Chapter 1540 Put the frying pan on!Du Yu salted fish turned over!

Mo Lihong roared, holding the Hunyuan Umbrella, and opened it suddenly!

A series of flood-like ripples suddenly sprayed out from the Hunyuan Umbrella, and quickly formed a series of floods under Mengjin City!

This is the treasure of Molihong—the Hunyuan Umbrella!

The magical effect of the Hunyuan Umbrella is that it can cause damage to the enemy troops by multiplying the user's magic power by 25.

Most importantly, its scope of action is the entire battlefield.

The entire battlefield regardless of region.

This time, Du Yu's elf troops were about to face heavy casualties.

But how could Galadriel sit back and watch her people suffer such casualties under the city of Mengjin?
She held up the ring Nanya in her hand, and recited the protective spell: "Water element, follow my guidance and protect my people."

A seemingly invisible film was formed in front of the elf army.

Hunyuan Umbrella VS Water Ring Nanya!
The collision between the pair of immortal treasures and artifacts ended in a loss for both sides.

The Hunyuan Umbrella failed to break through Nanya, the ring of water, but Nanya's protective shield also fell apart.

Mo Lihong roared, "This is impossible!"

At the same time, Mo Liqing pulled out Qingyun Sword, chanted a spell, and fell towards Du Yu's troops.

With Qingyun Sword's invincible posture, if it fell into the formation of the elf army, it would instantly cut this elite army to pieces, causing heavy casualties.

But unfortunately, there is another prevention here!
A strong and unyielding Du Yu.

He flipped his hand.

The SS-level Immortal Treasure Locking Monster Tower flew into the air and directly crashed into Qingyun Sword.

This time, Du Yu broke through two levels in a row and entered the terrifying place of immortal power that broke through the void, and finally manifested it!
Under the divine power of Mo Liqing, one of the four heavenly kings, Du Yu actually won an all-round oppressive victory!
The Qingyun sword was hit hard by the demon lock tower, the treasure was damaged, the light quickly dimmed, and it retreated in the direction of its master.

Du Yu snorted coldly and flipped his hands!
The demon-locking tower immediately grew in the wind!
In the air, it quickly grew into a huge stone tower with a height of hundreds of feet. With the awe-inspiring momentum of Mount Tai, it smashed hard at the troops defending the city wall.

Du Yu's fairy art has been accomplished!

He turns his hands into clouds and his hands into rain, and in the blink of an eye, he can kill powerful enemies.

The demon lock tower was smashed down!
But a yellow light flashed.

Tu Xingsun emerged from the ground.

It turned out that this guy saw that the situation was urgent. As the coach of Mengjincheng, if he was greedy for life and afraid of death at this time, and refused to use his strength, he was afraid that after the defeat, Mo Lihong and Mo Liqing would not be guilty , but his coach will definitely not escape Jiang Ziya's punishment.

In desperation, Tu Xingsun had no choice but to fight!
Completely fight!

The yellow light he threw out was a treasure he had stolen from his master Fear Liusun.

"Binding the Immortal Rope!"

As for the Immortal Binding Rope, it is a well-known immortal treasure in the Romance of the Gods.This thing can bind any god and magic weapon in the world.It is a SS-level fairy treasure that is afraid of leaving grandchildren, and it is very powerful.

Unfortunately, this object fell into the hands of Tu Xingsun.

At this time, the Demon Locking Tower was about to fall on the heads of the defenders, making the defenders feel insecure and panicked. tower.The defenders of Mengjin City believed that the general was mighty, and their morale was greatly boosted.

But the response of Du Yu's army was that elf archers and elf magicians bombarded the local area indiscriminately.

The defenders of the Western Zhou Dynasty suffered heavy casualties.

Although they had nearly 300 defenders (after Tu Xingsun entered the city, he seized the barracks and recruited some defenders who should have belonged to Du Yu, which is really hateful), but after the deadly rain of arrows from the elf archers and the madness of the elf mages In the face of the indiscriminate bombing of the fireball technique, the war showed a one-sided situation.

The only thing that can effectively kill Du Yu's army is the four arrow towers, which are constantly producing elf corpses.

There were fewer and fewer Western Zhou troops on the city wall.From time to time, someone screamed and fell down the moat, becoming a victim of the elf archer's superb archery skills.

But Du Yu received a warning from Galadriel: "Jiang Ziya's large army is rushing towards Mengjin City. Their speed is very fast. I think we will see them in 10 minutes at most."

"These guys are planning to drag our main force to death under the city of Mengjin?" Du Yu sneered.

Presumably, he also got the signal from Jiang Ziya. The Tu Xingsun, who was afraid of death, was not afraid of death. He jumped out of the bunker of the arrow tower, brought Mo Lihong and Mo Liqing, a total of three generals, and the remaining Western Zhou troops, roaring Shouting, blocking the siege of Du Yu's army.

"We don't have enough time," Galadriel said frustratedly, "We should retreat to the Heart of the Castle first, to prevent Jiang Ziya from stealing our way."

"It looks like..." Du Yu took a deep breath, and stood up coldly: "It's still up to me, a superhero, to come out and fight the fire."

