Chapter 1518 The command of the voice, the war will start!

An East African adventurer, who looked like a raging fire, sneered and said, "What a story, it's clearly a joke! I think it's a demon playing tricks to delay the time. If you have the guts, come in with me and force your way out!"

Some adventurers who were eager to go out and were disqualified by the voice were also emotional, and even ghosts and immortals were eager to try.

Du Yu reminded the ghost fairy: "Don't act rashly, don't protrude rashly, otherwise I won't help you if something happens."

Guixian snorted coldly, but Du Yu's words carried a lot of weight to him, so he still didn't take that step in the end.

After a while, Guixian was in a cold sweat, thankful that he followed Du Yu's advice and didn't follow these reckless East African adventurers to take that step and forcefully break through the pass.

Because, those adventurers who broke through are all dead.

Died terribly.

Like apes, they lightly jumped into the depths of the cave, and quickly broke through the defense.

The leading East African adventurer, who seemed to be from the Horn of Africa—Somalia, rushed to the depths of the cave, stepped on a stone triumphantly, winked at the adventurers standing at the entrance of the cave, and said provocatively: "You guys Baby, just tell stories and listen to stories here. I will go to the space first with the treasure I got from this damn ghost place. The big ass girl from the Moulin Rouge in Paris is still waiting for my COCK. Maybe the Omen will Moved by your story, let me let you go?"

He bared his white teeth and disappeared into the depths of the cave.

But soon, he appeared again.

turned into a corpse.

The corpse was highly distorted, and it was hard to imagine what was lurking in the darkness, taking his life in one breath.

He was not alone, he was thrown out like a dead dog, and there were four corpses of adventurers who followed him to take risks.

These five people were thrown into a corner like garbage.It was the corner where the black monkey corpses piled up.

It's like a garbage dump, and any unwanted garbage is thrown there.

Du Yu looked sadly at the five famous adventurers who piled up with the black monkey corpses. The big angry eyes of the East African adventurers showed horror, and they died with regret.

The voice said lightly: "Very good. We can continue now. Anyone who does not obey my rules will not be able to leave this place alive."

At this moment, no one dared to question his words.

A funny scene appeared, one after another the long-established powerhouses from all over the world lined up and walked to the entrance of the cave one by one, racking their brains to tell wonderful adventure stories.

It has to be said that there are a lot of talents in space, and Du Yu was impressed by the stories of these experienced adventurers in Zifu District, and listened to them with fascination.Each of them has their own stories, with rich experiences and twists and turns of fate, if they tell them one by one, two novels would not be enough to finish.

The voice was happy and judged one by one.Most of the people who spoke wonderfully and had a rough fate were judged to pass, while the rest were still rejected.

Not long after, all the adventurers finished telling their stories and divided into two groups.

One group is the story players who successfully passed the judgment, and the other group is the unlucky ones who were judged to be unqualified.

"I am the fairest god" said the voice unhurriedly, as if an old man enjoying Western food, fastening his napkin in an orderly manner, waiting for the last steak to be served: "So I give anyone a chance. Even these People who are not qualified to tell stories still have a chance.”

"I'll give you one last chance." The voice said excitedly, "If you want to pass here, you must close this damned land of gods and demons for me."

"Close? The battlefield of gods and demons?" Du Yu was startled.

This request was rather weird, although Du Yu knew that the celestial demons had tried to close this subspace and trap all the adventurers and human gods who entered it to death.

The voice said unhurriedly: "That's right, this battlefield of gods and demons is a subspace. There are four space-time nodes in total, which can maintain the operation of this place. The task I gave you is to close this place. Of course, before you Tell me a story, and group them according to the story, the nearest and relatively safe nodes, go to the group with good performance. And the farther dangerous nodes are handed over to those with poor performance. Did you all hear clearly? "

The adventurers were furious.

This voice actually asked them to risk their lives and return to the battlefield of gods and demons to complete some space-time node tasks.Of course they were unwilling.

But looking at the unsettled corpses of the five East African adventurers, I felt the huge and incomparable power of the voice in the cave.The adventurers fell silent.

"We close the space-time node, and you will let us go as promised?" Singer took the lead and asked in a deep voice, "Why should we trust you?"

The voice lazily said: "Because you have no choice. Either you believe me and close the time-space node, or you can choose to force your way and try your luck."

Adventurers have learned from the past, how can they be willing to go to death lightly?They all shook their heads.

Du Yu was silent.

Anyone who does something must have his purpose.

This voice seems to be high-ranking, making fun of the adventurers who are eager to go out, but why does he send these unlucky adventurers to close this battlefield of gods and demons?
This can only show that he has a reason not to close this place!

