Chapter 1490 It turns out that Zifu District is also very strong!

Jon waited for Zifu District, and saw a strange oriental boy who was able to fight against the thieves in Zifu District, his eyeballs almost fell out!
"Who is this kid?"

Someone yelled.

"What did I see? This person actually caught Bruce. Bruce is known as the ghost hand. Back then, he was able to rely on his agility to steal the masters of the inner city since he was a slum! Who is this person?"

Looking at her man, standing in front of her, so bravely fighting against the enemies in Zifu District, a sweetness flashed in the eyes of my concubine Sisi.

As Pope, she is also a vulnerable woman with a woman's emotional and protective needs.

At this time, Du Yu was standing in front of her, protecting her from the terrifying enemies who tried to harm her.

The blond man named Bruce was about to launch a counterattack, but Du Yu grabbed his sore foot again and counterattacked fiercely!

Du Yu knew that no matter how powerful he was, a tiger could never beat a pack of wolves.To deal with the top adventurers in the space, one-to-many can easily be beaten by groups.What's more, there is a concubine Sisi behind her, she is only strong in the inner city, and has no capital to deal with Zifu District!
This group of masters from the Zifu district may seem aggressive, but in fact they have their own interests. As long as they encounter a hard idea that they think is not worth the loss, they will weigh the risks before making a move.Du Yu's confidence in protecting his concubine Sisi increased greatly!
Therefore, Du Yu chose the toughest method and severely attacked Bruce.

He condensed all the immortal power in his body, kicked Bruce's thigh hard, and at the same time exerted force with his arm, pulling Bruce to his side.

Bruce was driven back and forth by Chinese martial arts, and couldn't help himself, and rushed towards Du Yu.

There was only a "snap", accompanied by Bruce's scream.

He was kicked by Du Yu and broke his right femur.

At the same time, Bruce's wrist bones were also crushed by Du Yu.

Bruce suffered two serious injuries at the same time, and his nose and tears flowed from the pain.

In the process of becoming a strong man in Zifu District, he encountered many fierce battles and suffered injuries.But it was the first time he met such a ruthless opponent as Du Yu, who was an adventurer in the inner city and a player with the upper hand.

But Bruce, as a strong man in Zifu District, how can he not have some unique skills?
His eyes suddenly turned blue, and his body bent strangely like an inflated balloon.

His arm was so slippery that he broke free from Du Yu's grasping technique and escaped outward.

Du Yu's eyes turned cold.

This Bruce really has a set.

For example, with the help of special skills and genes in the body, forcibly change one's own shape, and change to avoid the enemy's fatal attack.This characteristic is very obvious in Indian adventurers who have practiced yoga, but it seems that Bruce has also exchanged similar skills.

Du Yu just smiled contemptuously.

Since he became a god in the world of God of War, he has initially grasped the essence of power, and has a better grasp of power, speed and distance.Although Bruce barely rolls away from his attack, what will greet him will be an even more terrifying attack!

Du Yu's imposing manner was like that of Yuan Zhiyue, he squeezed his palm and blasted out [Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms].

The terrifying subduing dragon technique turned into a golden dragon, which jumped out of Du Yu's palm.

He wants to completely crush Bruce!
The golden dragon blasted out, bombarding Bruce the Swingman in an instant.

Bruce let out a scream, and his body flew back like a cannonball, spitting out a large number of dark red internal organ fragments from his mouth.Bruce's eyes were terrified. As an adventurer in the Zifu District, he was hit so hard by a single blow, which has never happened before.

Bruce flies back.

He felt that although Du Yu only had the strength in the inner city, he was like a scourge. If he continued to fight against him, he would only have a dead end!
Although being repelled by the adventurers in the inner city would make him humiliated by the strong people in Zifu District in the future, humiliation is better than losing his life.

Bruce's performance made Jon a little disappointed.He couldn't see, what was so strong about this oriental boy?

But it turns out that Bruce didn't retreat fast enough!

He had just retreated tens of meters when he was hit by Du Yu's second wave of fatal blows!
Du Yu became cruel, and if he wanted to make a move, he would do it for real.Kill without mercy!

For ordinary space adventurers, Du took the overall situation into consideration, and behaved more tolerant and friendly, but for his enemy—Jon's accomplices, he would never have the slightest bit of womanly kindness!

Damn it, you must die, and it's a tragic death!
Du Yu's figure instantly turned into phantoms and rushed towards Bruce.

Jon roared, gathered a huge force, and wanted to go up to rescue Bruce.

It's not that he is righteous.But Bruce is the most confidant and obedient among so many Zifu districts. If he died tragically in the hands of Du Yu, who the hell would give him his life in the future?

