Chapter 1520 The pig teammate who is close and far away!

His gaze stayed on the nodes of time and space.

The space-time node, like a pile of nebula-shaped diamond fragment particles, rotates slowly in mid-air, coldly reflecting the surrounding light.In the center of the nebula particles, we can also see faint regular forces, supporting the operation of this subspace.

This is one of the four major space-time nodes set up here by the supreme demons in order to hide the battlefield of gods and demons.

These four space-time nodes form the support for this subspace.This space has its own system, which is controlled by the four major space-time nodes.

"Thousands of years ago, you were defeated." Long Shengtian sneered and sarcastically said, "It's really useless. You were still imprisoned here by the demons."

"Didn't you come in too?" Black Jesus said coldly: "Is it interesting to laugh at fifty steps? Besides, with your mere skill, if you were on the battlefield, you would have been wiped out by now."

"Someone is coming!" Su Daji opened her beautiful eyes and warned the two of them.

Du Yu came here with a group of people.

Long Shengtian frowned.

The first time he saw Du Yu, he was instinctively disgusted.

As a god-level villain, Du Yu's expression was too disgusting for the domineering superior.Not only is he in high spirits, but his eyes always reveal the fearlessness of fearlessness.

The current adventurers are so unruly!
Long Shengtian cursed in his heart that if his era had changed, adventurers like Du Yu would have been executed long ago.

But what attracted him the most was the crystal in Du Yu's hand.

Du Yu's team was very relaxed, and didn't seem to worry about any danger around this time-space node.After Du Yu discovered the time-space node, he naturally walked towards the node, ready to launch the closing spell.

Long Shengtian and Black Jesus looked at each other, ready to launch an attack at any time after Du Yu completed the spell.Once this crystal is in hand, kill all the adventurers here, devour their flesh and blood, and they can leave this damned battlefield of gods and demons.The existence in the cave doesn't care who completed the task, all it wants is the result.

But the so-called no coincidence is a book, every time it comes to a critical moment, someone will come out to disrupt the situation.

A sharp light from the sky flew in front of Du Yu's team in an instant, and he shouted majestically: "Where is the human being, dare to move the time-space node?"

As if facing an enemy, Du Yu's team responded quickly, formed a formation, and made a defensive posture.

Extraterrestrial demon, fierce!

This day, a chimpanzee flew out from the sky. It was huge, like a mountain, standing in front of Du Yu and others, blocking Du Yu's way.

Long Shengtian and Hei Jesus looked at each other, secretly screaming bad luck.

Unexpectedly, just as the oriole was about to complete its fatal blow, a troublesome crow flew over and twittered there, disturbing the praying mantis who was about to get into the trap.

How can these two orioles be reconciled?
But there was no way, no matter how much Long Shengtian and Hei Jesus scolded in their hearts, they stood there so suddenly that Du Yu was completely disturbed, and he raised his vigilance and was fully alert.

The fierce gorilla turned its nostrils to the sky, spewed out two streams of white air, snorted coldly and looked at the crystal in Du Yu's hand, his face changed, "Where did you get this?"

At the same time, he is trying his best to contact Yan, and wants to pass this news to his head as soon as possible.

For some reason, human beings actually have a spare key to replace the Heavenly Demon, which can close this place. This news is too important.If he hadn't arrived in time, this place would have been closed by Du Yu.

It's ridiculous that if Feiyan is alert, we are still waiting at the entrance, and all humans have run away!

As a fierce general, Meng has always looked down on human beings. Although Du Yu is an acquaintance on the battlefield of gods and demons, in his opinion, Kui and others are just incompetent!
He wants to completely return the weak nature of this human being to its original form!

He slammed his chest hard, his broad chest muscles swayed, and his roar was earth-shattering!

"You are dead! Human!"

Du Yu waved his hand to stop Nuwa who was eager to try: "Mother, as our secret trump card, you must be the last to act. In addition, the old Dragon King is a demon clan, so it is not appropriate to expose it at this time. My concubine Sisi and the Holy See can do it."

Du Yu glanced at the hiding place where Long Shengtian and the others were hiding, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Since Su Daji has such a useful internal response, how could Du Yu not count the enemy as dead?

He jumped up, with awe-inspiring righteousness, and faced Meng.

The Holy See, the Dragon Clan and others, wait and see what kind of clever method Du Yu uses to attack this abominable monster head-on.

Black Jesus gritted his teeth, wishing that Du Yu would die tragically at the hands of this extraterrestrial demon.

Something that surprised everyone happened.

Du Yu and Meng had a high-end dialogue, and it took only one move to decide the winner.

The Holy See, the Dragon Clan and others were shocked.

Black Jesus was overjoyed.

Because Du Yu failed miserably!

Gang Meng, who was crushed by Mount Tai, hit the chest hard, and flew out like a cannonball!

He raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, as if he wanted to vent all the depression suppressed by Du Yu!
What a powerful oriental adventurer, you are nothing under my iron fist!


