Chapter 1489 Inner City vs. Purple Mansion!Blockbuster!
Du Yu's voice was cold and heartless.

It can be seen from the Zhenzhi crystal cue ball that the Shenluo team where the concubine Sisi is and the Datang team where Su Daji is are all massacred by the god ancestor who swallowed Richelieu and Long Yutian.

The fresh flesh and blood of cardinals and imperial guards became the best material for "them" to replenish their lives.

"I dare to assert that if we move forward, we will definitely meet the lore of your five-clawed golden dragon ancestor." Du Yu said indifferently: "You just connected to the three layers of dragon magic. The devil's five-clawed golden dragon patriarch, you can judge by yourself."

The old Dragon King closed his eyes in pain as he looked at the "Richelieu" and "Duke Tang" who had massacred without recognition from their six relatives.

"It turns out that this is a trap." The old Dragon King said angrily.

"I said that the ancestors of the dragon clan thousands of years ago were definitely not this kind of person, but it has been closed for thousands of years, and the corpses of gods and demons have piled up like a mountain, and the gods and souls cannot be released. The evil intentions in those gods and demons are condensed. It is easy to form something like this kind of evil god existence." Du Yu said with pity: "Thinking about these god-level existences, what heroes they were back then, now only the survival instinct is left. The identity of the walking dead is no different."

Concubine Sisi cried: "What should I do? There are not many cardinals left."

Du Yu nodded: "I'm coming!"

Su Daji coquettishly said: "He is also in danger, what should we do?"

Du Yu said unceremoniously: "You vixen, you already have nine escape routes, why don't you let me escape quickly?"

Su Daji giggled, disappeared on the spot in a flash, and said, "You really have no heart, next time my three sisters won't wear night fire suits to serve you!"

Du Yu ordered the old dragon king to take a rest for a while, and he used the angel wings to teleport to the concubine Sisi in an instant.

Concubine Sisi hugged Du Yu tightly, tears streaming down her beautiful face, "It's all because I didn't listen to you, it's all because of my fault."

Du Yuxie smiled and kissed their holy female pope in front of many clergy.

The clergy were petrified.

Apparently we have arrived at the place where God our Lord is, but we have not even seen the face of God, but the lives of several cardinals have been lost, even the chief cardinal Richelieu has turned into a murderous devil, and there are strange things behind The pope summons her lover.

The world is crazy.It is simply incomprehensible.

The priests only felt that their brains were not enough.

But the crazier ones are behind.

Du Yu turned around, and said coldly to the back: "Jon, why don't you get out?"

A group of strong men from Zifu District came out from behind with a sneer.The leading member is the former ancestor of the imperial family of the Shenluo Empire, the first wanted criminal, and the master leader of the Zifu District, Jon.

During the second beast tide war, he blatantly attacked the meritorious minister of the Shenluo Empire, Marshal Model, and was tried as a criminal, but he escaped and never showed up.

"How do you know that I'm following this team?" Jon looked suspiciously at Du Yu in front of Sisi, "If you're sensible, get out of here, this woman is what I want!"

Concubine Sisi's beautiful eyes tightened.

Only then did she know how much danger she had been in?

There is the mutated Richelieu in the front, and Jon, the strong man in the Zifu District, is watching behind him. If she can survive, that would be a strange thing!

Sisi, the concubine, scolded sharply: "Jon, you are already a sinner of Shinra! Both the court of Shinra and the Holy See are looking for you, and you dare to follow my team of the Holy See to plot evil?"

Jon glanced at "Richelieu" who was massacring paladins, and said with a smile: "I only know that if I can catch you, I can catch the weakness of Model's hateful bastard. After I go back, I will naturally think about it." The method is to use you to concoct that Model! Of course, Catherine Tracy and those two bitch women are indispensable! I have already found out that these two women have become Model's mistresses, and the two children they gave birth to are not at all I am of Habsburg blood! What a disgrace!"

His voice was getting higher and higher.

Concubine Sisi glanced at Jon in fear, and then at the monster that was approaching behind him: "Aren't you afraid that this monster will kill you too?"

Jon smiled coldly and said, "Hey, this monster exudes the pure divine aura of God. His first target is also to attack people from the church like you! Before you are all killed, I am absolutely safe."

Jon has been in Shinra for hundreds of years, and he is also a bold and careful person with rich experience. He saw that the church team was about to be destroyed, so he boldly stepped out and besieged the Pope's concubine Sisi.

Concubine Sisi has a special status in Shinra.Once she was controlled, the rest of the church was killed, and the church fell into the hands of Jon.

This is more useful to Jon than any artifact.

Since being chased and killed by Shinra, Jon has been full of resentment, full of resentment towards Model, Tracy, Catherine, and concubine Sisi.

He entered this place of space originally for the treasures of the land of gods and demons, but after seeing the Pope's team, he changed his mind.

