Chapter 1493 Gods and demons are greedy!Nepenthes tactics!

This is exactly the original intention of god-level monsters like Black Jesus to send messages through the entrance of the battlefield of gods and demons!

They just want to attract their descendants, believers and enemies, as well as treasure hunters who don't know the truth, just like pitcher plants use fragrance to catch flying insects, let the prey fly into their carefully woven nets without knowing it , and eventually become their nutrition.

By extension, Du Yu believes that this Black Jesus is definitely not the only one in the shit of a scorpion, and similar situations should appear in the treasure hunting teams of Datang, Sudan, and Parliamentary States.If he hadn't intervened in time, the dragon expedition team led by the old dragon king should have fallen into the trap of the "five-clawed dragon god" at this time and became a sacrifice for the "old ancestor".

In the final analysis, Black Jesus is a mixture of spirit and soul, which is the product of the fusion after thousands of years after absorbing the spirit and soul of the human god Jesus and the old enemy demon.It is between the gods and demons, and may have the strengths of both.If these god-level monsters are allowed to successfully escape from the battlefield of gods and demons and enter the space, it will bring a devastating disaster to the space!

Such a thing must not be allowed to happen.

In addition, Du Yu guessed that the birth of these god-level monsters should not be recent. There is no such a coincidence in the world, and they should have been born long ago.However, since the battlefield of gods and demons has become a subspace, there is no exit, and the information cannot get out, so we can only look around and sigh.

But why is there an exit at this time?
The black hand behind it should undoubtedly be the Supreme Demon!

Du Yu became more and more determined in his heart, and smiled coldly.

The black Jesus was like a rubber man in Resident Evil, grinning and walking forward step by step.Looking at the familiar old face of Black Jesus and feeling his mouth and palms dripping with blood as he devoured several living people is enough to make one shudder.

This is a god-level monster!

Perhaps they should be called "Shenmo" or "Demon Gods"?
Du Yu slandered in his heart, and tentatively slashed at the black Jesus with his palm.

The black Jesus gasped twice, and said with a hey smile: "In order to commend your contribution of dedicating your flesh and blood to me, the master, you are fortunate to know the fate of the future. The souls swallowed by my black Jesus will be with me forever. God Jesus I have fallen forever in the millennium war of gods and demons! For so many years, it is I, Black Jesus, who has given you believers shelter."

As he spoke, he understated his words, defusing Du Yu's offensive.

Du Yu's moves changed, and he set up the Demon Locking Tower, and a ray of light flashed across.The Demon Locking Tower fell from the sky and smashed towards Black Jesus.

There was a hint of surprise in Black Jesus' eyes: "You are very different from the human beings I have seen. Maybe I should consider swallowing you in the end?"

That being said, he didn't hesitate at all in his actions, a pure holy light of Jesus flashed, the sound of hymns faintly came from the sky, and Du Yu's SS-level immortal treasure encountered a layer of colored halo shield However, no matter how much Du Yu urged his immortal power, he couldn't make an inch of progress.

The divine power of this black Jesus is much stronger than that of Du Yu at this time!

This should not be surprising.

You know, the black Jesus is Jesus Christ himself, a god-level monster formed by fighting with a supreme demon.One can imagine that the supreme demon who can drive Jesus Christ himself to death is at least on the same level as Jesus Christ.

These two god-level guys gave birth to a freak like Black Jesus.Do you think he is powerful?

It can be said that if there was no Du Yu at this time, or Du Yu let it go, and let the black Jesus swallow the entire high-level adventurers of the Holy See.It only takes a moment for his strength to recover to a demigod. If he can't control it, let him enter the space. After a while, he will become an invincible and powerful existence in the universe!
This is a metamorphosis living body that replicates and grows infinitely like a cancer cell!

What's even more frightening is that he possesses the memory and magical powers of the main gods such as Jesus Christ.In the future, he will have billions of clones, control countless parallel worlds, and become a god ten thousand times greater than Jesus on Earth. It is not impossible!

What Du Yu can do is try his best to weaken this guy.

He tried magic and fairy magic, but was blocked by Black Jesus.Du Yu's eyes were stern!
He didn't expect that he had just become a god in the last world, and his strength had improved greatly. Now when he came out, he encountered an inexplicable hard bone, whose strength was comparable to that of the main god who had just awakened!

It must not be allowed to grow into a super giant and become an invincible place!
The power of Du Yu's whole body was condensed on his right fist, and the magical arts of over a million units were transformed into spatial abilities, sending out a purple-red thunder of heaven's punishment!
Unexpectedly, the black Jesus let out a scream when he saw the God of Punishment Thunder!
The screams were full of inexplicable horror and fear!
Just like a sheep meets a tiger, a mouse meets a cat, even though it meets a radiation-mutated sheep and rat, and a natural enemy with strong restraint, it still sends out fear from the depths of the soul.

Black Jesus, scared.

A thunderbolt as thick as a house suddenly descended and hit Black Jesus.

Streams of black air rose up, like hot knives cutting into cold butter, and parts of the black Jesus' body, such as the shoulders and chest, melted away, making him invisible.

