Chapter 1545 Beat Yang Erlang out of the sky!

Wang Guiren's jade pipa skills also play the ground Yang Jian's mind is taken away from time to time, and he is staggering. The face that is suitable for anger and joy, coupled with the peerless and charming appearance, even Yang Jian, who is firm in mind and accustomed to the world, can't help being shaken for a while. , This gave Mo Lishou an opportunity to take advantage of it!
Mo Lishou is good at sneak attacks.

It seems that many of the villains are good at sneak attacks.

Yang Jian just felt a little ecstatic when he felt a pain in his neck!
A fox mink rushed to his neck like lightning, and bit him hard.

This flower fox mink is the sneak attack trick that Mo Lishou is famous for.

With this mouthful, even Erlang God Yang Jian felt numb in his neck.

"Poisoned!" Yang Jian cursed in his heart!

But when he turned his head and looked back, the figure of Huahu mink had disappeared.This guy comes without a trace, goes without a trace, lightning strikes, the most difficult to guard against.

Yang Jian looked around.

The soldiers around him were dead and wounded.

There was no way to do it, because they were ambushed by Du Yu, these soldiers were doomed to be cannon fodder.

A thousand troops are easy to get but a general is hard to find.But soldiers can be recruited again after they are dead.He Yang Jian can't die in the first battle at this ferry.

Yang Jian made a decisive decision and immediately broke through.

But it's a pity that Du Yu must agree to break through.

Du Yu made so many sacrifices, how could it be possible for Yang Jian to break out?He continued to greet people from all walks of life, and stepped up the siege of Yang Jian, Xiao Tiangou, and Pu Tiandiao.

Yang Jian's body was severely injured in many places, and the resentment in his heart reached the extreme.

The most unlucky one was the flying bird, in order to protect Yang Jian, it fought Hu Ximei.Almost blinded Hu Ximei's watery and captivating winking eyes.

But as a result of Hu Ximei's rage, she pulled out a jade hairpin from her head.

This is no ordinary hairpin.

Just like the nine-tailed vixen's natal specialty is having nine lives, Hu Ximei's nine-tailed pheasant spirit also has natal specialties.

She has nine hairpins, just like the beautiful nine tail feathers of a pheasant.

The characteristic of these nine tail feathers is that they can be shot out like deadly poison darts, and they have a very high priority. As long as the enemy is unprepared, they will definitely hit.

Of course, this kind of natal specialty is incomparable with that of the nine-tailed vixen.People have nine lives, this one is just nine special attacks.But it's a stunt anyway, isn't it?

At this time, what Hu Ximei launched against Pu Tiandiao was this natal lore.

A green light flashed.

The eagle fluttered to the sky, screaming terribly!
Its eagle eyes were blinded by Hu Ximei's deadly pheasant tail feathers!

"No!" Yang Jian, who was attacking furiously under Du Yu's attack, roared in shock and anger.

Xiaotiangou and Putiandiao are his right-hand men, but he didn't expect that his eyes would be broken by a female fairy so soon.

The fluttering eagle staggered and couldn't hold on.

"Okay!" Du Yu couldn't help shouting.Taking Hu Ximei and Wang Guiren this time, I didn't expect that besides serving him in bed, there would be such a reward.It really is Su Daji's right-hand man.

Hu Ximei was praised by her master, her beautiful eyes were overjoyed, and she spared no expense to throw three pheasant tail feathers in a row, trying to get rid of this flying eagle.

For Du Yu's side, having tasted the sweetness of Feng Wang's invincible scouting, of course they don't want Xi Zhou's side to have similar tactics.As a psychic flat-haired beast of Yang Jian, the fluttering eagle must be cut off.

The fluttering eagle failed to escape Hu Ximei's shooting, and all three pheasant tail feathers hit it, and with a mournful neighing, it fell miserably.

It was shot down by Du Yu's army in the scuffle before it could use its earth-shattering kung fu.

"No!" Yang Jian was deeply saddened.

When he entered the space, his evaluation had surpassed that of the adventurers in Zifu District. In order to limit his strength, the space had special regulations that he could only leave the world with Xiao Tiangou.After returning to the world of the Conferred Gods List, he immediately obtained the Punching Eagle, which greatly increased his strength. He was about to lead a powerful eagle dog to do a great job, but he didn't expect that he was caught by Du Yu's tricks and fell into the sky.

Hu Ximei won the victory, three steps in parallel, and was about to catch up and kill the flying eagle.But the Roaring Sky Dog rushed over, with the Sky Eagle in its mouth, and was about to rush back to Yang Jian's side.

But the other Du Yu's pet, Haierfa, is the most cunning.

It discovered the situation on the battlefield and was going around killing the sky eagle. Suddenly, it rushed to Xiao Tiangou's side in a flash, and bit the dying sky eagle.

It's really pitiful for the flying bird to be fought over by a dog and a lion.

In the end, it was a tie.

Xiaotiangou finally won half, and the other half was transferred away by the cunning and cruel Haierfa.

Pounce on the eagle, die.

"My eagle!" Yang Jian was in pain.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and he threw the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand.

The three-pointed and two-edged knife turned into a bolt of lightning, and instantly wiped out more than 30 yellow scarf warriors around it!

Even more than a dozen elf archers who shot cold arrows were killed by Yang Jian with one blow!
Du Yu screamed: "My villain is worthy."

In this ambush, he finally killed Yang Jian's troops and gained about 1000 villain points. Yang Jian killed the elf shooter and basically lost all.

