Chapter 1515 Fairy from a good family!Softly beg for mercy!
She mistakenly thought that Du Yu's skills were so profound that he could hide from the spiritual scans of the five Zifu district powerhouses and follow her all the time. Otherwise, there would be thick fog and limited vision, so how could he have a panoramic view of everything.How could she have imagined that Du Yu had piercing eyes, could see hundreds of miles away, and noticed all her movements from a very long distance?
The bird transformation technique just now, and the 72 transformation Kungfu that Du Yu just learned, also caught He Xiangu who didn't understand it by surprise, and suffered a great loss!
Of course Du Yu wouldn't expose it, so he smiled lightly.

He Xiangu said with a deep voice, "Daoist Du Yu, I have no enmity with you, why did you change into a bird and beast and steal my treasure? What should I say?"

In He Xiangu's heart, she hated Du Yu, who was behind the oriole and stole her treasures.

This guy is really disgusting.

He managed to get this treasure with all his efforts, and without saying a word, he followed him, using an SS-level fairy treasure as bait, got into trouble, and stole the treasure away!

He Xiangu, who was suddenly attacked, felt so regretful that she wanted to die.

There is no free pie in the sky, how could I forget this matter?

Du Yu, when did he master the high-level skill of a fairy—72 changes?
You know, transformation is not a simple fairy art.Take Journey to the West as an example, the majestic Monkey King can only change 72 times, while the legendary Zhu Bajie, the marshal of the canopy, can only change 36 times!
As a strong man in the Zifu District, he is basically incapable of changing.This is the reason why He Xiangu was so careless and was successfully attacked by Du Yu.

As she spoke, she made small movements secretly.

That Hunyuan Pearl was recognized by her blood!

As long as he keeps talking, distracting Du Yu's attention, and chanting the mantra, the Hunyuan Pearl in Du Yu's hand can be recovered and fly into her hand!

He Xiangu was filled with righteous indignation on the surface, but she was secretly planning in her heart.

Du Yu smiled and said: "Xiangu, you and I are both sensible people, why bother pretending to be ignorant? The Hunyuan Pearl in your bosom has taken great pains to deceive your Taoist companion into a scapegoat. You are only one step away from this place. But the fish went into the sea, the birds went to the sky, and went to find a place to practice immortality. You are only more anxious than me, right?"

He Xiangu's beautiful eyes flashed coldly.

Since all plots have been seen through by this Du Yu, the only option at this time is to kill people!
A ray of light bloomed from He Xiangu's hand.

"Hurry up like a law, orbs are always here!" He Xiangu scolded coquettishly.

All her celestial power is in this spell, and she must snatch the Hunyuan Pearl back.

Du Yu smiled and jumped up.

He had long been on guard against He Xiangu's move.Because He Xiangu had already used this trick on Jiang Ziya.

The Hunyuan Pearl was stuffed into the weather space by Du Yu.

As adventurers basically know, any item that is stuffed into another adventurer's weather space cannot escape from that space.Jiang Ziya is a fairy who is used to putting treasures in a treasure bag, so he was successfully summoned by He Xiangu.

As for Du Yu's follow-up arrangements?How to get rid of He Xiangu's orb to recognize the master?

This is not difficult to prevent Du Yu.

The easiest, of course, is to kill.

When the owner dies, the orb will be invalidated if it recognizes the owner, and it will become ownerless, so Du Yu can accept it smoothly.

Even if He Xiangu can escape Du Yu's interception, Du Yu has a way.

A true monk!

Although this monk is fond of wine and sex, he has no restraints, but he has a unique skill that no one can match.

That is to tarnish the fairy treasure.

He used to spit out all kinds of artifacts and treasures with dirty spit, and successfully defiled and lifted the restrictions on the treasures and recognized their owners.Du Yu got a lot of benefits from him.

Although I don't know if a true monk can handle a fairy treasure like the Hunyuan Pearl, which is a world-opening series, it is at least worth a try.

Du Yu looked at He Xiangu maliciously.

He Xiangu failed to summon, she screamed and wanted to attack.

It's not clear to her that Du Yu is no longer what he used to be.Back then, she joined forces with Lu Chunyang, but they failed to keep Du Yu behind. Now she is alone in facing Du Yu, and she is even more uncertain.

Thinking of this, He Xiangu felt a little regretful.

If she chose not to monopolize this treasure and joined forces with Lu Chunyang, why would Du Yu steal the treasure at this time, and face Du Yu alone in this deserted wilderness?

The so-called death will not die.

She thought hard and arranged many conspiracies, but in the end she succeeded in Du Yu!
It was she who poured the dirty water on Lu Chunyang's body, and fled to this deserted wilderness for thousands of miles.

In this way, even if Du Yu swallowed the Hunyuan Pearl, no one in the world would know the truth.

Du Yu, why is it so appropriate?
He Xiangu gave a blow with anger, and all kinds of light bloomed on Du Yu's body.

But Du Yu just shouted loudly, and with a flick of Ruyi's golden cudgel, He Xiangu's fairy art was broken by the volley!

He Xiangu's strongest point is her ability to defend.Her lotus throne does have a defensive power that is difficult for the strong Zifu district of the same level to break through, but in fact, she is relatively weak in offense and has a single method.

She was able to quickly eliminate the terrifying monster Maijiade, relying on her clever mind and the power of the Hunyuan Pearl, not because she possessed much energy.

In the ranking of the strong in Zifu District, without Lu Chunyang, she can only be ranked in the middle and lower reaches.

