Chapter 1441 Wrath of the Sea God!Fight Poseidon! -Subscribe for the third watch!
After spending 10 points of divine power, Du Yu's body instantly grew bigger, his legs were like tree roots, and they were deeply embedded in the ground, gaining endless power.The injury caused by two piercings by [Thunderbolt] quickly recovered as the earth element squirmed from bottom to top.

Du Yu's strength increased greatly, and he grabbed Zeus with his back to him. When he was completely defenseless, Ruyi's golden cudgel hit Zeus hard!
This invincible Monkey King weapon knocked Zeus dizzy with one blow, and spit out a mouthful of golden god blood.

Even a god king can't resist the might of the Monkey King's full blow!

Du Yu was full of confidence.

It's just that after learning the first three levels of the Great Sage's Cudgel Technique, it's already so powerful. I don't know how powerful the Ruyi Golden Cudgel can be raised if you learn the full tenth level.

If the Eastern Monkey King, who unfortunately fell in the Millennium War, came here to fight against Zeus, I am afraid that the Lord of the West will be even more embarrassed than the Jade Emperor who was disturbed by monkeys!

Zeus ran forward two steps, stabilized his figure, turned his head and looked back, furious.

"I will kill you!"

He drew out [Thunderbolt] and stabbed violently with one blow.

Lei Ting was still running fast, and flew in front of Du Yu in almost no time.

The lore of the god king is still powerful, and its speed is its strongest point.The creatures of the earth are almost impossible to avoid.

But this does not include the intervention that has been prepared for a long time.

After suffering two big losses, Du Yu sent a supernatural power when he had no time to send it, but narrowly disappeared in the light of thunder and was not hit.

Zeus grinned grimly, as if he had predicted Du Yu's speed, the sword of Olympus slashed into the void, shining brilliantly in an instant!

Du Yu was grabbed from the void by the strongest artifact of Mount Olympus, and before he had a firm footing, he was slashed head-on by the sword of Olympus!
This divine sword was the reliance of Zeus leading the Olympus gods to defeat the mother clan of Titans. Countless powerful titans whose bodies were comparable to mountains fell under this divine sword.Among the many artifacts in Greek mythology, it can be called the number one lore.

Du Yu was about to use the biggest trump card of this trip to deal with Zeus, but when he saw the divine sword attacking, he had no choice but to retreat a step.Although it is still within the effective period of [Gaia's Power], the Olympus Excalibur is too powerful, and I am afraid that it will take seconds to be struck by the Excalibur, and no matter how strong the recovery ability is, it will not work.

Think about it too, if the power of Gaia can beat the Olympus Excalibur, how could the old man Gaia, who was at the peak of his card, be exiled to a remote place by his grandson Zeus, and rely on Du Yu for revenge.

Seeing that Du Yu was being forced to retreat, Zeus grinned grimly and was about to press on step by step, but Athena walked up to Du Yu with a cold face and stood in front of Du Yu.

"It seems that you are determined to fight against me to the end." Zeus said angrily: "Although this kid has a lot of tricks today, he is dead! He lost."

Athena chuckled and said, "I only saw that he has made great progress compared to the last time he played against you! And your strength is relatively declining."

Indeed, in the fierce battle just now, although Du Yu failed to crush and kill Zeus, compared to the first time he saw Zeus, he was killed two times and three times. Du Yu's progress can be described as rocket speed.This momentum of growth has boosted confidence.

"You!" Zeus was so angry that his veins were throbbing.

Du Yu held the weapon calmly, licked his lips, his eyes were cold and stern, ready to fight more fiercely.He did not gain the upper hand just now, but he did not use the biggest trump card of this battle.If Zeus had no other magical skills, he would have to kill him.

Just as the two sides were ready to go, a wave appeared out of thin air, sweeping across the Rhode Island coastal battlefield, and the majestic Sea King Poseidon appeared on the Rhode Island battlefield.

"You came just in time!" Zeus raised the corner of his mouth, looking down on Du Yu and Athena.

Indeed, as the king of gods, he has great power under his command, he also has the emperor of the sea, and the king of the underworld (and he is not injured at this time), even if Du Yu has an Athena, what kind of disturbance can he cause?
The Neptune holds a trident, wears armor, and has sea-blue eyes, as cold as icebergs and majestic as the sea.He stared at Du Yu and Athena, and said in a deep voice to Zeus, "Hum, I've come to Mount Olympus and want to see you."

Du Yu was taken aback.

When the time returns to before he was killed, the Hum at this time has not given up on this world and exited the space!
Zeus said displeased: "Killing Du Yu was also his idea, why did you come to me again?"

Poseidon shook his head and said, "I don't know, but you'd better go back. I feel like he intends to leave this world."

Du Yu was puzzled, but after thinking about it, he found the answer.

This is the butterfly effect.

The cause is that I have returned to the past from the future.In addition, Athena and others also returned here with stronger power.

