Chapter 1539 The Demon General's Rebellion!The situation is critical!
"Yes." Nezha's eyes lit up, and he pulled Jiang Ziya's sleeve and said, "This kid's ambition is also a great opportunity for us. We can set a trap in Mengjin, ambush him, and let him come and go! If Du Yu died tragically in Mengjin, there would be no need to compete in the next 8 games, and our Xizhou side has already won. His other adventurer partners are nothing to worry about."

"Du Yu is cunning, he should have already considered the risk of coming to Mengjin." Jiang Ziya said softly, "However, I will tell him whose world this is!"

Du Yu and Galadriel flew awe-inspiringly to Mengjin on the Queen of Dragons.

The speed of flight is fast.

Before coming to Mengjin City, Du Yu put away the dragon, descended to the ground with Galadriel, and began to prepare.

He also has [-] villain points.This is what's left of the previous hard work.Fortunately, this world can also earn villain points. Finally, Du Yu's villain value wallet, which is about to dry up, can be supplemented a little.

The description of villains in this world is as follows:
1. Every time you kill a Xiqi Fang general, according to the level of the enemy general, you will be given a villain value ranging from 1000-10000 points.

3. Every time you complete a hidden evil villain task, you can get more villain points according to the situation.

The reason why Du Yu dared to challenge Jiang Ziya in the world of the Gods List on the Heroes Invincible platform was because of his excellent summoning ability.

For Du Yu, who has a super summoning ability, the villain value is of great significance.With enough villain points, he'll have a formidable army out of thin air.

While Jiang Ziya used his tactics to gain a huge advantage in the first battle, Du Yu retaliated and used his summoning ability to create a large army out of thin air at the most critical moment on the battlefield!
His reliance is Galadriel's three elven kingdoms!

Black Forest Elves, Golden Forest Elves, and Rivendell Elves!
Ten miles away from Mengjin City, Du Yu's Castle Heart suddenly appeared!
After several upgrades, Huaguo Mountain and other fairyland ancillary facilities have been obtained, and the heart of the castle is even more majestic and majestic.In the castle, there are countless scenic spots such as Yanziwu, Peach Blossom Island, Penglai Pavilion, Huaguo Mountain, Pegasus Ranch, and Piaoxiang.

Du Yu brazenly placed his tyrannical trump card outside Mengjin City, in order to deter the enemy and ensure that his retreat would not be cut off by Jiang Ziya.

This is Du Yu's conspiracy.He believed that Jiang Ziya had already known the existence of this mysterious treasure through Hou Shenjiang, so he could use it when he needed it, and there was no need to hide it.

From the heart of the castle, the middle gate opened wide, and a group of elf swordsmen, archers and magicians walked out, heading towards Mengjin City ten miles away.There are 2 of them in number.This is the army summoned after exhausting all of Du Yu's villain points.

It should be noted that because it is a summoned army, it cannot be brought into the next battle, so Du Yu used up all the villain points here in order to save the defeat.If he can't take back Mengjin City, he will lose his wife and lose his army, and the battle in the second act will also be greatly affected.

The decisive battle is about to break out.

The battle for Mengjin City became the focus of the first battle.

But Jiang Ziya, who was standing on a high place and observing the actions of Du Yu's army with the illusion of treasures, just sneered: "As expected of Du Yu, he summoned 2000 elite soldiers by himself? But it's a pity!"

He said coldly: "You are not the only one who will summon!"

He laughed and said sharply: "Mo Lihong, Mo Liqing, I will designate you two as the Four Heavenly Kings! You will no longer be the Four Generals of the Demon Family! I will return all the treasures of the two of you. You two will appear in the In Mengjin City, help Tu Xingsun defend the city!"

I saw that he was on the list of gods, and the light flashed!
Two cyan souls, choking with joy, flew straight out of the list of gods, and headed straight for Mengjin City!

Judging from their appearance, they were vaguely the two brothers Mo Lihong and Mo Liqing.From the abyss of death, the two were caught by the [Fengshen Bang], and they were overjoyed. When they heard the news that they were named gods, how could they not be elated?Immediately, he switched camps, joined Xiqi's side, and became Jiang Ziya's lackey.

Yang Jian, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, etc. were all smiling.

General Hou Shen was completely dumbfounded.

He stuttered and said to Jiang Ziya, "Father Shang! The spell you cast just now? But"

Jiang Ziya flicked his sleeves lightly, and said with a smile: "It is the SSS-level fairy treasure that my mentor bestowed on me, the power of the Conferred God List! The first attribute of my Conferred God List is that it can collect the souls of the killed enemy generals into it. And convert the kill value into karma points, and when needed, use the karma points to confer gods on the enemy generals! The generals who have completed the deification will be transformed into my people!"

Hou Shenjiang was completely stunned: "You mean, as long as you have this list of gods, the enemy generals you kill will become our generals? This is true"

Jiang Ziya laughed loudly: "You know why I am full of confidence in this decisive battle, right? King Zhou played by Du Yu, no matter how many soldiers there are, as long as I have the list of gods, I can continue to transform his generals. Become a star god on my list of gods! How many troops can Du Yu have to fight against this endless army?"

