Chapter 1494 Great Tang Hero!Long Shengtian!

He called up Galadriel's crystal of true knowledge and talked to Su Daji.

Whoever let him have more women, when encountering such troublesome things, of course he must be treated equally.Although Su Daji, as an adventurer in Zifu district, is much stronger than concubine Sisi, the opponent she faces is far stronger than ordinary Zifu district!

That is the founder of the four great empires of space, the first emperor of the Long Family of the Great Tang Empire, Long Shengtian!
Through the crystal of true knowledge, it can be seen that the possessed Long Yutian has been completely controlled by Long Shengtian's soul, swinging the powerful Panlong Sword, and attacking many palace guards led by Tian Gonggong!

Eunuch Tian is indeed a hidden powerhouse in the Zifu District, and many guards are indeed Optimus Prime, the escort of the Dragon Family's royal family, but the problem is!
Their opponent is Long Shengtian, the creator who created all of this with his own hands!

The combo technique of these guards was originally created by him!

Of course, he knows all kinds of mysteries.

I saw Long Shengtian strolling in the courtyard, walking lightly, the guards' combo skills were like chickens and dogs, and they quickly collapsed, with swords in their chests, blood and screams filled the scene.

Eunuch Tian looked sternly.

He was selected into the palace since he was a child, and became the successor of Eunuch Hai, a hidden master of the previous generation, so he naturally had a very high vision.The man who claimed to be Long Shengtian was indeed using the incomparably pure ancestral kung fu of the Long family.Some moves have long been lost, but when he uses them, they are perfect.

If it weren't for this vicious and cruel method of Long Shengtian, he looked like he was going to slaughter, and there was a trace of bloodthirsty madness in his eyes, and he used a vicious and evil method in his hands to absorb the flesh and blood of the guards and enrich himself Strength, he might have bowed to him long ago.

But it was clearly a monster, and Tian Gonggong wanted to retreat. Seeing the last line of defense of the guards collapsed, he didn't hesitate any longer, and a phantom swept back, and he flew back.

If Du Yu were here, he would definitely recognize that the kung fu he used was the incomparably pure Lin family's evil sword technique!
It was used by Lin Yuantu, Lin Pingzhi's ancestor, the evil sword technique brought out from the palace!

This disabled Tian Gonggong is using the purest evil sword technique.

The so-called space has no waste work.Any method has its most suitable use.Although Du Yu didn't like this evil sword technique from the novice plot, it doesn't mean that practicing this technique can't prove the way!
The person who is most suitable for cultivating the Evil Resisting Sword Technique is the eunuch like Tian Gonggong who was used by the Tang royal family!

He was selected by the royal family from the slums to work as a eunuch in the palace, and he was taught this evil sword technique.I have been practicing until I became the most powerful Zifu District powerhouse, I have always used this kind of exercise, and it has never changed!
And his progress speed is also extremely terrifying!
It took Du Yu 13 worlds to walk from the slums to the strong in the inner city, but this was not the fastest speed.At present, Datang's fastest promotion speed is maintained by this father-in-law.

From the small yellow gate in the slums, he was promoted to the strong man in the Zifu district, and became the eunuch of the guards in the command, and he spent 15 worlds in total!
Attention, it is the strong man in Zifu District!
In space, there has never been a lack of people with great perseverance, great wisdom, and great luck. The encounter between Tian Gonggong and the evil sword technique is one of the most successful examples.

But now Tiangong will use the evil swordsmanship that became famous to escape.

No one knows better than him how terrifying Long Shengtian's power is!
There is a saying in the royal family of the Tang Dynasty that Trajan's pillar of meritorious service is just the nonsense of ignorant children. Trajan and Long Shengtian fought for hegemony back then, but they fought three times and three north!
Long Shengtian is the number one expert among the ancient adventurers!

Although I don't know why, the founding emperor raised the butcher's knife against his direct descendants, but one thing is certain.

No one, including his father-in-law, could escape Long Shengtian's massacre at the scene!

Father God has no choice but to retreat, only to run!

Long Shengtian casually grasped the Panlong Sword.In the hands of the first-generation master, this long-lost sword let out bursts of dragon roars.

"Do you know why I named this sword the Panlong Sword?" Long Shengtian raised his head lightly, looking at the running Tiangonggong.

Su Daji, who disguised herself as a little bodyguard and evasively dodged, felt that Long Shengtian was actually throwing a glance at him when he said that he was talking to the Heavenly Eunuch with his keen intuition of a woman and a nine-tailed fox.

Her heart skipped a beat.

It turned out that Su Daji, who had recovered his cultivation base in the Zifu District, was pardoned by the Nuwa Empress and loved and nourished by Du Yu. His strength not only restored the 9-year cultivation base of the heyday, but also grew a tenth snow-white fox. The tail is about to enter the coveted realm of the ten-thousand-year vixen.Although Su Daji didn't say anything, she actually thought in her heart that apart from the most perverted and oldest hidden existences in Zifu District, she was already one of the strongest in Zifu District.

Of course, Du Yu, who has the God's Punishment Thunder that restrains the fox demon, is still invincible to her.

Even in the battlefield of gods and demons, Su Daji dared to venture into it boldly.

But when she saw that Long Shengtian devoured Long Yutian, with that coiled dragon in her hand, I had the aura of looking down on the world, the vixen Su Daji couldn't help but feel a little shaken in her heart.