Concubine Sisi was overwhelmed with surprise, and praised in a deep voice: "What a god-punishing thunder that can overcome evil spirits, as soon as this thing comes out, no matter whether it is an evil person like Jon or a monster like Black Jesus, they will all scatter in all directions. Run away, the mouse is running away!"

Du Yu continued his efforts, gathered and mobilized a million units of divine power, and blasted towards the Black Jesus.

Black Jesus knew what was going on this time, so he turned around and ran away.

Why was God of Punishment Lei able to restrain Black Jesus so much?

It's not surprising.

Because the God of Punishment Thunder is the highest weapon used in space to carry out punishments.And the objects of punishment also include Jesus, the main god-level existence!
That is to say, even Jesus Christ is not exempt from the damage of the God of Punishment Thunder. The Black Jesus is fused with the genes of the supreme demon, and is restrained by the God of Punishment Thunder.

After Du Yu became a god, he was full of divine power. Every time the God of God's Punishment Thunder, he spent millions of units of divine power into it extravagantly.

The rules for power in space are reflected in the martial arts skills at the beginning.As long as you have enough internal energy, you can pour it into moves to increase the damage and priority of moves.The ordinary black tiger's heart-out move was urged to use all the internal energy by a master with profound internal skills, which is many times more powerful than the moves of ordinary adventurers.

As for Du Yu's ability, as long as the input energy is large enough, it can also increase the damage and priority. The most intuitive measure is the thickness of the God of Punishment Thunder that day.

This blow, the God of Punishment Thunder thicker than a house, hit Black Jesus hard on the head.

Black Jesus was turning around and running away, when the second wave of God's Punishment Thunder blasted, half of his body melted, leaving only one arm and lower body intact.Even Archbishop Richelieu's sharp-edged old handsome face has been chopped off in half, leaving only half, ferocious and cold like a Terminator.

"Mortal! You have angered God!" Black Jesus yelled furiously, "I will come back for revenge!"

As soon as he turned around, he turned into a black cross and disappeared instantly.

Of course Du Yu knew the truth about the dangers of raising tigers, so he hastily mobilized his powers to prepare for the third wave of attacks, but the black Jesus was so fast and the thick fog engulfed him that he lost his trace in an instant, making it impossible to locate him.

"This bastard runs so fast!" Du Yu said angrily.

This black Jesus, who hadn't recovered his vitality at this time, was repelled so easily by Du Yu. Given time, he would definitely grow into a serious threat to Du Yu and even the whole space.

But Black Jesus was very clever, and fled away at the critical moment, Du Yu could only do nothing.

But in the eyes of my concubine Sisi and the higher officials of the Holy See, his actions are not helpless at all, but reverence!
In the fierce battle just now, Black Jesus only took 10 minutes to kill more than half of the top elites of the Holy See. Even the red-clothed archbishop died more than half, and the Holy See was almost wiped out!

This is the biggest crisis that the Holy See has encountered in hundreds of years!
Thanks to this amazing oriental kid.

What's more, the pope's concubine, Sisi, looks very familiar with this kid?

Concubine Sisi's beautiful eyes are so charming that water drips out. Although she has a calm personality and doesn't panic about things, Du Yu's continuous performance of saving the beauty still makes concubine Sisi proud.

"Now, what should we do?" Concubine Sisi asked Du Yu in a low voice.

Du Yu smiled wryly.

Attacking Bruce, killing Jon, and blacking out Jesus, three consecutive battles consumed more than half of Du Yu's divine power and immortal power, but in this damn god-and-demon battlefield, dangers abound, and the cruel battle like a Shura field has just begun.

"What happened to your Ark of the Covenant?" Du Yu pointed to the holy vessel handed down from the Holy See.

Concubine Sisi glanced at the Ark of the Covenant.

On the ark of the covenant, a pair of golden angels flapping their wings towards each other and about to fly have disappeared. They should have been summoned by the breath of the Black Jesus, and they were sucked into the body of the Black Jesus as a supplementary energy pack.

After losing the angel, the sacred aura of the ark gradually dissipated, and it became an ordinary thing, with no holy aura anymore.

"You don't need the Ark of the Covenant," said the concubine Sisi angrily.

If Richelieu was still there, he would definitely persuade the young and beautiful female pope to be cautious in her words and deeds, and she would go to hell for blasphemy.

But Richelieu himself has become that thing, and he probably has no intention of persuading him.The rest of the red-clothed archbishops are all more obedient to Concubine Sisi's words, otherwise they would not stay obediently by Concubine Sisi's side when they discovered that there might be traces of our Lord behind the rock.

After this turmoil, although the Holy See lost most of its high-level officials, Concubine Sisi's dominance over the Holy See has improved a lot.This can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

"What are you going to do next, we'll follow you." Qie Sisi said firmly, "It's good to have someone to take care of you in the mist."

Du Yu nodded, he knew very well the truth that there is great power in numbers.Concubine Sisi's joining would give him a new force, so of course he would not refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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