Chapter 1528 A New Order of Space!Du Yu! —Four more outbreaks please subscribe
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Du Yu smiled: "I am not against the law of the jungle. This is the operating law of the entire space. It's just that I don't want to form a monopoly. What I like to see is full competition. What I want you to help me design is such a great building. Cities. You will rebuild the order of the spatial city from scratch."

This is the grandest blueprint in Du Yu's mind.

The space city, to be precise, has formed the current monopoly situation, and it is almost impossible to break the monopoly.Du Yu, Nuwa, Fuxi, Lu and others can only standardize order, crack down on loopholes and bugs, and perform slow surgical operations.

But the establishment of new cities is the fastest way to rebuild the spatial order.

80 people came to the earth to emigrate to join the space, and 20 new adventurers joined Datang, which is a powerful fresh blood.

If used well, Du Yu believes that this power is enough to change Datang, and even change the space.

Dong Xie finally understood Du Yu's meaning, nodded and said: "I understand. What you want me to do is to be a flesh and blood Lord God, build a new city, and invest 20 slum-level adventurers like blank paper into the city. .By standardizing the order, a new city will be established little by little, and finally merged with the bloody city, right?"

Du Yu nodded and said: "I believe that the level of the new city must be higher than that of the old city. Because there, it is the real strength and hard work that come first. It is not like the old city, where mobility is extremely poor, monopoly prevails, and the powerful seize All interests do not give opportunities to newcomers. In the new city, due to full competition, even if gangs and teams are formed, they are stronger than those in the old city. I look forward to seeing the energetic new lions defeat the old and lifeless old lions Group that day."

Dong Xie said excitedly: "You entrusted me with such a great task? I will definitely live up to your expectations. But"

He hesitated: "I heard that the northern part of the wild bloodland is very desolate. And the air concentration in the atmosphere is very low, full of methane and poisonous gas. Even high-level adventurers above the imperial city area dare not enter easily. How can I survive in that harsh environment with 20 newcomers? Do you still need your advice?"

Du Yu smiled faintly: "Leave the matter of improving the environment to me. You just have to accept these 20 slum adventurers."

In a few days, under the escort of Empress Nuwa, 20 newcomers from the slums came to the bloody city.

Lights flickered everywhere.The four countries have got a lot of newcomers.

Shinra, Sultan and Parliament all got newcomers as a supplement to the two beast tide wars.

The addition of these 80 new immigrants caused a shock in the entire space.

For the new immigrants themselves, they are full of curiosity, fear and anger about the world.Because for the vast majority of them, they did not come to this world voluntarily.Some are even trying to violently rebel, or go back to earth reality.

But soon, through the "performance" of the military, the angry demonstrators realized that this is not a democratic society. Their demonstrations will not have the support of reporters, TV stations, newspapers, and social organizations. Come deadly disaster.

The cold attitude of the rulers of various countries and the tough army of adventurers above the inner city made them realize that they had fallen into a Shura world where the weak preyed on the strong and the survival of the fittest.

In this world, only strength can win dignity, status, wealth and survival opportunities.

Humans are animals that are very adaptable to the environment. Generations of adventurers have changed from mortals to predators in this way.

Of course, for a space that has had no fresh blood for a long time, these 80 new adventurers have attracted the attention of many wolves.Countless people stared at him with red eyes, ready to use the barbaric methods of the past to plunder the newcomer, from equipment to organs.

But this time, they were completely shocked.

Because in Datang and Shinra, newcomer adventurers never stayed in the bloody city for a day.

In the two cities of Yunmengze in Datang and Vienna in Shinra, 20 new adventurers gathered each, and under the escort of the army, they went to the wilderness in groups.

The newcomers were a little frightened, and some people were threatened, saying that they would live in this city, and within two days, they would be eaten without a single bone left.

This brutal city ruler will not massacre himself, will he?
The 20 Tang adventurers were more obedient, and marched obediently under the leadership of Dong Xie.Orientals are accustomed to obedience, which saved Du Yu a lot of heart.Of course, Mai Shela, Li Tang and others brought 5 troops along the way to escort these newcomers, which is the foundation of stability.

After walking for three hundred miles, the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty encountered 20 new recruits from Shinra.

Under Du Yu's persuasion, and with the consent of his mistress, the goddess Athena, Catherine and Tracy also sent out the Royal Knights to guard the 20 Shinra newcomers, and slowly rounded up with Du Yu.

"I can't figure out, where are you going to take these 40 newcomer adventurers?" Since the matter is of great importance, Catherine personally led the troops to escort and asked Du Yu.

