Chapter 1521 The magical use of Daji!Drag people into the water!
Seeing that Du Yu had so many people, Black Jesus and Long Shengtian felt a little tricky.

As a result, a stalemate between the three parties was formed.

Although Long Shengtian and Black Jesus wanted to attack Du Yu and snatch the key crystal, they were hesitant because they were afraid that there would be a large number of people in Du Yu's hands.

And Meng doesn't seek merit but seeks no faults. Being able to defend the time and space nodes is already considered a great achievement, and it is even more defensive.

Du Yu looked at the enemies on both sides with a smile, as if he was sure of victory and the old god was there, and he yelled out from time to time: "You two, didn't you agree to go together? Why did you hesitate at the critical moment? Don't forget that this is Heavenly Demon is the common enemy of our human race!"

At this moment, an incomparably majestic flame flashed out from behind Meng.This ray of light was so intense that even Black Jesus was forced to cover his eyes with his hands to prevent him from being burned.The black monkeys jumped up and down even more, being overwhelmed by the powerful momentum.

"Yan!" Feeling the fierceness of being alone, he let out a cry of surprise.It's time for Yan to come!

Yan stepped out of the halo of flames awe-inspiringly.

As expected of the most powerful existence in the entire plane, Supreme Demon!
When he walked out, no one dared to stare at him, including the mighty and invincible Long Shengtian!
"Who is it? You want to join forces to challenge my Heavenly Demon Clan's control over this place?"

Yan said slowly.

Du Yu's heart shuddered.

Overjoyed, he pointed at Du Yu and Long Shengtian, and shouted, "Yan, it's these human adventurers."

Although he has never seen Long Shengtian, as long as they are human beings, they are all the same in his eyes.Coupled with Du Yu's deliberately created misunderstanding, Meng made a wrong judgment.

Yan looked at Du Yu coldly.

Du Yu only felt that his body seemed to be licked by the cold tongue of a reptile, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

However, Yan's interest this time quickly shifted to newcomers Long Shengtian and Black Jesus whom he had never met before.

He instinctively felt the powerful aura of Black Jesus and Long Shengtian, frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Yan is not an idiot with a brain full of muscles like Meng, he is good at observing words and expressions.

As soon as Yan appeared, he keenly sensed that Du Yu, Long Shengtian and others were not the same people.From the positions where the two sides guard each other and are not close, we can know one or two.

The fierce words did not mislead Yan.

Long Shengtian also realized how terrifying Yan was.

A supreme demon in its heyday, with a complete body and demon soul, full of energy, such an enemy, even Long Shengtian, who traversed the space and pierced through the Xingxing Pavilion back then, would not dare to provoke it easily.What's more, at this moment, he is holding onto Long Yutian, and his movements are not smooth?
Long Shengtian laughed: "It turned out to be Senior Tianmo, I think there is a misunderstanding here. Du Yu and I are definitely not on the same side. We didn't come here to seize the time and space nodes that you set up, so"

He was polite, took a step back, and gave way to the passage, indicating that he did not intend to participate in the ensuing battle.

Du Yu's side was suddenly dumbfounded.

Yan is such a smart person, he laughed and said: "Okay! You really know the times. I also promise that within 4 hours, I will not take the initiative to attack you. You should leave this place now."

He is a hero of a generation, a great strategist, and he understands the essentials of the art of war to defeat one by one.The so-called 4-hour truce was his arrogant strategy against Long Shengtian and the two of them.The more scattered humans are, the easier it is to defeat them one by one and deal with them one by one.

This time, since knowing that the human race has a second way out, Yan has made up his mind to slaughter.In his opinion, it is time to deal with the human elite once and for all!

The human elites in the space are bound to be slaughtered by him in the next few hours!

Hearing Yan's words, Long Shengtian and Hei Jesus smiled slightly and wanted to leave.

He's really ready to leave.

Concubine Sisi shouted: "Black Jesus! Regardless of whether you occupy the body of my lord or not, in the final analysis, you are a human god! How can you reach an agreement with the demons and live on? You must know that they can't let any human beings go back to the world. Space. Your compromise at this time can only be exchanged for a moment of peace. The next one will be your turn!"

This female pope is majestic and direct, and her phoenix is ​​majestic, which is impressive.

Black Jesus smiled.

He and Long Shengtian are old, treacherous and cunning people, of course they are aware of Yan's tricks, and even more clear that the Heavenly Demon will not let a human race or human god go, and a battle is bound to happen.

But they planned to start a firefight with Yan's side before Du Yu's side, and after both sides were injured, they would find another chance to fight back.At that time, whether it was taking Du Yu's crystal key or taking the opportunity to defeat Yan, it would be much more convenient.

In a word, all three parties want to be orioles, and it depends on who has a higher level and who has a thicker skin.

But it's a pity, they have calculated thousands of times, and they have missed one factor!
That is Du Yu!
Du Yu is a little fox playing tricks, long before he came here, he had planned how to pour the dirty water on Long Shengtian's side precisely!
He winked at Su Daji!

Long Shengtian retreated step by step, and at the nearest place to Jingyan and Meng, Su Daji, a woman who was quiet and elegant like a concubine all the way, suddenly became violent!
Her mighty strength in the Zifu District is fully evident!

