Chapter 1513 Complicated Conspiracy!He Xiangu's clever plan!

He Xiangu was really satisfied with her masterpiece of stealing the sky, changing the sky and crossing the sea. It is rare to have an audience like Mai Jiade who has no spiritual knowledge and is not afraid of leaking secrets. She said to herself with a smile: "This jewel already belongs to me. But the teaching In Shangxian’s secret volume, it is also recorded that the ultimate owner of the orb is the master of Jiejiao and the master of Taoism, Yuanshi Tianzun! In addition to Jiang Ziya and others, they will find it soon. Even if I can hide it from Lu Dongbin, I will This thing is my own, and it will be difficult to hide it from Jiang Ziya and the Yuanshi Tianzun who is about to wake up in the future!"

Du Yu understood and sighed.

This Xiangu He is really amazing.

In such a short period of time, I thought of so many things.

"What is she talking about? Why can't I understand? Since I found this treasure first, why don't you share it with her Taoist partner Lu Dongbin?" Sun Shangxiang asked with a confused face.

"People's hearts are complicated." Shen Luoyan sighed meaningfully: "This Hunyuan Pearl is so powerful, it can be called a treasure that created the world. And it is not only Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu who discovered the corpse of the immortal and the whereabouts of this pearl, but also Jiang Ziya and others. Not surprisingly, even if He Xiangu can temporarily keep this pearl as her own, she will not be able to escape Jiang Ziya's pursuit, and in the end, once Yuanshi Tianzun comes out of the mountain, she will definitely not be able to keep this pearl!"

"And then?" Sun Shangxiang asked: "Whatever she did later, will she be able to keep this pearl?"

"Mr. blame!" Shen Luoyan pursed her lips and said with a smile: "This woman has deep intentions. She first used the spell next to the orb to recognize the owner of the orb, and then handed it to Lu Dongbin. Lu Dongbin took her and fled with the treasure. But Jiang Ziya, who was caught up, found that the two factions were fighting fiercely. Of course, Lu Dongbin refused to give up the treasure, and He Xiangu just watched with cold eyes. She is waiting for the opportunity."

"What time are you waiting for?" Sun Shangxiang asked curiously about the baby.

"Waiting for the opportunity to put the blame on Lu Dongbin." Shen Luoyan sighed, "Lv Dongbin never imagined that the Taoist couple who discovered the treasure had secretly recognized the owner and could take the treasure back at any time. In this way, if the future changes, He Xiangu will not know it." Without realizing it, the treasure was stolen, and Lu Dongbin came to act as a scapegoat."

Hou Hou smiled and said, "That poor fellow Lu Dongbin won't know, his Taoist companion has long regarded him as a shield against the sect."

"For an SS-level fairy treasure, you even betrayed your Taoist companion?" Sun Shangxiang was dumbfounded: "And in such a short time, are you ready to set the blame?"

"But something even better happened. If this arrangement is ingenious, He Xiangu will not escape suspicion. As long as Jiang Ziya and the others do not find the fairy treasure on Lu Dongbin, they will suspect her. It is still difficult for her to occupy this treasure with peace of mind. "Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "So, when Mai Jiade appeared, she saw a perfect opportunity. When the five fled while fighting among themselves, she deliberately pretended to be slow and held Lu Dongbin back."

"and then?"

"Lu Dongbin gave this object to Jiang Ziya in exchange for the opportunity to unite against the enemy. But Maijiade is immortal, and Jiang Ziya finally broke his promise and escaped."

"He Xiangu started the most exciting performance. She was so righteous and awe-inspiring. She stayed alone, sacrificed her life to save her husband, and led Mai Jiade away. She was moved to a mess, and Lu Dongbin, who was so grateful, ran away alone."

"He Xiangu used the spell after recognizing the master, and summoned the lovely Hunyuan Pearl! Then, as long as she faked her death logically and disappeared from the world, everything would be seamless."

"Jiang Ziya, who has lost the orb, will of course find out, and will turn around and come back to trouble Lu Dongbin. But Lu Dongbin is also at a loss. How would he know that He Xiangu is behind the scenes? So this matter has become a dead end. Jiang Ziya will firmly believe that It was Lu Dongbin who hid the treasure, but Lu Dongbin thought it was Jiang Ziya who framed it. In the future, Jiejiao and the Eight Immortals will fight fiercely, blood and blood will fly, but no matter which faction wins, the treasure will stay in the hands of He Xiangu who has reclusively reclusive." Shen Luoyan breathed out. Finished talking about the conspiracy behind this.

He Xiangu smiled at Lai Xi, what she said to Mai Jiade was the same as what Shen Luoyan said.

Du Yu had to admire, people should not be judged by their appearance.

This He Xiangu looks noble and dignified. Various ancient Chinese words to describe women's virtues can be applied to her. Who would have thought that she would think of it the moment she discovered the Hunyuan Pearl and manipulated the jade slips. Such a seamless plan, cheating the sky and crossing the sea, feigning death to blame, and pushing everything to the Taoist Lu Dongbin?
Is it true that heaven has no relatives and the avenue is lonely?
"People's hearts are ghosts and ghosts, even the golden eyes can't see through them." Du Yu shook his head and smiled wryly.

