Chapter 1471 Supreme Flame Demon!Du Yu returns!
"Yan, can I explain??"

"I don't want to hear any explanation." Yan said coldly: "I have recovered my prime and can participate in the war. Since you are at the level of the big devil, you four idiots wasted an incomparably precious opportunity and failed to take down the human city in one fell swoop. The god of human beings The elves are also waking up one after another, and now it's the turn of the Supreme Demon level to talk."

Hum was very frightened, and nodded in agreement.

"I'm here, as long as you say a word, are you willing to obey me?" Yan said lightly, orange flames glowing around his body.

"Of course!" Hung said hastily.Yan has a bad temper. He once saw a big demon who was a bit arrogant and slow to answer, and was burned to ashes by Yan.

At this time Yan came to compile it, how dare he not agree?

Yan slightly satisfied, nodded and said: "In addition, we have some good news. Kun, who can span thousands of miles, has also awakened and swore allegiance to me. And the little guy, Dragon King of the East China Sea, has also been promoted to become a five-clawed golden dragon. Hmph! He got the real god keel of the former five-clawed golden dragon from nowhere, practiced the third-level divine dragon kung fu, and the obvious five-claws appeared. The entire dragon clan of the four seas obeyed him."

Hum heard the chrysanthemum tense, how did the East China Sea Dragon King secretly practiced the lost five-clawed golden dragon technique without knowing it?
He only felt a blackness in front of his eyes.

The previous oppression of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, with the appearance of the five-clawed Dragon God, Hum will be equal to the Dragon King of the East China Sea in the future, and he can no longer boss him around.

Yan said lightly: "In this way, although the space humans have four gods, but here I, the Heavenly Demon, have a Supreme Demon, plus 6 Great Demons, which still occupy an overwhelming advantage in strength. I We must organize an offensive against humans in the near future!"

"But we just lost the war, and we still need at least one world to wait for the monsters to recuperate before we can launch an invasion," Hum trembled.

"Hmph! If you weren't enough pigs, the human colony would have been knocked down long ago!" Yan's voice was full of anger: "Don't worry, the monsters have not regained their vitality, and I will not exhaust my resources and start a war by force. There are many ways to deal with humans. Only the stupidest use war methods, and I have a reason. You just follow my orders."

Hum heard Zhi Gao Mo Yan, what else could he say, so he nodded in agreement.

Du Yu didn't know anything about the changes that happened in the territory of the extraterrestrial demons.

With a flash of light, he appeared in Yunmengze's teleporter room.

The surrounding Yingying and Yanyan had been waiting here for a long time, and rushed forward to surround Du Yu.

Not to mention the beauties such as Xiaolongnv, Ning Zhongze, Shen Luoyan, and Catherine, Tracy, and concubine Sisi, who were holding a pair of children, were also crying with tears on their faces.

"Okay!" Empress Nuwa shouted impatiently, "Du Yu is not dead, why are you crying all the time?"

The women dared not disobey the orders of Empress Nuwa, and the pear blossoms were raining, and they all stopped.

Empress Nuwa looked at Du Yu with a smile, and Athena, who walked out gracefully beside Du Yu, who was shining brightly, said softly, "Welcome back!"

Without saying a word, Athena threw herself into the arms of Empress Nuwa.

The two goddesses who fought side by side in the Millennium War, regardless of East and West, finally joined forces.

"You sent Du Yu to save me from that cage." Athena said with tears, "I really don't know how to thank you."

"You don't have to thank me." Empress Nuwa said with a smirk on her face, "you should think about it first, how to thank Du Yu."

Hearing the joking words, Athena's pretty face blushed instantly.It seems that the embarrassing matter of being owed four-figure guns between himself and Du Yu has long been noticed by Nu Wa, a bad friend.

Even Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, was very shy when her best friend knew about such an embarrassing thing. She beat Empress Nuwa hard, and said in a low voice, "Not all of them are so-called heroes sent by you. I have to pay my debts, and I owe such a huge debt. Are you embarrassed to say me?"

Empress Nuwa looked at Athena, who was invincible and her eyes were high above her head, and she was so shy by Du Yu's treatment.

Seeing that a human god broke through the dream of eternal sleep, Fuxi also came to congratulate him and met Athena.

His eyes, inadvertently swept over Du Yu's body, and suddenly froze.

"You??? You Du Yu, actually?" Fu Xi spoke a little awkwardly.

Empress Nuwa looked at Du Yu with a smile, and said with a chuckle, "Unexpectedly, you also took the opportunity to become a god! It's a pity that you are a Western god."

Athena was not convinced: "What's wrong with the western gods? You know, I am the god king of the Greek gods now, and Du Yu is the strongest god of war under my command!"

When Fu Xi saw the two goddesses of the East and the West, and was arguing endlessly over who was stronger, the Eastern Immortal or the Western God, his head suddenly became dizzy, and he smiled wryly, "It took us a long time to join forces. We are all on the same boat, and face to face With regard to the powerful coercion of the heavenly demons from outside the territory, let's stop arguing."

