Chapter 1495 Long Shengtian's plan!

At this moment, even Long Shengtian, who had just recovered, could not escape Su Daji's charm, and was attracted by the nine-tailed fox princess.

He snorted coldly, waved his hands majestically and said, "That's all! You don't need to be too afraid. You just answer my two questions, and I will spare you!"

What a smart woman is Su Daji?Immediately hearing the string song to know the elegant meaning, Jiao Didi said: "Everything is at the command of the ancestor."

Long Shengtian said gloomyly: "First of all, as an imperial concubine, why are you willing to take risks and sneak into the expedition team in disguise?"

Su Daji's heart trembled.

If the answer to this question is not good, there will be a disaster of decapitation in an instant.

Fortunately, Su Daji has always been around men. To King Zhou, the emperor of the Long family, etc., he responded naturally, and smiled cleverly when he rolled his eyes and said: "Your Majesty the Holy Ancestor is holy! Naturally, I can see through it. , the emperor and his brothers are not united. The group headed by Tang Guogong is always calculating the throne of my emperor. Even Tiangonggong, a master of worship in the court, was bought by him and became his man. As a The only loyal Zifu district around the emperor heard the sound of the dragon and sword. When Tang Guogong brought people to explore the news of the battlefield of gods and demons, he made up his mind and followed them secretly to see if there was anything wrong with these guys. Heart II?"

Long Shengtian was noncommittal, and glanced at Su Daji, as if he was thinking about whether what this woman said was true or not?

After a long time, he said slowly: "Let's keep this in mind, you are a strange woman who is loyal to the emperor. The second question, how did Tang Dynasty fall to this point? Who is the leader of the rebel faction now? Tell me one by one. "

Su Daji breathed a sigh of relief, this was a great opportunity for her to display her eloquence, so she told Long Shengtian about the origin of the Tang Dynasty's situation one by one.Of course, when talking about the rebellious enemies of the Tang Dynasty, she certainly made Hou Shenjiang a key recommendation object, added fuel and vinegar, and made a big fuss to Long Shengtian.As for Du Yu, she said that she was a mountain king in Yunmengze.

With anger in his eyes, Long Shengtian let out a long breath, and said angrily: "What a tiger father and dog son! My descendants of the Long family are not as good as each generation. At this time, even the artifact of the national tripod and most of the country have fallen into the hands of others! If If I hadn't been born, maybe the Great Tang Empire I created would fall into ruins within a few years!"

Su Daji followed Long Shengtian's wishes and said a few words.How well-behaved she is, Long Shengtian, who said in a few words, smiled and nodded, and was extremely satisfied with the imperial concubine of the descendants of the emperor: "Hmph! Although the descendants of my generation are not good at governing the country, at least they choose women's eyes. That's not bad. If he can let you take power, how can my Tang Dynasty be so embarrassed?"

Seeing Long Shengtian's eyes, Su Daji became more and more hot and greedy, and was furious in his heart.

If Su Daji, who had never met Du Yu, had seen Long Shengtian, a peerless powerhouse who had passed through the world's miracle Zhaixing Tower, it would be possible to humbly ask for advice, or even commit himself to the powerhouse.

But since she was conquered by Du Yu, from the beginning of being photographed by the majesty of the Nuwa Empress, to the later love for a long time, she has more and more realized Du Yu's domineering, ambition, strength and gentleness as a man.Although Du Yu rose from the muddy grassroots, his starting point was very low, but the unique indomitable and fighting spirit of the villain in him made Su Daji fall in love with him.At this moment, even if a space legend like Long Shengtian exists and takes a fancy to her, there is no way for her to have another heart.

But Su Daji won't show it, she smiles cleverly, is hot and bold, and chats with Long Shengtian, while covering Long Shengtian's details.

"I don't know, Your Majesty the Emperor Shengzu, when did you resurrect from this place?" Su Daji looked overjoyed, and said with a smile: "If I inform my descendants earlier, I will come to welcome you as soon as possible, serve the left and right, and make some progress." Filial piety."

When Long Shengtian heard that this alluring vixen favored his concubine, when it came to serving her left and right, and showing some filial piety, the soft, glutinous and sweet that charmed her to the bone marrow, half of her bones were crispy.

As the hero of a generation, he certainly knew that there was a knife on Sezi's head, and he was also wary of this vixen noble concubine who seemed weak but was actually a strong man in Zifu District.But Su Daji really understands men's psychology too well.A man, especially a man with strength, means, and status, there is no one who does not like the praise and flattery of stunning beauties.This is the inferiority of men from the depths of their souls.Su Daji knows men's psychology well. Whether it's a mud-legged slum, or a legendary hero like Long Shengtian, as long as he is a man, he can't escape the charm of this vixen's words.

This charm technique is not a fairy technique or a magical skill, but it comes from the heart, from the heart, and from the heart. From the perspective of the law of heaven and the heart, it is completely invisible, and even strong people like Long Shengtian can't detect it.

