Chapter 1488 Cruel truth!bloody scene
The saliva of these cute looking puppies actually contains special enzymes that can quickly decompose any object.Lick the dead alive.

"Shrink!" Concubine Sisi tried her best to shout.

Fortunately there is the Ark of the Covenant.

The rays of light on this sacred vessel, people who have already shone cannot open their eyes.

The group of puppies, in front of the light of the holy vessel, were also a little afraid to move forward.After all, the Ark of the Covenant is a sacred artifact left by the God of the Lord God level.

In the end, the puppies followed the team unwillingly for a while and disappeared into the mist.

The crisis-ridden land of gods and demons took the lives of three high-ranking members of the Holy See.

"Finally it's almost here!" Richelieu encouraged the group of madmen.

"What did we find? Is it God? Or is it the devil's death invitation sent by God's divine sense?" Concubine Sisi thought of Du Yu's words, and a sense of foreboding rose in her heart.

On the ark of the covenant, the pair of angels had already flown up, slowly leaving the ark of the covenant, flying higher and higher.

They stopped behind a blood-stained rock, standing still.

"This is the place where my lord is reborn!" Richelieu shouted loudly: "Let us greet my lord God and be reborn from the ashes!"

Everyone was not suspicious at all.

Because from behind the rock, it is the purest God's gentle power of faith.

It nourishes the soul of every believer like a spring breeze.

Even my concubine Sisi wondered if her previous suspicions were superfluous.

But just when Concubine Sisi was about to move and walked behind the rock, Du Yu's voice suddenly came from her heart: "No matter what you are doing, don't act rashly! Especially when you are close to those gods who look holy!"

After such a delay, the concubine Sisi stopped.

Those red-clothed archbishops who walked behind the rock let out an inhuman roar at the same time.

It seems that behind the rock, it is not the most holy Lord in their hearts, but the Satan devil is hidden!

The faces of at least three of the nearest red-clothed archbishops suddenly exploded, and broken bones, brains, and blood were scattered and splashed everywhere!The scene was bloody and chaotic to the extreme.

At the critical moment, Richelieu suddenly had a flash of light on his chest, he laughed like crazy, and threw himself behind the rock.

There was a creepy chewing sound.

What does Richelieu seem to be eating?
And those red-clothed archbishops who were a little further away were so shocked by this unexpected upheaval that they couldn't move.

Sisi, the concubine, was the quickest to react and shouted sharply: "The crusaders are at the front, the archbishop in red retreats and prepares to fight! Get out of the sacred ark!"

The Holy See team that came to welcome back God fell into a desperate situation in an instant.

Meanwhile, in the far east.

Another powerful imperial expedition also fell into despair and panic.

The Datang team, which has the two masters of Zifu District, Tiangonggong and Guixian, as well as a large wave of powerful guards with combined attacks, is also in a situation of imminent extinction.

Because the Panlong Sword is already in the hands of one person!
That person should have been sleeping on the ground, but he has stood up now!
A man with a slightly fatter figure, a burly man, wearing a dragon robe!

"You are?" Ghost Immortal's voice also trembled for a while: "Are you the ancestor emperor of the Long Family? Long Shengtian?"

That Long Shengtian had no expression on his face, he looked at Guixian coldly, and raised the Panlong Sword in his hand for a long time.

This Panlong Sword was originally his saber, and in his hands at this time, its power is even more astonishing. The sword light is several feet long, and the dragon chants bursts out. It looks like a mountain lies in front of the master, and it will be cut by its sword open!

That's the combination of horror.

The power of this terrifying combination is the creation of one of the four great empires in space—the Great Tang Empire!
Long Shengtian, Trajan and other heroes created great achievements with one knife and one gun. Their stories are still being circulated in many places.

And such a legendary founding emperor and superhero stood coldly in front of the descendants of his own empire.

Tang Guogong, Tiangonggong, Guixian!
His gaze swept across the team, stopping for a while on the bodies of Tian Gonggong and Guixian, and on the face of Su Daji who was hiding in the team and was pretending to be a small guard.Seeing Su Daji panicked for a while.

Sure enough, he passed the legendary existence of the Zhaixing Pavilion, and even saw through his own strength at a glance.

You know, Su Daji is good at transforming and disguising, he can fool the Tian Gonggong who is also in the Zifu District, but he can't fool the terrifying Long Shengtian.

In the end, Long Shengtian's eyes settled on Tang Guogong who was pretending to be a bodyguard.

His eyes rolled slightly, and finally there was a trace of anger.

"I, I..." Tang Guogong swayed his legs. He knew that his ancestor had finally noticed him, and knelt down with a plop: "The unworthy descendant, Long Yutian, pays homage to the ancestor of the Long family, my pilgrimage ancestor, His Majesty the Emperor!"

"It turns out that Tang Guogong's full name is Long Yutian." Only then did Su Daji know.

There seemed to be a hint of a smile on the corner of Long Shengtian's mouth.

He slowly walked towards Long Yutian.

