Chapter 1496 Real Dragon Bone!There are many doubts!
Du Yu has no chance of winning against Long Shengtian.Even if it is known from the crystal of true knowledge that Du Yu has repelled the Black Jesus, Su Daji knows that it is the reason why Du Yu's divine punishment Tianlei restrained the Black Jesus.It's not that Du Yu's strength is superior to that of Black Jesus.

But Long Shengtian and Black Jesus are completely different.

The Black Jesus is a freak produced by the fusion of the souls of Jesus Christ and the Supreme Demon for thousands of years. Because of its strange birth, it is easy to be restrained by the god of punishment, thunder and other stalwart things.

But Long Shengtian seized the house!

He devoured the soul of his direct descendant Tang Guogong Long Yutian, seized the other party's body, and achieved resurrection.

God's Punishment Thunder doesn't have much effect on an adventurer like him.

With real swords and guns, Du Yu will definitely lose, and it will be a disastrous defeat!
Su Daji estimated that he could barely support Long Shengtian for 10 minutes. If Du Yu was there, the two of them would join forces, plus the concubine Sisi behind Du Yu and the beauty in the space, would just be the end of the defeat process. , the delay was extended to one hour.

Long Shengtian and the Panlong Sword are simply invincible.He has already successfully challenged with the establishment of the Great Tang Empire and the World Miracle of Zhaixing Pavilion, and has verified his strength countless times, which should not be underestimated.

There is only one way to deal with such an existence!
Damn him!

Su Daji's position at this time is very critical.

Fortunately, Long Shengtian didn't know about her relationship with Du Yu, and he was negligent in guarding against it.

This is the only chance for Du Yu's side.

Long Shengtian must be seriously injured, so that he cannot return to the space on time, and it is best to let him be permanently imprisoned and trapped to death in this battlefield of gods and demons.

Su Daji rolled her eyes, thinking about it.

Since it has such a powerful force, why not use it?
In Su Daji's wisdom, no matter how powerful a man is, as long as he is confused by him, he is still a shotgun, and he can hit whoever he wants.

She rolled her eyes and said: "Your Majesty, the Holy Ancestor, you are the founding king of the Tang Dynasty. It is Su Daji's blessing to see the willow posture of the concubine. However, you must have felt it just now, the Holy Ancestor. , this battleground of gods and demons seems to be controlled by the demon side. It may be closed at any time. If the demons close this place, even if the ancestor has a great cultivation base, we will not be able to get out."

Long Shengtian nodded: "I felt it just now. This force has imprisoned me for nearly a thousand years, and it is still controlling the only entrance and exit. If we don't break their imprisonment, we can't get out."

Su Daji said happily: "In this case, why didn't the Holy Patriarch show his might and defeat these demons? We can leave here."

Long Shengtian sneered and said, "Heavenly Demons? They are certainly powerful, but with the Panlong Sword in hand, I am not afraid of anyone, but don't be reckless. You follow me and play by ear."

Su Daji also had no choice but to nod, and followed Long Shengtian to the side.

Through the crystal of true knowledge, she secretly informed Du Yu that she would guide Long Shengtian to fight against the demons, and dogs would bite dogs to weaken each other's strength and create opportunities for Du Yu to escape.

Du Yu was moved.

With a beauty full of wisdom like Su Daji, it is simply the best help God bestows on me.

Speaking of intelligent beauties, Catherine, Tracy, Galadriel, and Shen Luoyan each have their own specialties, spring flowers and autumn moons, and each is good at winning.Catherine is an all-rounder in governing the country, Tracy is good at balancing politics, Galadriel is wise and farsighted, and Shen Luoyan is good at strategic military affairs.But when it comes to conspiracies and tricks, no one has the scheming of a beauty like Su Daji.

He reminded Su Daji thousands of times, asking Su Daji to protect himself first, and not to take the risk of conflict with Long Shengtian.Otherwise, I will suffer for the rest of my life.

Su Daji smiled: "Although Long Shengtian is an invincible hero, when it comes to conspiracies and tricks, my fox monster clan has been scheming people's hearts since its birth. I will not lose to anyone in this regard. You can rest assured. When there is a chance to fight Long Shengtian, I will inform you."

Du Yu also knew that Su Daji was full of tricks, so he was relieved, fearing that the old dragon king would be in a hurry, so he brought his concubine Sisi and others back to his team.

But as soon as he went back, Du Yu realized that something was wrong.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was turning around in a hurry. When he saw Du Yu, it was as if he saw a life-saving straw. He came up and grabbed Du Yu's arm, stomped his foot and said, "Little friend Du Yu, where have you been? Why did it take you so long to come back?"

Du Yuhan asked, "Have we encountered a surprise attack?"

Nuwa Empress said: "Not really. I use my spiritual sense to scan through the fog for dozens of miles around. Once a god-level monster approaches, we will dodge it."

Du Yu asked in confusion, "Then why are you in such a hurry?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea sighed and said: "It's because I can't teach my son, those bastards Ao You and Ao Guang are greedy for the dragon bone real body, and sneaked away despite my repeated warnings. I guess they went to the front to steal the dragon bone real body." went!"

Du Yu's face darkened.

