Chapter 1541 Conferred God Transformation!Map Treasure!
Jiang Ziya sneered and said, "Du Yu's summoning is by no means without cost. Let him summon. The next time the world sees how many cards he has? We just need to surround Meng Jin and consume Du Yu's strength. Although Meng Jin is lost, But most of Mengjin was destroyed, and the production of troops basically stopped. Du Yu only relies on one Jiming village, how many troops can he produce in a week? We occupy four cities, as long as there is a steady stream of troops, and nearly all troops are piled up at the ferry of the Yellow River, the consumption alone can wipe out Du Yu Dead in advance."

His strategy is clear.

In the first wave of raids, the Western Zhou Dynasty established a huge advantage of the four cities, and also transformed two generals from Du Yu's side.The four cities can send troops continuously, while Du Yu's side has only one broken city and one village, and the weekly replenishment of troops is very small.Even if you send troops with all your strength, it will be difficult to turn the tables.

Jiang Ziya planned to use conventional tactics to drag Du Yu to death step by step.

The main force under his command occupied the Yellow River Ferry Village, and firmly guarded Mengjin City.Standing in the enemy's city, gathering the troops that should belong to the enemy every week, and keeping a close eye on the enemy's main city, this feeling is very good.

Du Yu was on the front line, in a state of confrontation.

He had to convene a pre-war meeting to discuss countermeasures.

"Fortunately, second brother, with your heroic decision, you captured and recaptured Mengjin City, otherwise we will lose this battle." Zhao Yun said with a stern expression, pointing to the center of the map.

"But our problems came one after another." Catherine, who was in charge of logistics and administrative work, smiled bitterly: "After two brutal wars, most of Mengjin City was destroyed, and the production capacity of troops dropped sharply. Only the first three barracks remained .And to build, a huge amount of production materials is necessary. And we have insufficient resources.”

Just like Heroes, in order to build a city, you must obtain materials such as wood, stones, and gold coins. In [Feng Shen Bang Heroes], the same is true.It also requires a large amount of money, mercury, sulfur, ore and other construction materials to build urban facilities.

These resources are mainly distributed in the forests, canyons and plains around the city.Many of them are guarded by wild soldiers.If you don't go to MF, you can't even control the basic mines.Du Yu's side's thinking at the beginning was very formal, starting from the starting point and sweeping all the way, MF in the shortest time. Unexpectedly, Jiang Ziya didn't play cards according to common sense at all.Jiang Ziya was overwhelmed.

At the beginning of the plot, due to the agreement between the two parties, the total amount of resources is very small.Du Yu's side was raided from the very beginning, and there was no time to go to MF. At this time, the battlefield that belonged to the rear area was full of wandering Western Zhou generals, making the front of these resource mines full of enemies.It makes mining and land reclamation MF extremely dangerous.

"Especially Molihong and Moliqing were resurrected after death. After surrendering and rebelling, the number of generals on Xizhou's side reached a terrifying 10, while ours had only 7 generals, and they were compressed in a small area. I also know that Jiang Ziya will not sit back and watch Du Yu's happy MF open up wasteland, he will send troops to attack by any means." Shen Luoyan smiled wryly.

How to do?
"Molihong and Moliqing, why did they vote for the Western Zhou camp?"

Du Yu didn't think about the current countermeasures, but there was always a thought lingering in his mind.

If this doubt is not solved, Du Yu will have trouble sleeping and eating.

If we follow this logic, the generals who died on our own side will become heroes that the enemy can recruit. I am afraid that our troops will be fewer and fewer, and the enemy's generals will be more and more!
This can be fatal.

Anyone who has played Heroes of Might and Magic knows the importance of heroes.In the plot of Fengshen Yanyi, heroes play a key role.If Jiang Ziya can keep this rhythm of resurrecting the dead, let alone the first battle, he can keep winning streak against Du Yu until he wins 9 games and knocks Du Yu out!

"Yes, according to the general rules, our heroes who died in battle should disappear from this world. Why were they transformed by the enemy?" Everyone was puzzled.

It was Su Daji, the ten-thousand-year demon fox, who solved this doubt.

"When I observed the battle situation through the crystal of true knowledge, I discovered an interesting phenomenon." Su Daji swayed her fox tail, leaned on Du Yu's body regardless of Catherine's jealous eyes, and said in a soft voice: "I found that the magic ceremony red and the magic ceremony When Qing is killed, that Jiang Ziya will hold high the list of gods, and a cyan light of the soul will be included in his list of gods, people guess, will it be?"

Her charming water-shearing eyes turned delicately and said: "Will this Jiang Ziya use the list of gods to make our killed general a god, and then transform him into a person who explains the teachings?"

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Du Yu suddenly realized.


This world is called Fengshenbang, and the SSS-level fairy treasure in Jiang Ziya's hand, the most terrifying power, should be this!


