Chapter 1517 Mysterious Voice!test storytelling

Du Yu glanced at the cave, thinking that there are ghosts and immortals in his heart. If a dead fellow Taoist is not a poor Taoist, there is one more cannon fodder, so why not do it?

He nodded: "How do you know that the cave in front can lead to the outside?"

Ghost Fairy said with a sly smile: "You think I only know the technique of corpse puppets, but I tell you that I am also proficient in divination and Fengshui. This place where gods and demons are on the battlefield is an excellent Fengshui acupoint. So the powerful shock wave back then , turning this place into a subspace. If it weren’t for Feng Shui factors, even if dozens of nuclear bombs exploded in succession, it would not be able to form spatial turbulence and subspace.”

Du Yu suddenly realized.

It turns out that the formation of the subspace here is actually the unique Feng Shui playing a role behind it.

Guixian snorted coldly and said: "These gods and demons fell here, it can be said that they have their own destiny. But fortune and misfortune depend on each other. This geomantic acupoint has made the corpses of these gods and demons not rot for a long time. The disintegration also caused the souls of the gods and demons to linger. This is why we encountered so many disgusting god-level monsters!"

The feng shui dragon-hunting compass in his hand pointed to the cave ahead, and he said firmly: "My feng shui compass judges that there is a leak of feng shui at the big dragon's eye in feng shui. It means that the luck here is connected with the outside world. .As long as you can walk through here, you should be able to get out."

Du Yu nodded.

The two walked back and forth into the cave.

The ghost fairy seemed to be extra vigilant about the cave, and followed suit, and released two ghost spirits to lead the way in front.

The two ghosts look quite like a bull's head and a horse's face. According to the ghost fairy, they are two adventurer brothers in the inner city.

Du Yu knew that ghosts and immortals had many evil spells, refining people, ghosts, and souls were common things, so he didn't take it seriously, and followed the ghosts into it.

If it were Du Yu who had just entered the space, he would definitely think that ghosts and immortals are evil people, but after seeing what the Tang court, Hou Shenjiang and others did, Du Yu gradually realized: "Using human bones as weapons A man who does not see blood is no more evil than a man who kills without blood."

Of course, Guixian is indeed not a good person, but who is a good person for an adventurer who can reach the position of Zifu District?

He Xiangu's demeanor is charming, but she is a good person?
Du Yu believes that for adventurers, it is enough to stay true to one's heart and keep the bottom line.

Guixian and Du Yu went deeper step by step.

The cave seemed to be extremely deep. The two of them walked for three or four miles, but they couldn't see the exit. On the contrary, it was getting darker and darker.

"Tell me, what will live in this place of longan?" Du Yu had a whim.

Guixian spat: "Ghost knows? By the way, I saw many Zifu districts were swallowed up by these god-level monsters. Hehe, the powerhouses of this space have lost a lot Ah. My hope of attacking the Star Picking Tower is much higher."

Du Yu smiled wryly: "Don't take pleasure in other's misfortunes, okay? The biggest enemy in space is the demons. The next time the demons invade, you won't think so if you don't have helpers by your side."

Guixian said disdainfully: "Fart! I don't believe that this ghostly place can be defended! I heard that the extraterrestrial demon has added a supreme demon! Guard the exit, and the next time the beast horde war, the space will be even more useless. I'd better escape to a higher level earlier Space is great."

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

When the forest grows, there are all kinds of birds. From the beginning, this ghost fairy insisted that the space cannot be defended, and he must flee to a higher space.

He tentatively asked: "You have yelled this countless times, why don't you challenge the Zhaixing Pavilion?"

Guixian said with a bitter face: "You think I don't want to? But I have already coughed, this involves the core secrets of Dao space, and it will be obliterated if you tell it to unrelated people. When will you be qualified to intervene in this matter in a mere inner city? ? Let’s upgrade Zifu District earlier.”

It was the first time Du Yu saw that ghosts were afraid of space.It seems that there are some mysteries about Zhaixing Pavilion, and they will not be solved until they become Zifu District.

Suddenly, the ghost in front of the road screeched.

Guixian let out a wow, and spit out a mouthful of blood. He was unexpectedly interrupted by someone to rebound the damage and hurt his internal organs.


Du Yu said in a deep voice, and swept forward.

"Who are you?" A deep and strange voice sounded: "Why did you come here?"

His language is not the language of human beings, but the language of heavenly demons.On top of every adventurer's appearance in the space, they have their own translators and can understand the language of demons.

"Who are you? Heavenly Demon?" Ghost Immortal shouted angrily, "Come out and show yourself!"

Being able to come here, he was psychologically prepared for the danger, and the ghost fairy didn't panic too much. He summoned Uncle Xi, Xi Zhong and other brothers corpse puppets to guard the surroundings.

With the formation of the four brothers, if they can join forces to increase their power, even if they meet the strong ones in the Zifu District, it will be no problem.Coupled with Guixian's own strength and Du Yu's help, it may not be possible to lose to the ordinary demon.

