Chapter 1514 The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

It was a bit too much, and began to violently destroy the surrounding rocks and trees.

He Xiangu dodged from a distance, watching coldly.

"So that's how it is." Du Yu let out a long breath, "This He Xiangu is really different."

"Where is Gao Ming?" Concubine Sisi asked in confusion.

"The most brilliant thing about her is that she used a method that Mai Jiade could not refuse to break through Mai Jiade's immortal body from the inside." Du Yu said with emotion: "The previous strongmen in the Zifu District attacked like a tide, and their attack power is not inferior. Any god. Even if all of us here go together, we may not be able to surpass them. But Magard is safe and sound relying on his super physical recovery ability."

"He Xiangu took another way of thinking. This Hunyuan bead contains the powerful power of chaos of the entire planet. Since Yuanshi Tianzun took the incarnation of Pangu and created the world, this object has absorbed all the power of chaos in ancient times. The energy contained in it is so great that it simply exceeds anyone's imagination!"

Nuwa and the others were shaken.

It is not difficult to imagine how deep the power of chaos on a planet is?
They are all condensed on the Hunyuan bead, how powerful should this bead be?

Mai Jiade swallowed the bead in one gulp, and his body swelled up, but could it hold all the energy in the bead?
The answer is, no!

Even if Maijiade is a main god, it can't!
The energy of a planet is much stronger than any main god!
On Earth, besides the true god Allah, there are at least dozens of main god-level gods.But the power of all the gods comes from this planet, and the combined power is only equivalent to one percent or one thousandth of the total power of the planet!

Just imagine, as great as God, can swallow the sun?

The consequence of him devouring the sun is to be exploded!

Therefore, with ordinary thinking, it is absolutely impossible for Mai Jiade to swallow such a huge amount of energy.

The human heart is not enough to swallow an elephant, and greed is not enough to swallow the sun!
The consequence of not being able to swallow it is self-destruction!

"But only this Maijiade would do such a stupid thing. If it were any other god, he would not swallow the Hunyuan Pearl so recklessly." Sun Shangxiang had a particularly dislike for He Xiangu, and muttered dissatisfied.

"That's right, but He Xiangu saw the Achilles' heel of Mai Jiade's undeveloped intelligence, so she set up this ruthless trick!" Du Yuhan said, "This woman's mental strategy is not inferior to that of any man. .”

Mai Jiade finally couldn't hold it anymore.

Its body was gradually bursting.

Only greed, no consciousness, this is the evil result.

Mai Jiade, who is so powerful that he can force Zifu to flee all over the sky, is no match for a woman's insidious scheme.

"Back!" Du Yu's face changed, and he ordered: "Everyone retreat!"

Du Yu on the hill pulled his concubine Sisi and flew to the rear.Nuwa had already disappeared in place.

At the foot of the hill, the old Dragon King, who had been waiting inexplicably, grabbed a few grandsons and flew back. The old black monkey squeaked and fled backwards with the monkey team.

On the hill, Du Yu did not share the secret with anyone other than Nuwa and his concubine Sisi. As long as they were not people he trusted, Du Yu blocked all the news.Without his perverted piercing eyes, the old dragon king and others would have no idea what happened on the other side of the mountain.

Du Yu's team flew back all the way.

Fortunately, as a rubber man, Mai Jiade is indeed extremely flexible, and he persisted for several minutes in the process of constantly bursting.

Du Yu and the others retreated for dozens of miles before stopping.

Maggard finally exploded!

The aftermath of the huge explosion sent sand and rocks flying around the impact site, creating a mess.

But in the land of gods and demons, the thick fog still blocks everything.Hundreds of miles away, there is no abnormality, and it is impossible to find all this.

Only Du Yu and the others know the truth hidden under the mist.

Du Yu left the team where they were, not even the old Dragon King, but took Nuwa and Sisi, his concubine, to explore forward.

This Hunyuan Pearl is a treasure, as long as it is not someone Du Yu trusts, Du Yu will not let them know any news.Du Yu did not share the scene just now with the old Dragon King and others.

The site has been reduced to ruins.

At the center of the explosion, a large pit with a width of one hundred feet and a depth of one hundred feet appeared.

The god-level monster Mai Jiade, who had just been revived from a dead body, had disappeared.It must have been blown to pieces without a trace.

After a flash, He Xiangu's graceful figure appeared in the mist.

She quietly took out an orb from the deep pit of the explosion.

It is the Hunyuan Pearl.

This object is an SS-level fairy treasure, so it will naturally not be damaged by the explosion.

He Xiangu pinched the orb in her hand and smiled charmingly towards the deep pit of the explosion: "It's a pity. Mai Jiade, although you have an immortal body, you can't help but explode from the huge energy inside. Jiang Ziya and others can't even dream that this crystal full of chaos The Hunyuan Orb is the biggest dead spot for a god-level monster like you without intelligence!"

She gracefully put the Hunyuan Pearl into the lotus basket, just like a pearl diver picking up a pearl, with a clear but not demonic smile, she stepped on the lotus seat, turned and left.

He Xiangu glanced at it, and saw a bird that is common in the battlefield of gods and demons, flying lightly with her, and followed her all the way.