Du Yu's piercing eyes kept scanning the darkness deep in the cave, hoping to find more clues.

This is a good habit he has developed in encountering powerful enemies many times during his adventures.

Even if you can't win the enemy, you must figure out the enemy's intentions and act accordingly.

Guixian stood up and said: "But as far as I know, the demons can close this space-time node because they have the key here and can send and receive freely. But how can we close these space-time nodes? There is no way, and we can't do anything. "

This is the best excuse Guixian, as a poor storyteller, found.

You asked us to complete the task, we have no way to close, how to go?
The voice sneered: "Although the demons have exerted their magic power and objectively promoted the formation of this place, in fact, this place mainly relied on the battle between gods and demons, and the strong aura of gods and demons condensed here and exploded. With the demons It doesn't matter much. I can give you a spell and a prop. As long as you read the spell and insert the prop into the time node, you can close a node. I don't have high requirements for you, as long as any group completes the node If you close it, you can all leave this place, how about it?"

After finishing speaking, four rays of light flew out from the depths of the cave, floating in mid-air, turning slowly.

Those are four multi-faceted diamond-shaped crystal pillars as thick as arms, crystal clear, emitting rays of light in the air.

"These crystal pillars can close this place. You only need to find the space-time node and insert it, and you can successfully close the node." The voice said lazily: "I won't say much else, I wish you good luck."

Du Yu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Unexpectedly, apart from the entrance blocked by Yan, the only exit left was guarded by such a terrifying existence, and the conditions he proposed for crossing the road were even more strange.

"So, we have to form four teams, go to the four nodes of time and space, and complete any task before we can leave here?" Singer looked at the leaders of Zifu District and said with a wry smile: "I'm not good at telling stories, so I have to go to the most Two distant nodes."

Guixian also said resentfully: "There is no way, we can't defeat that monster, so we can only treat him as a grandson."

Du Yu was silent.

Adventurers have one advantage: whenever they encounter unmatched power, or tasks that are destined to be completed, they will be very capable of execution.This is related to the fact that they have been issued various nonsensical orders by the main god space for a long time.They are used to just doing without asking.

But Du Yu has the habit of thinking and asking the truth.

His golden eyes were always staring at the depths of the dark and deep cave.

"What?" Guixian came up and asked, "Is there anything you can't find?"

Du Yu shook his head: "It's nothing, we are in different groups, let's split up first."

He walked back slowly, but Empress Nuwa was still waiting for him in the distance.

"I saw a lot of adventurers go in and jump out one after another." Concubine Sisi came up to meet her and asked, "What's inside?"

Du Yu told everyone what happened in the cave.Everyone was surprised.

"Another force wants to close this place?" Empress Nuwa said with a strange expression, "It sounds very problematic."

"No matter what, we can't forcibly break through the barrier of the black hole." Du Yu said solemnly: "I have estimated that even if the god Nuwa is included, the chance of us passing safely is no more than [-]%."

Empress Nuwa nodded and said, "I also feel that the existence in that cave is extremely powerful, and I don't have the slightest chance of being able to deal with it."

"Then there is only one way left." The old Dragon King said hesitantly: "Thanks to Du Yu's good eloquence, we only need to find any time-space node, and take the crystal given by this monster to seal the node."

Du Yu was not so optimistic, his fiery eyes blinked nimbly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, thousands of miles away.

Supreme Moyan, who was guarding the only exit, gradually turned solemn.

"Something's wrong." He said coldly, "It's been so long. Why haven't any adventurers come out?"

Hum chuckled and said: "Maybe it's this group of human guys who have encountered those god-level terrifying existences one after another in the battlefield of gods and demons, and have been killed one by one. Hehe, this is the most ideal way, and how much trouble we have saved." .”

Yan shook his head: "You are too naive. Based on my understanding of human beings, although these human beings are not as good as our heavenly demons in physique, their will to survive and intelligence are far beyond your imagination. The two beast hordes you have used in the past The reason why wars have been lost is that we have repeatedly underestimated human intelligence and will."

Hum bowed his head in embarrassment, and smiled.

Kui asked: "Since you suspect that humans have other plans, ancestor, what should we do?"

Yan's eyes were deep, looking at the battlefield filled with strange fog, and said in a deep voice: "Since no one comes out, it means that human beings know that we are guarding here, and are sparing no effort to find another exit. Whether they find it or not, we must go forward." Go to investigate. Find out the situation. In this way, the four of you go in separately and focus on checking the time and space nodes."

(End of this chapter)

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