Chapter 1483 The land of gods and ghosts!Horror

Nuwa shook her head and smiled wryly, "Your talent is very high. It would be even better if you can take some responsibility. After all, these are the elites of the space. If they all fall here, the future space will be in danger."

Du Yu rolled his eyes: "Even if you, Empress Nuwa, tie their hands and feet with ropes and tell them that there is danger ahead. Money touches people's hearts. People make money and birds die for food. They will not thank you at all. Only when the people behind When the conspiracy is uncovered, they will obediently turn around in the face of life and death. Now they have to take one step at a time."

On the battlefield of gods and demons, there are dense clouds, thick fog, and icy air and fog everywhere.Within a short distance, there was no one to see, so Du Yu, Nuwa, the old Dragon King and others held hands and walked forward step by step.

"Why is it so strange here?" In Du Yu's mind, Shi Feixuan asked, "I feel that the power of the immortals cannot be mobilized smoothly. All kinds of breaths are very chaotic and violent."

"This is the battlefield of gods and demons thousands of years ago. The fierce battle between gods and demons has filled this place with various energies for thousands of years." Du Yu shook his head and said, "It even formed a crack in time and space, forming a subspace."

"I hope it's just the bad environment." Du Yu smiled wryly, "These god-level beings who have been lying on the ground for thousands of years, don't stand up and look for us."

The humid air, like the scales of a poisonous snake, slowly passes over the skin, giving people a cold and damp feeling, and like the skin of a dead person, it is full of ashes and death.

Du Yu walked into the depths of the battlefield of gods and demons step by step.

Visibility is extremely poor, only ten meters, and the voices speaking on the other side are hazy and impenetrable.Two people who are close at hand need to shout loudly to figure out what each other means.This battlefield of gods and demons is really wonderful.

"I found it!" An adventurer from the Zifu District of the Parliamentary State excitedly raised a pair of snow-white wings: "I found the treasure left by the Feathered Serpent God. I can fly now."

It looked like a strong South American adventurer, excitedly put the wings of the Feathered Serpent God on his back, and immediately flew up.

This greatly stimulated the nerves of everyone exploring the battlefield of gods and demons.

The so-called someone demonstrates, everyone is jealous.

Although the Feathered Serpent God is not a first-class powerful deity, the feathered wings can be regarded as god-level equipment after all.

God-level existence.

This South American adventurer was picked up from the ground at no cost!
Such powerful equipment can be easily picked up!
No wonder the ruler of Sudan refused to let go of this battlefield of gods and demons, and wanted to monopolize it.

If they searched the battlefield carefully, how many artifacts, how many skills, and how many adventures could be obtained!

This is enough to make the balance of power of the four countries unbalanced, and instantly make Sudan stronger, surpassing the other three countries.

The people of insight in the Three Kingdoms secretly rejoiced that it was indeed right to force the Sudan to give up the passage.

But it has strengthened their determination to search the land of gods and demons, to find the secrets and treasures left by their ancestors, gods, and gods.

Several groups of people divided their forces and went straight to their goals.

With the guidance of the Ark of the Covenant, the church has a very clear goal, charging towards the outermost foggy place.The red-clothed archbishops, headed by Richelieu, had red eyes, excitement, and even trembling. The God they had been searching for for thousands of years was around.

Even if the old man dies, he will inevitably leave behind many artifacts and sacred vessels, any of which can elevate the status of the church. What's more, the light of the ark of the covenant testifies that the old man is probably still alive!

This news inspired everyone in the church.

And Father Tian of the Tang Dynasty rushed to a mysterious place in the east with a group of guards.There is where the Panlong Sword points.The remains of the ancestor emperor of the Long family should be there!
Du Yu could find many hidden auras among these attendants.Maybe there are members of the royal family like Yimei among them.He could feel even more the faint hostility emanating from it.

Tang Guogong.

Du Yu has cultivated to this point, he doesn't even need to turn his head, he can recognize where his eyes belong just by feeling.

Sure enough, Tang Guogong sneaked in, disguised as a bodyguard, trying to get close to the keel remains of the first emperor, to obtain some treasures or things left by the ancestors, and use them to compete with the current emperor for power.

But Du Yu's team followed the perception of the old dragon king and walked in a western direction.

Their team didn't seem to be easy to mess with, the four dragon kings and more than 20 dragon princes, all of them were running like tigers and dragons, with extraordinary momentum, but there was no Zifu District to disturb them.But it's hard to say who is following in the dark.

Du Yu's spiritual consciousness was turned on to the maximum, scanning the surroundings in all directions.

Now that we know that this place should be a trap of an extraterrestrial demon, we can't help but be more careful.

He came to a barren hill.

This battlefield of gods and demons is also strange, except that the air is full of mist, and there is no grass around it, and it is all barren mountains and deserts.It should have been a fierce battle thousands of years ago, but it was so intense that even the surrounding vegetation and trees were completely destroyed and poisoned for thousands of years.

Du Yu's intuition of danger became more and more nervous, and he shouted, "Don't go!"

Ao You was impatient and walked in the front. Prince Long heard Du Yu's warning and turned his head and smiled: "I know."

