Chapter 1497 Surprise!Sun Dasheng clone!

But the dragon clan was very alert, and several dragon kings blocked Du Yu intentionally or unintentionally, preventing him from approaching.

Du Yu frowned.

Qinglian called out: "Uncle Uncle, what are you doing?"

The Dragon King of the West Sea smiled and said: "Niece, this place is where the treasures left by the ancestors of my Dragon Clan are located. It is inconvenient for outsiders to enter. It is better to wait for our Dragon Clan to collect the treasures, and then invite Du Yu to come in and have a look." Bar."

Qinglian's face turned serious.

Empress Nuwa taunted: "The Dragon Clan is really brave. Just now, when we encountered a difficult situation and got Du Yu's help, we still looked grateful. As soon as we found the treasure we needed, we turned our faces immediately, and didn't even let us take a look at it?"

The Dragon King of Xihai smiled: "It's not that my dragon clan is greedy, but this keel avatar is related to the inheritance of my dragon clan's core skills, and it is an untold secret! Please forgive me, Du Yu. Once the matter is over, I, the dragon clan of the four seas, are willing to use it for free." Donate 2000 billion survival points as a reward for your help all the way. How about it?"

After all, they are still in the dangerous battlefield of gods and demons. Although the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas is afraid of Du Yuqiang's baby, they dare not offend them to death.

But Du Yu frowned.

The core of the explosion, besides the dragon bone real body, also has the relics of Sun Dasheng!
The goal of his trip is to find Sun Dasheng's inheritance, the treasure of martial arts!

Du Yu mastered Sun Dasheng's Great Sage Stick Technique and somersaulting clouds, and Du Yu used the Ruyi Golden Cudgel as his main weapon.The more he used it, the more he admired Sun Dasheng's peerless martial arts.

Seeing the Dragon Clan's attitude of not letting go, it is clear that they want to pick up Sun Dasheng's treasures as well.It is very likely that in the future, the lion will open his mouth and trade to himself at a sky-high price.Or not intending to trade to anyone at all.

How could Du Yu endure this?

Du Yu's face darkened.

"It was agreed at the beginning, when we get here, the five-clawed golden dragon belongs to you, and Sun Dasheng's relics belong to me. Now the dragon clan is going back on its word?" Du Yu's tone was icy cold.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea laughed up to the sky, walked over and said, "Young friend Du Yu, just rest assured, our Dragon Clan is not interested in Sun Dasheng who killed our ancestor, as long as it is his thing, we will give it to you if we find it. It’s just that Longzu’s things are too important, so we have to temporarily block the scene, and if I offend, I hope you will forgive me.”

Concubine Sisi was so angry that she pointed her halberd and said, "You Dragon Clan, you are really shameless. You are afraid that we will take away the relics of the Dragon Ancestor, how do we know that you will not swallow Sun Dasheng's treasures? You don't even have basic trust, how can you talk about allies?" ?”

It may be that seeing that the Dragon Ancestor has not been resurrected and that there is no danger here, the old Dragon King also showed an impatient expression: "How could you find this place without me leading the way? Don't be so long-winded. We found Sun Dasheng's relic, of course. Give it back to Du Yu!"

Du Yu snorted coldly, frowned, turned and left.

Concubine Sisi and Empress Nuwa were puzzled, but they also followed.

"How could you give up the treasure to those shameless old dragons?" Concubine Sisi was furious: "That is related to Sun Dasheng, the legendary fighting god of space. The inheritance of the treasure."

After speaking, Qinglian also chased after her.

With a flushed face and tears in her beautiful eyes, she took Du Yu's hand and said, "I'm sorry, my father and the others are too greedy. They actually backtracked on what they agreed to."

Du Yu smiled and said, "It's because they didn't keep their promise, so what does it have to do with you?"

Concubine Sisi said: "You just follow us like this, won't the Dragon Clan be angry?"

Qinglian said angrily: "I'm ashamed to be with these people. I'm also the most noble species of the Dragon Race of the Four Seas. I can't even do the basics of keeping promises. I fell out with them."

Du Yu smiled and said, "I didn't give up Monkey King's treasures, it's just that it's really dangerous there, we just leave temporarily and watch from the sidelines. Believe me, the Dragon Clan can't take these treasures away!"

The few people continued to stay away from this place, and walked for a while, leaving a full 20 miles away. Even Nu Wa's spiritual consciousness scan could not see the scene of the fierce battle, so they stopped.

Du Yu opened the crystal of true knowledge. It turned out that before he left, he left a crystal of true knowledge in a high place on the battlefield to monitor the situation on the battlefield.

During this time, the Dragon Clan searched around carefully, looking for the existence of every keel.There are dozens of them, and the old dragon king has practiced the three-level dragon pattern technique, and he has a sense of the dragon bones. Under the guidance, the efficiency is very high, and many dragon bone avatars have been found.

Concubine Sisi pursed her mouth and said, "This group of greedy dragons really have their hands. These keel bones are probably enough for the old Dragon King to cultivate to the tenth level."

"I heard from my father that the Dragon Clan's skills require less dragon patterns and keel bones in the early stages, but as the skills progress, each level up later requires more dragon patterns to inspire." Qing Lian said : "The keel bones collected so far are estimated to be enough for my father to ascend to the sixth floor. And the old man Longzu finally reached the ninth floor."

