Chapter 1527 Du Yu's Brilliant Plan!Tragic boss!

This was the only thought on the mind of the two of them at this moment.


There are two paths in total, you can read disks, and if you take one of them, how can others beat you next time?

Long Shengtian and Black Jesus couldn't care less about worrying about their past selves. The current situation of the two of them has reached a desperate situation!
The cave here has an indescribable magical power, which can make people circle in circles, but they can't get out of this place.

"Damn it, Du Yu actually has such a treasure! We've been fooled again!" Black Jesus yelled angrily, it seems that from the beginning to now, the word "fooled" has become the key word of the two of them, and they mentioned it repeatedly.

"Don't panic!" Long Shengtian stopped drinking.But don't panic, he doesn't believe it himself.

Du Yu, you are too good at playing people!
Du Yu used the mirror of fate to go back to the past, to be precise, back to before entering the cave.

The same scene, the same characters, the same dialogue, the only difference is that a 3D modeling map of the cave has appeared in the mind of a certain participant.

Reading the disk is simply a heinous act.

Explore the plot first, and then read the disk to complete the plot. This kind of shameless behavior is actually used by adventurers besides a certain old pig.It has to be said that it is extremely perverted, shameless and against the sky.

But Du Yu not only used it, but also used it so frankly.

Because, a treasure like the Mirror of Destiny cannot be obtained by ordinary people, not to mention that there are very few opportunities to open the World of God of War, even the Temple of Destiny of the Three Fate Goddesses, very few people can find it.

It is no exaggeration to call this kind of treasure the only treasure in space.

Du Yu walked through the dialogues and procedures stipulated in the script. The only difference was that before he led Black Jesus and Long Shengtian to the end of the dead end, he suddenly smiled evilly at the two who were following behind him.

Du Yu disappeared.

He found the trigger point of the plot, used the invisibility ability of the Lord of the Rings, and disappeared around the corner.

Black Jesus and Long Shengtian didn't know where they were, so of course they wanted to chase desperately.

Then they fell into a deadly trap.

Maze endless loop.

The two could no longer get out of the dead place.

Du Yu escaped perfectly, relying on the knowledge of maps brought by his shameless disk reading method, sneaked back to the branch road, and easily walked on the right road.And at the exit, I saw Empress Nuwa, Su Daji, concubine Sisi and others waiting there.

When Si Si, the concubine, saw that Du Yu was safe and sound, and came out swaggeringly, her beautiful eyes widened, she couldn't believe it was true.

"You got rid of Long Shengtian and Black Jesus?" She asked in surprise, "How did you do it?"

Du Yu chuckled, "Who am I? These two idiots, why are they my opponents? Not only did I get rid of them, but I also brought them into death, so that they can never come out!"

This sentence completely shocked everyone.

Empress Nuwa opened her mouth wide, and said in a stuttering voice, "You mean the scourge of these two dimensions, who clearly planned to come to the exit of our dimension, but because of you, was permanently trapped in the dead end of that passage, Can no longer harm the space?"

Her voice trembled, her emotions agitated.

Su Daji also hugged Du Yu's arm tightly, her beautiful eyes sparkled, she couldn't believe that her man had such powerful abilities.

Everyone knew that Long Shengtian and Black Jesus would definitely become enemies in space.After entering the space, it will cause harm to all directions.Among other things, Su Daji, who had deceived Long Shengtian, and Sisi, the concubine who offended Black Jesus because of the Pope's position, would be the primary targets of both of them.As a kind and orderly deity in space, Empress Nuwa would never want to see chaos in space, which would affect the external resistance to demons.

Du Yu's wonderful performance made Black Jesus and Long Shengtian fall on the last line into the space. How can we not surprise everyone?

Du Yu smiled lightly and said, "I told you who I am. They are two idiots. Together, they can't match my IQ. I sold them, and they counted the money for me."

The beauties were puzzled, but it was Empress Nuwa who said the most: "Did you use the mirror of fate?"

Du Yu smiled and nodded.

Although using the Mirror of Fate is expensive, as long as one thinks that the final result will be that the two terrifying demon gods will be trapped in an endless maze, and they will no longer be able to harm their own people, Du Yu cheers in unison.

Concubine Sisi and Su Daji, one on each side, threw themselves into Du Yu's arms and kissed wildly.

Du Yu smiled, "Where have we been?"

Empress Nuwa pointed to the front: "We have come out!"

Du Shu took a look.

can not?Although there are still mountains and mountains ahead, but there is no fog in the battlefield of gods and demons, so you don't have to worry about not being able to see it anymore.This shows that they have finally walked out of the goddamn battlefield of gods and demons and returned to the space city.

"As for the identity of that mysterious voice, do you know what it is?" Empress Nuwa admired Du Yu so much that she regarded him as an omniscient god.

Du Yu looked up to the sky and took a deep breath of the free air of space, and said word by word: "I have no reason to guess, it is a god from the universe!"

