Chapter 1476 The land of gods and demons, the remains of the Great Sage!
"I broke through the third layer of the Dragon God's technique and realized the mystery of becoming a demon. Before I became a five-clawed golden dragon, of course I didn't know anything about it." The old dragon king's expression also became serious: "But thanks to you, I succeeded in training On the third floor, after the fifth dragon claw grows out, I have some insights into the remains of the ancestor of the five-clawed dragon god. It seems that the ancestor of the five-clawed dragon god is calling me, because the god-level skills of my dragon clan cannot be lost. The previous generation of dragon gods will find a way to pass it on to the next generation of dragon gods. But if I don’t reach the third level, I won’t be able to feel the call of the dragon god.”

"Where is the mysterious battlefield?" Du Yu became excited.This opportunity does not come all the time.

"There is a mysterious place in the north of the wilderness blood field." The old dragon king said with a sinister smile: "Only I know."

"But why are you looking for me?" Du Yu rolled his eyes, he was a ghost, and he was full of thoughts: "Why don't you eat it all by yourself?"

"Of course I want to keep it all to myself." The old dragon king said bluntly: "If I can keep this secret, I will never share it with others, but helplessly, this is the place where gods and demons fight. There are many dangers. The human gods and great gods who died in the battle There are countless heavenly demons and supreme demons, not to mention that I am just a small demon who has just been promoted, and my strength is a little lower than that of Hum and other big demons. The gods and demons battlefield in this world is also a narrow escape!"

Du Yu showed a clear look.

"It turns out that you came to me because you were afraid of danger, and hoped to have a companion to take risks together?" Du Yu raised his legs.

The old dragon king sneered and said, "Little brother, you are really smart. To be honest, you have broken through the realm of gods this time and become the god of war in a human world, so you are qualified to be favored by me. If you don't have a god, No matter how eloquent you are, you can never make me fall in love with you!"

Du Yu nodded.

In space and colonial planets, strength is the most important thing.Whoever has strength will have status, and human relationships are as indifferent as paper.The old Dragon King is very straightforward.

"But why don't you cooperate with celestial demons from outside the territory?" Du Yu asked curiously, "They are in the same group as you anyway."

"Hmph!" The old Dragon King said with a half-smile, "If you were Hum, would you wish to see my dragon clan find the real keel of the five-clawed Golden Dragon God?"

Du Yu understood this sentence.

Sometimes, the so-called colleagues are enemies.The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea and the Shui Clan of Dongyingzhou are close at hand. The competition for survival is fierce and the relationship is tense. The demons of the two groups have been enemies for generations.If the old dragon king dared to find Hum and other demons to explore the battlefield of gods and demons together, he might die, but he might not return!It is very possible to be killed by Hum on the Tianmo battlefield!
On the other hand, I have a good cooperative relationship with the Dragon Clan, and they are in collusion, wantonly smuggling illegal supplies, and even cooperating internally and externally, secretly passing on news.If any of these things were exposed, it would be enough for the old dragon king to go to the dragon-cutting platform and simply stop doing nothing, even cooperating with him in exploring the battlefield of gods and demons.

"What's more!" The old dragon king roared: "Don't forget where did your two true god dragon bones come from? It was the extraterrestrial demon Hum who died on the battlefield of gods and demons for thousands of years. Sun Wukong died in a fight, and he was stripped from my ancestor's body after all the jade and stone were burned! With such a great enmity, how could he go with me to find the bones of the ancestor?"

Du Yu nodded. The old dragon king really had a deep hatred for Hum. He pondered and said, "Can I find a few human gods and enter together?"

The old Dragon King hesitated for a moment, his face uncertain.

"What concerns?" Du Yu understood as soon as he turned his eyes: "Are you afraid that my human race will become too strong and threaten the safety of the extraterrestrial demons and dragons in the future?"

The old Dragon King smiled wryly: "Exactly. I have top-secret information here, and I dare not let any demons know. If you enter with the four gods of humans, you will gain much more benefits than my demon clan. Given time , Maybe you can fight to the East China Sea. Although I continue to smuggle arms and supplies with you, that is only a small profit. Compared with the survival of my planetary race, I dare not do too much."

Du Yu nodded: "Your concerns are not unreasonable. But what if I only take one person with me? You also bring all the sons and grandsons of the dragon, so that everyone will be evened out. You don't have to worry too much about my human race becoming stronger. What's more "

He leaned close to the old Dragon King, and said in a low voice, "I brought this god, but it's the Nvwa Empress who took out the keel from Xizhong's key and gave it to me."

After the competition, Du Yu decided to take Nuwa Empress to the battlefield of gods and demons.The battlefield was filled with the most powerful existences of humans and heavenly demons thousands of years ago. It was closed for thousands of years and no one entered. It was very evil, and no one knew what existed.In addition, the faction of the old dragon king may not be all kind. Being able to have a powerful god walking with him can also increase a lot of safety factors.