And what about Du Yu?

At this time, Du Yu possessed the godhead, and he jumped from an adventurer in the inner city to an existence that could stand shoulder to shoulder with Zifu District!
In addition, He Xiangu was plotted by others, and she lacked courage in her heart, while Du Yu and the yellow bird were behind, and succeeded in a sneak attack, and the treasure was in the bag, and her momentum was high.

After a fierce battle, He Xiangu's offensive was broken by Du Yu, and she was forced to switch to the defensive.

He Xiangu was furious in her heart.

Du Yu is really cunning.

If he doesn't know how to transform, even if he is blocked at this time, he can still threaten Du Yu with the orb to force Du Yu to retreat.

As long as the orb is on him, and the jade slip is also there, and the two treasures that Du Yu must obtain are in hand, he will take the initiative in negotiating with Du Yu.

Even if Du Yu could kill her, he might not be able to obtain the orb and jade slip in her space!

But Du Yu seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, deliberately turned into a bird to approach her, and stole the treasure cleverly.Now He Xiangu had nothing to threaten Du Yu, only left to support Du Yu's onslaught, left and right.

He Xiangu complained endlessly in her heart.

Du Yu was not in a hurry, and fought steadily, but he didn't give He Xiangu any chance to breathe, as if he was going to break through the defense and capture and kill He Xiangu.

He Xiangu knew that this object fell into her hands, and with the viciousness of this woman, she would definitely not be willing to be robbed of the treasure by herself, and would definitely leak it to those who intercepted her teaching.

Then the only way to kill them is to silence them.

Du Yu cross-used fairy art, divine art, supernatural power, and wishful golden cudgel, and smashed hard at He Xiangu's rosette shield.Although He Xiangu supported it with all her strength, in front of Du Yu's raging offensive, the defensive shield was already in jeopardy, and it was only a matter of time before it was breached.

He Xiangu couldn't help showing a trace of sadness on her face.

The mechanism was too clever to calculate, and it cost Qingqing's life instead!

This is her true portrayal.

If he was with Lu Chunyang, with the Eight Immortals backing him, even if he was as brave as Du Yu, he wouldn't dare to offend him to death, would he?
"Stop it!" He Xiangu turned her beautiful eyes and snorted softly, "I beg you fellow Taoist, just listen to my concubine's words."

Du Yu stopped the great sage stick technique and looked at He Xiangu warily.

He's the only one out here.Nuwa, concubine Sisi and others did not follow, let alone the old Dragon King.The Dragon Clan didn't even know He Xiangu appeared.

As long as He Xiangu is killed, the Hunyuan Pearl will fall into Du Yu's pocket without anyone noticing.

He Xiangu was so tired that she was sweating profusely, her hairpin was in disarray, her hair was sticking to her dimple with sweat, her face was flushed, and she said bitterly: "Friend Taoist has already taken away the treasure of my concubine, do you want to torture and kill my concubine?" ?”

Du Yu smiled faintly: "It is said that everything in the world has a cause and effect. When I was in the wilderness bloodland, you and Lu Dongbin chased after me because of the mere purple air coming from the east, and attacked me wantonly. Do you have any sense of mercy? "

He Xiangu was at a loss for words.

That's right, their husband and wife had a grudge with Du Yu first, and only then did they get revenge later.Du Yu treated her like this at this time, and He Xiangu couldn't say anything.

"But, fellow Taoist," He Xiangu looked like a little lady going to the grave, she met a reckless man on the wilderness road, and she couldn't help but coquettishly said: "Even if the concubine was confused at the time, you should have a lot of adults and let the concubine go. I don't know anything about the concubine." According to your."

Du Yu couldn't help laughing.

If he hadn't seen He Xiangu's insidious way of framing her Taoist couple, Du Yu would have thought that she was a virtuous and virtuous woman from a good family who cared for her husband and taught her children, and even had the idea of ​​confiscating the house.It's a pity that now Du Yu has become wary and has no sympathy for He Xiangu.

Seeing that Du Yu was not moved, He Xiangu gritted her teeth and knew what happened today. If she didn't pay a price, she would never leave this place alive. It’s just that I’m good at dual cultivation, if my fellow Taoists don’t give up, I’m willing to recommend myself as a pillow.”

You don't understand what this He Xiangu means by dropping her book bag in a polite way?
A foul word, my wife is good in bed, I can sleep with you in exchange for my life!

He Xiangu smiled beautifully, the elegant and virtuous temperament of a good family and a beautiful woman, coupled with this time and place, in the wilderness, lonely men and widows, in this situation, if the sky is a dome, the earth is a bedding, the beauty is a bed, and the field fights After a while, it's fragrant and sweaty, wouldn't it be nice?
In particular, this is the Taoist wife of the old enemy Lu Chunyang. Fighting the old enemy's wife in this wilderness is a romantic affair that a man will remember all his life.

He Xiangu believes that with her beauty and charm, and she is really good at the art of dual cultivation of Taoists and couples, she will definitely be able to confuse Du Yu so much that she doesn't know where she is.

As long as she finds the right opportunity, she won't worry that she won't be able to turn around, reverse the situation, lay Du Yu down to the eighteenth level of hell, and snatch the Hunyuan Pearl back!
Du Yu's eyes fixed on He Xiangu's figure fiercely.

He Xiangu's cheeks were glowing, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were flowing, she was so beautiful that she interpreted the style of a good wife to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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