He Xiangu looked at it twice, but she was not surprised at all.This kind of bird has been seen many times before, and it seems that it specializes in catching bugs in the body of gods for a living.It looks weak, but in fact it has iron bones and copper beaks, but it is harmless to people.

She didn't pay attention anymore, Xianli accelerated, and flew to the distance with lotus steps.

With this breath, he flew hundreds of miles and came to a secluded mountain stream, where He Xiangu landed.

She looked around with satisfaction.

There was no one around, and it was very quiet.

"Finally succeeded!" He Xiangu let out a sigh of relief.

She actually performed a series of tricks to deceive the world so easily, overturning the clouds and rain, playing with all the strong people, even god-level monsters like Mai Jiade, in the midst of applause.She herself couldn't help feeling proud.

He Xiangu flipped her hand and took out the Hunyuan Pearl.

This bead is jade-run and round, filled with chaotic energy, but through the palm of her hand, she can faintly feel the traces of immortal energy passing through the palm and entering her body, becoming the source of her own immortal power.

"Cultivating with this thing, within a hundred years, I will break through the restrictions of the Zifu district, attain Taoism and become a fairy!" He Xiangu's beautiful eyes flashed a glint of complacency.

She flipped her hand again.

A volume of jade slips appeared in He Xiangu's hand.

"This is the Jade Slip of Jujiao's experience, and it is the explanation for manipulating the Hunyuan Orb." He Xiangu smiled slightly: "With this, I can use the Hunyuan Orb to deceive many people. Naturally, I have to use this Hunyuan Orb first." Only when you read things clearly and understand them in your heart can you start to retreat and practice."

She doesn't plan to go out to the land of gods and demons, but prepares to practice here!

Is there any place more suitable for retreat and practice than the independent and self-enclosed land of gods and demons?

Wouldn't it be a simple matter if she wanted to go out after she had achieved success in cultivation?
At this moment, the cute little bird, staying on a branch, suddenly chirped twice.

He Xiangu glanced there, her beautiful eyes straightened.

Because, under the branch, there is a dense light of immortal treasures!
The level of this fairy treasure is by no means inferior to the Hunyuan Pearl in He Xiangu's hand.

"It turned out to be another SS-level fairy treasure?" He Xiangu couldn't believe her eyes.

That treasure looks like a small pagoda carved with jade, verdant and verdant, and the details are lifelike. At first glance, it is an extremely powerful treasure.

She is too lucky, right?

Getting this SS-level fairy treasure Hunyuan bead is already a blessing, but I didn't expect that after hiding in the barren mountains and mountains, I lowered my head and found another SS-level fairy treasure!
This luck can no longer be described well, it is simply against the sky!

But He Xiangu didn't become suspicious.

Because this is the place where gods and demons fight.

It can be said that as long as you are willing to take the risk to search here, finding treasures or artifacts is inevitable.But the SS-level fairy treasure was left in this uninhabited mountain stream, so it was very lucky to be picked up by her.

He Xiangu was excited for a while, and walked quickly to the fairy treasure.

"Little bird, little bird, I can't believe that you have brought me such good luck." She smiled in her beautiful eyes, staring at the cute little bird: "When I cultivate to become a Daluo Jinxian, I will definitely let you ascend to heaven."

The moment her jade hand touched the fairy treasure, the fairy treasure suddenly flew up and slammed into He Xiangu's face!
sneak attack!

Raise a sneak attack!

He Xiangu didn't suspect him, she was caught off guard for a moment, she was knocked dizzy by this little blue pagoda, and flew backwards.

That seemingly harmless little bird passed He Xiangu's hand like lightning in an instant!

He Xiangu was knocked dizzy, lost direction and fell to the ground.

"Bastard, what's going on?"

She suddenly realized that the Hunyuan Pearl and the jade slip in her hand were gone!

That little bird snatched the Hunyuan Pearl and the jade slip like lightning!

He Xiangu let out an exclamation.


Her beautiful eyes were cold and murderous, how could she not know that she was being tricked at this moment?

The little bird flew over a rock, and saw a golden light shining past!

A young man holding a wishful golden cudgel and smiling all over his face was sitting on the rock, holding a Hunyuan bead in one hand and a jade slip in the other, looking at her with a smile on his face!
She didn't even know when this young man came behind her?
He Xiangu, who thought that everything was done seamlessly without anyone noticing, was suddenly taken aback, and even the lotus basket trembled a little unsteadily.

Panicked, He Xiangu managed to see clearly the face of this uninvited young man.

It turned out to be an acquaintance.

Du Yu!

"How did you appear here?"

He Xiangu's voice trembled, and she managed to hold her ground with difficulty.

"He Xiangu, great acting skills." Du Yu smiled and said with sincere admiration, "Even I didn't understand your deep meaning at the beginning. One link and one link are seamless."

He Xiangu took a deep breath, her plump chest rose and fell, her jade face turned around, and she had recovered her previous grace and elegance, she said indifferently: "It turns out that the little girl has eyes that don't recognize gold inlaid with jade, I don't know that Fellow Daoist Du Yu actually With such a skill, the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole stands behind, watching from the sidelines, what a good way."

(End of this chapter)

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