An angry Du Yu rushed to Yang Jian's side, and blasted at Yang Jian with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

In the end, it was still necessary to fight close and kill Yang Jian.

Yang Jian's performance has just begun.

When he found himself surrounded by Du Yu, in a difficult situation, and was about to be annihilated by Du Yu, Yang Jian went all out!

The third eye in the middle of his forehead slowly opened.

Normally, this eye is always closed.

But when the third eye was opened, Du Yu found that Yang Jian's movements were completely different.

His third eye does not have such unreliable functions as shooting lasers or breathing fire.Erlang God's third eye was left to him by his mother. It is the most precious eye of the Heavenly Palace, which can clearly detect all things and distinguish good from evil, loyal and evil.Later, Yang Jian merged the two into one.So there was the three-eyed Erlang God.

Since it is the eye of the sky, which can see everything in the world, the biggest change after Yang Jian opened his third eye is that his movements have become more targeted!More precise!

He seems to be able to make countless decomposed pictures of the enemy's movements one by one, accurately predict the enemy's movement trajectory in the next second, and then

The three-pointed and double-edged knife constantly shuttles and assassinates different enemies' chests, throats and other vital points, and solves the enemies one by one!

Yang Jian suddenly became extremely vigorous!
Mo Lishou and Mo Li Hai, one on the left and one on the right, came forward to meet them.One of them is holding a pipa, the other is holding a sword, and Huahu Mink is still attacking in the dark, forming a three-dimensional attack pattern!

But in Yang Jian's eyes, there was a huge flaw in the battle formation that should have been seamless.

Even the Huahu mink couldn't escape his three eyes!

The essence of this battle formation actually lies in Huahu Mink.This little thing came out from behind, like a flying fox, and went straight to Yang Jian's back.If caught by it, its indestructible teeth and sharp claws can directly pierce Yang Jian's vest from behind, causing fatal damage.

Yang Jian sneered.

Before he opened his eyes, he couldn't see through this formation, but after he opened his eyes?

Yang Jian swung his three-pointed two-edged knife backhand!
Huahu Diao let out a sob, and was actually stabbed by Yang Jian with a sword at a lightning speed!
Mo Lishou let out a mournful roar.

He and Huahu Diao are as close as brothers, but he was caught by Yang Jian at a glance and severely injured.

But before Mo Lishou woke up from the grief, Yang Jian faced Yang Jian's cold three-pointed double-edged sword!

Deadly Raid!
Yang Jian turned into a super fierce man in an instant!
Seriously injured!

Mo Lishou was pierced through Yang Jian's chest with a sword. If Du Yu hadn't rescued him in time, a lightning flash of supernatural power struck Yang Jian's back fiercely, and Mo Lishou would have been killed by Yang Jian right now.

He was originally a fierce man, but now he is ten times more fierce.

Yang Jian provoked Mo Lishou with a single shot, and threw it back suddenly, hitting Mo Lishou.Mo Lihai could only give up the pipa weapon and embrace his brother.

Yang Jian took the opportunity to escape from between the two demon generals.

The encirclement circle composed of Du Yu, Hu Ximei, Wang Guiren, Mo Lishou, and Mo Lihai was unexpectedly broken by him in one fell swoop!
Du Yu was furious.

This Yang Jian is too arrogant.

He roared, and a supernatural power flashed, unexpectedly appearing beside Yang Jian.With one move [Dragon Fighting in the Wild], it slammed into Yang Jian's ribs!
Yang Jian roared in pain and fell to one side.

Du Yu hit the snake and followed it with the stick, another move [Qianlong Zaitian], chasing Yang Jian.

Must kill Yang Jian.

He made up his mind.

Yang Jian was executed by Du Yu with all his strength, one move after another, using fairy art, divine art and supernatural power alternately, so that Yang Jian had no power to fight back, so he could only retreat step by step.

"Is this kid crazy?" Yang Jian couldn't help but exclaimed, Du Yu's fighting power was too strong.

"Wrath of the Titans!" Du Yu activated a magical spell with ten times the power, and then grabbed Yang Jian's shoulder.

"[Kanglong has regrets]!" Du Yu slapped Yang Jian hard on the city wall of the checkpoint like a cannonball.


Yang Jian's body hit the city wall like a cannonball, and the city wall shook a few times before finally collapsing.

Big stones fell down one after another, burying Yang Jian in it.

With cold eyes, Du Yu walked towards the ruins of Yang Jian step by step.

"Get up quickly, I know you're not dead." Du Yu said coldly.

But in the ruins, there was no sound.

Du Yu knew something was wrong, and kicked the ruined bricks into the air.

But nothing below.

Yang Jian, whereabouts are unknown.

Yang Jian is a man with a way.

After falling into Du Yu's siege, Yang Jian kept thinking about how to escape.

Fighting bravely among the enemy groups and dying for the country would only be done by a fool, but Yang Jian would not.

What he wants is glory, the capital of being a god, not to die.

Therefore, after realizing that he was trapped in a tight siege, Yang Jian decisively decided to escape.

Being blasted onto the city wall by Du Yu happened to be the opportunity to escape.

Yang Jian, turned into a mouse, escaped.

Under normal circumstances, this tactic would certainly be successful.

But unfortunately, he met Du Yu.

Du Yu with piercing eyes.

Du Yu is now in the role of a chaser. Although he doesn't do many such things, this is a battle. If you don't want to let the tiger go back to the mountain and let the dragon go into the sea, you must find Yang Jian and kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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