Chapter 1475 The Dragon King Visits!Battlefield of gods and demons!
Du Yu and others laid out the conditions.

"Why don't you let us go?" All the summoning beauties were shocked and furious.

"That's what the other party said. And with the testimony of Yuanshi Tianzun's divine sense, I'm afraid our summons will never escape their surveillance." Du Yu shrugged.

"Then why bet with them?" Ning Zhong said angrily: "Summoning is part of your ability, which is equivalent to limiting your ability."

"No!" Du Yu said with a chuckle, "From the fact that the enemy agreed to the bet, what can you tell?"

"Taigongwang, I'm in a hurry! I'm eager to make a contribution." Shi Feixuan's dreamy eyes flashed with wisdom.

"Yes." Du Yu smiled knowingly: "He doesn't have to take any risks in this bet. If Yuanshi Tianzun recovers, he can teach and help Hou Shenjiang, and he will be more sure of taking us down. But Taigongwang just gambled. This should be Internal pressure. After all, Yuanshi Tianzun not only has Taigongwang as an apprentice, but among the 12 senior disciples, Taigongwang can't get in. Since Taigongwang agreed to the bet, let's get started!"

"Our five people, who else will join besides you and Su Daji?" Catherine was most concerned about this question.

Du Yu said in a deep voice: "Since it is about helping Shang Zhou, crusade against Xiqi, and a large-scale war, I must bring a brother who is good at war. Brother Zhao Yun, please help me."

With a calm demeanor, Zhao Yun clasped his fists confidently and said, "Second brother, leave it to the elder brother."

"I still need a talent in internal affairs. You must be Catherine!" Du Yu caressed Catherine's tenderness: "You are the queen of Shinra and the actual host, and you are very talented in governing internal affairs. , we can play with peace of mind."

Catherine was in high spirits, and said softly, "Even if you don't tell me, I will take the initiative to invite you to take risks with you."

There was only one quota left, and many beauties stared at Du Yu, hoping that his lover would bring him.

"The last person, I decided to take all of you!" Du Yu laughed: "Tai Gongwang's terms only say that we can play at the same time, there can only be a maximum of 5 people, but it doesn't say that we can't change! There are more than 30 of us. The beauties with their own talents will take turns to use that quota. Whoever needs the talent will be allowed, how about that?"

Li Mochou breathed a sigh of relief: "Of course it's the best! I'm afraid you'll leave us behind again."

Du Yu's eyes flickered, his spirits were high: "In this way, we will have the greatest flexibility to deal with any situation."

"Then it's settled." Ning Zhong heard that he could participate in this decisive battle, and smiled slightly: "Du Yu, you are back, let me show you the results of our sisters' training in this world. My master also wants to see The results of your cultivation. Have you cultivated well, or are you indulging in beauty in the sea of ​​goddesses?"

Du Yu smiled shyly.

On the following day, he enjoyed family happiness with a group of beauties and children, temporarily forgetting the piles of troubles in the space.

Among the women, Catherine, concubine Sisi and Tracy have been living in Shinra, and now they are officially joining Du Yu's women.They were still a little uneasy at first, but Du Yu's harem women were used to many sisters together, so they didn't have much reaction to the addition of the three beautiful western adventurers.This made Du Yu, Catherine and others breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

The matter of jealousy did not become a reality.This is mainly due to the special environment in the space.In the space, the pressure of survival is extremely huge, which is completely different from the relatively stable social environment in reality, so the monogamous system may not be the best, and Du Yu's phenomenon that the strong have a harem is extremely common.It's just that what others have are all beautiful adventurers, but Du Yu is all about eclecticism.

In this God of War world, Du Yu didn't have any other women in the account except Pandora.Athena can be regarded as a mistress goddess at most, while Tianhou, Cupid and Luna can only be regarded as Du Yu's forbidden love slaves and tools to vent his desires.

Looking at his group of women, Du Yu secretly made up his mind not to expand the harem for the time being.Although he had made such an oath countless times, none of them could be kept.

The mother and daughter of Lin Qing'er and Zhao Ling'er, who are about to give birth to Lin'er, received extra care and comfort from Du Yu, which made the beauty of Nuwa's blood, who was shocked by Du Yu's adventures, feel peace of mind.

But a peaceful life is always so short.

On the third day, Du Yu, who had just woken up, was awakened by a burst of exclamation.

"The Dragon King of the East China Sea is here!" Qing Lian was careless, not avoiding suspicion, she went straight to Du Yu's bed, and lifted Du Yu's quilt.

Du Yu exclaimed, and hastily protected the jade man under him.

Qinglian has a relatively aggressive personality, but at this time she was also stunned by the situation in front of her.

Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan.

This is the beauty who attended Du Yu's bed last night.

Qinglian was so frightened that she stuck out her little tongue, turned around and ran away, and said, "Du Yu, get ready quickly, my father is coming to visit you."

Du Yu hurriedly got up to wash up.

Yue Lingshan complained: "This Qinglian is really reckless. We finally slept for half an hour, and we were so sleepy."

Ning Zhongze's pretty face flushed.

Seeing that Du Yu had more and more sons and daughters, she was also a little anxious.