Before he finished speaking, he was pushed away by the old Dragon King behind him!

A ray of light shot straight from behind the rock in front!
In an instant, the position where Prince Ao Youlong was standing was smashed to pieces by this ray of light!A big pit with a depth of 10 feet and a length of hundreds of feet was formed!

Even though Ao You is the Dragon Prince, well-informed, and an SS-level beast himself, he was also terrified by this terrifying blow, and he was terrified.

Du Yu condensed his celestial power and focused it on his pupils. His eyesight suddenly increased, and he penetrated the fog in front of him, looking straight at a distance of [-] meters.

The fog is thick, and the visibility is only ten meters. To see a hundred meters, one must pass through magical powers.

A hundred meters away, I saw a thin, ghostly figure, described as a monkey, but wearing human clothes, like a monkey wearing a crown, which is a bit ridiculous, and disappeared into the mountains.

"What the hell is this?" Du Yu was stunned.In the wild blood field, he was well-informed, but he had never seen this kind of creature.

"This is 薨甏!" Nuwa's face darkened: "It's very scary."

"What is 薨甏? Listening to the name, you know it is unlucky."

"When you are dead, your spiritual consciousness will produce evil spirits. The spiritual consciousness of gods is a hundred times stronger than your human spiritual consciousness. Could it not produce things?" Nuwa Empress smiled bitterly: "After the death of gods, the gods Consciousness will have a certain chance to form this kind of 薨甏. 薨 means the death of a noble person, and 甏 means the hair after death. When the 薨甏 is added together, it is a cohesive creature that is born again after the death of the god!"

"So, they are undead creatures?" Du Yu said in a deep voice, "We should be able to deal with them with the technique of supernatural power?"

"No!" Nüwa shook her head and said, "They are some monsters like drought demons, they are creatures, not undead. This makes them very difficult to deal with. What's even more troublesome is that they have some memories and memories of death gods. Power. For example, the fairy sword cut down just now is the skill of this scorpion in his lifetime."

"Wouldn't this be the only one, right?" Xihai Dragon King's beard was curled up, the blow just now was too powerful.

"Maybe" Empress Nuwa smiled wryly, "During the war of gods and demons thousands of years ago, space gods fell like rain, there are hundreds of big gods, and countless small gods. It's hard to say how many gods there are? Besides, this scorpion is not the most powerful."

"What's the most powerful thing?" Du Yu asked curiously.

"It's coming again!" Empress Nuwa seemed to have an instinctive perception of the scorpion, just like a person can feel the gust of ghosts.

Another terrifying sword energy comparable to that of a real immortal came vertically and horizontally.

This time the old Dragon King didn't stop, he rushed straight to the sword qi, stretched out his five claws, a sky-shattering dragon chant sounded, and when the five claws collided with the sword qi, shock waves hit the ground everywhere.

Accompanied by the impact, the aftermath was rampant, covering the sky and the sun.

"The visibility here is even worse," Du Yu said bitterly.

"The key is that it's too fast, you can't see it at all." Ao Youkong has a lot of kung fu, but he can't catch anyone, so he smashed the spear to the ground, causing the ground to crack and landslide.

"This scorpion has infinite hatred for the living, and will instinctively attack the living who pass by," Nuwa said.

"There are quite a lot of weird things in this battlefield of gods and demons!" In the castle, the beauties were talking about it.

"Don't worry, I have a solution." The power on Du Yu's fist condensed.

But he glanced at the haughty Dragon Clan crowd, and put away his hands.At this time, many powerful people gathered, and even the Zifu District was only considered the minimum configuration.There are also many god-level existences hidden in the dark.It's better for Du Yu, a little god who has just acquired a godhead, to keep a low profile.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas saw that Du Yu refused to make a move, and knew that he was determined to make soy sauce, so the mysterious woman also refused to make a move.There are many people in the dragon clan, and the target is big, and they were regarded as the main target by Xie Zong. The dragon princes couldn't hold back and screamed, so they couldn't help them not to take action.

Several old dragon kings looked at each other, sighing in their hearts that they had miscalculated.When Xihai attacked again, the Dragon King of Xihai took the lead in launching a water wave technique.

The sound of the dragon roared loudly, and a wave of water formed a wall, blocking off one side of the scorpion.

The dragon kings of the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and the North Sea practiced at the same time, and four walls were formed one after another.

The four sides of Xie are surrounded by water system walls, trapped in the core.

This kind of wall is different from ordinary water magic. The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are all SSS level monsters. The water magic power is very pure and powerful. The condensed wall is like a copper wall and an iron wall.Xi Lun hit twice, but was bounced back, scratching and screaming anxiously.

"Trapped it!"

The Dragon King of the Four Seas said excitedly.

Empress Nuwa stood up and shouted: "Attack its head quickly and chop off its head!"

The dragon princes were reminded, and they turned into golden dragon avatars one after another, flew up from the sky, and went straight to Empress Nuwa, and the sharp aura formed by dragon spears pierced towards Xi Piao!

He was stabbed by the dragon spears coming from all directions, screaming. Obviously, these SS-level monsters can also cause some damage to his body.

(End of this chapter)

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