"Gods from the universe?" Empress Nuwa exclaimed, "Why do you say that?"

"Looking from our planet, this planet that is not the earth also has species and civilizations, gods and worship, so it can be inferred that in the vast universe, besides the earth and here, there should be countless other civilizations planets, and interact with each other. Connection. The most powerful evidence is that the bloody city has a higher level of space besides this. That high level space should also be built on a living earth-like planet! If this is the case, why can’t it be related to the existence of the gods of the universe? "Du Yu said firmly.

"What is the difference between the gods of the universe and us?" Faced with this question, Empress Nuwa also seemed very curious.After all, no matter how great she is, she is also one of the gods of the earth, which is at the level of the universe.

"I guess, he is an envoy or spy who sneaked into this planet to observe the evolution of this planet, but this man's luck is a bit unlucky." Du Yu said with a smile: "He just happened to catch up with the battle between gods and demons, so he came to join in the fun Unbelievably, the power of the battle between gods and demons is too great. In the final shock wave, even the mountains were knocked down, and even the subspace was formed. He was affected tragically and was trapped at the exit of the subspace. He was closed in the subspace Before, he couldn’t come out. Have you noticed, he said that he just guessed that there should be a space outside the passage, but he never came out once.”

"You mean, such a powerful existence is a cosmic god trapped in the battlefield and unable to come out due to the impact of the war of gods and demons?" Empress Nuwa pondered.

Du Yu nodded: "I am also a bold guess. But I guess this guess is very close to the truth. The reason why this man is eager to ask us to close the time-space node is not out of interest, but for profit. Only four time-space nodes have been closed. , so he can leave here."

"Will Ke Yan let him shut down the four nodes?" Concubine Sisi asked doubtfully.

"No!" Du Yu affirmed, "I'm sure that the battle here will continue for a long time, but it has nothing to do with us."

He has already collected Huaguo Mountain as a whole into the space, and also stored Sun Dasheng's body, so that he can complete the task and exchange rewards in the future, so he doesn't have to enter the battlefield of gods and demons again.Besides, this place is not only the territory of extraterrestrial demons, but also has many god-level monsters, Du Yu really doesn't want to take any more risks.

Several people were talking, and a cold Nanyang woman walked out of the passage.

She gave Du Yu and the old Dragon King a cold look, then jumped up and rushed towards the vast wilderness of blood.

The old dragon king glanced at the woman, feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

With just such a hesitation, the woman had disappeared.

The old Dragon King shook his head, bowed his hands to Du Yu and said, "This adventure is thanks to Du Yu's little friend, who has rescued him many times. I will be grateful. There will be many rewards in the future. As for the marriage of the little girl Qinglian, I will take care of you." I will choose a date, and on a good day, I invite little friend Du Yu to come to my Dragon Palace in the East China Sea to propose marriage. I will make the decision and marry my daughter to you."

These public words further confirmed the marriage between Du Yu and Qinglian.Qinglian is naturally ashamed, but along the way, Du Yu's outstanding performance, powerful martial arts and several times of helping the Dragon Clan made Qinglian completely fall in love with him.In the heart of the princess of the dragon clan, she is very willing and willing, and she is waiting for Du Yu to come to propose marriage as soon as possible.

Du Yu smiled, and cupped his hands at the old Dragon King: "In that case, I hope to change your name to Yuezhang as soon as possible."

This Du Yu is not polite, he has already regarded himself as the son-in-law of Chenglong Kuai of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Qinglian blushed with embarrassment, stomped her feet fiercely, glared at Du Yu, turned and left.

With the help of Du Yu, the old Dragon King obtained almost all the five-clawed golden dragon god's true god keel during this trip, and there is no hindrance in practicing the Dragon Clan's cloud-pattern kung fu. He also laughed happily and said with satisfaction: "Little Du Yu My friend, you go back and wait for my letter. You and I, from generation to generation, will be friends with Qin and Jin."

He looked up to the sky and laughed, leading the Dragon Clan towards the nearest river.The sea is open to all rivers, as long as there is water, the dragons can go to the sea.

Ao You said unwillingly: "Father, although this Du Yu is powerful, but he is only a lord of the human race, why did the father decide to marry him? Reward some things and keep trading with each other, that's fine."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea glanced at Ao You and said, "A mere lord? Let me ask you, if it were you, would you be able to play with the three major demon gods, Long Shengtian, Mai Jiade, and Black Jesus, among the applause, and eventually all of them would be killed?" Kill it?"

Ao You shook his head and said, "My son can't."

The Dragon King sneered and said: "This person is by no means a simple person. His ability has been demonstrated in this trip to the Gods and Demons Battlefield. I have made up my mind, and I must recruit him as my son-in-law. You all give him good respect Learn."

Ao You and the other brothers looked at each other with displeasure, but under the order of the Dragon King, there was no way to refute, so they could only nod in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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