Chapter 1479 The heroes have arrived, and all the strong ones gather!
Richelieu exaggerated: "Can't you see it? This ark is shining! For thousands of years, since the Twilight War of the Gods, our God has never answered the prayers of believers. Although we have always believed in His existence , but the light of the ark this time shows that he is really still alive! God is still alive. He has issued a call to our people!"

At the same time, the cardinals uttered praises: "Praise God, the great Jehovah!"

"Then what?" Catherine believes in power and power, at most plus Du Yu. As a member of the Dark Council, she is naturally not interested in God.

Concubine Sisi said excitedly: "The direction of the wings of the angel on the ark can guide us to find the location of God. Our church has been preparing for this moment for many years."

The leader of the fanatics and Paladin Lampard knelt on the ground at the same time, and said piously: "I am willing to follow the Pope and look for the traces of God."

Seeing that her best friend also looks brainwashed, Catherine has a headache.

Du Yu just came back, why did he play such a trick again?

Sensing that the problem was spiraling out of control, she tried to contact Athena.

Athena said helplessly: "In the territory of Shenluo, the power of the church is extremely powerful. Although I came back and showed several miracles, believers who believe in God are still extremely fanatical. This time the miracle of the ark of the covenant can indeed feel a sense of power. The power of the Lord God is projected on the Ark of the Covenant. The direction is from the northern part of the Sultanate. I can only try to persuade the believers to convert to me, but if in the name of the Goddess of War and Wisdom, it is not appropriate to force the believers of God , will provoke a greater backlash.”

Catherine shrugged helplessly: "It's no wonder that people in Tang Dynasty don't believe in gods, but believe in ancestors and gods. The power of this belief is really a headache."

She secretly winked at her concubine Sisi.

Concubine Sisi and Catherine walked to a room, and Tracy followed.

The three women discussed for a while.

Catherine said bluntly: "Have you ever thought about it, if God comes back and sees you, the pope, as the concubine of an oriental kid, what will he think? You can still be the pope? Haven't you seen Li Seleu is jumping, looking impatient? He is clearly planning to take away the pope in the name of God."

Concubine Sisi calmed down: "You're right, Richelieu was the first to inform me about the Ark of the Covenant. His attitude was indeed too agitated."

Tracy also calmed down: "Could the ark incident be a conspiracy?"

"No." Concubine Sisi smiled: "When I was praying this morning, I got a direct response from God. He said that he was trapped in a place, but his strength was exhausted, and he asked me to launch a holy war to welcome him back. Specifically The direction is where the angel wings of the ark point."

"Jihad?" Catherine's voice raised an octave: "Isn't that just letting us Shinra go to war with the Sudan? I saw that the direction of the wings is north."

"That's something that can't be helped." Concubine Sisi said helplessly: "You have seen the attitudes of the archbishop in red, the holy knights and the fanatics. Even if I hold this matter as the pope, God's oracle can also come to anyone. On the head. With their fanaticism, I can't suppress it. Instead, I will be accused of blasphemy and impeached at the joint meeting of cardinals, just like the previous pope."

"Could it be that we can only go to war against Sudan? To explore the place where God is trapped?" Tracy was also helpless: "With the help of Du Yu, our Shinra finally regained a little vitality through trade, and we want to It's a reckless move. The next world may usher in a wave of beasts, and our troops are completely lost. What can we do to resist the monsters?"

"I always feel that there is a taste of conspiracy in it," Catherine mused.

At this moment, Du Yu's communication suddenly arrived.

After listening to Du Yu's words, Catherine also told the whole story about what happened to Shinra.

"The four holy objects—the Ark of the Covenant also changed?"

Du Yu was very suspicious: "It seems that the message is also sent from the land of gods and demons? Is this a clear signal that all four major kingdoms should be concentrated in the land of gods and demons?"

At the same time, Princess Yimei of the Tang Dynasty sent a message to Du Yu.

Yimei's voice was a little tired: "The national treasure of my Great Tang Kingdom - the Panlong Sword left by Emperor Longshi, suddenly turned into a stream of light early in the morning and rushed towards the desert in the north of the Sultanate. Emperor Longshi is the founder of my country. He was worshiped by the emperors of all dynasties. It is said that the old man finally passed the examination of the Star-chasing Pavilion, stepped through the void, and became a god. This thing is the treasure of the country he left behind. Seeing this situation, the emperor sent all the masters of the Zifu District in the Tang Dynasty , coming towards Sudan. I can't stop it."

Hearing Yimei's voice, Du Yu felt unspeakably tired, and couldn't help but think of her good fortune, so he persuaded helplessly: "You have also tried your best, I understand, anyway, all forces are marching towards the northern part of the Sultanate. Come on, you're not missing Tang. When you have time later, come out and have a sit."

Yi Mei nodded, and said softly: "I was the one who felt sorry for you back then, and now I see it away. Datang, that's it. I have no shame in my heart, and I am worthy of my ancestors. If you have something to do, I will We must do our best to help.”

Du Yu put away the newsletter: "Since so many countries have received the news, those bastards Hou Shenjiang and Tai Gongwang are probably coming soon."

