Chapter 1519 Long Shengtian!Black Jesus!

"Why do you want to check the space-time node? Is there really no other exit?" Hum wondered.

"The restriction here was arranged by me and the other two supreme demons. I am confident that there will be no problem. But when the big bang and the subspace formed, I noticed that there seemed to be a strange force in the northeast direction that was involved. During the big bang." Yan fell into reminiscence: "But we were exhausted at the time and had no extra energy to investigate. Then we laid a ban and completed the closure of this world, until not long ago, I opened this place."

"Strange power?" Hum wondered, "The power that you can notice will certainly not come from someone unknown. But who would it be?"

Du Yu led the team to the nearest space-time node, and suddenly sensed the situation ahead.

The super-long-range vision of the piercing eyes allowed Du Yu to take the lead in the encounter.

He keenly locked on five miles ahead, there were three people walking in a meandering way.

That direction is exactly where the space-time node is located.

"Su Daji!" Du Yu saw the figure of the woman caught in the middle.

"It's Long Shengtian, and Black Jesus!" Concubine Sisi exclaimed.

"How did these two demon gods get together?" Nuwa frowned with a solemn expression.

This time, the four human kingdoms fully explored the battlefield of gods and demons, and gave birth to several terrifying demon gods. Black Jesus, Maijiade, Five-clawed Golden Dragon God, Long Shengtian and others are the best of them.They hunted the strong men in the Zifu area everywhere, and everyone was in danger for a while.

Fortunately, Du Yu made a timely move, attacked and severely injured the five-clawed golden dragon, and forced the black Jesus back, so that this place did not turn into a killing ground for Shura.

Unexpectedly, Long Shengtian would get mixed up with Black Jesus and hold Su Daji hostage. What should I do?

Du Yu got in touch with Su Daji through voice transmission.

Su Daji was worried, when she heard Du Yu's voice, she was overjoyed.

"You are heartless, why did you contact him at this time. I was almost scared to death."

"These two guys are so powerful? You can't even escape?" Du Yu knew that Su Da had nine lives, and there were countless life-saving skills.

Su Daji shook his head and said: "Jesus needless to say, is the strongest Lord God in the world. The birth of this black Jesus was actually formed by the dark side in Jesus' body, and it also possessed the 6% power of Jesus in its heyday. The only weakness is If you don’t have enough energy, you will be temporarily forced to retreat. If he has devoured enough flesh and blood energy, he will kill you with his hand, and it will be a matter of seconds.”

Du Yu was discouraged and said, "Aren't you afraid that I won't come to save you if you say these things?"

Su Daji laughed and said, "I know you are a great hero, you won't leave your woman behind."

Du Yuqi said: "You just said that the birth of this black Jesus is the dark side of Jesus? Why don't you tell me more about the inside story?"

Su Daji nodded and said: "I also found out after Black Jesus and Long Shengtian met. The two seem to have known each other before. After meeting, they talked for a while. Long Shengtian mocked Black Jesus, and finally found out from the belly of Jesus the hypocrite. Separated. I just found out."

Du Yu suddenly realized.

The so-called things have two sides.

Where there is sunshine, there is darkness, where there is nobility, there is filth, and where there is mercy, there is cruelty.

Gods are cultivated by mortals, and they also have bad roots, dark and despicable psychology.

Under normal circumstances, the reason why gods become gods is that they understand part of the truth in the world, can transcend the limitations of the flesh, and step through the void with a strong spiritual realm and spiritual cultivation to elevate themselves to another world. level.

But this does not mean that the darkness in the heart can be eliminated.

In the battlefield of gods and demons, in the fierce battle, the gods fell and died.

The dead gods, the dark sub-personality that was originally firmly suppressed by the divine consciousness will take the opportunity to separate from the main body, and get the once-in-a-lifetime chance to be born.

So is Jesus.

When Jesus, the Lord God of Christianity, was in his heyday, he could firmly suppress the dark thoughts in his body, strip them off, and separate them into a sub-personality to imprison them.This is the reason why Jesus was able to show such compassion and detachment!
Because, there are no dirty and filthy things in his body!
He is just pure saint!

But the weakening and death of the main personality of Jesus finally gave the secondary personality a chance to escape.

Therefore, he took the opportunity to escape and declared that he was Jesus himself. In order to distinguish him from the previous Jesus, he named him Black Jesus, and as a matter of course, he possessed all the characteristics and divine grace of Jesus.

Because they are one.

Jesus is gone, black Jesus takes his place.

This is Du Yu's most troublesome situation - the main god-level powerhouse who was able to stand on the human side and resist the invasion of heavenly demons has suddenly transformed into an evil force in space, a troublemaker, doing evil everywhere.Instead of being able to get help, I have to fight against it.

How can people complain about this result?