Before he left, he had already warned that the powerful explorer teams from Datang, the Holy See of Shinra, Sudan and other countries had been attacked and massacred one after another. The people waiting for the Dragon King team in front may not be the real body of the Dragon Bone, it is very likely It is a god-level monster set in ambush by greed.

But what happened to Ao Guang Ao You?

Du Yu changed his face and stood up in a huff: "Old Dragon King, I have already said something, and I said it very clearly. If you still act recklessly, please forgive me for not being able to save them!"

The battle with the Black Jesus made Du Yu very worried about the strength of the god-level monsters in the battlefield of gods and demons.

Black Jesus, Long Shengtian and other terrifying existences, if anyone takes them out, they can easily wipe out a powerful team of adventurers in Zifu District.

Du Yu knew that beside the five-clawed golden dragon, there was very likely to be the remains of the great sage he had dreamed of.When the two powerhouses met, they both died here.

But even with such a big temptation, Du Yu gritted his teeth and didn't go there, because he was afraid of the five-clawed dragon god!

But Ao Guang Ao You, these bastards and dudes, actually disregarded orders and acted without permission, bringing such a big threat to the team!

Tolerable or unbearable!
Du Yu made it clear that he would never rescue him.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked embarrassed: "Thousands of mistakes, all of which are the fault of my lax teaching. But the matter has come to this point, our dragon clan can't ignore the lives of a few dragon princes, we can only move forward and look for their traces."

Du Yu pondered for a while, then looked at Empress Nuwa: "What advice does Empress have?"

Empress Nuwa smiled indifferently and said: "It's a blessing, not a disaster, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided! Since the dragon clan can't give up the lives of the dragon princes, it is imperative for us to go to the place where the five-clawed golden dragon and Sun Dasheng fell. Everyone clean up, You can go now.”

Du Yu nodded helplessly.

Things have come to this point, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, you have to bite the bullet and break through.

As a god, Empress Nuwa is most aware of the dangers here. She has a stern face, and she has opened her spiritual consciousness to the maximum and walked in front.

Du Yu consumed a lot of divine power, followed behind, and the whole team came meandering.

Qing Lian moved closer to Du Yu's side, and said softly, "My nasty elder brother, third brother, disobeyed orders and acted on his own, adding danger to the team. When we rescue them, I will make them apologize."

The dragon princess looked at Du Yu with eyes full of gratitude and joy: "Thanks to you, otherwise our team would be in danger."

From an angle invisible to others, Qinglian's soft little hand came over quietly and grabbed Du Yu's big hand.

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.Sister Qinglian has always presented herself as a female man, but this time, in order to save her brothers, she is very grateful to herself, and finally willing to flirt with herself.

The old Dragon King sniffed the Dragon Prince's breath in the air, and stopped in front: "It's not far ahead! Everyone be careful."

The dragon clan was on full alert, the dragon kings dug out the treasures, and the dragon princes pulled out their weapons.

Du Yu walked to the front, and was shocked by what appeared in front of him.

The imagined scenario of Ao You and Ao Guang dying tragically together, or being swallowed by the five-clawed golden dragon, did not happen.The two Dragon Princes looked as usual, standing triumphantly in the big pit in front, looking at the team behind.

Ao You said loudly: "You guys came so slowly, look what my brother and I found?"

Ao Guang sneered and said: "What danger, what trap, when I waited for my brother to arrive, there was nothing. A certain human being is as timid as a mouse, and almost delayed the important event of my Dragon Clan!"

Du Yu's eyes were sharp, and he discovered that the huge pothole with a width of hundreds of feet beside the two dragon princes was forcibly carved out by an explosion with astonishing divine power.Being able to create such a terrifying battlefield terrain here is like an atomic bomb explosion. One can imagine the power of the collision of divine power at that time.

He ignored the taunts of the two, walked closer, and found some remains scattered in the core of the explosion.

The Dragon King and others also caught up one after another.

The old Dragon King said in a trembling voice: "There is nothing wrong, there is nothing wrong! I can feel that this remains is the real keel bone of the five-clawed golden dragon, the ancestor of my dragon clan. There are lessons on it that can be used for dragon clan cultivation and enlightenment." Dragon pattern, quickly pick it up!"

Seeing what he dreamed of, right in front of his eyes, the old Dragon King was also excited.

Du Yu and Empress Nuwa looked at each other, but they frowned even tighter.

The expected Dragon Bone True God was not there, which made the trip even more dangerous.

Because the unknowable and unreasonable existence is the most dangerous.

Several aspects have received news of the existence of the god level, and there are deadly traps, but there are only bones here, and no living people. How to explain this?
Who sent the message that the old Dragon King received?
Du Yu instinctively felt that the danger here was even higher than expected.

But the Dragon Clan doesn't care so much.The goal of their trip is now, scattered in the surrounding pits.As if offering treasures, Ao You and Ao Guang handed over the three true god keel bones behind them to the old Dragon King.The old dragon king couldn't help being overjoyed, the wrinkles on his face bloomed with joy, and he had long thrown his vow to teach his son to Java.

Du Yu stepped steadily, walked to the middle of the core area of ​​the explosion, and carefully inspected the relics here.

(End of this chapter)

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