"I am determined to build the new city we have talked about!" Du Yu looked into the distance with a high spirit.

"A new city?" Catherine was shocked by Du Yu's big hand, but she quickly regained her composure: "Do you have land that is safe and suitable for human existence? Do you have enough financial and material resources to build a new city? Do you have the operation and maintenance of this land?" Is the right candidate for a new city?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "I have them all. In the past few worlds, I have been actively preparing these things all the time."

Catherine shook her head and said: "I know you are very hardworking, but Rome was not built in a day. The establishment of this new city is by no means an easy task. There are too many newcomers, and the food, supplies, weapons, and materials needed are astronomical. The new city is a black hole that consumes materials. And the four kingdoms of space have already occupied all the livable land. You can’t find a suitable place to build a capital.”

Along the way, she explained to Du Yu tirelessly, trying to get Du Yu to give up the capital building plan.

Du Yu replied with a smile, and turned his eyes to one side.

An independent woman in white clothes and skirt, riding a white horse, walked beside Du Yu in obscurity.

She is the embodiment of space - a deer!

Beside Lu, there are GMs such as Monk Zhen, An Huaqing, Tang Lu, and Lan Lei.

They were invited by Du Yu to visit the grand occasion of the establishment of the new order of space.

At the same time, three space gods, Nuwa Empress, Fuxi and Athena, were also invited.

These people are the highest decision-makers in the space, and they control everything in the space.

Du Yu's eyes met those of the deer.

Lu looked at this young man with 10 troops and 40 adventurers, who was more energetic than Xiaohan, with high fighting spirit, and the scene he saw for the first time appeared in front of his eyes.

At that time, he was still a mere boy struggling with death and conspiracy in order to survive.There is no one around, let alone trust others.

Lan Lei and the others laughed at their naivety for being willing to treat such a down-and-out kid so favorably.

But now, who dares to say that Du Yu is not a person who plays an important role in space?

He took the space and repelled the invasion of the demons, he obtained half of the land in the space, and he directly and indirectly controlled a lot of resources and contacts in the space!
He, the hope that will bring the space back together.

Now, he wants to fulfill his promise to himself and bring himself to witness the birth of a truly fair city.

Thinking of this, Lu felt a lot of emotions and was very grateful.

Du Yu, what are you showing me?
Du Yu led the team and traveled 300 li. This place is far enough away from the city, more than 600 li.

Far enough away, it would be difficult for those adventurer gangs to intervene here.On this 600-mile road, passing through places where countless ferocious beasts are rampant, it would be difficult to pass without a strong team.

But the negative factors of the barren land have also begun to appear.

It's weather and terrain.

The sky is filled with the unique fog of colonial stars, like a battlefield of gods and demons.This mist contains a large amount of nitrogen and hydrogen, and the oxygen content is extremely low, which is not suitable for human breathing.Due to the insulating effect of nitrogen and hydrogen, sunlight cannot fully irradiate the ground to promote crop growth. Instead, a large amount of toxic gases will be formed due to photochemical reactions in the air.Even if the adventurers in Zifu District stay here for more than 2 hours, their health will gradually decrease.

It's even more different for these newcomer adventurers who have no foundation.Some female adventurers began to cough, and the team was restless, refusing to move on,
"This is not moving at all, but a murder, a premeditated massacre!" A tall and thin European man stood up and pointed at Du Yu and screamed: "You are Hitler! You want to poison us all here."

The crowd was in chaos.

Du Yu stopped, turned around slowly, and faced the excited tall and thin European man.The newcomers around him were terrified and dispersed one after another, isolating the man.

The bloody and coercive aura on Du Yu's body was enough to make these newcomers who had never seen blood feel terrified.

The entire riot was also forcibly suppressed by Du Yu's aura.

"What's your name?" Du Yu asked calmly.

Although the tall and thin man was a little scared and his voice trembled, he still stood there and trembled with a fearless attitude: "My name is Herb, Herb Jose."

Du Yu said indifferently: "Heb, right? Very good! I want you to see clearly that your accusation against me is actually groundless!"

He flew up awe-inspiringly.

The novice adventurers let out a burst of exclamation.

In their cognition, only gods, angels and gods can fly.

Du Yu flew into the air, nodded to Empress Nuwa, God Fuxi and Athena, and said to Lu Lang: "Miss Lu, I ask you to see clearly how this adventure city of your dreams was built in one day." of."

Flipping his hand, he took out the precious SS-level fairy treasure [Hunyuan Bead]!
(End of this chapter)

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