Fortunately, most of these nascent god-level monsters are still in their infancy, and their strength is not stable. Du Yu took the opportunity to attack and severely injured and suppressed a few of them, otherwise there would be no place to cry at this time.

But looking at the backs of Black Jesus and Long Shengtian, Du Yu's heart suddenly moved.

On the one hand, it is true that these guys are enemies, but if you change your mind, they can also be used as a pawn.
Because, they were also imprisoned in the battlefield of gods and demons by the extraterrestrial demons, and they couldn't wait to get out!

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

As long as you use it well, the enemy can also become a gun!

Du Yu calmed down and asked Su Daji, "These two guys, why do you know about the nodes of time and space? Why did they come here?"

Su Daji sneered and said, "These two monsters are smarter than we thought! They knew that if they appeared in front of adventurers, they would definitely be besieged by humans! So they simply chose to support the puppets!"

"Puppet?" Du Yu suddenly realized: "They captured a certain Zifu district and forced the other party to become a lackey?"

"That's right!" Su Daji nodded and said, "When you faced the mysterious voice at the final exit, you were all raped by the adventurers from the Zifu District who entered the cave. If you didn't pull any of them, you all told Black Jesus! After Long Sheng and I When Tian met Black Jesus, he took the initiative to invite Long Shengtian, one step ahead, to lurk around the time-space node. As long as you come here and successfully close a time-space node, they will rush out from behind and steal the time-space crystal. Go to the cave and get out as a pass!"

Du Yu's face darkened.

The wisdom of these demon gods cannot be underestimated.

In such a short period of time, they actually thought of finding a puppet inside the human race, spying on the news, and even colluding with each other, planning to come after the oriole!

If it wasn't for a mistake, Su Daji was her own woman, and the ordinary adventurer team would definitely not have taken precautions. After working hard to close the time and space nodes, these demon gods took away the fruits of victory.

But since Du Yu has a strong army and a traitor that the enemy doesn't know about at this time, why not take advantage of this opportunity?
Du Yu smiled coldly, and said to Su Daji, "It's up to you later!"

Su Daji smiled sweetly and said, "This is exactly what they are good at."

Long Shengtian stood proudly with his hands behind his back, looking into the mist with dark and deep eyes, as if he wanted to see through all these mysteries.

Black Jesus stood beside him in a black robe.Richelieu's body has been completely occupied by the master he admired, and his temperament has changed so much that he cannot be recognized.

"Is your information accurate?" Long Shengtian said indifferently: "Don't make me wait here and waste time."

"If you don't believe my information, you can take the risk to find the exit by yourself." Black Jesus was not polite, and smiled coldly: "It took me a lot of effort to transform that lost lamb who believed in God into my faithful believer. He Even my own wife in the space is willing to be devoured by me, so what else would you not sacrifice for me?"

"It's inexplicable that we, the gods, should be hijacked by an inexplicable existence, who has to tell stories and be a running dog at the same time," Long Shengtian said proudly, full of a sense of superiority.

"I have personally visited the exit cave." Black Jesus was silent for a while and said, "I can tell you that the difficulty of passing through there is ten times more difficult than breaking through the entrance guarded by the Supreme Demon! If you are not willing to condescend and surrender , you can go and fight with Yan."

In the thousands of years of the battle between gods and demons, Jesus also saw the supreme demon, so he said this.

"Hmph! If it wasn't for the lack of energy in my body right now and my poor state, how could I be afraid of a mere Supreme Demon?" Long Shengtian was still arrogant.

"Fart! When you are at your best, you can't beat a Supreme Demon." Black Jesus was unceremonious, exposing Long Shengtian.

Long Shengtian laughed: "That's right. I'm good at using troops to manage politics. In terms of combat strength alone, I may not be an opponent of the same level as you and Yan. But so what? Aren't you also cornered by Yan?"

"I don't have the patience to play hide-and-seek with Yan here." Black Jesus said indifferently: "I want to get out as soon as possible, control the church, and establish my own power. As long as you give me enough flesh and blood energy, I can restore more than 7% of Jesus' full strength. Fear not the High Demon."

"The plan is very good, but let's talk about it after passing the current stage." Long Shengtian smiled and shook his head.

He glanced at Su Daji: "When you meet someone later, you are responsible for communicating with the enemy and paralyzing the enemy. I think you are very good at persuading others with your methods."

Su Daji smiled coquettishly: "Thanks to the patriarch's favor, Daji dare not work hard?"

At this moment, Du Yu, Concubine Sisi, Old Dragon King and others came out of the mist.

"What a little devil! If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you come here!"

Black Jesus looked at Du Yu with a ferocious face.

"What?" Long Shengtian said with a smile, "You know this person?"

Black Jesus snorted coldly: "He took advantage of the danger and attacked me when I just woke up, but failed."

Long Shengtian smiled, but did not speak.He had never met Du Yu, so he didn't have much hatred, but he had an instinctive hostility towards Du Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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