Tang Guogong was still chattering, showing his sincerity, "You created the Great Tang Empire thousands of years ago, and there have been twelve generations. The emperor at this time is weak and incompetent, and he is extravagant. Our descendants can only support it However, most of the Tang Empire has fallen into the hands of Du Yu and other rebellious officials and thieves. I hope that our ancestors will lead us to strengthen the country and kill all the thieves."

When he noticed that Long Shengtian's footsteps had already arrived in front of him, Long Yutian's face suddenly changed.

He looked up, and the ancestor of the Long family lifted him up with a stiff smile on his face!
"Your body, leave it to me to occupy!"


Tang Guogong Long Yutian let out a scream.

At the same time, screaming was also made by the great imam and national teacher of the Sudanese Empire, Mai Jiade, who was exploring the location of Allah.He is the person in charge entrusted by Saladin to lead a team of Sudanese masters to the battlefield of gods and demons.

When he found the relics of Allah according to the oracle, he was hit by a green arrow.

The body seems to be possessed by something.

When he turned around, he looked at the Sudan master, full of all kinds of greed.

"Lord, food is needed!"

This is the only sentence.

Then he pounced on his former comrades-in-arms and subordinates.

The screams sounded from the group of masters in the Sultanate.

The same bad luck happened everywhere.

The exploration teams sent by the four countries encountered terrorist attacks one after another.

A common feature is that the people who were attacked were all leaders with noble bloodlines and status, such as Tang Guogong who has the blood of the Tang Dynasty, Sisi, the concubine who can be called the spokesperson of God in the world, Mai Jiade, the spokesperson of Allah, etc. wait.

Except for the concubine Sisi, who occasionally escaped a catastrophe because of Du Yu's reminder, everyone else was recruited.

Concubine Sisi's cry for help reached Du Yu's ears.At the same time, Su Daji, who was a spy, also delivered the news.There was also a master of the Sultanate, who in desperation also heard a cry for help.Everyone knows that the land of gods and demons is dangerous, so they exchanged a secret and agreed communication method.

"We seem to be the only team that has not been attacked," Ao Guang said with emotion.

"No!" The old dragon king glanced at Du Yu: "We were attacked a lot, and Du Yu dismissed them all. So we have to thank Du Yu."

"The situation is not right." Du Yu sighed, "I'm afraid we shouldn't move forward."

The old Dragon King exclaimed: "Why? We are already very close to the place where our ancestors remain, and we will be there in a short while."

Du Yu said seriously: "Judging from the situation of the various teams being attacked, all the people who were attacked got the information from the entrance of the land of gods and demons before and led the team to explore! This situation seems , how similar to the old Dragon King when you received the summon from the five-clawed dragon god?"

The cold sweat of the old Dragon King fell instantly.

"As far as I know, the Holy See is the Ark of the Covenant, the Tang Dynasty is the Panlong Sword, the Sudan is the oracle entrusted by Allah, and you are summoned by the keel of the ancestor," Du Yu said eloquently.Now the top three are all unlucky, can we have exceptions? "

"What's going on here? Could it be that it's also the work of the extraterrestrial demons?"

"Probably not." Du Yu said frankly: "Otherwise, the extraterrestrial demons shouldn't try to close the time-space nodes and trap us. I think this is the natural evil that occurs in this battlefield of gods and demons!"

"Evil?" Empress Nuwa couldn't calm down, and exclaimed, "You mean, these gods, Allah, the ancestors of the Long family, and the five-clawed golden dragon are all trying to lure their descendants to come here to kill ?”

"It's not killing." Du Yu looked at the battle situation on Datang's side with the cue ball crystal through the crystal of true knowledge that he gave to Su Daji, and shook his head, "I think it's resurrection!"

"Huh?" Everyone was astonished.

"God is trying to seize the Pope's body, Allah is trying to seize the Great Imam, the emperor of the Dragon family failed to seduce the descendants of the emperor, but he waited for Tang Guogong from his direct line, the Dragon God is also waiting for you, old Dragon King!"

Du Yu said with a smile.

"Nonsense! How did the ancestor know that I could receive this news and bring people here?" The old Dragon King waved his hands in disbelief.

"He doesn't know!" Du Yu said coldly: "But they have been sending these messages all the time since the Millennium War of Gods and Demons, to see if they can be received. The most directional, of course They are my children, grandchildren and believers. But it was not until recently that Yan designed a conspiracy to open the entrance to this place, and these messages were not sent out, and were received by the Four Kingdoms and you!"

"You mean they want to be resurrected?" The old Dragon King finally shook his head with red eyes and said, "Impossible! I don't understand others, but as a little servant, I know the patriarch best. He is definitely not for resurrection. A ruthless and ruthless person who took the lives of younger generations!"

"Don't forget, this is the battlefield of gods and demons. Thousands of gods and heavenly demons have fallen here." Du Yu smiled: "For example, the several risks we encountered. The scorpion, the three corpses and insect swarms , when these immortals and gods were alive, their clothes were luxurious, their treasures were solemn, and they were spotless. How could there be such filth? How can you guarantee that after the fall of these supreme gods and demons, his soul will not be scattered for thousands of years, and will not be destroyed? Polluted by other things? Strictly speaking, I think the things walking now are no longer the god himself, but just another existence wearing his shell and using his divine power! They have all changed!"

(End of this chapter)

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