Chapter 1530 Rome was built in a day!

You can exchange these materials according to your needs according to the list.10000 credit points per person, 30% interest for each world, pay me survival points!If you die in the next world, I will be considered unlucky, but if you survive, you dare not pay back your debts."

Du Yu smiled lightly.

Although he didn't say what the consequences would be, the newcomers shuddered when they saw the 10 awe-inspiring army of adventurers from Shenluo and Datang behind Du Yu.

If you fail to pay your debts, the consequences will be serious.

Athena smiled and said, "Du Yu, I thought you were a saint, but now I know that you are a scammer. The 30% interest in each world, these newcomers have become your slaves, how can you afford it?" ?”

Du Yu shook his head and smiled: "Even so, I'm still at a loss. 40 newcomers, each with 40 credits, is equivalent to [-] billion survival points I borrowed. But not everyone can pass the novice story. If they If I can’t come back, I still have to ask the dead for my debt? It can only be considered a bad debt.”

"As for the repayment ability," Du Yu smiled: "Don't worry. Because they have a different starting foundation from those of us who have worked their way out of the slums! They have [-] credit points!"

Athena saw that Shang Xiuxun and Shan Wanjing walked out of Du Yu's army.One raised the flag of Pegasus Ranch, and the other raised the flag of Piaoxiang Blacksmith.It turned out that Du Yu not only built this place into a new settlement for adventurers, but also extended his own business here.Whether it is Warcraft mounts or high-quality weapons, they have established branches here.

Moreover, it is conceivable that these shops, which are related to the fighting power of newcomers, are quickly surrounded by newcomers with [-] credit points, and there are huge crowds of people!

Shan Wanjing and Shang Xiuxun's mounts and weapons for sale here have all been carefully selected.The price of the mounts does not exceed 5000, and the average price is [-] credits. Most of them are C-level monsters that the wolf pupil team has already eliminated.And Shan Wanjing's weapons and equipment are also stuck below the D level, and the price is very cheap.

But don't forget, these are pure newcomers!

When Du Yu first entered the space, he was only allocated a single-digit gold-threaded big ring knife!
Back then, in order to snatch a dagger, Huang Mao dared to kill people in public!
These things, in the eyes of the adventurers at the time, were the reliance on survival.

Compared with the poor and poor people in the slums back then, the newcomers now have tens of thousands of credit points, and can even purchase a set of D-level weapons and equipment, plus a C-level Eastern Sea Salamander water monster!

At least on the surface, majestic, armed to the teeth!

How much higher is this kind of adventurer's starting point than Du Yu's?

So, how much higher is their ability to create value and complete tasks?

It is even more immeasurable.

Du Yu asked for 30% of the income of each world, is that high?

If newcomers are allowed to choose, they would rather pay 100% interest and get the initial start-up capital.The value of these [-] credits is more than one million survival points in the future.

Of course, the extension of Du Yu's entire industrial chain is by no means as simple as weapons and Warcraft.

Du Yu, who is good at doing business, put his brains into every aspect of the basic necessities of life of these 40 people.

He wants to build this place into a kingdom that truly belongs to him.

Compared with Du Yu's method, the unscrupulous developers of the so-called comprehensive urban complex in later generations will feel extremely ashamed.

[-] credits are not enough?
[Wolf Eyes Pawn Shop] came into being.

Don't look at the adventurers who are all poor and have nothing to pawn now, but the pawn shop also provides microfinance loans.It allows you to add 5 credits on the basis of 100 credits. Of course, the interest rate has also risen, reaching an outrageous [-]%, but it is still crowded and business is booming.It doesn't matter if you don't make it in the future, you won't be cut off with your arms, as long as you work for the wolf pupil team.

After understanding the rules of the game here, the novice adventurer quickly got on the road and became enlightened.

Maybe you will hang up in the next world, 100% interest rate is a fart? 1000% interest rate to borrow money!Let me have a good time before I talk.If you die, you will make a lot of money. If you want money if you survive, I will sell it to your wolf pupil team!
Need to buy information and experience?

[BADGUY Information Store] under the guidance of Tang Lu is beckoning to you.There is information on any world here, from fool's guides to hidden missions, everything, of course, the premise is that you have to pay enough funds.

