Chapter 1484 Adventures are everywhere!Treasures everywhere

"It doesn't look like the ability of this scorpion is very good?" Du Yu gradually let go of his fists with supernatural powers: "Except for the two sneak attacks"

"Even if they are both ghosts, there are powerful ones and ordinary ones. The biggest feature of the scorpion is uncertainty." Nuwa said indifferently: "But don't jump to conclusions too early. If you are right with this scorpion, you may not be sure." Can win."

The scorpion seemed to be suppressed by the wanton attacks of the dragon princes, hugged his head, and lowered his head, as if he didn't want to slap other random grandchildren in the face.

Aoyu snorted coldly: "What god's soul changes? Huh, isn't it under the attack of my dragon clan, pretending to be a prime minister? Look at my shot through the heart!"

He intentionally showed off in front of the elders and brothers, pulled out a spear and went straight to Xie Po.

But just when his gun light was approaching Xie Po, at this moment, Xie Po, who was shrunk on the ground, suddenly jumped up, and the sword light soared, piercing Aoyu straight.

Aoyu turned pale with fright, he never expected that this scorpion would actually know how to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, his previous forbearance was all because of this backlash.

Although his speed is fast, he can't withstand the god-level backlash from Xie Lun!
The situation on the battlefield has been reversed!

Just when Xi Lu's sword light was about to split Aoyu in half, a figure appeared in the void, using a shield to force the terrifying blow!
Du Yu, holding up the Aegis Shield [Aegis], the next attack from Xie Zong!
On the god-level shield, the Aegis Aegis, there was only a burst of light, a sky-shattering thunder, and the sword light shattered on the Aegis, leaving only a faint blue smoke!
Although the Eastern Immortal Treasures are superior to the Western artifacts at the same level, Aegis is a god-level artifact with a very high priority!
The scorpion transformed into the nameless god failed to break the block of Aegis.

During the use of Aegis, Du Yu also spent 10 divine power units once to support the operation of Aegis.This is the characteristic of artifacts, and it takes divine power to use them once.Therefore, without divine power, the gods cannot move an inch.

Similarly, immortals cannot drive immortal treasures without immortal power.

It seemed that he missed his planned sneak attack, and was very angry, and launched another attack in spite of everything!
This time the sword light was even stronger than before, and it blasted towards Du Yu.

But Du Yu held Aegis high, and it was still calm, consuming 10 divine power units, and received the blow.

Xie Yan wanted to launch a third time.

But there is no chance.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas is also a first-class powerful figure who crosses the planet. If Xie Lian is allowed to attack his juniors again and again, where will they put their old faces?

The dragon kings of the four seas roared in unison, and the water system wall that surrounded the city on all sides squeezed towards the scorpion at the same time.This contains the terrifying magical power of the Dragon King of the Four Seas!

There was only a loud bang, and the five-clawed golden dragon, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, launched the encirclement with an iron wall, and finally succeeded in severely injuring Kui Pian!

Xie Yan let out a miserable howl, waited until he had the advantage of speed, and fled on the spot.

Qinglian yelled: "No, it wants to escape!"

Du Yu sneered, "It can't escape!"

The speed of the scorpion is really not Gaiden. I don't know who the immortal it was before it was alive. With such high skill and fast speed, it has the demeanor of a sword master in Warcraft and running away.

But Du Yu is wearing the legendary [God Envoy's Flying Boots] on his feet, and his speed can be greatly enhanced!
Du Yu sprinted with a teleportation + flying boots, and caught up with Xie Pian.

Seeing Du Yu's performance so eye-catching in order to save the second brother, Qinglian's beautiful eyes lit up, and she puffed up her breasts in front of the Dragon Prince brothers, especially smiling at the second brother.That way seems to say, "Isn't this princess good-looking? I saved your life."

Du Yu once told the Dragon King that the fact that he became a god must not be leaked out. If he can cheat for a moment, he can cheat for a moment, otherwise the two will break up.The Dragon King didn't even tell the princes.Therefore, the dragon princes' initial views on Du Yu were still at the level of ordinary inner-city powerhouses, and they were very disapproving of their father's invitation to Du Yu.

But Du Yu's Aegis to block and his Flying Boots to pursue, his performance was much better than Aoyu's.The Dragon Princes had no choice but to lower their haughty heads and face up to this human boy with green lotus and green eyes.

Aoyu resented being tricked by Xie Po, with a long howl, he turned into a dragon body and went straight to Xie Po.He still doesn't give up.

Du Yu didn't fight for merit, he poured his immortal power into his kick, and kicked Xie Pang's body fiercely, kicking the monster towards Aoyu.

Aoyu pierced Xie Piao with a single shot, and that Xie Piao screamed and died right there.

"This scorpion is only powerful in attack. It's not that powerful physically," Du Yu concluded.

The old Dragon King was furious, and slapped the complacent Aoyu on the face: "This thing still has great research value, why did you kill it?"

Aoyu didn't dare to lose his temper, and said aggrievedly: "What value can a dead ghost have?"