Only then did the old Dragon King nod his head: "Ao Guang, Ao Yu, and Ao You, the dragon princes, of course I want to take them with me, and the other three sea dragon kings also want to go. My Dragon Clan will put all their eggs in one basket. We must find out the true identity of our ancestors. remains."

Du Yu smiled: "The old Dragon King was also an attendant by the ancestor's side. He witnessed the battle between gods and demons. He should know the place where the ancestor fell."

He is a ghost, and he heard from the old Dragon King that the five-clawed dragon god and Sun Dasheng fell somewhere together.As long as you can find the Dragon Bone God, you can find Sun Dasheng's remains.

The great sage's stick method, somersaulting cloud, 72 transformations, and blazing eyes.

Needless to say, these skills are unique skills in space, and even real immortals may not be able to master them all.Sun Dasheng is a well-known powerhouse in space, even the Supreme Demon fell in his hands.

"It's a pity" the old Dragon King shook his head: "The battlefield of gods and demons was repeatedly exploded by huge energy shock waves thousands of years ago, causing space chaos. Take one step at a time. When can you start?"

Although Du Yu was fond of his beautiful wife, concubine, and children, but when he thought about the decisive battle with Tai Gongwang, the next world would break out, so he nodded and said, "I'll take care of the housework, and I can leave tomorrow. The old dragon king will wait. "

The old Dragon King nodded and said: "That's very good, I will immediately issue the Dragon King Order to call the Dragon Kings and Dragon Princes of the Four Seas to gather with you and set off together."

Du Yu warned: "Dragon King must be cautious in his actions. If demons from outside the territory discover our actions, intercept and kill them halfway or follow them in, we will be in danger."

The old Dragon King looked serious: "I'll only tell the most trusted senior officials of the Dragon Clan, just rest assured."

Du Yu told the news to Empress Nuwa with his spiritual consciousness.

Empress Nuwa was reminiscing with Athena, and she frowned when she heard that the Dragon King of the East China Sea had found Du Yu and was willing to explore the battlefield of gods and demons together.

Athena also frowned at the same time.

Seeing the dignified expressions of the goddesses, Du Yu asked cautiously, "Could it be that you disagree with my exploration plan?"

After a long time, Empress Nuwa sighed: "We don't disagree. In fact, since the war of gods and demons thousands of years ago, a large number of gods in space have fallen, and many exercises, fairy treasures, and unique skills have been lost. The strength of human adventurers in space, It has fallen sharply. Our current top adventurers in Zifu District are much worse than those in the era when all gods existed, demigods were everywhere, and heroes came out in large numbers. For example, your Great Sage Staff was good at using this staff back then There are no fewer than ten adventurers who can cultivate to the sixth floor or above."

Du Yu was speechless.

The great sage's stick technique is so awesome, I only practiced to the third floor, and I can't find Bei when I use it to fight Zeus. Ten of the adventurers back then have cultivated to the sixth floor?
What kind of perverted world is this?
No wonder even the extraterritorial celestial demons of the colonial planet are so afraid of the powerful human colony city, and they will do everything possible to suppress and mess up the city.

"If you go in this time, if you can find the exercises, skills and fairy treasures related to the Great Sage and other gods, of course it will greatly increase the strength and inheritance of the space. Among other things, we and the gods can use these exercises in the future, As a reward, pass it on to other adventurers for their cultivation. Many lost unique skills in the city can be seen again." Nuwa sighed: "But this trip is really close to death."

Athena added: "Did you know that in the battle of gods and demons back then, with my strength, I could only fight in the marginal area? Just a supreme demon can kill a human god in an instant. Nuwa and I were both deeply impressed by the transformed battle between gods and demons."

"Aren't all these gods and demons dead?" Du Yu said with a smile, "What's so scary about a group of dead people?"

"Dead? If you think so, you won't be able to get out!" Nuwa said in a deep voice, "Don't forget, they are gods! They are the most powerful existences in the universe. These gods were gods before they were alive, even if they are dead, They don't necessarily disappear, but instead exist in another form. Not to mention the existence of the main god and the supreme demon, even a great god like me, the magic spell that I know about sleeping forever and not being annihilated is not inferior. Three kinds. This expedition is really full of dangers. Even with my current skill, I dare not say that I can retreat completely on the battlefield of gods and demons."

"Then what should I do?" Du Yu spread his hands and said, "Giving up is not my style."

"I'll follow you!" Empress Nuwa resolutely said: "But you have to be prepared. In addition, you have to bring all the beauties with you. We have a large number of people, so we can respond."

Du Yu returned home and explained to the beauties that he was about to go to the battlefield of gods and demons to explore.

The beauties were all excited.

Sun Shangxiang put his arms around Du Yu's neck, jumping up and down: "I'm almost suffocated to death in this boring home. You must take me with you on this expedition. And in the future, you are not allowed to leave me and go alone. Take a risk."

Wang Yuyan sighed: "You don't know, you didn't take her to play in the last world. The bowed princess was so depressed in my Swallow Pier. She pestered me, Qinglu, and A'Zhu all day to play with her. You Hurry up and take this crazy girl away."

(End of this chapter)

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