He walked towards Mengjin City step by step.

This city is related to the situation of the entire battlefield.If this place cannot be captured before Jiang Ziya's army arrives, the situation will be disastrous.

But what method can Du Yu use to capture Mengjin City?

You know, Mengjin City is guarded by three powerful generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty. To capture this city, you must break the walls they guarded.In the era of cold weapons, the second of the four heavenly kings plus Tu Xingsun guarded a city wall, which was almost impossible to break through with the power of elf warriors.

But Du Yu is no ordinary person!

He transformed, roared, and his body began to grow bigger.

One foot, two feet, ten feet!
Du Yu used the Titan magic, and soon turned into a huge Titan, and walked to the city wall step by step.

His body was almost as high as the city wall, looking at Tu Xingsun and the two heavenly kings on the city wall.

"You think I'll be afraid of you when I grow up?" Tu Xingsun sneered and shook his hands.The bundle of fairy ropes turned into a golden light and went straight to Du Yu's body.Du Yu must be tied up.

But Du Yu suddenly roared!
He launched a terrifying magic spell!

【Atlas Earthquake】!
The power of this magic can destroy half a city in an instant!
Earthquake spells are specially used to deal with city walls.

Du Yu's fist hit the ground hard.The ground suddenly trembled and shook countless times, even the moat burst, and the river spread.

Large tracts of impenetrable city walls collapsed under the attack of Du Yu's earthquake technique!

Galadriel was dazzled and confused. She didn't expect Du Yu's magical power to reach such a level.

The direction of their collapse happens to be the moat.

As a result, the moat no longer had the effect of delaying the enemy's attack, and the fallen city wall just buried the moat, turning this place into a smooth road.

A smooth way to take advantage of foreign enemies' attacks.

Du Yu's magical attack was really too successful.

All the enemies did not expect Du Yu to be so fierce and brave, even Du Yu's troops did not expect it.

"King Zhou! It's the invincible King Zhou!" A personal guard of the Western Zhou Dynasty yelled sadly, looking at the huge Du Yu with horror on his face, and retreating steadily.

Du Yu's superhuman performance is in line with the outside world's legend about the brutal and brute "King Zhou", and the morale of the Xizhou side is rapidly declining.

At the same time, Galadriel showed an astonishingly keen sense of smell. After Du Yu slammed down the city wall, with a single finger, more than 1000 elf warriors followed her queen and entered the city of Mengjin.

Du Yu finally succeeded.

After being successfully captured by Xizhou in the morning, only half a day later, Du Yuyi succeeded in taking back Mengjin City, the fortress of the Yellow River.

Mo Lihong, Mo Liqing and Tu Xingsun, seeing that the situation was not good, fled one after another.

Du Yu was eager to strengthen the defense of Mengjin City before the arrival of the Western Zhou army, but he did not pursue it seriously, allowing the enemy generals to flee.

His time is really too tight.

Fortunately, Mengjin City finally fell into his hands.If there was only one stronghold in Jiming Village, it would be more reliable for Du Yu to surrender early.

However, Mengjin City also suffered huge damage in the two wars. Among other things, the damaged city wall alone is a headache.

And those barracks that were originally perfect were collapsed one after another and needed repairs before they could be used.

Galadriel shook her head and said, "How can this collapsed city wall be repaired?"

Du Yu's answer was, no repairs at all.

His solution is to move the heart of the castle and block it directly on the damaged city wall!
Genius idea!
Without any repair time, just a spell, the heart of the castle flew out of the sky, landed on the gap, and took on the important task of defending the Western Zhou army.

Galadriel was stunned, amazed and admired.

Du Yu's creative thinking is too leaping, and it is difficult for ordinary people to keep up.

With the complete city wall, Du Yu ordered the elf archers to go to the city and enter the tower.

Get ready for battle.

At the same time, he also sat on the head of Mengjin city, closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty to invade.

In the previous battle, Du Yu killed more than 300 Western Zhou troops and gained 1000 villain points, which is considered to have recovered a little interest.But the arduous siege also cost the lives of more than 100 elf warriors.It's a tie.

But most importantly, Du Yu retained a ray of hope for a counterattack against the Western Zhou Dynasty. This ray of hope, one day in the future, may really be transformed into the fruit of victory.

Jiang Ziya regretted hearing the news that Meng Jin had been recaptured by Du Yu, but his face did not show much depression. It seemed that Du Yu's miracle was within his expectations.

"Father Shang, why are you not surprised that Du Yu is so powerful?" Hou Shenjiang was a little bit aggrieved.Du Yu's salted fish is really capable of tossing, even though it's on the chopping board and the oil pan, it can still jump out, lingering on its last breath.

Jiang Ziya laughed: "Du Yu was a hero who defeated half of the Tang Dynasty with his bare hands. If he didn't have any skills, he would be wiped out by me, or give up easily. I would be confused. This time he bet everything , Release the real hole card, let him lose, is the biggest blow.

Hou Shenjiang looked excited: "Jiang will come out?"

(End of this chapter)

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