Chapter 1529 Du Shanren's generosity!
From the moment he got the Hunyuan Pearl, Du Yu knew that he had obtained the last piece of the puzzle to rebuild the city!
With the Hunyuan Pearl, which can improve the atmospheric environment and turn the chaotic air into fairy air, what does it mean for Du Yu and Space City?
Perhaps Jiang Ziya and others would not have thought, even Yuanshi Tianzun would not have thought, how important this Hunyuan Pearl is to the space city!

But Du Yu will not ignore it!

This space city seems to be a virtual world, but in fact, every plant, tree, brick and tile here is built on an incomparably realistic foundation!
It's a colony built on an alien planet!

The so-called alien planets, for the colonists, the biggest and primary obstacle lies in the alien environment, which humans may not be able to adapt to.

Space City is an excellent example.

Why do cities need protective shields?
To put it bluntly, it is the so-called order, but the most practical sentence is to protect the local atmospheric environment!
Inside the protective cover, the atmospheric environment can be maintained at the level of an terrestrial planet, and the content of oxygen, carbon dioxide and other substances is similar to that of the earth.

Before, the extraterrestrial celestial demons manipulated Hou Shenjiang to bombard the space shield with energy cannons from the inside. The most direct consequence was that the city's atmosphere was gone, and it was completely connected to the outside world.The adventurers here will not be able to adapt to the drastic changes in the environment and will soon die.

And Du Yu realized that the Hunyuan Pearl in his hand has the greatest effect on the city, which is that it can greatly change the local air content in a short period of time, and transform the chaotic atmosphere (the atmosphere of the colonial planet) into a place suitable for human survival. Faerie spirit.

This is the biggest reliance for him to dare to brazenly start to build a new city.

Du Yu flew to the high sky, just like Pangu created the world, and activated the [Hunyuan Pearl] with the attitude of creating the world!
[Hunyuan Pearl] needs to consume a lot of immortal energy, which has been mentioned before.Imagination is also, how powerful is it that can change the atmosphere of a planet?

Energy is conserved, changing the atmosphere of a planet requires massive amounts of immortal power.

But what Du Yu wants to do is not to change the content of the atmosphere of the entire planet, but to change a small corner of the earth.

Moreover, this place is already within the scope of the space shield, but it is closer to the edge, closer to the overall atmospheric content of the colonial star.

The 2 celestial power in Du Yu's body is barely enough if it is only used to transform this corner of the land, let alone the merciful Nuwa Empress here?

The [Hunyuan Orb] he manipulated absorbs the poisonous chaotic energy from the air, like a bottomless wind tunnel.

A wind tunnel effect that swept thousands of miles was formed around Du Yu, sweeping in all the surrounding chaos.From the other side, the refreshing celestial spirit was discharged leisurely, blowing Du Yu's long robe, floating like a fairy walking against the wind.

The 40 newcomer adventurers and 10 old adventurers in the underground were dumbfounded.

Who has seen such a spectacular situation?

Many adventurers have never seen such a terrifying creation event in their entire lives.

“This is really a bunker”

"It's awesome, it's awesome, can you do this?"

"Don't you look at who is on the top? That's Du Yu, the boss of our Yunmengze!"

"Boss Du Yu, I adore you."

"This handsome guy, I love you to death" This is the exclamation of a certain blonde beauty.

Seen from the sky, with Du Yu as the eye of the formation, the wind is surging, and the clouds are moving thousands of miles away, forming a maelstrom that sweeps thousands of miles!
Even Yan, who had just returned to the lair with low spirits, noticed this abnormality.

In the world of the battlefield of gods and demons, the heavenly demons from outside the territory who returned home in vain, all felt a little depressed.Just as she was about to go back to have a good night's sleep, she discovered that an atmospheric vortex stretching thousands of miles had formed outside the bloody city!

"What the hell are these humans doing?" Yan couldn't restrain the anger in his heart.In the last world, he originally set up a careful trap, waiting to wipe out the human elites, but in the end, many humans escaped.

Although it is true that more than half of the human elites were killed or injured, and many strong people in the Zifu District fell, it is true that they did not compete for all their achievements.

Moreover, many of the escaped humans brought rich spoils, and their strength will usher in a blowout growth in time.Can it be said that this war is a victory or a failure for the extraterrestrial demons?
Yan took the celestial demons and flew to the border between the space and the colony, only to find that the human beings are really making big moves!

They are actually in the space protection cover, and they are performing atmospheric magic to transform the atmospheric environment that was originally close to the colonial star, and they seem to be preparing to emigrate?
"These humans are simply impatient!" Hum said angrily.