The smile on the corner of Du Yu's mouth bloomed.

He can conclude that the summons from the ancestor of the Dragon Clan is definitely not without reason.

Since the body of the ancestor of the dragon clan is here, who is the one who sent the message?What is his purpose?The reason behind this, the old Dragon King who was fascinated by the keel, didn't think about it at all, sooner or later he would feel better.

This retribution came very quickly, even faster than Du Yu imagined.

Just when Ao You yelled in surprise and found another scattered keel, a sudden change occurred!

A black shadow passed behind Ao You!

Ao You was blasted into the sky and landed on the ground, convulsing endlessly.

This time, not only the Dragon Clan members were shocked and angry, but even Du Yu and others who were sitting in front of the crystal ball to watch the battle were shocked.

Although Ao You is far inferior to the old Dragon King, he is still a leader among SS-level monsters. If his personal strength is converted to the reality of space, he is at least a high-level existence in Zifu District.Due to the physique of the dragon race, his vitality and strength of muscles and bones are far superior to those of humans.

But it was this kind of Dragon Prince who passed out after being hit by the black shadow, and almost died.

The old dragon king and others hurriedly surrounded him and protected Ao You.

Through the crystal ball, Du Yu saw that Ao You's condition was very bad. There seemed to be a laundry and dyeing shop behind his head, with red and white bubbling out, and his injuries were serious.The Dragon Clan is feeding him all kinds of elixir, trying to save the life of the Dragon Prince.

The old dragon king was extremely angry, and his body suddenly became bigger, showing his real body as a dragon god.

A golden dragon that is thousands of feet long!

The old dragon king roared furiously, and the sound shook the whole field.

"Who dares to sneak attack my Dragon Clan? Get out quickly and die!"

Concubine Sisi giggled and said, "I'm really upset about the retribution, the retribution in this world came quickly. Just now because of the treasure, I fell out with our allies, and then I was attacked. What about this group of dragons?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "This black shadow is coming very aggressively. I didn't see its trajectory just now. It's very powerful."

Having said that, Du Yu could vaguely see a clue from the black shadow's movement.

He took a deep breath and smiled bitterly:

"If my guess is right, you old dragon kings are in trouble this time. I want to get that thing, and there will be a fierce battle."

Du Yu sat cross-legged in meditation, slowly adjusted his breath, and adjusted his state to the best as quickly as possible.

Fighting here is a life-and-death battle every time, and every bit of strength and state is crucial to the prevention at this time.

Fortunately, there are treacherous dragons, greedy for treasures, and they are at the front, which is a blessing in disguise for Du Yu, creating a good opportunity to watch the battle and cultivate himself.Du Yu sneered in his heart.

Aren't you afraid that I will steal the treasure?This is all right, let you go around without eating!
Although the old dragon king was extremely furious and showed his real body, the black shadow didn't seem to be very afraid, and he was still moving freely in the fog, constantly launching fierce attacks.

"Ah!" The Dragon King of the North Sea, who was on full alert, was suddenly attacked from behind. A pair of sharp claws ruthlessly scratched his back dragon scales, which were stronger than steel, and his back was drenched with blood.

If the surrounding Dragon Kings hadn't rescued him in time, the Dragon King of Beihai might be more seriously injured.

Qinglian exclaimed and covered her small mouth.

After all, the Dragon Clan is her relatives.Although it is said that they have just turned their faces, but the blood is connected, it is hard to say that they don't care.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea rushed to help, but the shadow disappeared again.

This black shadow's skill is of course amazing, he can hit the Dragon King who is stronger than the Zifu District with one blow, but he never wants to fight, he just walks away with one blow, so that the Dragon King of the East China Sea has a whole body of cultivation, but he has nowhere to use it, the depression in his heart can be imagined And know.

Empress Nuwa's complexion gradually became solemn, and she exchanged a glance with Du Yu.

"What do you think, ma'am?" Du Yu asked.

"This should be a clone of Monkey King!" Empress Nuwa said in astonishment.

"Sun Wukong?"

Concubine Sisi exclaimed.

As the pope, he has a wide range of knowledge, how can he not know about the famous and powerful Sun Wukong who defeated the Buddha in the East?
"According to legend, in the battle of gods and demons, Sun Wukong and the five-clawed golden dragon trained as the supreme demon fought fiercely here, and both fell. If my guess is correct, this black shadow should be related to Monkey King. How do you feel, Du Yu? "

Du Yu nodded: "It is indeed related. I can feel somersaulting cloud's wind and cloud's meaning from his body skills. But his strength is far inferior to that of Monkey King."

Empress Nuwa nodded: "Indeed. I've seen the fight against Buddha back then. When he hit the ground with a stick, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked. In the final battle, he killed 4 extraterrestrial demons in a row and led the human gods to fight back. If he is still alive, the dragon clan has been wiped out at this moment. There is no need for a sneak attack."

"According to my idea, this black shadow should be a clone of Monkey King, or a change of divine sense." The corner of Du Yu's mouth curled up, showing a hint of a smile: "The old Dragon King and the others searched for the keel, invaded its territory, and aroused it. The heart of revenge. Monkeys have a strong sense of territory."

"An avatar of Sun Wukong or a ray of divine sense has such power?" Qinglian opened her mouth in disbelief: "Then he was even more powerful in his heyday back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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