"Extraterritorial demons? Hmph!" The voice said with a deep smile, "What are they?"

"Not a demon?" Du Yu and Guixian looked at each other.Heavenly demons are generally very crazy, even if they paralyze the enemy, they will not speak in a self-deprecating way.Such a contemptuous tone should not be a demon.

"It's been here for thousands of years, and no one has come here." The voice said with great interest, as if Du Yu and Guixian were two interesting toys: "What are you two? Human?"

"Yes!" Du Yu said solemnly: "If you are not a demon, could it be a senior who survived in this land of gods and demons? Can you give me a name?"

The voice said disdainfully: "Human? I'm not even a human!"

"Neither a demon nor a human being, who are you?"

Du Yu and Guixian were really surprised now.

"Hmph! The universe is so big that it breeds all things. Could it be that there are no other creatures except demons and humans?" The voice changed the subject: "I have been here for too long, and no one else has come in except for a few monkeys. How come you come here?" It's very time, talk to me, relieve boredom."

Du Yu finally knew that the monkeys that the black monkey old man mentioned were all trapped by the sound, so he said in a deep voice, "What happened to those monkeys in the end?"

The voice smiled: "They were quite interesting at first, but then they squeaked so loudly that I thought they were noisy, so I threw them away."

Du Yu saw a pile of highly decomposed monkey corpses in the depths of the cave at a glance, and his heart felt cold.

The owner of this voice really doesn't take life seriously, whether it's a god or a monkey.I and Guixian are in trouble this time.

The voice snorted: "You humans are really a bunch of stupid pigs, you were attacked by the demons and killed in a hurry. I am here to watch the excitement, and I feel bored."

"You are not from this planet?" Du Yu boldly asserted.

"Huh? There are smart people?" The voice asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"It's neither a human nor a demon, of course it's an intelligent creature from another planet," Du Yu said with a smile.

Guixian looked solemnly: "You mean, this is the existence of another civilization?"

His voice trembled a little: "Isn't it the existence of a higher space?"

"Higher dimension?" Du Yu was taken aback, the ghost fairy's guess is really possible.

"Okay, you have no right to know where I came from." The voice said with great interest, "Tell me why you came here and where are you planning to go?"

Du Yu and Guixian looked at each other.Ghost Fairy resentfully said: "You tell him, my old man is too lazy to talk nonsense."

Du Yu started from the beginning, how he entered the battlefield of gods and demons, how he dealt with the crises in the battlefield one by one, and put out fires everywhere. He also talked about the demons outside the territory who blocked the only exit. Go forward and try to find such an exit.

He has an excellent eloquence, and he narrated his adventures, with ups and downs, and the voice he said was dumbfounded.

After a long time, the voice slowed down and praised: "Your story is really good. I haven't heard such an interesting adventure for a long time. What about the other person?"

Guixian was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him, but the voice was too powerful, and just the faint coercion in his tone made people unable to underestimate him and dared not disobey his orders.Even Guixian, the proud and powerful Zifu District, had to tell his adventures.

Du Yu was shocked when he heard what happened to the Tang adventure team, especially Su Daji was held hostage by the revived Long Shengtian, which made him feel very worried.

Although Su Daji was ice-snow and intelligent, Du Yu believed that she would be fine, but Long Shengtian, as a hero of the generation, was moody, once he knew that Su Daji was lying to him, Su Daji might not be able to settle down.

Su Daji must be rescued before Long Shengtian enters the space.

Guixian was originally a generation of murderers. Being brought here is like a grandfather forced to tell stories to his grandson. It is really embarrassing, so his stories are told dryly and without emotion.

The voice dissatisfied: "Your story is not fun. You are not qualified to enter the cave."

Ghost Immortal's eyeballs popped out, how could he imagine that the sound was based on whether it was fun or not to enter the cave and leave this place?
At this moment, the voice suddenly laughed and said, "I'm really happy, there are newcomers here. Let me hear their stories, isn't it fun?"

Du Yu turned his head to look.

It turned out that Singer, the leader of the parliamentary country, also walked into the cave with a group of adventurers from the Zifu District.Seeing Du Yu and Guixian, Singer grinned, stepped forward to hug Du Yu and said, "I'm still worried about you, but I didn't expect you to come here one step earlier."

The voice asked Du Yu to introduce the rules.

Du Yu briefly described the situation here, and Singer and the others were dumbfounded.

Want to go out and tell a story?Not exciting, not qualified to leave?
Singer and the others got a signal from Du Yu, and began to rack their brains, ponder over it, and stepped forward to tell stories one by one.

It is conceivable that these people can become strong in the Zifu District, and naturally none of them are fools.After full preparation, all the stories were really exciting, and spit stars flew around.

Unexpectedly, the voice was still faint, and the stories of most people were judged not exciting enough, only the story of Singer and another person passed the test.

(End of this chapter)

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