The old Dragon King was furious: "If I find out who leaked the secret, I will peel his skin!"

Du Yu was not very depressed.

Since the news leaked out, it is already doomed that it is impossible to hide the news of the Gods and Demons Battlefield, so let's all have a vigorous team PK to see who can get what they want and who will make wedding dresses for others.

One advantage is that, first of all, the pressure on Sudan has increased. Under the pressure of the four countries, it is difficult for Sudan to block the entrance and eat alone.

Saladin's wishful thinking failed to work.

Not long after, Du Yu caught a glimpse of a ray of light flashing from the east.

Surprisingly, it turned out to be a ghost.

When the ghost fairy saw Du Yu, he also landed.After all, the two of them worked together to trap God General Hou, and Guixian was very satisfied with Du Yu when he got the immortal remains of the four brothers Xishu.

He swaggered in front of Du Yu and said, "What's the matter? You also received strange treasures or Tuomeng, saying that the battlefield of gods and demons has opened?"

Du Yu nodded: "Gui Xian, you old man, why are you here to join in the fun?"

The ghost fairy said with a treacherous smile: "Now this news has been spread all over the Zifu District of the Tang Dynasty. Benefits. Hehe, is there anything good about the battlefield of gods and demons thousands of years ago? If you find the remains of an immortal, you can hopefully pass the test of the Star Picking Pavilion."

Du Yu knew that Guixian was a staunch immigrant, and he always wanted to leave this crumbling ghost place through Zhaixing Pavilion.

Guixian smiled and said: "Thanks to the four immortal corpses you sold to me last time, my corpse puppet circle has been completed, hahaha, that power is earth-shattering. Do you want to try it?"

Du Yu wasn't afraid, and was about to make some jokes when another wave came from the east.

It turned out that it was Lu Chunyang and He Xiangu, two adventurers from Zifu District, who came all the way on the auspicious clouds.

Seeing Du Yuhou, a trace of anger flashed across Lu Chunyang's face, and he descended.

The old Dragon King had already taken his sons and grandsons to the distance.If the extraterritorial celestial demons know that their dragon clan is cooperating with humans, they will be finished, so be more cautious.

Du Yu has only one Nuwa by his side.But with Lu Dongbin's vision, the divine power of Empress Nuwa was hard to see through.

Therefore, Lu Dongbin saw that there was only one ghost fairy beside Du Yu.

He took He Xiangu, the consort of gods and immortals, and rushed towards Du Yu.

"Guixian, if you want to spoil my good deeds today, don't blame me, Lu Dongbin, for not thinking of fellowship!" Lu Dongbin fell in front of Du Yu with a murderous look on his face.

The ghost fairy glanced at Du Yu, meaning that you plan to give me something good as a reward for Lao Tzu?

In space, strength is respected.Lu Dongbin, Guixian and others are both strong in Zifu District. In their view, even if Du Yu has the power of Yunmengze and occupies most of the Tang Dynasty, in a one-on-one situation, he is only the target of their torture.

Lu Dongbin, an immortal cultivator who had a grudge against Du Yu, of course would not miss this opportunity to kill Du Yu.

With a smile on his face, Du Yu said to He Xiangu, "Is Xiangu coming here all right?"

He didn't look straight at all, but took a look at Lu Dongbin.

Lu Dongbin was choked with anger.The last time the purple energy that was greedy for Du Yu came to the furnace, Du Yu took the opportunity to teach him a lesson, and the more he thought about it when he went back, the angrier he became.This time I was in retreat, and my heart moved, I felt that there was a breath of gods overflowing from the northern part of the Sultanate, so I took He Xiangu to come day and night, but I didn't expect to see Du Yu.

If you don't take revenge at this time, when will you wait?

Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu surrounded Du Yu in the core, ready to strike.

Du Yu smiled and glanced at Empress Nuwa: "It happens that we also have a man and a woman here, why don't we share them?"

Empress Nuwa's attire at this time is like a young woman in Huaxin, with a graceful figure and uneven bumps, but between her eyebrows and eyes, the charm is restrained, showing the elegant demeanor of a beautiful young woman from a good family.

She gave an annoyed pooh, turned around and walked away, acting like you die as soon as you die, don't pull me.

Du Yu laughed awkwardly.

Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu were overjoyed.This woman couldn't tell the truth, and she was apprehensive. It seemed that Du Yu's popularity was very poor, and no one was willing to help him at the critical moment.

Lu Dongbin took out a gleaming sword: "Heaven has the virtue of being good at life! If you can obediently hand over my master Yu Chengzi's treasure, Ziqi Donglai Furnace, I will spare you. If you can't be punished, just say it! Yang Jian, look at the move!"

This pure yang sword turned into a cold light and went straight to Du Yu's thigh.

In front of the ghosts and immortals, this Lu Dongbin should not be too ugly, he still wants to save face.The so-called not only must be a prostitute, but also set up a memorial archway.The Chunyang Sword did not directly attack Du Yu's chest.

Empress Nuwa watched Lu Dongbin attack Du Yu so carelessly, a gleam of pity flashed in her beautiful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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