This factor has quietly changed many variables in this world!It caused many variables to change in advance.

For example, Hum, when he saw that his divine power was even enough to rival Zeus, under his rage, would he launch the sinister plan of defilement by the holy fire in advance?On the surface, it strengthened the power of the gods, and secretly infiltrated their own demonic energy into the bodies of the gods without knowing it, making them lose their minds, become more unscrupulous, and accelerate the destruction of the world.

In this way, although Du Yu came back ahead of schedule, many factors also accelerated the development towards the future of history.His return, the impact on history, will be offset by a large part.

In science, this is known as "the inertia of history".In other words, no matter how you try to change history, history will always develop according to its inherent direction and law, and many factors will be automatically corrected.

This is not driven by the goddess of fate.In fact, because Du Yu and others absorbed the Godhead of the Goddess of Fate, the moment they came to this world, the three Goddesses of Fate had already died. (The godheads do not increase or decrease. The godheads carried by Du Yu and others are defaulted to be the godheads of the three goddesses of destiny in this world. They must die to maintain the godhead conservation.)
This kind of historical inertia, for example, if you build a dam to cut off the Yangtze River, will the Yangtze River flow back to the west instead?

will not!

Because the west is high and the east is low, and the water flows downhill, it is destined that the Yangtze River must flow into the sea.

Therefore, no matter how it is blocked, the Yangtze River will eventually enter the sea by detour.Seen from the air, although the Yangtze River is diverted, the final result is not much different, but the realization path is slightly different.

Du Yu discovered that the mirror of fate allowed him to go back to the past, but the world has changed rapidly to deal with the factor of his sudden increase in strength.

The first change was that after Hum witnessed the battle between him and Zeus, he quickly decided to pollute the holy fire in advance and provoke a civil war among the gods!

Zeus snorted coldly when he heard the news that Hum had come to Mount Olympus, but there was the most important sacred flame of the Protoss on the mountain, so he had to guard against Hum.He glanced at Du Yu and Athena, and said coldly, "What about these rebellious adulterers? We can't let them go!"

Sea Emperor Poseidon lightly raised the Sea God Trident, and lightly wrote: "Since you are very busy, I am willing to do it for you. Of course, it is agreed, after killing them, the godhead will be mine!"

Zeus glared at Poseidon bitterly.

The reason why he was willing to accept Hung's condition to kill Du Yu was to accept his godhead and followers.

But Du Yu made it clear that he was a hard bone. He fought several times but failed to kill him.Zeus pondered for a moment, then nodded.

A bolt of lightning struck the sky.After the lightning disappeared, Zeus' figure also disappeared.

"That depends on your means. Poseidon! The winner takes everything."

The corner of Poseidon's mouth showed a cold and greedy smile.

He walked towards Du Yu, every step was extremely calm.

"I blessed you when you killed Ares!" Poseidon stayed opposite Du Yu, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Unexpectedly, I will take it back so soon."

"You did guide me." Du Yu was neither humble nor overbearing, and met Poseidon's gaze with great confidence: "But your choices have also pushed me to the opposite side. Now, you have to reap the consequences!"

Poseidon's blue eyes flashed with anger: "Boasting!"

A wave rolled up, and he disappeared in place.Only a speck of white foam remained on the sand.

"Be careful! He will appear near any water!" Athena shouted coldly.

Poseidon appeared behind Du Yu in an instant, and the Sea God Trident radiated a cold light, piercing Du Yu's vest in an instant!
"Provoke my Olympus Protoss! Die!" Poseidon's tone was indescribably arrogant!
When dealing with Ares, Du Yu was a pawn and he supported him.But at this time Du Yu is the enemy!
Du Yu, Athena and Poseidon confront each other.

Not long after, black flames rose from Poseidon's body, his aura suddenly increased, and his strength increased by more than 3 or 4 times!
"Hum, I finally chose to pollute the Olympic flame!" Athena closed her beautiful eyes in pain: "Our previous hard work was in vain."

"It's not in vain!" Du Yu said loudly, "Because we survived and posed a real threat to the gods of Olympus. As for the soaring strength of the enemy"

The complacent Poseidon showed a smug expression, and looked up to admire the blazing black flames on the Sea King's Trident, as if the world was already under his control.

Du Yu smiled slightly: "I have my own way to deal with him."

After appreciating his three- or four-fold increase in strength, Poseidon finally put down his trident contentedly, stared down at Du Yu and said, "I admit that you are very powerful and wise, and you can actually return to the present from the future through the mirror of fate. Seek trouble from us. But your good luck can only go so far. The intensity of the holy fire on Mount Olympus has been quadrupled, and my divine power has also been quadrupled accordingly. You will be slaughtered mercilessly by me."

Du Yu shrugged: "There are always people in this world who can't control themselves. Just try."

Poseidon let out a loud shout, waved his golden trident, and a huge wave roared from the sea, rushing towards Du Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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