Fiercely and violently, he rushed towards Du Yu in midair regardless of everything, and punched again!
Only the heavy blow that crushes everything can make Meng regain his confidence and let him find the pleasure of controlling everything.

Like a rag sandbag, Du Yu was thrown around by a fierce and helpless extraterrestrial demon.He kept spitting blood and screaming loudly, just like any weak person in front of a strong person, completely irresistible.

Long Shengtian heard Du Yu's name and identity from Su Daji's mouth.

"It turns out that this is the traitor who took half of the land of the Tang Dynasty?" He was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Du Yu was such a cowardly bastard, and he was able to take more than half of the land from his descendants. Who are they?

But such a scene also made Long Shengtian feel extreme contempt for Du Yu.It's the same for anyone. When you first see someone being beaten and crawling on the ground, you can't be in awe of him.

Du Yu, this time is so miserable.

Meng Zai laughed wildly, Long Shengtian spat contemptuously, and Black Jesus rubbed his hands excitedly.

But there is one thing, not so wonderful.

Du Yu seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally, he was punched harder and closer to the hiding place of Long Shengtian and Black Jesus.Meng chased after him excitedly, beating the dog in the water.

Long Shengtian frowned: "Why is this kid such a coincidence?"

After all, he is a generation of heroes with a keen sense of smell, and can detect problems from clues.

But that's about it.

Black Jesus smiled and said, "It's impossible for him to find the hiding place covered by your and my consciousness. This should be just a coincidence."

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Yu was punched hard and knocked down hard.

He was unbiased, broke through a dense tree shade, and bumped into the side of Black Jesus.

Menacingly, like a chimpanzee in heat, he jumped and rushed to Du Yu's side, just in time to see the astonished Black Jesus and Long Shengtian.

The two secretly called unlucky.

Why was Du Yu so careless?
They acted like orioles, and they hid them very well. Who would have thought that Du Yu and Meng would break through them unintentionally?
Meng is not stupid. Although he looks like a gorilla, the brain size of the extraterrestrial demon is fundamentally different from that of a gorilla.

At a glance, he saw Long Shengtian and Black Jesus who were not detected by the spiritual scan!

This fierce man with a rough appearance but a delicate heart immediately breaks out in a cold sweat, even his hairs stand on his head!

He scanned the surroundings carefully, but he didn't find anyone here at all!

This shows what?
This shows that these two guys' spiritual consciousness is concealed, and they almost deceived him!

Where the hell are these two guys?
Since the sudden arrival was the last, he instinctively thought that these two must be Du Yu's accomplices, ambush here, waiting to give him a fatal blow.

Fortunately, Meng did not fight alone. The moment he encountered Du Yu, he had already sent a voice transmission thousands of miles away, asking for Yan's support.

Yan is not a waste either, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem after receiving Meng's subpoena.

Humans, having found other passages, can escape.Human beings are dividing their forces into four groups, looking for time and space nodes everywhere, trying to gain control of the battlefield of gods and demons!
Never let a cooked duck fly away!
He spread his wings immediately, rushing to aid Meng who was the first to sound the alarm.At the same time, he ordered the other heavenly demons to protect the nodes of time and space with all their strength, and must not let human beings be completely destroyed.

But Meng couldn't get Yan's support at this time.Even if it is the Supreme Demon, it will take some time to get here in the mist.

Therefore, there is only retreat.

He retreated to the time-space node, huddled to guard, and waited for Yan's support. At the same time, he looked at Du Yu, Black Jesus and others with vigilant eyes.

Before the Black Jesus could speak, Du Yu had already let out a long sigh: "Oh, I told you to hide better. How could you be smashed by the demon so easily? You two are really pigs!"

Just as Long Shengtian was about to speak, Du Yu pointed at him and shouted angrily: "About you! Apparently you! You stupid idiot, you clearly told you to use all your celestial power to cover your tracks. You are so careless! You are not afraid of godlike opponents , I’m afraid of pig-like teammates. Tell me! How can this chimpanzee handle it?”

When Du Yu said this, Meng even believed that he and these two insidious ambush guys were in a conspiracy.

Roaring fiercely to the sky, he could tell that Long Shengtian and Black Jesus were not easy people.Its strength is only one line behind him.

Moreover, the main reason for this missing line is that the strength of Black Jesus has not yet recovered. If it reaches its peak, Black Jesus is at the level of the main god, even higher than Meng!

I couldn't help feeling anxious.

Fortunately, Long Shengtian and Black Jesus are not the same as Du Yu at all!

The two of them had fierce eyes, and they were ready to press on, but it was hard to say whether to deal with Du Yu or Meng first.

After Du Yu, concubine Sisi walked out with the high officials of the Holy See fearlessly, facing Black Jesus without fear, and shouted: "You false god who blasphemes the glory of the Lord! We still have a blood debt, and we want to pay it back from you."

More than 300 Sun Wukong clones of black monkeys, led by the old black monkey, also squeaked and rushed out to protect Du Yu's back, aggressive and ready to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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