The extraterritorial celestial demons have an instinctive hatred for the expansion of human colonies.These lands were originally theirs, not to mention the establishment of colonies by human beings, but also the continuous expansion of colonies.This kind of sausage-cutting tactics used by Israel against the Palestinians and the expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank of the Jordan River are exactly the same, and they are the most hated by the devil.

Yan looked at the side of the protective cover in surprise. Nuwa, Fuxi, Athena, and Du Yu, the four space gods, were all standing there, as if they were waiting for a group fight, and seemed to be provoking him: "We If you want to expand the city, if you are not convinced, come here if you have the ability."

Yan clenched his fists.

What surprised him even more was that Du Yu and the others actually had a treasure to transform the atmosphere.

Why is the bead in Du Yu's hand so powerful?

Du Yu didn't tell anyone about the Hunyuanzhu, not even Nuwa.Even if Yuanshi Tianzun recovers in the future, he will not be suspected for a moment.There are tens of thousands of treasures in the world, so it must be your Hunyuan Pearl that can transform the atmosphere?
The unlucky ones were Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu who was imprisoned in Du Yu's secret room.

Thinking of the last time he entered the secret room, He Xiangu had been stripped naked by Pandora, the goddess of misfortune, and knelt on the ground in a shameful posture, Du Yu was terrified.


He shook his head and focused on the fairy art activity in front of him.

After an hour of transformation, Du Yu exhausted all the immortal power in his body, and infused himself with immortal power twice through Empress Nuwa, and barely completed the costly ceremony.

But 50 adventurers were stunned!
Because what was displayed in front of them was an out-and-out miracle!

The poisonous miasma, the dense fog, the barren and poisonous miasma land where you can't see your fingers, coughing again and again after a while, has been prevented by the powerful immortals. , clarifies the universe, pours immortal energy, dares to teach the sun and the moon to change into a new sky, and turns this barren land into a bright universe full of immortal energy!

What unfolded in front of them was a large fertile plain with thousands of miles of fertile fields and green mountains and green waters!

This piece of land was originally so rich, but it was obscured by the harsh climate and atmosphere, making it impossible for people to discover the original appearance of this place.Du Yu also came here with Michelle and others during an accidental hunting adventure, and discovered that this place is actually very suitable for establishing a colony.

The 50 adventurers were completely stunned.

Empress Nuwa, God Fuxi and Athena were completely shocked.

The shock in Catherine's beautiful eyes couldn't be concealed, she looked at her man Du Yu, as if meeting him for the first time!
My lover, my lover, why do I have such a pleasant surprise every time I am with you?

I hardly recognize you, the man I spend my nights with.Every time you have new and bigger surprises waiting for me.

Catherine, as a generation of queen, of course knows what this large piece of fresh and fertile land means to the space city?
This means more space, more population, more vast land, and stronger national power, which means

A stronger empire is about to rise.

An empire beyond the walls of the bloody city, with more unlimited opportunities for development!
Thinking of this, Catherine trembled excitedly.

As a female politician with a strong desire for power, she is full of desire for all this.

She doesn't value the power of the world. The main reason for her excitement is that she hopes to be like a player in a business strategy game like [Rise of the Dragon], [Roman Emperor], [City 2000], use her wisdom and hands, Create a sense of everything.

The deer wept with joy.

Du Yu didn't lie to her.She sees the hope of the future of the city.

This land, plus 40 new adventurers, could create a miracle.

But the miraculous performance of space magician Du Yu is not over yet.

Under the expectant eyes of many newcomers and adventurers, Du Yu said loudly with the help of fairy magic: "Everyone! A new continent is waiting for you. On behalf of the will of space and the gods, I announce the new policy here!"

"Each of you will get 10000 credit points! You can use it to exchange for all the materials needed to build a house or stronghold from Dong Xie, our quartermaster!"

Du Yu pointed.

It was only then that everyone was surprised to find that the 5 troops of the wolf pupil team, which was traveling with the army, actually loaded and unloaded mountains of supplies from their own meteorological space and transport convoy.Some high-level adventurers of the wolf pupil team even possessed space treasures like Du Yuxumi's ring, and piled up hundreds of tons of supplies safely and orderly at the scene.

For a while, there was no sound.

After the unloading process of the wolf pupil team was completed in an orderly manner, about 500 million tons of cargo appeared in front of everyone!Pile up like a mountain, it is magnificent.

These goods are mainly building materials, but also food and tools.

Many newcomer adventurers looked at these brand-new supplies and goods with golden lights in their eyes.

Catherine murmured: "You are really planning to play big. So many supplies are worth a lot."

Du Yu waved his hand and said calmly: "But listen carefully, what I'm talking about is credit! I don't owe you favors, nor is it space, so I don't need to give you a penny. But you poor ghosts, nothing but yourself No. I can't watch you freeze and starve to death here!'

(End of this chapter)

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