General Hou Shen looked at the two generals, Mo Lihong and Mo Liqing, who seemed to vote alone, and worried: "But Du Yu has 2000 elf troops, which are much stronger than Tu Xingsun's defenders. With the addition of a heavenly king, Mengjin City cannot be defended."

Jiang Ziya smiled lightly and said, "The summoning rule of my Conferred God List is equivalent to having an extra general in the tavern. When summoning the two brothers Molihong, you only need to pay a certain amount of money to be summoned. They will carry a certain initial Troop strength. Added together, there are probably 200 troops. But it is true that there is still a certain gap between Du Yu’s troop strength. But”

He sneered: "Don't forget, I don't need them to be able to resist Du Yu for too long, our army will move out quickly! We will attack Du Yu's troops not long after Du Yu attacked my Mengjin City! See if I cooperate internally and externally, Capture and kill Du Yu in one go!"

Xiqi's army quickly adjusted its formation and began to march towards Mengjin City.

Du Yu commanded the army and soon reached the city of Mengjin.

2000 elves troops, all elves' morale +1, under the command of Galadriel, their own morale +1, the overall morale is high, the mighty iron flow is booming, and they drive to the city of Mengjin.

As the main city of one side's battle, Mengjin City was built on a very strong site, ten feet high and three feet wide, and a moat was built to delay the infantry's attack speed.Only the drawbridge is accessible.It's a pity that it was still put away by the enemy.

Tu Xingsun appeared on the top of the city, pointed at Du Yu and laughed loudly: "The defeated general, dare to challenge? See how I, Tu Xingsun, wiped out your army."

Tu Xingsun's traitorous nature remained unchanged, his gaze wandered back and forth, and he suddenly saw Galadriel beside Du Yu.

Tu Xingsun's lust and shamelessness are famous in history.Otherwise, how did you think that Deng Chanyu, a noble and beautiful girl, would be acquired by him?
"Hehe?" Tu Xingsun was delighted, pointing to the tall and noble Elven Queen Galadriel and said, "You fatuous King Zhou, you really have many beauties around you. These beauties have followed you , Is it really a secret vote of the pearl, or should I surrender early, how good would it be to follow me, Tu Xingsun?"

Galadriel turned pale with rage.

Du Yu was running out of time, so he didn't talk nonsense and waved directly.

The 1000 elf archers suddenly turned around, formed a perfect formation, and raised their bows and arrows together.

Once there are thousands of elf shooters, the awe-inspiring shooting momentum is enough to shock anyone.

Tu Xingsun immediately felt bad.

"Let go!" Du Yu waved his hand fiercely.

Galadriel hated Tu Xingsun's rudeness very much, and was the first to cast a spell, a bolt of lightning struck towards the place where Tu Xingsun was located.

The 1000 elf long arrows left the string with a bang.

The sky instantly became black and oppressive.

A black cloud approached the head of Mengjin City like locusts flying in the wind.

Tu Xingsun yelled, "It's not good!"

He disappeared in place before Galadriel's lightning spell.

Earth escape technique.

Tu Xingsun's only god-level spell.

Although Tu Xingsun ran happily and resolutely, he suffered for the unlucky ones who followed him to the city to inspect.

Only the sound of bows and arrows entering the flesh and screams were heard, and a large area fell on the top of the city. More than 30 guard soldiers were shot to death in the first wave of attack.

Tu Xingsun appeared on the high tower, he glanced at Du Yu's elf archer troops with lingering fear, and wiped his cold sweat.

"Damn it, this King Zhou and this female goblin are really powerful." Tu Xingsun stomped his feet: "When I break the army of Shang Zhou, I will definitely find the prime minister, bring this female goblin, and ruthlessly ravage her!" Come on, vent the hatred in my heart!"

He waved his hand and shouted: "The arrow tower fires!"

On Mengjin City, there are a total of four arrow towers, and the salvo finally started.

This is an inevitable reservation item for every siege battle.

Du Yu's elven archers were constantly pierced by long arrows from the powerful arrow tower, and they flew backwards, falling to the ground and dying in pain.

This is war.

And on Tu Xingsun's city wall, two figures familiar to Du Yu suddenly appeared, leading a large number of guarding troops, swarming up.

Magic Ritual Red and Magic Ritual Blue!
"Aren't these two dead demon generals?" Du Yu was startled: "How could they be transformed by the enemy and still appear in Mengjin City?"

This should be a good thing Jiang Ziya did.

But Du Yu must find out the truth, otherwise he will suffer Jiang Ziya's big losses again and again.

Molihong and Moliqing have been transformed into gods on the teaching side, serving as the four heavenly kings and responsible for guarding the Nantian Gate of the heaven.One of these two is holding a Hunyuan Umbrella, and the other is holding a Qingyun Sword and a white jade bracelet.In their previous battle, these treasures didn't play much role, but in the defensive battle of Mengjin, Du Yu only saw the strength of the two demon generals!
(End of this chapter)

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