He looked at Du Yu with a smile: "I didn't expect you to become a real god. That's great. We are short of manpower. This is a four-on-four match. How dare the extraterrestrial demons bully the few?"

Du Yu nodded.

Lin Qing'er, Zhao Ling'er, mother and daughter, moved timidly to his side.

Du Yu looked at the mother and daughter, the descendants of Nuwa, with their big bellies, and they were about to give birth, and he immediately loved and pitied them.

Seeing Du Yu and all the beauties eager to make out, Empress Nuwa shrugged helplessly: "It seems that our hero wants to reunite with his family. So I will give you a day off. Tomorrow evening, the four of us God, hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with the extraterritorial celestial demons. I feel that the recent actions of the extraterritorial celestial demons are a bit weird."

Athena nodded: "I have been imprisoned for thousands of years, and I am no longer familiar with the situation of Shinra. Just go back, issue an oracle, establish a church, and see if I can restore the glory of my Olympus pantheon in space?"

Empress Nuwa knew that once Athena came back, she must regain control of Shinra.She and Fuxi exchanged glances, and then looked at Du Yu.

For the gods, what is the most sensitive?

Of course, it is the believers and the territory.

Du Yu nodded, acknowledging Athena's control over Shinra.Anyway, this Goddess of Wisdom has long been her own woman. Does her control mean her own control?Besides, Athena was well-informed and had already promised that her and Du Yu's temples would be reunited and built together.Du Yu can take away half of the power of faith.

The four human gods quickly redistributed the territory and reached an agreement.

Athena, as the god of the West, regained control of Shinra.Datang belonged to Nuwa and Fuxi.Du Yu was regarded as a vagrant.

After the gods left, Du Yu hugged Lin Qing'er and Zhao Ling'er, who were teary-eyed, and comforted them.

Both mother and daughter were pregnant with Du Yu's child at the same time, and they were about to give birth.The descendants of Nuwa are easy to conceive, and the advantages are very obvious at this time.

The girls surrounded Du Yu and returned to the hall of Yunmengze.

Zhao Yun, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, Legolas and other brothers, Mai Shela, Li Tang and other teammates, as well as Wu Jue and other masters, waited for Du Yu's return in the hall of Yunmengze.

After exchanging pleasantries and compliments, the nonsense was omitted, and everyone sat down.

Wujue Zhonghuang Pharmacist is also easy to save. He simply told Du Yu the changes in Yunmengze after Du Yu left.

McShera's specific return: "In this world, the power of our Yunmengze is developing rapidly. The Donghai Dragon Clan provided 500 billion survival points, which were sold to the four countries by us. 2000 billion supplies sold 700 billion survival points. Since the four countries do not have such a high ability to pay, we allow the four countries to pay off their debts. Currently, the contracts of the four countries are being performed normally, and we have received [-] billion survival points of various materials, including ores, gems, domesticated monsters, weapons, Battle gear and equipment, etc. We plan to sell some of the supplies to the East China Sea Dragon Clan??? "

Du Yu got dizzy when he heard that, and waved his hands and said, "For this kind of specific matter, the management committee formed by you can discuss it, and you don't have to wait for me to make decisions. I already have a headache dealing with the survival and crisis of the space."

Only then did Maishela stop with a smile: "In a word, the total wealth we own has increased by more than 2000 billion in this world, and our population has increased by more than 20 people coming from all directions. Yunmengze's standing army , expanded from 2 to 6! The 13 yuan of land we control is completely in our hands. I can say with confidence that in the territory of the Tang Dynasty, the number one power is no longer the Tang Dynasty, nor is it the Marquis The god general, but our Yunmengze!"

"Speaking of which, how is God General Hou doing?" Du Yu gritted his teeth when he thought of God General Hou.

"After the big defeat last time, General Hou's power can be said to be in decline." Maishela smiled all over her face: "Let Shen Luoyan, who is in charge of intelligence, introduce you."

Shen Luoyan has been in charge of Yunmengze's intelligence work, stood up and said to Du Yu with a smile: "Hou Shenjiang lost about 20 people in the last beast tide, and our Yunmengze's attraction is increasing day by day. He controls In the more than 20 territories, the population basically ran away and became our immigrants. At present, Hou Shen will only have less than 5 troops left, with a population of 14, barely supporting himself, lingering on his last breath. With our current strength, we must eliminate Hou God general, although you have to pay a certain price, it is not difficult."

Yang Guo shouted: "Second brother (Du Yu is ranked second), our enmity with Hou Shenjiang is as deep as the ocean, and we must not let it diminish with the passage of time. Now that our strength has surpassed Hou Shenjiang, why don't we take advantage of this?" Opportunity, wipe him out in one fell swoop!"

Guo Fu, Guo Xiang and the Hou family have always had a grudge, and they all nodded when they heard the words: "Yes, we should send troops to teach this hateful Hou family a lesson!"

Zhao Yun stepped out, clasped his fists and said, "My lord, if you want to send troops, Yun is willing to be the vanguard!"

Zhao Yun's martial arts may not be the best in the world of adventurers full of masters, but he is the talent of a general.

(End of this chapter)

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