Although he didn't know why Du Yu defended his concubine Sisi so much, but at this moment Jon was full of determination, no matter who stood in front of him, he must resolutely get rid of it!

Jon's lore punch landed hard on Du Yu's back.

Even though he had become a god, Du Yu couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood. As a super strong man in Zifu District, Jon's heavy punch was definitely not easy to take.

Du Yu's life value dropped instantly.

Jon played with the idea of ​​besieging Wei and saving Zhao.Although it seems a little shameless for so many Zifu districts to besiege an inner city, losing face is better than losing life.As long as Du Yu can win, they can say anything!
But to Jon's surprise, Du Yu simply ignored his attack, but took a deep breath!

He brazenly launched a powerful and terrifying magic spell!

【Atlas Earthquake】!
In an instant, Du Yu turned into a titan with the terrifying power of Atlas. With his hands hammered together, he smashed hard at the hapless Bruce!

Bruce instinctively had a bad feeling, but he couldn't change anything. He could only yell in horror: "I'm sorry! Damn it!"

He was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

If there is a way, he really doesn't want to be the target of Du Yu's desperate attack.

But helplessly, he provoked Du Yu and became Du Yu's priority target, so he could only bear this terrifying magic!

The biggest feature of Atlas's earthquake is the magic of group damage.Not only people in person will be violently attacked by the Atlas earthquake, but the entire city will be included in the attack range.

That is to say, none of Jon's cronies and friends who couldn't escape were included in the scope of the earthquake.

Of course, the worst is Bruce.

He was hit hard by Du Yu's double fists. He screamed, and smashed into the mist with a thump, and hit a big rock.

Du Yu took the price of Jon's injury in exchange for Bruce's serious injury, jumped up, and rushed towards Bruce like a big eagle.

The earthquake in Atlas shook the powerhouses in the surrounding Zifu District to the ground.This magical technique is not a display, it is not just a superficial vibration, but a forcible control of the enemy.Within the effective range of seismic waves, hostiles cannot respond at all.

Du Yu used this move as a countermeasure, and approached Bruce with a single leap.

Bruce was still dizzy, but his crisis awareness as an agility expert saved his life again.

He subconsciously used a legendary treasure [Quick Silver's AF1downtown].

Who is Quicksilver?

Anyone who has watched X-Men: Days of Future Past must have been impressed by the cool mutant kid who can run faster than bullets, even run on walls and avoid police bullets.When he rescued Magneto, the music he played was Jim Croce's Time in a Bottle 70s ballad. The extremely dynamic music made people quite infected.

But Kuaiyin can run faster than bullets, even faster than time (From a close-up, the time and space of Kuaiyin in fast motion is completely different from the time and space under normal conditions. If he runs five kilometers per second, normal people Five kilometers in half an hour, the second he ran was half an hour in his own space. From the fact that the group of policemen stood still and let Quicksilver change the direction of the gun, it can be seen that the space-time speed of the two sides is completely different) .What is the secret of Quicksilver?
Of course, in his pedigree, there is the speed ability of mutants, and it accounts for 80% of the factors, but this is not the whole source of the advantage.

The remaining 20% ​​factor is in the downtown series of Kuaiyin's cool pair of silver flat sneakers AF1 brand.These silver running shoes allow him to make a quick escape from any adverse situation.

The biggest feature of this pair of flat sneakers, which is so valued by the strong Bruce in Zifu District, is that it can turn any dimension and angle of space out of thin air into a flat ground.

Faced with Du Yu's forcible attack, Bruce, the strong man in Zifu District, forcibly canceled the restriction of the stun effect, rolled half a circle in mid-air, and stepped on the quicksilver AF1downtown on his feet in mid-air!

Under Du Yu's astonished eyes, Bruce stepped on the air in mid-air and spun, just like Quicksilver's movements in the X-Men world.

Du Yu got an attack opportunity at the cost of enduring Jon's heavy punch, but Bruce dodged it so easily.

Is this surprising?

As an adventurer in the inner city, Du Yu can own so many artifacts and fairy treasures. As a strong man in Zifu District, Bruce has experienced many more adventure worlds than Du Yu. Can't he have two trump card artifacts?

Du Yu was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized.

He can control the strong with the weak, and of course the strong have more cards and background.

After the shot missed, Du Yu immediately made adjustments, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms roared in the air, attacking Bruce.

But Bruce's background is only showing the tip of the iceberg!
This Kuaiyin's AF1downtown originally only had an A grade, which wasn't too high, but it was loved by the agile and strong Bruce. He spared no expense and strengthened it three times. The grade broke through the limit and reached the S-grade. Qualitative change!
The silver flat shoes have an impressive special effect after breaking through the S level.

This is the key move that Kuaiyin, as a strong mutant, uses to protect himself.

(End of this chapter)

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