She instinctively felt that if she confronted Long Shengtian, who was in an incomplete state at this time, with all her strength, with her current cultivation level that was infinitely close to that of a ten-thousand-year vixen, she could last for 10 minutes at most!

Accurate to the second, not more than a second!
When the founding emperor of the first generation, who created the world and made great achievements, held the Panlong Sword, the aura of domineering and dominating all directions was indeed too powerful.

Facing Long Shengtian's question, Su Daji subconsciously shook his head.Although she has been with the emperor of the Long family for a long time, the emperor will not allow anyone to touch this ancestral sacred weapon, the Panlong Sword.

But Eunuch Tian had already run thousands of meters and was about to disappear in front of the two of them.On the ground, the mutilated corpses of the selected guards of the palace were lying here and there, and the smell of blood was pungent.

Tiangonggong is worthy of being a powerful man who has achieved success in practicing evil swordsmanship. His speed is so fast that he is not slower than Du Yu, who is agility.

Long Shengtian was very satisfied with Su Daji's frankness, and he swung the Panlong Sword lightly towards Father Tian who had run away until only a small black dot was left!

According to the legend, Tian Gonggong, the invisible cowman who can be called the escort of the emperor of the Dragon family, staggered. With Su Daji's abnormal eyesight, he could see at a glance that Tian Gonggong's leg seemed to have been pierced by the Panlong sword, and he was limping. He turned around, but he didn't even have the courage to turn back, so he continued to run away with his injured leg.

"Because Panlong is the most ferocious dragon species among dragons." Long Shengtian lazily said, it seemed that he didn't care about Su Daji, a strong man in Zifu District, who was close to the ten thousand-year-old fox demon.

He looked at the fleeing Eunuch Tian, ​​sneered, and turned the Panlong Sword, which turned into a lightning-like white light again and flew towards Eunuch Tian.

"Slave! A pickle, seeing me, Long Shengtian, how dare you not bow down? This court is becoming more and more unruly! No wonder Long Yutian said that the Tang Dynasty has been torn apart and has become the target of others!" Long Shengtian said lightly. , manipulating the Panlong Sword.

Su Daji heard a scream.

It was issued by God.

He was cut in half by the light of the Panlong Sword!
The hidden master who lived in the palace, his lower body was still running at an extremely fast speed, but his upper body remained in place, screaming miserably, trying to grab the rocky ground with both hands, and continue to escape forward.

Even Su Daji was dumbfounded by this kind of tragedy.

With the power of one move, even the strong in Zifu District were instantly killed?
What kind of power is this?
Su Daji's beautiful eyes suddenly became hot, and she murmured: "No wonder! You are the one who has experienced the miracles of the world in legend! It is said that all those who have experienced the miracles of the four worlds can comprehend the essence of power."

Long Shengtian glanced at Su Daji appreciatively: "Not bad! Fox demon. You even know this. I really can't bear to kill you"

The implication of these words made Su Daji shudder.

The father-in-law can live for a long time without his descendants, but if he is cut in half, he will not be able to survive.

God is so fair.His upper and lower body were separated, and he insisted on running for a long distance, but finally fell headfirst, twitching and motionless.

The Datang adventure team headed by Tang Guogong was wiped out.

Except for Su Daji who was disguised as a man.

Su Daji glanced coldly at Long Shengtian.

Long Shengtian was still immersed in the sharpness of the Panlong sword, as if an old friend was reunited, he sighed endlessly, and ignored Su Daji for the time being.

Su Daji did not act rashly, but just stood there quietly, waiting for Long Shengtian's next words.

"You are a smart woman." Long Shengtian finally completed the re-sacrifice of the Panlong Sword, put this handy fairy treasure back into his pocket, and looked up at Su Daji appreciatively: "Look at your temperament." Attire, you seem to be a member of the royal family too?"

Su Daji asked curiously, "How did you know?"

"That Yingluo jade pendant!" Long Shengtian pointed casually, "I gave it to the second empress. Only imperial concubines and noble concubines who preside over the harem in the royal family are eligible to wear it. You should be the favorite concubine of this generation of emperors." Bar?"

Su Daji lowered her head and glanced at the jade pendant around her neck, which also had the Tang Dynasty royal logo on it.When the emperor of the Long family rewarded her with this jade pendant, he had solemnly said that it was only a woman who was in charge of the imperial harem, so she was qualified to wear it, and she was asked to keep it carefully.He didn't expect to be recognized by Long Shengtian, he didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse.

Su Daji would not naively think that since she is the favorite concubine of this generation of emperors, she can let Long Shengtian let her go.If compared with closeness, Tang Guogong Long Yutian, as a direct descendant, is not much closer than a mere favored concubine?Wouldn't it still be ruthlessly devoured?

This Long Shengtian didn't recognize his emotions, and it was just wishful thinking to expect him to be merciful.

Su Daji was extremely calm, smiled coquettishly, bowed down and said: "I am the imperial concubine of the emperor of this dynasty, temporarily presiding over the political affairs of the harem. Greetings to His Majesty the emperor."

Long Shengtian had a half-smile, and glanced at Su Daji's alluring exquisite curvy body.Today, Su Daji is different from the past, wearing the bodyguard costume, but the dignified and noble concubine temperament is like a stand-up bag, vividly interpreting the royal demeanor.What's even more rare is that her dignified beauty, alluring figure, and all manner of manners, intentionally or unintentionally, exude a natural charm of a nine-tailed fox princess, which makes men unable to help themselves and be firmly attracted to her.

(End of this chapter)

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