Chapter 1472 The ancestor of Taoism, Yuanshi Tianzun!
Everyone's eyes focused on Du Yu.

Hou Shenjiang, Hou Xiaobai's family, and Du Yu's grievances run through Du Yu's life after entering the space.Today, we will finally see the truth.

Du Yu glanced over the crowd and the girls one by one.

Ning Zhongze, Yilin, Xiaolongnv, and others all had grudges against Hou Xiaobai, and Catherine was forced to jump off a cliff by people sent by Hou Xiaobai, and she had hatred for the Hou family.

Du Yu raised his head and closed his eyes. When he lowered his head, his eyes were extremely calm.

"With our strength at this time, it is enough to destroy the general Hou." Du Yu said slowly: "I didn't want to do it before, mainly because I didn't want the space to kill each other and weaken the strength against the extraterritorial demons, so I didn't move him for a long time. But the extraterrestrial demons are constantly growing. Our Datang, but the entire human space, needs a unified force to organize the most powerful force to resist. The last time the space beast tide, our Datang lost the most population , It is the evil result of the dispersion of forces and fighting on their own."

Everyone nodded their heads.

In the last space battle, the Tang Dynasty was divided into three forces: the imperial court, Hou Shenjiang and Du Yu, each of whom fought against each other, causing the East China Sea Dragon Clan as the main force to kill wantonly monsters, and the entire Tang Dynasty lost more than 20 people. column first.

"Now, it's time to solve this problem!" Du Yu said in a deep voice, "The power of God General Hou must be erased from the space!"

Five definitely looked at it.

Hong Qigong gritted his teeth and said, "Ah, it's not that my old beggar is willing to contradict you, but General Hou is not a cat or a dog. He still has more than 6 people in his hands, with a population of 10,000+. If he jumps over the wall in a hurry, Resist with all our strength. My Tang Dynasty is about to fall into a civil war. Besides, he has Taigongwang, Nezha, Yang Jian and other Zifu District masters to help him fight. Even if we want to win, it is hard to say that there will be no losses."

Zhang Sanfeng came out and said: "As far as I know, after adventures in these worlds, Wu Jue and other seniors have also broken through the shackles and become adventurers in Zifu District, right?"

Du Yu was very pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, he was busy with space affairs, and the five masters broke through the limit of the imperial city area one after another, reaching the powerhouse of the Zifu district.

Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong, and Ouyang Feng looked at each other, smiled and said nothing, it was a tacit agreement.

"We want to deal with General Hou and unify the Tang Dynasty, but we don't want to engage in an internal war." Du Yu said, "We can think of a clever way to make General Hou be willing to give us the power."

"This old tortoise is now afraid of us and stays behind closed doors. How could he be so obedient and hand over the country's army to us?" Zhou Botong expressed his disbelief.

Du Yu sneered and said, "If it was before, of course I can't do anything about it, but now the four great gods of space are all on my side. I can use my momentum to coerce him and force him to agree to a bet!"

"Gambling contract?" Everyone came to their spirits: "How do you gamble?"

Du Yu took a deep breath and said, "Gambling! Hou Shenjiang and I each have five people to compete in a ring. Under the supervision of the gods, the two sides swear that the winner will take everything, but the loser is not allowed to be killed. The loser has the right to choose to stay or go away.”

"So, you don't want to kill Hou Shenjiang and Hou Xiaobai father and son with your own hands?" Ning Zhong was jealous, and interjected, "Why let this pair of wicked people go?"

Du Yu shook his head slightly: "I will not let them go. But their enmity with me has long been out of my sight. In my opinion, they are just clowns. I can't be more angry than this father and son dominating the country. Forcibly turning hundreds of thousands of adventurers into mortals and treating people's lives like nothing, such crimes must not be let go. But you don't think that if you deprive them of everything they have, only one life will be left, just like when I entered the space Being precarious and being hunted down by enemies from all sides, this kind of punishment is a hundred times more painful than killing them easily?"

Ning Zhongze, Guo Fu, and Guo Xiang all clapped their hands and laughed, "You are still the most ruthless. This kind of suffering is indeed a hundred times more painful than killing them with a knife."

Yang Guo said with a smile: "These years, the Hou family and their sons have done a lot of evil and have enemies all over the world. If there is no army and power, their end will be ten thousand times worse than us killing them. I agree with such a bet."

"But if they don't agree to the betting agreement in the ring, so what?" Huang Yaoshi hesitated, "Even with the coercion of the space gods, God General Hou may not agree to it. It's better for him to live on now than to have nothing. "

Du Yu smiled and said: "Don't forget, we still have two young masters who can be the best lobbyists. Besides, Empress Nuwa, God Fuxi and Athena came to persuade us together. How could he not agree to it?" ?”

He had thought about this plan a long time ago, so he did it, and immediately sent a letter to the three gods.

Nuwa had been worrying for a long time that the Tang Dynasty was torn apart and could not form a unified national will to resist the invasion of powerful foreign enemies. When she heard Du Yu's bloodless plan, she immediately agreed.Fuxi also fully agrees.

Not long after, Hou Shenjiang, Hou Xiaobai, Hou Xiaofeng father and son, and Tai Gongwang, who were sitting in the sad city, drinking and having fun, received a flash of light and received the hand-in-hand of three gods.

