of the gods, and I cannot allow you to act recklessly!"

Zeus stopped talking to them, drew out the sword of Olympus, and slashed at Du Yu fiercely.

Du Yu's footsteps were nimble, he escaped in the void, dodged the pursuit of the Olympus Excalibur, and fought back fiercely with Ruyi's golden cudgel.

The so-called one method, a hundred methods.Du Yu's stick technique is in the same line as his martial arts, every move is like Dugu's nine swords, completely natural, without any trace to follow.This stick, like a poisonous dragon, pierced through Zeus's divine sword strangely, and pierced Zeus' rib.

As soon as Zeus mentioned the shield of Zeus [Aegis], he skillfully blocked Du Yu's attack, and launched a shield attack on the momentum, laughing loudly like a bell: "Mortal! You think you are invincible after killing Ares? Don't Arrogant and arrogant. I, Zeus, am the number one warrior in the universe!"

Du Yu's stick was blocked, but he was not discouraged. He changed his stance and jumped forward suddenly.

He has activated the [Wrath of the Titans] taught by Prometheus!
In an instant, Du Yu's strength increased tenfold, and this burst of strength was also surprising.

Quiet as a virgin and as moving as a rabbit!

Zeus never expected that Du Yu would have such a weird move. Caught off guard, the shield of Zeus [Aegis] failed to block it, and was stabbed severely by Du Yu in the soft rib of his body!

Du Yu creatively combined Western magical arts and divine power with Eastern fairy arts and martial arts to create such incredible moves that Zeus suffered a great loss!

Like a newborn calf, Du Yu ruthlessly stabbed the young bull's horn into the weakness of Zeus, the tiger!
Zeus uttered a heart-wrenching roar, [Aegis] burst into light, and the Aegis shield slammed into Du Yu's face.

Before the moves came, the strength came first, the power was monstrous, and it was extremely powerful.

The power of the king of gods is by no means comparable to that of Ares.

Du Yu felt his body stiffen for a while, and was intimidated by Zeus' divine power, and it was difficult to resist his coercion at all.

Du Yu used the space ability to escape before the Aegis shield hit him, and then used another kind of Titan magic [Gaia's power] taught by Gaia!
The duration is 60 seconds, as long as you stand on the ground, you can get the powerful magical power of the mother of the earth with infinite magic power!

(End of this chapter)

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