Chapter 1477 Faith base!Take control of Datang!
Sun Shangxiang rolled his eyes, pouted and said, "Stinky boy, you don't know that sister Wang Yuyan has been frowning all day, and has embroidered a lot of bellybands for you to play with. Do you want to see how beautiful she is wearing at night?"

Wang Yuyan's ears turned red with embarrassment, she was as beautiful as a fairy.Shang Xiufang smiled and said: "Our fairy, also moved the heart? The mandarin ducks play in the water, that has a profound meaning. Let me see the sister's masterpiece?"

Shi Qingxuan, Shi Feixuan and Wanwan, the three fairies laughed together.

Du Yu looked left and right, feeling in his heart, how could he be able to have so many beautiful and wonderful people who love him at the same time.

If this was a dream, Du Yu would rather never wake up.

He never thought of returning to Earth and reality.Ever since his adventures in space, he has decided that he belongs here, in a world of endless, exciting adventures.

Catherine, Tracy and other three daughters have already returned to Shinra with their children due to Shinra's busy affairs.I heard that Patriarch Jon was wanted by Shinra recently, but he never showed up.But Athena has already taken root in Shinra.She was originally a god of the West, and was easily reaccepted by Western adventurers.Athena said that she has developed a number of believers in the scale of [-] people, and has begun to build a temple.I believe that with Athena's protection, Du Yu's power in Shinra will form a four-fold insurance of the court, the military, the church, and the gods. In addition, Du Yu's potential power in the No. [-] captain and other folks will be intertwined and deeply rooted. Even if Jesus is resurrected, it will not be easily shaken.

Just Jon, it's no longer a problem.

Du Yu was very curious, after Athena took control of Shinra, she only had [-] believers, how she planned to expand her power.

But he was soon overwhelmed.

Because Athena used very superb skills to quickly spread the seeds of her faith and her career blossomed everywhere.

She first took out some artifacts given to her by Du Yu as a reward, to seduce, not to lure devout believers or powerful adventurer teams to serve her.She issued a series of rewarding oracles, allowing these adventurers to enter a specific world (usually the world where Athena clones such as ancient Greece and Rome exist), to kill her enemies, spread Athena's beliefs, and build Athens Temple of Na and more.Through this method, the number of Athena's believers in each parallel plane is steadily increasing.

Du Yu was dumbfounded.

It turned out that the reason why the gods in the world gathered in this space, crowded in this small world of millions of people, and fought for each other, turned out that there were such great interests lurking inside!
There are endless parallel planes and countless mission worlds, and the gods can send adventurers and believers in to spread their religion and belief and expand the source of the power of belief.

Du Yu asked Nuwa and Fuxi, and the answers he got were similar.

They are also constantly sending envoys and believer adventurers into various worlds to complete their respective missions of faith promotion.

The great gods all know that it is time to take advantage of the time when the space gods are either falling or sleeping, and spread the fire of their beliefs to any corner of the sun, to any world, so that they can respond to all changes with the same, in the future decisive battle Take the initiative.

Wasn't Du Yu himself sent by Empress Nuwa to specific spatial worlds many times to act as her envoy?
Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

If others can do this, so can we!

But when asked carefully, Athena and Nu Wa knew everything and taught each other everything, and things were not that simple.

On the surface, gods only need to sit in temples to enjoy incense and faith, but the problem is that believers are not pure fools. They believe in a god, and what they want is reward, either in this life or in the afterlife, and the god must constantly respond The prayers of believers, the performance of miracles, oracles, and even the occasional loss-making business, to help mortals overcome difficulties, can maintain their own foundation of believers.Otherwise, if you spend all your energy and promote it once, no one will maintain it, and within a few months, the believers will be astigmatized.

This kind of painstaking and constant maintenance cost makes the gods the busiest existence.For example, the Tathagata Buddha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva must maintain countless avatars and dharma images on a regular basis, just like the operators of telephone hotlines in reality, they need to recruit hundreds of people to cope with such a large number of prayers and blessings.

This kind of consumption is actually an extremely huge expenditure.Taking a clone as an example, a clone in a certain space consumes a world time period, miracles, oracles, and blessings, and often consumes millions of divine power units.

What if you maintain the existence of clones in dozens of worlds at the same time?

Du Yu felt dizzy for a while.

Too much trouble.

I didn't expect it to be so troublesome to become a god.

It's a clone, it's a dharma, it's a miracle, it's a call center.

This is exhausting.

Among other things, Du Yu was restricted only by the avatar spell.

At this time, he has at most one clone, which is the weather clone.In other words, Du Yu can only firmly control one world.

His eyes rolled.

What world is Du Yu most familiar with and most in control of?
Of course it is Datang World!

Even the emperor of the Tang Dynasty was controlled by Du Yu's avatar!Later, after the Jindan avatar left, Du Yu arranged for a puppet that looked exactly like it, and let Galadriel monitor it remotely with the crystal of true knowledge at all times to ensure his continued control over Datang.