It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and with the help of concubine Sisi's team, it is not easy to encounter powerful monsters and risk their lives.

This Shenluo Zifu District expert team followed the church team and really picked up some bargains. After the church cleaned up a black dog transformed by the fallen Egyptian god of death, Abinus, it was too late to get the spoils.These Zifu district powerhouses obtained the artifact of Abinus—the dog mask.

This made them even more excited, and they followed the concubine Sisi's team closer.

Until Qie Sisi's team had a huge change, facing destruction, Jon suddenly became more courageous, and brazenly launched a battle to capture Qie Sisi.

In his opinion, this is the best chance for revenge.

Model and his concubine Sisi also have an unclear relationship.Captured his Pope's mistress, he couldn't leave it alone.

In this way, revenge can be expected.

But what Jon didn't expect was that there was a strange oriental boy standing in front of him.

"If you are sensible, get out immediately!" shouted a master adventurer from Shenluo Zifu District.

"No need!" Jon said with a smirk, "Since you're here, don't even think about living! Let's do it!"

Behind him, followed by five Zifu district powerhouses.

These strong men are not Jon's subordinates.To be precise, it is regarded as an accomplice.With benefits, Jon shares them with them, and with risks, they may not share the responsibility.

But facing a female pope who is strong in the inner city, and an oriental boy who looks like the same inner city, the cohesion of this group of Zifu district masters is quite high.

A blond man who looked like a thief came at such a high speed that the concubine Sisi couldn't see clearly.

The masters in Zifu District are indeed the strongest among the strong.

Of course, her church also has masters from Zifu District, but they are all trapped by the strange "Richelieu", unable to separate themselves to help their pope.

Only the head of the Fanatic Legion rushed forward desperately.

This journey to meet the great Lord is doomed to tragedy, but the pope must not fall here, otherwise the church will be completely over.

But it's a pity that nothing can stop the road of becoming a master in Zifu District.

The blond thief just raised his hand slightly.

The leader of the Fanatic Legion was severely injured and retreated involuntarily.

This is the difference in rank.

The leader of the fanatic army is also the strength of the imperial city, but under the Zifu district, he is like an ant.

The thief smiled slightly and said: "None of you can escape, and you will take care of it later."

He jumped in front of Concubine Sisi in an instant, and grabbed Concubine Sisi immediately.

In his opinion, Du Yu is obviously an adventurer in the inner city, not worth mentioning at all, not even worthy of letting him take action.

But it was such contempt that cost him a heavy price.

The thief's hand was tightly bound by an iron palm!

Du Yu caught the blond thief!

The thief was heartbroken, and Du Yu's strength was more than 660 points!Even in Zifu District, this attribute can be called powerful.Even the most terrifying power-type adventurer has accumulated power to 1500 points, but as a thief, his power is obviously not enough to fight against Du Yu.

But what the thief doesn't understand is that his agility has exceeded 1000 points, and his speed is so fast that most people can't see it. Why was he caught by a player from the inner city?

Seeing the thief was arrested, many strong people in Zifu District were shocked at the same time.

Du Yu's eyes were cold.

Today, thanks to him for giving my concubine Sisi the crystal of true knowledge, thanks to the upgrade of his angel wings!
Otherwise, concubine Sisi will be taken away by this hateful Jon!

I really don't know what despicable means Jon will use to deal with his beloved woman.

Concubine Sisi is Du Yu's concubine!

No one can touch it except himself!
Jon's act of revenge violated Du Yu's bottom line.

In Du Yu's heart, there is only killing intent!
He grabbed the thief.

The thief reacted extremely quickly, suddenly a kite turned over, and an icy sharp blade pierced Du Yu's throat.

This reaction speed has reached an appalling level.

But Du Yu's reaction surprised the powerhouses in Zifu District!
With flying boots, his agility increased by 50%, and his running speed was passively increased by 50%!

In the last world, Du Yu finally obtained a series of rewards, among which the attribute rewards were exchanged for 210 free attribute points by Athena's 210 million killing points!

Du Yu raised the attribute points to the two most important melee attributes of strength and agility.

Therefore, with the buffs of the flying boots and the golden fleece cape artifact, Du Yu's strength and agility attributes both increased by 160 points.

What a terrifying growth rate.

Du Yu's strength reached 660 points, and his agility exceeded the 1000 point mark!
With such a buff, Du Yu is enough to challenge a strong man in Zifu District head-on!
Competition attributes!
Afterwards, Du Yu's technique was subtle, and with a light flip, Bruce's dagger pierced into the empty space.Du Yu immediately brushed Bruce's body with his fingers like the wind.

Acupuncture Kung Fu of the Nine Yin Manual.

Bruce suddenly felt his body was heavy and stagnant, unable to function properly, and he no longer had the lightning speed before.

(End of this chapter)

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