Chapter 1480 Abacus from all sides!Saladin Ambition
With Du Yu's current strength, which has just stepped into the ranks of gods, there is still a little possibility for this pair of Taoist couples in Zifu District to fight with all their strength.

As for now?

Unexpectedly, the moment Du Yu was about to take the move, a ray of light flashed across.With a bang, Lu Dongbin's Chunyang sword was knocked down.


Lu Dongbin shouted.

A thin old man, who looked like Mahatma Gandhi, was standing on the flat ground not far away.

Look at its momentum, Zifu District!

Undoubtedly the strongest in Zifu District!
Otherwise, how could it be possible to shoot down Lu Dongbin's Chunyang Sword all at once?

The accident happened so suddenly that Lu Dongbin was unprepared.

Guixian laughed dryly: "It turns out to be Mr. Singer, the strong man in the Zifu District of the Parliamentary Country. Long time no see!"

Du Yu took a closer look and found that Mr. Singer looked like a person.

an acquaintance.

Oh yes!
It's Indra!

He and Indra were carved out of the same mold, but described as thin, short, with the same facial features.

Singer greeted Ghost Fairy gently: "Ghost Fairy, your cultivation has improved again, but you have more black energy on your body. You should practice less evil things like corpse puppets in the future."

Guixian scolded with a smile: "If you want me to mind your own business, you should take good care of your own family. Huh? Why did you help this kid?"

Singer looked up at Du Yu, and said with a smile: "He has been kind to my parliamentary country, and he has rescued my grandson Indra many times, so I naturally have to return the favor."

Du Yu clasped his fist at Singer.Although he is confident that Lu Dongbin will suffer a big loss, Singer is going to rescue him after all, and he must be considerate of etiquette.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life."

Singer waved his hand and said to Lu Dongbin, "I heard Indra talk about the grievances between you and Du Yu. I didn't mean you. Your Taoists are in the Zifu District of the Tang Dynasty, and you can be regarded as the leaders of the Baidao. Why? A purple gas came from the east, so it's hard to get along with a junior?"

Lu Chunyang shouted: "This is the inheritance of my master. How can I give up easily?"

Singer shook his head and said: "He got it first, just like this time we entered the battlefield of gods and demons. Can I ask you to return it if you discover and take away the things of my Indian gods? Anyone who is destined will get it."

Lu Chunyang saw more and more strong men from the Zifu District of the Four Kingdoms rushing here, knowing that Du Yu would never be killed today, so he shouted at Du Yu: "Your dog's head will be written on your neck. So hurry up and escape, if I see you in the battlefield of gods and demons, we will end!"

As he spoke, he led He Xiangu to the side.

Du Yu sneered.

After staying for a while, the strong men from the Zifu district of the four countries really came in droves.

They were all attracted by the breath of the land of gods and demons, or they were notified by other friends, calling for friends, more and more, rushing to this place.

Du Yu felt a vicious look of resentment, staying behind him.

Du Yu suddenly looked back, but he didn't see anyone special.

Surrounded by strong men from Zifu district in twos and threes, some are upright, some are shrouded in black air, some are whispering, some are indifferent, but all of them have an extremely powerful aura.

Du Yu happened to be the only adventurer who was not in Zifu District.His identity as an adventurer in the inner city, like a candle in the dark, is extremely eye-catching in this group of clubs in the Zifu District that have rarely met for thousands of years.

Below the Zifu, they are all ants.

The strong in the Zifu District respect their strength, and although Du Yu's status as the master of Yunmeng Lake has some bonus points, so that he will not be overly looked down upon, it will never let him be respected.

The surrounding powerhouses in the Zifu District still cast disdainful and neglectful glances.

For a while, Du Yu couldn't tell who it was, and he had murderous intent towards him.

Could it be the missing ancestor Jon, the strong man in the Zifu District of Shenluo?

Du Yu doubted for a moment, but quickly denied this conjecture.

I am Mordel's secret, and only three people in Shinra know it.

Catherine, Tracy, and concubine Sisi were not the ones who would betray themselves.

He glanced at it, and sure enough, he saw a familiar figure among several tall and tall adventurers in Zifu District!

Patriarch Jon!

The so-called meeting of enemies is extremely bright.

Du Yu's eyes turned cold.

Unexpectedly, it took no effort to find nowhere to find.This battlefield of gods and demons also attracted Jon to come.This guy was hiding everywhere, and Catherine tried her best to catch him, but this time he ran into her own hand.

These Zifu Districts should still be his accomplices and friends. Jon has lived for hundreds of years, and he has many friends.

Du Yu was secretly thankful that he had discovered Jon's trail in time, otherwise he would have let these guys hide in the dark, and his women and children would have been implicated.

Even if they don't get much benefit this time, if they can't find Sun Dasheng's remains, even if they kill Patriarch Jon, it will be considered a big gain!
There are more and more powerful people in the Zifu District of Datang, Shinra, and the Parliament, and finally formed more than 50 people.Although they did not forcefully break into the restricted area set up by the Sultanate, the atmosphere was very tense as swords were drawn.

The adventurers in the Zifu District without the Sultanate were probably sent by Emperor Saladin to the battlefield of gods and demons, and they were preparing to explore the remains of the battlefield.