Du Yu didn't show up, he likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and the news of him becoming a god has not been leaked to the outside world, so it's suitable to pretend to be a surprise to Hou Shenjiang.If Hou Shenjiang knew that Du Yu had become a god, he would definitely not agree to the ring bet with Du Yu.

The appearance of Nuwa Empress and other gods surprised Hou Shenjiang and others.But they were not allowed to do anything, the great god Fuxi lightly displayed a congenital gossip map, and turned the surrounding kilometers into a congenital gossip formation.Those guarding masters in the imperial city area became dizzy and disappeared before they made a move.

Below the gods, they are all ants!
Empress Nuwa is dressed in military uniform, and Athena is holding the scepter of the goddess of victory, with a high spirit and a solemn expression.

Hou Shenjiang, Taigong Wang and the others looked at each other and stood up respectfully.

"Welcome the three gods to come down to earth"

Empress Nuwa smiled and took a look at Taigong Wang: "I have heard that Taigong Wang is a dragon and phoenix among people, and has the talent to make the country rich and stable. I never expected to see him here."

These words are obviously belittling Hou God General, satirizing Taigong Wang Mingzhu's secret investment, and the pearls and jades are covered with dust, and persuade him to leave this place.

But Taigongwang said with a blank expression: "Thanks to the great love of Empress Nuwa. But at this time, the court is weak and thieves are swarming. Only Hou Shenjiang is still a pure land here. I am willing to assist Hou Shenjiang to achieve a great cause."

Nuwa, Fuxi and Athena didn't look very pretty.

The purpose of the three people's visit was obvious, and it was obvious that Tai Gongwang was still so stubborn, which obviously made the three of them very angry.

Fuxi said indifferently: "A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a good minister chooses a master to serve. Yun Mengze Du Yu is a generous man, supported by the people, and they go to defect one after another. Why does Taigong Wang turn a blind eye?"

Taigong Wang looked up and laughed, and said with a sneer, "This person is a womanizer, colluding with Su Daji and other witches, colluding together, sooner or later it will become a serious problem. How can I take refuge in this person?"

The three gods looked at each other.

Athena said solemnly: "Taigongwang, the three of us are enough to represent the meaning of the space gods, and they all told you to leave this place. Don't tell me you are a purple mansion, and you still resist orders?"

She was impatient, and finally couldn't bear it, she spread out her hole cards, and used divine power to overwhelm others!

In space, the weak prey on the strong, and sometimes you are too polite, which makes people mistakenly think you are weak.

Athena would not have made such a mistake.If she has the strength, just press down hard!

Besides, as her lover, Du Yu, the two had frequent dating, and they fell in love with each other for a long time. In the world of God of War, Athena owed Du Yu such a favor, so why didn't she rush to return it to Du Yu?

Tai Gongwang said indifferently: "It turns out that the newly revived goddess Athena is also overpowering people like this!"

A sarcasm bloomed on Athena's delicate face: "Yes, I'm just protecting Du Yu, what can you do?"

Taigongwang said indifferently: "Don't dare! Don't dare! I am a mere Zifu district, even if Yang Jian Nezha is added, I am not the match of the goddess Athena. Are you kidding me, the goddess of war and wisdom?"

The three gods heard something wrong and looked at each other face to face.

This grandpa hopes to be soft but hard, and he doesn't follow his own way at all. Could it be that he has something to rely on?
Taigongwang, Yang Jian, and Nezha looked at each other, with endless confidence in their smiles, Taigongwang said slowly: "Originally, the three gods are enough to represent the highest will of space, but helpless, Taigongwang is the disciple of the supreme god Yuanshi Tianzun." disciple. My mentor has an order, how dare I disobey it?"


Nuwa, Fuxi, and Athena exclaimed at the same time.

Yuanshi Tianzun, also known as "Taishang Pangu's Tiandao Yuanshi Tianzun".It is recognized as the originator of Taoism.Ranked the most honored among the "Three Purities", Yuanshi Tianzun once opened up the world with the giant body of Pangu when the chaos was not yet opened. "Tongjian of Immortals of Past Dynasties" called Yuanshi Tianzun "the ancestor who ruled the heaven".It existed before the birth of Taiyuan (that is, the universe), so he is honored as Yuanshi.When immeasurable kalpas are coming, he uses the mysterious way of heaven to teach and transform all living beings, so he is honored as Tianzun.According to the Taoist scriptures, the Taoism founded by Yuanshi Tianzun is the highest deity of Taoism and the first deity of Sanqing.

Such an eminent master has a higher status in space than any of the three gods!
To measure the status of a god, whether it is a supreme god, a great god or a small god, mainly depends on his status in the world religions!
Nuwa and Fuxi are both the ancestors of the Chinese people and have a high status, but they are not the main worship objects of a religion in the spread of religion.So they are all gods.

The so-called supreme gods are all the supreme gods of a certain religion.

For example, God, Jade Emperor, Confucius, Allah, Brahma, Zeus, Odin.

However, Sanqing, the ancestor of world-class religious Taoism, and the most distinguished No. 1, is Yuanshi Tianzun!

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun belongs to the Supreme God!

In terms of status, it is much higher than the three great gods.

By the way, after killing Zeus, Athena has become the king of gods, but her status has not been recognized by many believers, so she cannot yet enter the ranks of the supreme gods.But in time, once the believers of the Greek gods admit it, she will also be able to stand up as the master and become the supreme god.

(End of this chapter)

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