The old Dragon King snatched the immortal sword from Xie Pian's corpse with a sullen face.

This fairy sword should belong to the gods in life. Although it has gone through thousands of years, the brilliance of the sword is restrained and the momentum is extraordinary. It looks very textured.The grade is at least S grade fairy treasure.

On the body of the sword, two words [Yangshen] are engraved in inscriptions.

Nuwa realized something: "It turned out to be the Yang God, no wonder it is so powerful. Among the space gods, there was a pair of brothers, the Yang God and the Yin God. become like this."

"Yangshen's corpse should be around." Aoyu licked his tongue: "Why don't we go and plunder it? The corpse is dead, there should be no guards around the corpse."

"No! Keep moving forward." The old Dragon King gave Aoyu a hard look: "Our goal is the Dragon Bone of the True God. For other immortal treasures and artifacts, we just take advantage of the trend and don't lose the big because of the small."

The team moved on.

After the team walked away, a ray of light flashed.

The Zifu district expert from South America flew in mid-air with wings on his body, staring at the backs of Du Yu and the others.

One by one, the black air gradually took shape.

It's Hum, Meng, Kui, Shen, and the newly added Tianmo Kun.

Kun's real body shape is like a thousand-mile Kunpeng, with its wingspan covering the sky and the sun, dominating the northern desert.It's just that at this time, the action is secretive, so it turns into the shape of a big eagle. Even so, it has a wingspan of tens of meters and a height of several feet, which is extremely powerful.

Hum was extremely impressed and said to the master: "Your Majesty Yan, your strategy is really good. Disguised as a human Zifu District, took out an artifact from that year, and lured them to be jealous, scattered and plundered everywhere, so that we can greatly Make a fuss."

Yan Leng sneered and said: "We can't waste time here, the key to closing the battlefield of gods and demons is in my hands, but it needs to activate four time nodes at the same time to close it permanently and seal these greedy humans here. The four of you, except Hum who has no magic power for the time being, each control a node, and after everything is over, we will encircle and seal this land of gods and demons at the same time!"

"Can the future still be opened?" Hum looked at the corpse of the Immortal Yang God not far away with some pity, and wanted to plunder it wantonly.

"Of course." Yan said with a cold smile: "The key is in our hands. This subspace formed by the explosion of divine power is in our hands and can be opened at any time. It just requires a lot of magic power. It's not too late, you go ! We will wipe out all the elites of mankind today!"

He stared at the backs of Nuwa and Du Yu who were going away, and sneered.

Nu Wa stopped and said to Du Yu, "Do you feel that someone is watching us from behind?"

Du Yu nodded: "I have a feeling, but every time I scan back with my consciousness, it's gone."

"The situation is not good!" Nuwa smiled bitterly: "I am a great god, and the only one who can block the perception of the divine consciousness that deceives me is"

"Supreme Demon!" Du Yu also shook his head.

"Yes!" Nuwa's eyes became sharp: "Unexpectedly, a world is gone, and even the supreme demons from the extraterrestrial demons have awakened. They are indeed the victors of the year, and they awakened much earlier than our main gods."

"The other party has dispatched the Supreme Demon. We miscalculated this time. I'm afraid everyone will be trapped here. Do you want to run away immediately?"

Du Yu said in a low voice.

"I can feel that the four strands of devilish energy are moving rapidly towards the southeast and northwest." Nüwa sensed, "Could it be that they are planning to make a magic circle?"

"Or close this world!" Du Yu's face changed: "In this way, we elites will be trapped here until we die. Without the two gods and the Zifu District, the city will be destroyed by itself."

"They must be stopped!" Empress Nuwa snorted coldly: "But you and I can stop two at most. What good way do you have?"

Du Yu rolled his eyes and laughed loudly: "Of course I have a solution! I just need some blood books. I like cheating people the most."

The direction of their team was the northwest. Du Yu detected it with his spiritual sense, and a heavenly demon that had never been seen before, which resembled a big bird eagle, was rushing towards this direction.

He used the wings of an angel, and shouted in all directions with the evil wind of the ghost prison, with abundant fairy power: "Fuck! Someone got Zeus's artifact [Thunderbolt]! Hurry up and explode him!"

He disappeared on the spot in an instant, and with [Thunderbolt] in his hand, he rushed to the front of the demon.

The demon in front of Du Yu is Kun.It was ordered by Yuyan, and it was rushing to the western node of time and space, preparing to close time and space.

Du Yu's ghost prison roars with a strong internal force and a high level. It can be heard clearly even hundreds of miles away when no one disturbs it.

As soon as they heard that there was an artifact at the level of the main god, all the eyes of the powerhouses in the Zifu District turned red!
Who doesn't know that Zeus' main weapon, Thunder, can manipulate lightning?

Compared with the feathered serpent's wings that burst out at the beginning, the popularity and level of this thunderbolt is undoubtedly like the difference between BMW and Lamborghini!

Someone won a BMW in a lottery, and people still comfort themselves and say that it is only 80?But if someone wins a Lamborghini in the lottery, it is a luxury car worth tens of millions!
(End of this chapter)

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