Chapter 1522 Du Yu slashes in anger!The demon general is fierce!

Long Shengtian is a legendary adventurer who can enter the upper space, but an iron rule in any game is that a legendary hero at level 99 still cannot resist the final hidden boss.

Long Shengtian let out a roar, and his abdomen was hit by Yan's flaming claws!
Burning in flames!

These two tortures were imposed on Long Shengtian immediately.

A man of great talent, Long Shengtian, who had just recovered, suddenly felt terribly painful.

He had just been reborn, far from reaching his peak state, and he couldn't stop Yan's furious attack.

But Su Daji, the chief culprit, did not hesitate and continued to attack Meng who was in trouble.

The white bone nine-section whip lashed the sharp wound again and again, making it so painful that I couldn't live without it.

Du Yu and his concubine Sisi joined the battle immediately.

The two sides carried out a truly intimate cooperation, and joined forces to defeat the extraterritorial demons and defeat them steadily.

Du Yu drew out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and slammed it towards Meng's ribs.

He was hit by the great sage's stick, hit straight, screamed, and broke two ribs.

Du Yu is full of energy and strengthens his offensive in an all-round way. The light of the stick will firmly cover the period, and his moves will never leave the key point. He is about to join forces with Su Daji and put Meng to death.

It's unlucky enough to be fierce, a majestic demon-level master, but met the shameless Su Daji and the even more shameless Du Yu. The two insidious masters teamed up to besiege, plus a concubine Sisi who recovered and blessed infinitely. suppressed.

The most frightening thing was Du Yu, whose endless hole cards and powerful and useless skills made Meng complain endlessly.In Du Yu's hands, the Soul Reaper Scythe and the Golden Cudgel were used together, and even a severe arm was cut off by Chu Lengzi!

Meng finally couldn't bear this crazy offensive.He helplessly called out to Yan for help.

Yan punched again, almost killing Long Shengtian, but Black Jesus made a move!
He and Long Shengtian still have a little bit of friendship, and in this place where gods and demons are on the battlefield, they also need to work together to pass the test, so this time he actually came to help.

A black cross appeared in front of Yan in the air, blocking the fatal blow for Long Shengtian.

Yan's eyes were cold, and he punched the black cross away, and shouted at the black Jesus with disdain: "If you were the Jesus in your heyday, I would still be in awe of you. It's a pity that you are not human, ghosts or ghosts, even 6% of you in your heyday No strength either. I'll send you to hell right now!"

Hearing Yan's provocation, Black Jesus looked stern, and said with a stern smile, "Even if you are the supreme demon, it's too arrogant to brag like that. You should kill me instead."

Yan was about to show off his supernatural power, when he heard the fierce cry for help, he shouted angrily: "Anyway, you are also an extraterrestrial demon, give me some energy!"

He flicked his fingers.

Three black flames in a row formed three black lights and shot at Du Yu, Su Daji and Sisi who were besieging fiercely.

Under Yan's mortal threat, the three were forced to retreat to protect themselves.

Three black lights flew past Du Yu's ears, Su Daji's body and concubine Sisi's sleeves.

The dodge of the three finally gave Meng a rare opportunity.

This extraterrestrial demon finally got angry.

In front of Yan, he was forced to ask for help by Du Yu and Su Daji, and he was very angry.

A chimpanzee with a height of [-] meters and a shape like a mountain has grown up.

He glared at Du Yu and Su Daji, and roared, "Die to me!"

A diamond-like giant fist hit Du Yu and Su Daji hard.

Su Daji giggled and jumped away, while Du Yu smiled contemptuously and drew out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

"Long!" Du predicted concisely.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which weighs one hundred and eight thousand catties, grows in the wind and rises violently.

Height ten meters, 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters

Finally, the height reached 500 meters!

The giant chimpanzee fist like a mountain was hit by Ruyi's golden cudgel, unable to advance an inch!
Du Yu took advantage of the situation and pulled out the Sickle of Souls.

Since he got the treasure of the Underworld God, he likes to use the Soul Reaper very much to seize the soul and body of powerful enemies.

Du Yu rolled and slashed fiercely on Meng's right leg.

There was a loud cry.

Du Yu's strength progressed too fast.In the last world, he could only use luck and courage to fight against the extraterrestrial demon Kui, but now he is able to confront Meng head-on.

Du Yu activated [Gaia's Power], stood firmly in the ground, absorbed the power of the earth, transformed it into his own power, and slashed fiercely. ,

Meng's right leg was severely injured, and with a groan, he fell backwards.

Du Yu's eyes were cold, he jumped up high, and wanted to chop fiercely at Meng's neck.

Du Yu has no mercy for the old enemy of human beings, the demons.

If the space is to be safe and tranquil, these heavenly demons must die!

The situation Du Yu painstakingly created finally gave him a chance to kill the Heavenly Demon.

At this time, Yan was madly attacking Long Shengtian and Black Jesus.

He is so fierce.

Long Shengtian's Panlong Sword had already been punched by Yan and fell to the ground, losing all spirituality.Long Shengtian could only retreat step by step.