She herself is fine, but her daughter, Yue Lingshan, has never been enlightened. A woman still has to give birth to a man in order to have status.

For example, now that Lin Qing'er and Zhao Ling'er are gradually rising in status among Du Yu's women, don't they have children?

So she was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to find Du Yu, hoping to be favored.

Du Yu also loved sister Ning Zhongze very much and gave her this opportunity.Unexpectedly, after a night of hard work and hard work, Qinglian interrupted her dream.

After he got dressed, he walked out of the dormitory, saw the respectable Dragon King of the East China Sea, and laughed.

If it was Du Yu before, he still couldn't see through the truth, but now Du Yu has 11.3 units of godhead and millions of believers. It can be seen at a glance that the Dragon King of the East China Sea has broken through the limit of SSS-level monsters and has become at least as big as a big monster. Level exists!
The most obvious sign is that on the palm of his hand, the fifth dragon claw has grown out, thick and long!

The five-clawed dragon god was born!
Du Yu smiled, cupped his fists and congratulated, "Old Dragon King! Congratulations on breaking through the shackles."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was also polite, and laughed loudly: "Thanks to little brother Du Yu, you gave me the two dragon bone avatars, so that I can comprehend the cultivation skills of the Dragon Ancestor, break through the shackles of SSS-level monsters, and become A generation of celestial demons. This is all thanks to you."

"The most refreshing thing is that in the world of God of War, you actually counterattacked against the sky and exhausted the mana of Hum. Haha, Hum was so angry that he was sick in bed, and he could no longer interfere with the development of my East China Sea Dragon Clan. This is also the reason why my breakthrough was so smooth." The old Dragon King was practical and grateful to Du Yu.

Du Yu said indifferently: "Dragon King, you don't need to be polite. It is a beautiful thing for you and me to form an alliance for mutual benefit. I am also very happy to be able to do this for my allies. Besides, you have provided me hundreds of billions of supplies. , let me accelerate the development of Yunmengze power, and I am also very grateful for that."

The old Dragon King waved his hand: "My Dragon Clan has a lot of supplies. It's not bragging to say that we are rich all over the world. In the future, 2000 billion supplies will be supplied as promised. You just need to exchange for supplies of corresponding value."

"But" the old Dragon King changed the subject, and said with a bitter face: "I am only practicing the third level of Dragon Bone Divine Art. My skill is between the small devil and the big devil, and it is far from being strong. If Hum finally recovers , I am still not an opponent."

Du Yu's heart moved: "What does the old Dragon King mean?"

The old dragon king laughed wickedly: "Do you want to go to the battlefield of the Millennium War of Gods and Demons and search for it? Maybe you can find the exercises and fairy treasures that you can use? After all, thousands of years ago, the space god of your human race fell on the battlefield Countless, the final exercises and immortal treasures are left there. I can see that you have divine power now, and you have even been promoted to a small god, and you can basically use the things left by the gods!"

The old dragon king's proposal was extremely tempting to Du Yu.

You must know that the great holy stick technique and somersault cloud he exchanged from Athena are all fragments and can only be upgraded to the third floor.But Du Yu still felt the power of the Great Sage's stick technique and somersaulting cloud from this fragment.

Back in the day, the Monkey King appeared on the battlefield of the thousand-year war between Gods and Demons (also known as the War of the Five Declines of Heaven and Man) in the form of a great god. He was majestic and unrivaled. The extraterritorial celestial demons who killed them in a sneak attack turned their backs on their backs, and even the Supreme God who was taller than him was knocked down by him. How is that a heroic appearance?
If I can get some of the Monkey King's unique skills or fairy treasures, I will have a secret advantage in the next match against Taigongwang and Chanjiao, and the unification of the Tang Dynasty!

Du Yu believed that master strategists like Taigong Wang would definitely act after making a decision. Before he was 8% sure that he could defeat him, he would never agree to the risky bet with him!
To deal with such master strategists and peerless powerhouses, Du Yu has only one way, and that is to become stronger desperately, constantly surpass himself, stockpile the trump card in the back hand, and give Taigong Wang a big surprise at the critical moment!

"Old Dragon King knows where the ruins of the Millennium Gods and Demons Battlefield are?" Du Yu asked suspiciously: "As far as I know, the Millennium Gods and Demons Battlefield is so powerful that the protective layer of the blasting space is broken, forming a spatial turbulence. The vortex was drawn into an unknown subspace. Only a very few immortal remains, such as the remains of the immortal Yuchengzi I met, can be swept out by the turbulent flow of space, and the treasures and exercises can be reproduced in the world. "

What Du Yu said was the truth.

Thousands of years have passed since the war of gods and demons. In space for so many years, the war of gods and demons has always been a mystery, which has puzzled countless adventurers from the four kingdoms.Shikoku has also been looking for the traces of gods, demons, immortals, and saints who disappeared overnight, but they have been unable to find a way.The most fundamental reason is that the war power of these gods and demons is too great, and the energy explosion in a short period of time connects a mysterious subspace, and the remains of the war dead are involved in it.Of course, the surviving gods and demons can escape safely.

(End of this chapter)

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