"But why did He Xiangu take such a big risk to take the Hunyuan Pearl as her own?" Empress Nuwa also said with emotion: "The Hunyuan Pearl is just a thing that created the world, even if it has the energy to absorb the chaos in the world, transform How can He Xiangu use the power of space? Even if she faked her death and pushed Lu Dongbin in front of the powerful Jiejiao and Yuanshi Tianzun to bear the anger of Jiejiao for her, she would never be able to show her face for the rest of her life, and could only hide and suffer. Xiu. Behind this, there must be a huge benefit.”

Du Yu carefully looked at the Hunyuan Pearl in He Xiangu's hand.

Maybe because He Xiangu had succeeded in deceiving the world, He Xiangu lifted the concealment spell on the manipulating spell, and Du Yu finally saw clearly, the second attribute of the Hunyuan Pearl!
The second attribute of [Hunyuan Orb]: The Hunyuan Orb has the ability to transform chaos into immortal power.The absorbed chaotic air of the world can be transformed into immortal air by itself, which can be absorbed by immortal practitioners to increase the speed of cultivation.The specific cultivation method is recorded on the Immortal Curse Jade Slip.

Du Yu suddenly realized that this is why He Xiangu values ​​the Hunyuan Pearl!

The most wonderful feature of the Hunyuan Pearl is to transform chaos into fairy spirits, and release fairy power from the chaotic power, which can be used by cultivators to speed up their cultivation.

Although the Huaguo Mountain's spiritual vein training place is wonderful, it is far inferior to this Hunyuan Pearl.

Hunyuanzhu can absorb all the power of chaos on a planet and transform it into immortal power. How majestic is that?
If there is a cultivator who can keep this pearl as his own and practice in seclusion, he is afraid that after a hundred years or a thousand years, he will be able to prove the Dao and become an absolute god like Yuanshi Tianzun!

And Yuanshi Tianzun, after losing this cultivation treasure, Hunyuan Orb, will spare no effort to speed up the search.

Therefore, He Xiangu needs a solid substitute.

As long as she pretended to die for a while, even if Lu Dongbin was full of mouths, he would not be able to argue, and there was no proof of death, so he had to obediently take the blame for He Xiangu.

And He Xiangu, who succeeded in deceiving the world, can hold the Hunyuan Pearl, practice with peace of mind, and become a fairy.

As Du Yu thought about it, he admired Hunyuanzhu even more.

The reason why this bead is called Hunyuan Bead is because it does form an endless, reciprocating Yuan!
The first attribute, it can absorb the power of chaos on a chaotic planet, and the second attribute, it can convert the power of chaos into immortal power and release it.In this way, a closed loop similar to plant photosynthesis is formed!

This is the most perfect state in nature, and any artificial things cannot be so interlocking and seamless.

Such a treasure is in line with the natural principles of heaven and earth.

People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature!

After He Xiangu finished talking to herself, a smile flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Jiang Ziya has almost discovered that the treasure is flying away, and he is about to track it down. I should disappear too. But you have the ability to detect energy bodies. I can’t keep you here, let you disappear. There is no proof of death, the cleanest.”

Du Yu's piercing eyes were fixed on He Xiangu.

What kind of method will she have to get rid of Mai Jiade, who defeated the five Zifu district powerhouses, without anyone noticing?

He Xiangu suddenly threw the Hunyuan Pearl!
This should be the usage of Hunyuan beads recorded on the jade slips.

In an instant, driven by his body, Mai Jiade swallowed the Hunyuan Pearl in one gulp.

Its eyes were full of blazing heat, and it was almost impossible to resist the temptation of the Hunyuan Pearl.

He Xiangu's smile was full of sarcasm.

Du Yu doesn't dare to underestimate He Xiangu now, she has a deep scheming mind, and she is simply better than a man.

After Mai Jiade swallowed the Hunyuan Pearl, he burped and looked at He Xiangu maliciously.

"What is this woman doing?"

The concubine Sisi wondered: "Let Mai Jiade swallow the Hunyuan Pearl, isn't it helping the evildoers?"

"This woman is indeed full of mysteries. But one thing is for sure." Du Yu shook his head and said, "She won't do unnecessary things."

After Mai Jiade swallowed the Hunyuan Pearl, his spirit soared and his aura became even more frightening.If it weren't for the place where the gods and demons are fighting here, the thick fog covered the spiritual consciousness of most of the powerhouses, and they couldn't scan hundreds of meters away, and this strange state of Maijiade would definitely not be able to hide the other powerhouses.

"Maijiade's strength is recovering rapidly!" Nuwa exclaimed: "I can feel that the body it seized is a main god!"

"It should be the true god believed by the imams or a stronger existence."

Du Yu said with a smile.

Maijiade's body also became huge, and he let out bursts of contented roars, and gradually stood up.

Five feet, ten feet, twenty feet

Maijiade's body became hundreds of feet tall in a short while!

Absolute giant!
Along with the sharp increase in height, his divine power is also skyrocketing.

"I really don't understand? Why did He Xiangu do this?"

The beauties murmured.

Du Yu's eyes were cold.

He Xiangu's previous performance was exhaustive, and she could be called a female Zhuge, so she shouldn't fall short this time and let the enemy be strong.

Although Mai Jiade's strength is extremely powerful, but his reason is still unclear, he roared to the sky, like a demon god in ancient times.

He Xiangu's smile was consistent, without any panic.

"Rise up until you can't eat any more!"

Her smile bloomed like a flower.

The demon-like Maijiade's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, like a super-sized toad, filling up like blowing.

(End of this chapter)

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