The white bone nine-section whip drew out one after another phantoms, filled with the immortal power of the nine-tailed fox infinitely approaching the pass of the Great Demon of Ten Thousand Years, crying ghosts and howling wolves, filled with phantoms, and slammed towards Du Yu's grinning, defenseless Meng!
Suddenly, he became a hindrance, and there was no time to react, and he was about to be fatally attacked by Su Daji!
This change shocked everyone.

Who would have thought that the super beauty who has been following Long Shengtian like a spoiled little daughter-in-law would be so tricky?Still so powerful?

Su Daji's nine-section whip hit without any suspense. After being hit by this full force, he flew backwards, and a large piece of bloody chest muscle was pulled down abruptly by the barbed nine-section whip. !
There was a burst of horrified howls.

But this is not the full strength of Su Daji.She couldn't attach nine of the most vicious spells to the nine-section whip, and they burst out together in the fierce wound.

The extraterrestrial demon Meng really didn't expect that Long Shengtian, who seemed to be obedient, would launch such a shameless sneak attack. He howled fiercely, and greeted the aftermath waves with blood and flesh flying.

Su Daji's actions also shocked Long Shengtian.He shouted in shock and anger: "What are you doing?" He was about to rush up and attack Su Daji.

Of course he could see that without his order, Su Daji's sneak attack on the Heavenly Demon would only bring about one consequence!
That is to represent him and provoke the terrifying revenge of Zhigao Moyan!
As expected, Long Shengtian unintentionally glanced at Yan.

Yan's face has been completely distorted due to anger and shame!

Like a raging bull, snorting and looking at a shameless hyena with red eyes!

"You lied to me?" Yan's voice was as cold as that of the Nine Nether Demon God: "It's really shameless!"

In an instant, he disappeared in place.

Long Shengtian didn't explain.

He knew that no matter how he explained it, it was useless.

To Yan, a [-]-sentence defense is not as convincing as Su Daji's mere sneak attack.

Yan wouldn't know that Su Daji was just a temporary captive he took for the sake of beauty.In his opinion, there is no difference between Su Daji's surprise attack and Long Shengtian's own surprise attack.

Long Shengtian couldn't help feeling regretful.

Knowing the face but not the heart!

Why did he accept Su Daji, who had ulterior motives, and stabbed him in the back at such a critical moment!

A fatal blow!

Du Yu nodded approvingly at Su Daji, and shouted, "Sister Su, well done! Brother Long, Brother Hei, let's go together!"

Du Yu was so angry that Long Shengtian and Black Jesus almost vomited blood.Who is your Brother Long Hei?

Yan was even more convinced that Du Yu and Long Shengtian were acting out a play, conspiring to deceive him, and launching a sneak attack.

This shame of being deceived made the Supreme Demon extremely furious.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Long Shengtian!
Because of Su Daji's outstanding performance, Long Shengtian's hatred in Yan's heart surpassed that of Du Yu for the first time, and he became the priority target of the Supreme Demon.

Fortunately, Long Shengtian was not totally defenseless, his Panlong Sword flickered and blocked Yan's attacking path.

Long Shengtian + Panlong Sword are an invincible combination in space.The birth of the Tang Empire has verified the gold content of this golden combination countless times.

But in front of the Supreme Demon, this pair of golden combination is still not enough!
Yan's huge flaming fist hit the sword of Panlongjian fiercely!

His name is Yan, and his martial arts naturally focuses on fire attacks.The Heavenly Demon clan pays more attention to the body than magic. Under this fist, there is a black flame on the fist. Regardless of speed, power, and strength, it has reached a height that Du Yu has never seen before.

The Panlong Sword was blown away by a punch!

This famous sword handed down from the Tang Dynasty let out a mournful dragon cry, and its mighty strength could not cover its master.

Because the opponent is too strong.

It was also the first time for Du Yu to see the Supreme Demon attack with all his strength, and the destructive power deeply shocked Du Yu.

Du Yu couldn't help but rejoice.

Thanks to myself using Su Daji's hidden trump card to drag Long Shengtian and Hei Jesus into the water, otherwise I would use my own strength to fight against Yan, and even Empress Nuwa would be no match.

The Panlong Sword was shaken away, and Long Shengtian faced Yan's iron fist with flames!

Fortunately, he is also an experienced person who has experienced many battles. The moment Panlongjian let out a mournful cry, he jumped up and rolled backwards, trying to avoid Yan's killing blow.

He couldn't help but hate in his heart.

The original idea was so good, Du Yu and Yanhuo merged, and he waited for the opportunity to be the oriole.

Now that bitch Su Daji's betrayal has put him in a difficult situation.The yellow bird couldn't do it, but instead became Du Yu's cannon fodder and endured Yan's anger.

Fortunately, he did have the real material, so he dodged Yan's blow without time.

Yan's eyes were cold, and he turned his fist into a claw, and with a savage claw, he took advantage of the momentum and attacked Long Shengtian's abdomen.

Long Shengtian could no longer dodge the attack.

The Supreme Demon is the strongest existence in the entire space.

(End of this chapter)

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