Things weren't much better for Black Jesus.After Yan blasted away the two black crosses, he took the initiative to suggest to Long Shengtian that he either run away immediately or fight to the death.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, such bad luck was betrayed by Su Daji.

In this way, Du Yujiasu Daji besieged fiercely, Black Jesus and Long Shengtian fought against Yan.

Yan fought more and more bravely, and the terrifying power of the Supreme Demon was fully displayed in his hands.All kinds of high-attack and high-priority fire-type attacking punches were launched quickly and in full swing, hitting Hei Jesus and Long Shengtian crying endlessly and exhausted.

If it weren't for the fact that these two were also strong men of the generation, well-informed and with a lot of cards, they really couldn't resist the terrifying offensive of the Supreme Demon.

But even so, Long Shengtian was finally defeated after sustaining Yan's more than 30 onslaughts.

Yan punched him on the Panlong Sword.The overwhelmed Panlong Sword turned into fragments and scattered all over the sky!
This handed down treasure of the Great Tang Empire is coming to an end!

Facing the supreme demon, it died, and the sword destroyed people.

Long Shengtian let out a wow, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and took a deep look at Su Daji and Du Yu with resentment, which made him go crazy with anger.

Because Su Daji and Du Yu kissed each other affectionately without knowing when!
This pair of adulterers had obviously hooked up a long time ago, so it's ridiculous that I still trust this woman!
Long Shengtian uttered a mournful cry, and disappeared on the spot in a flash.

He decisively confessed and fled.

Without Long Shengtian, the Black Jesus was even more defeated by the crazy Yan. After a feint shot, he disappeared in a black holy light.

Yan showed his supernatural power and defeated two powerful god-level existences in one breath. With a roar, he turned to Du Yu.

Du Yu used Long Shengtian and Black Jesus to hold Yan tight, and he has already pushed Meng into a desperate situation!
He knew very well that to defeat Yan, he must adopt siege tactics.

Although Meng's strength is not as good as Yan's, as Yan's wings and subordinates, he should not be underestimated when he is fully assisted.

It must be taken step by step, to remove its wings, cut off its minions, and finally start a decisive battle with Supreme Demon Yan.

Meng's body, already big and small, was severely wounded by Du Yu in dozens of places.

He was finally dying.

Du Yu's divine arts, fairy arts, and supernatural powers emerged one after another, and he fought extremely fiercely. Sometimes even if he insisted on fierce iron fists, he would not hesitate to inflict heavy injuries on him.

The sudden drop in health value was extremely fast, and soon it was at the end of the mountain.

He also wanted to escape from Du Yu, but under Yan's supervision, he dared not escape.

With Su Daji's cooperation again, Du Yu found a rare opening and got in front of Meng!

Meng's chest was cut open, revealing a deep bone wound, which was still wriggling slowly and healing automatically, showing the strength of the Heavenly Demon's physique.

But Du Yu's Reaper of Souls made a streak of black lightning, piercing Meng's heart.

Suddenly, as if he had a premonition that he was doomed this time, he shouted loudly.

Du Yu's Reaper of Souls hit Meng's heart!
His eyes widened in disbelief.

His copper bell-like eyes gave off bursts of despair.He could feel that the Reaper of Souls was sucking his soul out of his body at an extremely fast speed!

Totally sucked out a little bit.

The fierce eyes finally gradually became hollow.

Reaper of Souls has the effect of pulling the souls of living people or gods out of their bodies.Hades died tragically under the special effect of his own weapon back then.

Today's Meng has also embarked on this old road.

Yan glanced at Meng behind him in shock, and roared, "No!"

But it was all too late.

He underestimated the strength and determination of Du Yu and others.With the help of Long Shengtian and Black Jesus, Du Yu restrained Yan, went all out, and finally killed the general of the extraterrestrial demon when Yan turned around!

The fierce soul was drawn out in pain, turned into a black light, and flew towards Du Yu's dark soul stone.In the black light, one can see Meng's distorted expression, howling in pain

He is calling Yan.

Yan was really furious.

He didn't expect that Du Yu would dare to kill his general in front of it.

"Zhuzi dare!" Yan flew in front of Du Yu in an instant, and smashed at Du Yu fiercely with a flaming iron fist.

At this moment, Du had a premonition that the space around him collapsed.

Really, with Yan's flaming iron fist, the space is like a Rubik's cube, one piece after another, collapsed!
The collapsed space can no longer be seen or used. Du Yu can only hide in smaller and smaller spaces.

The result is expected.

Du Yu was hit by Yan's iron fist.

The black flame on the fist instantly burned Du Yu into a black man.

Fortunately, Du Yu has a fire-avoiding treasure such as the Heart of Garuda, which can restrain part of the fire damage, otherwise Du Yu will be injured more seriously.

But even so, Du Yu was burned black all over, and fell backwards.

But there was an excited smile on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

He finally did.

Meng was killed.

Its soul was collected into the space soul stone by Du Yu.

Perhaps no one will recognize Du Yu's contribution.But Du Yu believes that space will give him fair and generous rewards.As his reward for killing the Heavenly Demon General.

(End of this chapter)

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