Long Shengtian said casually: "My disdainful descendants don't care if they don't come. It's been a hundred years since I woke up, but this place was affected by the divine power of the war of gods and demons back then, and opened up to become an independent subspace. The demons from outside the territory blocked this place again, and we I can’t get the information out. Fortunately, the celestial demons seem to have other plans recently and opened this place, so I can see the light of day.”

He walked towards Su Daji step by step.

Su Daji stepped back coquettishly, and said delicately, "Your Majesty the Holy Ancestor, you didn't participate in the battle of gods and demons back then, why were you trapped here?"

Long Shengtian looked up to the sky and laughed, looked in the direction of the exit, and snorted coldly: "I didn't participate in the battle of gods and demons back then. It's just that after I broke through the Star Picking Pavilion, the space gave me the choice to advance to a higher level." space. Of course I don’t want to leave this empire I built with my own hands, and go to another dimension to start from scratch!”

Su Daji nodded: "Indeed, once the sea was too difficult, you are already a legendary figure in this world, so of course you don't want to be cannon fodder in the upper world."

Long Shengtian shook his head and muttered: "But the will of space is hard to violate. I searched hard, and finally found a solution!"

He sneered and said, "That's becoming a god!"

"Becoming a god?" A trace of surprise flashed in Su Daji's eyes.Of course, she understood the process of Du Yu's becoming a god in the previous world.Unexpectedly, becoming a god has such benefits.You can continue to stay in this world after passing through the four wonders of the world.

"Yes! After becoming a god, you can have countless avatars. Although avatars will inevitably enter the upper space, you can also leave avatars and continue your adventures in this space. If you have an immortal body!" Long Shengtian's eyes flashed Greed: "The strength has reached my level, and external things such as treasures, skills, and exercises are nothing to worry about. Only endless life and eternal existence can arouse my interest!"

Su Daji nodded and said, "You entered this battlefield of gods and demons in order to find the way to become a god?"

Long Shengtian said: "Exactly! I couldn't defy the will of the space, so I acted against the sky, ventured into this battlefield of gods and demons, and tried to find a way to become a god and sanctify and survive in this space for a long time. But who would have thought of this It turned into a land of gods and demons. After I fought fiercely with some god-level beings, although I found a way to become a god in space and continue to survive, I felt powerless to break through the restrictions of the land of gods and demons, so I activated the state of deep sleep and suspended animation. Wait your time."

Su Daji smiled coquettishly: "Old Holy Ancestor is really extraordinary. You can't even trap you in this battlefield of gods and demons, and you can hide even the will of space. But what do you plan to do after the old man is born? How will you deal with others?"

Long Shengtian proudly said: "I have found a way to become a god, and I can continue to exist in space as a god. But I still need one or two key props. Next, I have to gather these props first, Make sure you can survive in space forever!"

Su Daji was startled.This Long Shengtian's cultivation is supernatural, and he is not even his opponent at the god level. If he can really exist in the space forever, wouldn't it be a great disaster?

"You are so amazing, let your granddaughter-in-law know, who is He Baobao, who can continue to exist in space as a god?"

Long Shengtian said with a cold smile: "In the space, there are four treasures in total, which can become gods and saints!"

"Four treasures?" Su Daji exclaimed, "Why are there so many?"

"Space is divided into four kingdoms, and gods are divided into gods, demons and saints. Of course, the way to become a god is not one way." Long Shengtian said: "These four treasures are Shinra's Pandora's Box, which is said to be able to control all human beings. Emotions, the SSS-level fairy treasures in the east, can directly make someone rank in the fairy class, and the remaining Sudanese treasures are the white god-given stones in McBai's room, which can allow people to have part of the power of Allah, as well as the gods of the parliamentary country. Crystal Skulls. Get one of them and make the owner a god."

Su Daji was secretly surprised and happy for Du Yu.

Du Yu got the Pandora's Box by accident in the last dream world of eternal sleep, and finally possessed the godhead and became a new generation of gods. This blessing is so profound that it is simply staggering.

If Long Shengtian, who has been trapped here for thousands of years in order to become a god, finds out, he will probably go crazy with jealousy.

But Du Yu will also be listed as a must-kill target by Long Shengtian!

Never let Long Shengtian know that Du Yu owns Pandora's Box.

Must be strong first!
Su Daji secretly made up her mind.

Long Shengtian glanced at Su Daji and said, "I appreciate you very much. From now on, you will follow me. After I find out the whereabouts of these four treasures and relieve my worries, I will take you to Daji. Tang Capital City, take back the throne of the emperor! I will take charge of the Tang Dynasty myself! Huh! I want to see how those city foxes and rats like Hou Shenjiang and Du Yu can stop my Long Shengtian's martial arts!"

Su Daji was more worried, but the peach blossoms on her face were still smiling like the spring breeze, and she was full of blessings, full of amorous feelings.

At this time, she suddenly received a message from Du Yu, asking how she was doing? Do you want to come and rescue her right away?
Su Daji remained calm and said a few simple words, asking Du Yu to wait for the opportunity and not act rashly.

At this moment, she realized that she had a heavy responsibility on her shoulders.

Du Yu has no chance of winning against Long Shengtian.

(End of this chapter)

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