Chapter 1474 Heroes are invincible!Fengshen gamble!
"Fengshenbang, how to play?" Du Yu did not rush to deny, but raised a question.

"Taigongwang didn't say it directly." Nuwa asked suspiciously, "Why, are you really interested?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "He's the first grader, so don't blame me for the fifteenth grade! If it keeps dragging on until Yuanshi Tianzun comes out of the mountain, things will be much more complicated. In fact, how can Chanjiao not know that Houshen will be a dou who can't help himself? But for the benefit of the sect, they must have a powerful agent. Hou Shen will be the only feasible candidate. Tai Gongwang is a bit hungry. I decided to put forward a specific condition, and if I agree, this is the date!"

"What conditions?" Nuwa asked in confusion.

Du Yu chuckled: "He made a point, and I'll add one more, that is, he can go to the list of gods, but he can't enter the official history of the list of gods. Otherwise, he would directly join the Zhou Dynasty as historically true. Heroes, talented people, flourishing, how could we have done it? However, if we can use the space standard rule algorithm and use a certain game as a platform, we can set the conditions for victory and defeat relatively fairly. For example, based on the Heroes of Might and Magic game platform developed "Invincible Heroes of the Conferred Gods List". The starting conditions for both sides are relatively fair, one side plays Shang Zhou, the other side plays Zhou Dynasty, a total of sixteen levels, the first to win nine levels or more wins. How?"

"What kind of game world is this? Why have I never heard of it?" Galadriel frowned.

"This game world is very remote, but very interesting." Du Yu said with a smile: "The game basically imitates the structure of Heroes Invincible, with a total of six races, namely the human world, the underworld, the heavenly world, the water house, the immortal world and the Shura world. Heroes are divided into merchants and weekly factions. The initial skill value is generated according to the strength when entering the world. Different heroes will have great differences. They are divided into offensive, defensive and spell categories. These are basically the same as the description of the Gods List. It matches. There are ten kinds of second skills of the hero. The treasures and characters described in the novel will all appear here!"

"Then Taigongwang still has a great advantage?" Ning Zhong said unwillingly.

Du Yu smiled bitterly and nodded: "Ei Tai Gongwang is waiting for Yuanshi Tianzun's advantage at this time. Unless he gets some advantage, he will definitely not agree to a fair fight. In fact, we are not without advantages."

He blinked: "Don't forget, our side also has important figures who have stepped out of the list of gods."

"Su Daji!" Shen Luoyan laughed.

"Yes! Because this is a super-large-scale adventure. Taigongwang himself is from the Zifu District, so if I want to go in, I must have eliminated the entry restrictions for adventurers of all difficulties. As long as there are 5 people in a team, it will be considered qualified! "Du Yu said with a smile: "I will bring Su Daji with me. You beauties are not counted in the number, and they will automatically be included in my quota. We have a certain advantage innately."

"That's a way," Nuwa said with a wry smile, "Taigong's desire to have Yuanshi Tianzun really puts a lot of pressure on us. Even if we know that he has a conspiracy behind us, we can only gamble."

"Then settle it like this." Du Yu said decisively: "Send this rule to see Tai Gongwang's attitude."

At the same time, in the mansion of Hou Shenjiang in the south of the Tang Dynasty.

Hou Shenjiang was flattering and flattering Tai Gongwang, when a divine thought came over.

Taigongwang closed his eyes and accepted the divine thoughts.

That was the spiritual thought directly transmitted from Du Yu.

Transmitting sound for thousands of miles is the ability of immortals above the tribulation stage.

This shows that Du Yu's cultivation base has broken through the robbery.

Tai Gongwang's expression was slightly moved.

Du Yu's growth rate was faster than his imagination.

In fact, the grudge against Du Yu and Su Daji at the beginning is no longer important.Because Yuanshi Tianzun's mentor has recovered and issued more important things.

That is the revival of elucidation.

All major religions do not want to control the space world?

Some people may not understand that the entire space is combined, and the population is only a few million. What's the point of such a little power of human belief?Even counting the power of faith of the adventurer, due to his superhuman ability, it can reach ten or twenty times the power of faith of ordinary people, which is not much.Why are all the major religions desperately trying to control this place?
Because of the plot world!

Only the bloody city can lead to countless parallel universes at will!
How many people does a parallel universe have?
Take God of War World as an example, at least tens of millions!

What about the modern Earth world?
50 billion! 60!
What population base is this?
In the space, how many such parallel worlds can there be?
No one has calculated it, but there are more than 1 common adventure worlds.

That is a population of trillions!
The bloody city is like the central hub of a labyrinth extending in all directions. Whoever controls this place will hold the key to tens of thousands of parallel worlds!

With this in mind, it is not difficult to understand why Chanjiao attaches so much importance to this place.

Not only that, the main gods of the major religions entered the bloody city one after another. The only consideration was to occupy the center and eventually control any possible world.

Taigongwang recalled Yuanshi Tianzun's words, and his heart was moved.

Do you want to start such a bet with Du Yu?

He chewed carefully the rules of the bet sent by Du Yu.If only Du Yu and himself were alone, the execution of this bet could not be guaranteed, but with the master and three gods, one supreme god, and three great gods watching over him, this bet would definitely be carried out.