His list of gods actually has the powerful function of transforming the enemy's dead heroes into his own use.

This function is simply against the sky in the story of Feng Shen Yan Yi with a fixed number of appearances!
The number of heroes on both sides reversed from 9 vs. 9 at the beginning to 11 vs. 7 in one breath, and the gap widened to 4 heroes.

You know, this is the world of Feng Shen Yan Yi based on the Heroes Invincible platform.One side can have four more heroes, and the impact on the battle situation is almost fatal.

Among other things, Jiang Ziya can send four heroes back to Xi'an on the Yellow River at a convenient time. The MF should go to the MF, the construction should be constructed, and the troops should be transported.However, the offensive on the front line can be maintained forever, and it can still harass and suppress the Du Yu army, which is unbearable and unable to carry out any construction and production activities!
Due to the opponent's sufficient manpower for production in the rear, harassment in the front, and sneak attack, the gap will become wider and wider.

Until Du Yu's party could no longer bear it, and finally collapsed.

Shen Luoyan's mind was so fast that he could even calculate the time of collapse.

"Even if we have your lord's 2000 elf troop, under the enemy's powerful comprehensive strength attack, we will be completely overwhelmed if we support it for at most 2 weeks." Shen Luoyan frowned, with a sad expression on her face.

One side is full of production and linked back and forth, and the other side is struggling to cope with it, and the consequences are of course predictable.

Du Yu took the case and said: "I can't sit back and watch Jiang Ziya's side, so big, I am determined to use the current force advantage to attack the Dukou Village and Dukou Pass controlled by the Western Zhou Dynasty as soon as possible, drive Jiang Ziya back to the west bank of the Yellow River, and restore the situation of confrontation across the river! "

No one disputed this proposal.Because the current situation is clear.Du Yu spent all the villain points to summon 2000 elf troops, temporarily occupying the superiority of troops.No attack, no dead end.

But when Du Yu led the main force, with Zhao Yun as the vanguard, and went all out to kill Jiming Village, which was defended by Jiang Ziya's army, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Free battle card?"

Pioneer Zhao Yun was astonished.

On the gate of the village head of Jiming Village, a glittering golden plaque was hung high, with the words "free from war" written on it, which made people feel depressed for a while.

"A mere free battle card can stop my army?" Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows and swung his spear. The 500 elf troops behind him immediately swarmed up, ready to take down the gate of Jiming Village.

But something amazing happened.

This menacing army just rushed to the gate, but found that there seemed to be a hazy film in front of the gate, which could not be broken no matter how hard it hit.

"Hahaha! What a bunch of bumpkins who have never seen the world!" Nezha, as the vanguard official of the Western Zhou Dynasty, stood inside the gate and laughed at Zhao Yun: "Don't you guys know that in this world, there is such a thing as map treasures? Is it?"

"Treasure of the map?" Zhao Yun is also a man who knows how to fight.Although he doesn't like to play games, after entering the adventure space, in order to adapt to the story world dominated by novels, movies, and games, he also had to supplement a lot of game knowledge.There is also a lot of research on the common Heroes of Might and Magic series of games.

Map weapons are props that can be used on strategic maps, such as Du Yu's angel wings, and navigator suits, etc.

But the setting of free cards

Nezha sneered for a while: "I want to teach you bumpkins! This free card is a one-time map treasure that we played from a hidden treasure house in the rear - the Dragon Cave. After use, one of our strongholds I can avoid your attacks within three days. If you want to make a quick decision and take back Dukou Village, then let’s not talk about it!"

Zhao Yun was shaking with anger.

Du Yu appeared with his troops and patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder.

He realized that the biggest difference between himself and Jiang Ziya, a group of indigenous people, was not in strength, but in the grasp of many details.

For example, Du Yu also knew the existence of the free battle card, but when it came to using it with one heart, he was far behind Jiang Ziya and Nezha, the local adventurers.

What does it mean after three days?
It means that a new week is about to start.

Everyone knows that in Heroes of Might and Magic, new recruits will appear at the beginning of each week.

That is to say, using this treasure, without any reinforcements, the Western Zhou troops in Huanghedukou Village could hold Du Yu's army here for three days for free, and get supplements from the new week's troops.The most annoying thing is that these troops originally belonged to Du Yu.

And three days of hard work can also further strengthen the city defense of Dukou Village.Du Yu's piercing eyes could see clearly that the wooden fence defense wall at the entrance of the village was being replaced by the gradually built city wall, and new arrow towers were being built on both sides of the gate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three days later, Ferry Village will have three defense facilities, which means that this place will become a meat grinder that swallows Du Yu's elf troops.The casualties of the preventive troops will rise at a geometric rate.

What's more, the people stationed here for defense were originally one of the main frontline troops of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Jiang Ziya, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi and others, with their treasures in their hands and masters in their hands, which one is easy to provoke?
It seems that this place is really not easy to take down.

(End of this chapter)

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