Just do it!

Du Yu sent the dragon and wolf avatars to the world of Tang Dynasty, and the BADGUY teleporter provided by Tang Lu could teleport there.

In this way, the dragon wolf avatar could not fight with Du Yu for the time being.But in that world of the Tang Dynasty, in order to regard Du Yu as a god and hold him on the altar, he must have a clone sitting in charge.

After the avatar entered the world of the Tang Dynasty, he sat on the dragon chair again, and issued an edict, with Li Jing and Yuwen Chengdu as the managers, to promote the identity of Du Yu's gods all over the country, build temples, establish it as the state religion, and offer sacrifices and worship .

The dragon and wolf clones are emperors, and they often turn into dragons, wandering between the heaven and the earth, performing miracles.

People all over the world were amazed and exclaimed that the emperor is really the real dragon emperor.

As a result, in the Tang Empire with a population of 4000 million, the image of Du Yu as a true god gradually spread.

However, what made Du Jin wary was that, as a common adventure plane, The Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty had many adventurers coming and going.

When the Golden Core clone was sitting on the Dragon Throne back then, there were a wave of daring adventurers.They saw that the plot of this world had been greatly changed by an emperor named Du Yu, and of course they knew it was the work of an adventurer, so they even sneaked into the palace, trying to besiege Du Yu and take the throne.

Of course, Du Yu will not show mercy to these careerists.After being discovered by Li Jing and the Imperial Forest Army, they attracted masters to besiege them. In the end, these guys fled and died, and they were all finished.

But it also attracted Du Yu's great attention.

This time he was even more high-profile, turning Datang into the source of his belief, and he must ensure the safety of the world of Datang and himself.

Therefore, he sent four beauties, Shen Luoyan, Song Yuzhi, Li Xiuning and Dugufeng, back to the world of Tang Dynasty.

These four beauties originally came from the Great Tang world, and in the Great Tang, they all had their own powerful clan forces as their backing.Dugufeng contacted the Dugu Clan with deep roots in Luoyang, Chang'an, Li Xiuning contacted the Li Clan in Taiyuan, Song Yuzhi contacted the Song Clan in Lingnan, and Shen Luoyan contacted the Migong forces that were defeated and scattered back then.In addition, she is resourceful and can cooperate with Cheng Yaojin, Qin Shubao and other fierce generals to assist the emperor together.

In this way, Du Yu's country in the Great Tang World was as stable as an iron barrel, and even a strong team of adventurers would not be able to turn the sky.

Although the investment was huge, consuming a clone and four beauties, Du Yu finally took down Datang properly, and this world became his most stable rear.

Looking at the number of believers, from 150 million when he left the world of God of War (after Du Yu left the world, the number of believers dropped to 50), slowly began to rise again, and surpassed the peak period of 200 million, rising to 250 million , Du Yu felt indescribably satisfied.

His total divine power also continued to rise.Du Yu's godhead, from the peak of 11.3 units, slowly dropped to 10 units, indicating that in the world of Olympus, the gods were reborn and regained some godheads.But Du Yu's divine power still rose to 2500 million units.

Backed by strong divine power, he can use hundreds of powerful divine spells continuously without feeling tired.

As for the pregnant Lin Qing'er and Zhao Ling'er, they stayed at home to raise their babies.

Du Yu went out and generously gave all the treasures he got in the world of God of War to the beauties and brothers.Of course, except for the artifacts of the main god level.For example, Mirror of Fate, Pandora's Box, Reaper of Souls, Neptune's Trident, Golden Fleece Cape, and Angel's Flying Boots will not be given away.

The equipment of ordinary gods can greatly enhance the combat power of Zhao Yun, Yang Guo and other brothers, as well as Shi Feixuan and other beauties. Instead of leaving it in Du Yu's hands to mold, it is better to give them away to expand the strength of your subordinates and partners.

By the way, after killing Zeus at that time, in addition to the sword of Olympus, which was presented to Athena by Du Yu, there was another set of Zeus's weapons.

The spear of lightning [Thunder] and the shield of Zeus [Aegis] fell into the hands of Du Yu!
Du Yu did not give away these two artifacts lightly, they may be of great use in the future.

For the help of Tataglia and the other three, Du Yu also generously fulfilled his promise, donating some god-level materials and inferior artifacts to them.

Looking at the attitudes of Amin and Deni, there was no hostility towards Du Yu at all.

People are very strange animals. They treat those who are inferior to them as competitors and make things difficult in every possible way, but they only have reverence for those they look up to, without any hostility.

Du Yu's realm has surpassed the status of ordinary chosen ones.

He is no longer the Chosen One!
But real gods.
The will of space respects Du Yu very much.

Du Yu is no longer an existence that can be flattened and rounded by others.

(End of this chapter)

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