"Use the Heroes of Invincible platform to perform the Conferred God List?" Taigong Wang's eyes flashed a hint of teasing: "This Du Yu is probably quite confident in his own strength in Heroes."

"I heard that the turning point of Du Yu's comet-like rise was in the world of Heroes and Invincibility during the assessment in the outer city. He soared into the sky in that world, and his performance was very dazzling." Yang Jian said indifferently: "It should not be underestimated."

"Unfortunately, Du Yu has calculated thousands of times, but he still hasn't figured it out. We have the SSS-level fairy treasure bestowed by our master—the Conferred God List. Hehe, the power of this Conferred God List." Nezha laughed so happily.

"Walls have ears!" Tai Gongwang raised his eyebrows indifferently, and Nezha shut his mouth.

"Even if we have this advantage, it's hard to say that Du Yu can't play tricks. The world where the Heroes Invincible platform conducts the list of gods does bring a lot of variables." Tai Gongwang frowned.

"Do you understand this plot world?" Yang Jian asked.

"Well. As Du Yu said, this world is divided into sixteen chapters. In each chapter, there are two forces, the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Yin and Shang Dynasties, who are facing each other. The missions of the two sides are completely opposite. Therefore, the winner will inevitably be decided. Come on. The balance of the game settings is very good. It is not easy to be opportunistic. My Conferred Gods list can indeed play a great role in any world of the Conferred Gods list. But this kind of strategic battle world will still be weakened a lot." Tai Gongwang hesitated.

"The sixteen chapters, for the forces of the Western Zhou Dynasty, are: Escaping from the clutches of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Aiding the Tyrant, Abandoning the Darkness and Turning to the Light, Four Generals of the Demon Family, Confrontation between Two Heroes, Extraordinary Problems, Unscrupulous, Unscrupulous, Sea Dragon King Sent Troops, Getting Rid of the God of Plague, Rebelling, and Breaking the Ten Jues Formation, Fierce Battle at Juelongling, House Cleaning, Makino War, Slaying Demons and Exorcising Demons, Doomsday of the Tyrant.”

"For the forces of Shang and Zhou, these sixteen chapters have to go through. But the names are completely different. The tasks are completely in conflict with our side. But it should be noted that starting from Chapter 10, if Shang and Zhou win more than 5 games in the early stage, Occupying the strategic advantage will enter the branch plots of Shang Zhou, such as the Eight Treasures Cloud Light Array, the rewritten chapters of history, and the history will undergo major changes.”

Taigong Wang said slowly, constantly thinking about it.

"If you can't, just reject Du Yu." Yang Jian suggested: "Master is about to leave the customs. At most two worlds, we will have the upper hand. There is no need to gamble with Du Yu."

"But the master sent us into this space for 5 or 6 worlds, and we waited for 2 more worlds, a total of 8 worlds. We achieved nothing. Instead, we were suppressed by Du Yu, a mere mortal. Even if Yuanshi Tianzun recovers, we have How can you go to see your teacher? Even if your teacher is magnanimous, let's not talk about us, Shen Gongbao and those treacherous villains, how can they not gossip behind their backs and tell stories?" Tai Gongwang's eyes flashed a gloomy look.

Nezha and Yang Jian looked at each other.

The so-called every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and each has its own difficulties.

Chanjiao is a famous teacher of a high school, under the seat of Yuanshi Tianzun alone, there are twelve big disciples including Guang Chengzi, and although Taigong Wang is well-known in the world, but in Yuanshi Tianzun's sect, he is not even a big disciple. .

And this mission is so important, Yuanshi Tianzun gave Taigongwang the SSS-level immortal treasure list of gods. If Taigongwang just sits in 8 worlds and achieves nothing, after Tianzun recovers in the future, I am afraid that there will be another mission, and it will never be Taigongwang's turn again!
Not to mention Shen Gongbao and other jealous villains who talk sarcasticly behind their backs.

Nezha couldn't help it, stood up and shouted, "I'm betting with Du Yu! What are you afraid of? Anyway."

He had a smirk on his face: "Even if you lose the bet, it's only Hou Shenjiang's country that loses, what does it have to do with our teaching?"

The three clapped their hands and laughed.

Taigongwang laughed and scolded: "Nezha can't think like this. Although it is not our territory to explain and teach, but if I lose to Du Yu, how can I have the face to go to see the master again? This time, only success is not allowed!"

The two responded at the same time.

"Hmph! Du Yu, do you think that with the platform of Invincible Heroes, you can restrain my list of gods?" Tai Gongwang sneered and said, "After I let you lose everything, I will never regret it! This bet, I made it!"

"One more thing." Yang Jian thought deeply: "As far as I know, Du Yu has the ability to summon beauties. If the two parties agree, each of them will have 5 contestants. Then Du Yu can summon more than 30 beauties, and we will be very weak. It must be agreed that summoning beauties is also counted as a competition quota!"

"Yes!" Nezha also joined.The three of them discussed and deliberated carefully, and they felt that everything was safe, so they submitted the conditions back.

(End of this chapter)

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