Du Yu and Empress Nuwa were mixed among the strong in the Zifu District, constantly being stared at and squeezed from all sides, but he didn't realize it, and he was still determined and thick-skinned, with the temperament of fishing in troubled waters.

The strong men in the Zifu District of the Tang Dynasty were finally led by a fat man whom Du Yu had never seen before.Others called this fat man "Tian Gonggong", and it turned out that he had no chin or hair, and he turned out to be a strong eunuch in Zifu District!
Du Yu's heart was awe-inspiring.

They are all rotten boats and three catties of nails, which is really good.The Tang court has been corrupted to this point, but the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty can stand still, as expected, there are many strong people in the Zifu District secretly supporting him.Not only this Tian Gonggong, but from the last time I and Su Daji eavesdropped on the emperor's dream conversation, I could hear the name of ghosts and immortals.Maybe this ghost fairy is also one of the masters of royal secret worship.

Behind Tian Gonggong, there are no more Zifu districts, but with a group of court guards with swords, all of them are the top masters in the imperial city.He is good at combining attack skills, if he is surrounded by them, even the Zifu District will not escape bad luck.

Du Yu smiled, it seemed that this was the last card of the Tang court.If this group of supremely skilled eunuchs and guards all fell in this land of gods and demons, would the Tang court collapse suddenly?Du Yu is full of malicious fantasies.

Taigongwang, Nezha and Yang Jian lived up to everyone's expectations and also came here.They glanced at Du Yu, but they didn't have much malice.After all, the main target now is the treasures of the land of gods and demons.Besides, there are too many people, and Du Yugui is the leader of one side, so it's hard to say that there are no secret protection masters.They are inconvenient and malicious.

Du Yu looked around, and among the masters in the Zifu District, Guixian was the first to stand up: "Hey! There are so many of us, all of us are dead? Didn't anyone go up and tell the Sudanese guys to get out of here? Standing and watching so stupidly?"

He swaggered towards the Sultanate's military tent.

The Zifu districts of the other two countries also looked at each other.

Majlis Singh stepped out.

Shinra is the ancestor Jon.

Representatives of masters from the Zifu district of the Three Kingdoms walked side by side towards the Sudanese army.

A horn sounded.

The Sudanese army slowly drove out from behind the mountain.

There are about 3 people.

All desert cavalry, a B-rank monster unique to the Sudanese desert—the bloodthirsty Bactrian camel, snorted uneasily.These B-level monsters can rise to A-level in power when fighting in the desert!
It was the key weapon for the Sultan Empire to defend against the enemy in the two Warcraft Wars.

It's a pity that even if there are 50 elite fighters to deal with these 3 Zifu District masters, they will probably suffer heavy casualties.

But the attitude of the master Hussein Saiyiwu who commanded this army was extremely tough.

The Damascus saber in his hand radiated a breathtaking light in the sunlight.

"Masters of the Three Kingdoms, the front is the restricted area designated by my emperor Saladin. No one is allowed to enter until our Sudan opens it. Otherwise, it will be our enemy." Sai Yiwu's beard trembled, his eyes were like eagles: "I advise Go no further. You will be scattered under the charge of my desert army."

The ghost fairy said indifferently: "Toad opened his mouth, you are so arrogant! How dare you say such a thing to me ghost fairy? Your mere [-] cavalry can't last long in my ten thousand ghost formation!"

That's what he said, but Guixian's footsteps also stopped.

Singer and Jon looked at each other, and said at the same time: "Sultanate, our masters of the Three Kingdoms must enter the land of gods and demons. This battlefield of gods and demons is not owned by your Sultan alone, but the fierce battle between gods and demons in the entire space, and the fall. We all have the responsibility and obligation to take back the relics of our ancestors and gods. If you plan to eat alone as a sultan, you will be enemies of the Three Kingdoms at the same time!"

Sai Yiwu said no more, just sneered and waved.

The [-] bloodthirsty Bactrian camel troops are constantly adjusting their formation and are ready to go into battle at any time.

But at this moment, a sound of horseshoes was suddenly heard.

The earth trembled.

Sai Yiwu's complexion changed, he saw the western sky, and a warning signal was raised!
"Shinra has invaded?"

Sai Yiwu's eagle eyes were sharp, and he shouted: "Quickly inform Emperor Saladin that the situation has changed! Shinra invaded!"

On a hill 4 kilometers away from the front line, Saladin was looking at a bright space-time gap in the distance with his hands behind his back.

In the gap of time and space, all kinds of light are constantly shining and refracting.

From the light, one can faintly see the situation of the battlefield of gods and demons inside.

Human gods, immortals, demons, and saints, as well as the supreme demons, big demons, and little demons of extraterrestrial demons, are everywhere with god-level corpses, remains, fairy treasures, artifacts, exercises, jade slips, and materials.

Everything is available.

On Saladin's tall nose bridge, a pair of deep eagle eyes flashed a hint of greed.

"If one percent of the treasures can be unearthed to enrich my Sudan's treasury, my Sudan will become the strongest country in the four countries. No, even the beast hordes on the colonial planet will be defeated by our powerful masters." In front of the group, trembling, defeated!"

(End of this chapter)

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