Need building materials and land to build your own house or a small team's stronghold?
Du Yu's team's [-] million tons of supplies are exactly construction materials!And the land here was also clearly priced by Du Yu. With the center point as a circle, the geographical locations of the first, second, and third rings were priced differently, and put up for auction!
Why is there a land auction in such a barren land?
Nonsense, don't forget who built this barren land into a cultivated land with three links and one leveling.Want to live in a prime location without giving enough land premium to the developer?dream!

In reality, the oriental adventurers, who have suffered from developers and high housing prices, stared dumbfounded at the grand occasion of new houses in Sunlight, which seemed to be looting at the opening, and suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu.

How did you get to the space? It’s still the same set?

You are a rookie and need a team cover?

The wolf pupil team of Maishela, Li Tang and others is recruiting manpower!It's just that there are few recruits, but there are 10,000+ applicants. Everyone knows that the wolf pupil team is an official team.

No talent against heaven?Still want to join the team?
That's fine too.Captain No. [-], Zheng Guogong and other vassal teams of the wolf pupil team are recruiting people. You can also join these lower teams, and the benefits are also great.

Also, are you afraid of being bullied and coveted by other adventurers?
Don't be afraid, in this new city, the powerful wolf pupil team has set up high-power phantom imagers around the city with the latest technology to provide phantom services for the entire city.You only need to take out 1000 credit points or survival points to buy a mask, and you can gain the invisibility effect within the city limits.Your image will be shown to others as you wish.And it has a very high priority, even Zifu District can't see through it.In this way, the whole city will become a safe place for newcomers.It is difficult to bring the grievances in the plot world to the city.

What?Do you need religious comfort?

Easy to handle, full service here.The concubine Sisi's church, because of the beauty of the pope, has tempted Du Yu, the owner of the developer. At the cost of sleeping with her for three nights, she has found a foundation in this wild land and started to build a magnificent cathedral. Nuwa Gods of space, such as Empress, Fuxi, and Athena, bribed Du Yu with a lot of money to build their own temples and incense halls one after another, attracting 40 pure newcomers Xiaobai to join their faith.

In order to compete for the faith of this new land and new population, the three gods were already blushing and quarreled.In the face of the power of faith, there are no brothers and sisters, no sisters.

Fortunately, Du Yu was fair and allocated a large area to each of the three gods.Let the three gods be grateful to him.Fuxi promised to teach Du Xiantian gossip.Empress Nuwa pinched her flesh and winked at her, and Athena even promised Du Yu ten chances to be beautiful, in exchange for her beauty for the land of unscrupulous developers!
In fact, calm down, the gods will find out

Meow, this land was too far away for me to come here, how did it fall into the hands of Du Yu, and it suddenly became a place we must fight for?

There is no way, the atmosphere has been improved, with fertile soil and dense population, any barren land will become a hot spot for development.

As for Monk Yizhen's traveling merchants and An Huaqing's tavern, these small and silent businesses should not be mentioned too much.

In short, Du Yu, the unscrupulous boss and unscrupulous developer, took away a large piece of land from the space at a price of no money, and after a little improvement, he transformed into a new city.

Looking at the [-] labor force who exchanged construction materials and land for [-] credit points, and looking at the large desolate barren land, under the stimulation of all parties, the old appearance was changed with new ones, and the ever-changing Speed, quickly turned into a development zone, looking at the speed of mushrooming, houses, churches, shops, training grounds, streets, gardens, and even the city gates and walls built by the wolf pupil team with their abundant financial resources , let alone ordinary adventurers, even the gods stared at this place dumbfounded.

Du Yu, it's amazing.

Catherine was very excited, put her arms around Du Yu's arm, and said sweetly: "You are a genius! Absolute genius! It is said that Rome was not built in a day. But you only took a few days to build a magnificent new building. City. How did you come up with this idea?"

Du Yu smiled and said: "The reason why I was able to complete this new city was based on many complicated foundations. First of all, I have a method to improve the atmosphere. I can obtain a vast land outside the bloody city and build a city." .Secondly, our trade with the Dragons of the East China Sea has obtained a solid material base, which can be provided to the immigrants of the new city to complete the urban construction. Finally, we have obtained 40 new immigrants and have strong human resources to complete the construction. The labor force and the main body of economic activities in the future city operation. The prosperity and survival of the future city depends on these 40 adventurers!"

"I think, after the new city you built is completed, I'm afraid that most of the new immigrants from Sultan and Shinra will also be attracted. After all, compared to your preferential conditions of [-] credit points and guaranteed safety, no one I am willing to live in the mud and dirty water without dignity and safety." Catherine said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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