Chapter 1546 Changes!One thing down one thing!
Du Yu's keen eyes detected Yang Jian's location.

"You're actually playing 72 changes with me?" Du Yu chuckled, his piercing eyes fixed on the ground and quickly dug a hole. The mouse that drilled the hole suddenly transformed into a big yellow cat.

He followed the mouse lightly like a cat, pounced on it all the way, and chased it away.

Only one sentence was left: "Quickly kill the Roaring Dog and take care of Su Daji!"

Hu Ximei, Wang Guiren, Mo Lishou and others turned their heads to look at Xiaotiangou.

Xiaotiangou choked up in fear, as if he knew that there was a rough fate ahead, waiting for him.

Xiao Tiangou jumped up, trying to escape like his master.

"Smelly dog! Abandoned by your master, you still want to run away?" Hu Ximei scolded coquettishly, and a green light stabbed towards Xiao Tiangou.

The dog-killing operation begins immediately.

Du Yu became a cat, and followed Yang Jian all the way to become a mouse.Thanks to that period of penance, otherwise he would not have turned into a cat.Now Du Yu will only have 27 changes.

But Yang Jian can change 72 times.

Yang Jian's mouse was chased by Du Yu and had nowhere to go, and was soon blocked in front of a hard rocky ground, unable to dig a hole forward, could only run out of the hole and flee to the distance.

Where is Du Yu willing to let go?With a meow, he grabbed Yang Jian by the tail.

Du Yu hit hard, and Yang Jian couldn't escape when the cat grabbed him.

Seeing Du Yu's words, the grand nephew of the Jade Emperor, the son of a high-ranking cadre in the heaven, King Zhaohui Xiansheng Renyou was about to die in the cat's mouth, and was killed by Du Yu in the most dumbfounding way of death.

But Yang Jian is Yang Jian.

At the last moment, he transformed himself into a mangy dog. With a backhand bite, he bit Du Yu and turned into a cat.

Du Yu let out a meow in pain.

This abominable Erlang God is really cunning.

But Du Yu happens to restrain reforms.

Then a tiger appeared.

Du Yu turned into a tiger and bit Yang Jian's dog leg.

Yang Jian's expression changed drastically, and he struggled desperately.He only learned 72 transformations by practicing eighty-nine magical skills. He did not expect that adventurers in Du Yu's inner city would be able to use so many transformation techniques.

How did he know that Du Yu learned 72 changes from Monkey King.

In desperation, Yang Jian had one arm bitten off by Du Yu, and fled forward with a limp.

Du Yu became a tiger and chased after him relentlessly.

This is really a wonder in the world, the majestic Erlang gods were biting each other, and the one bitten by Du Yu was seriously injured.

Yang Jian was unwilling to fail, but he was surrounded by Du Yu's soldiers and generals. He didn't dare to stop, and seriously transformed into something more powerful than a tiger.

He turned into a crane and flew up into the sky.

Now, you, Du Yu, won't be able to catch up, right?

Who knows, Du Yu still didn't give up. He turned into a squirrel, the one who followed He Xiangu, and finally completed the squirrel's strategy of taking the fairy wife and the SS-level immortal treasure Hunyuan Pearl together. The squirrel followed the crane.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian showed a cold smile.

He has long seen that Du Yu has only practiced for a short time after all, and he has not learned all the techniques of transformation.At least it must not be as good as his 72 changes.


In the air, Du Yu's choice of change is not enough.

The crane transformed into a golden eagle!
He turned over and rushed towards Du Yu.

The golden eagle can restrain the oriole.

It seems that Du Yu's oriole really has no back-up to change.

Tired of returning to the sky.

Seeing that Du Yu was about to change from a hunter to a prey, the oriole that Du Yu had turned into made a crisp cry.

Yang Jian turned into a golden eagle and threw himself at the oriole viciously. At this moment, his head was suddenly occupied by a group of dark clouds!
A giant red dragon flew awe-inspiringly to the top of Yang Jian's head, and a mouthful of flames sprayed down!
Yang Jian changed from a majestic golden eagle to a charred roast chicken!
A feather, gone with the wind.

Du Yu laughed and tweeted, to the effect: "You idiot, I have killed all your hawks and dogs, but I have many more pets! I'll just wait for you to become a golden eagle. Your imagination Can there be anything bigger than this Queen of Dragons?"

Of course, Mo Lier would not let Yang Jian go, she shook her dragon wings, and Ling Ran jumped down.

Yang Jian was about to escape, but was hit by two hidden weapons thrown out by Du Yu—the Life and Death Talisman.

During the retreat, Du Yu also took out the martial arts skills he had mastered in the past and polished them again and again. After all, he was familiar with these skills by heart, and they were the most convenient to use.

After this life and death talisman has been improved, it can also work on immortals if it is infused with immortal power.

Yang Jian is a bird transformed from a fairy, so of course he did not escape the effect of this life and death talisman.

He was temporarily immobilized successfully, and then Molier swallowed him in one gulp!
Molier said dissatisfied: "This fairy swallowed it, and I don't feel it at all."

Du Yu shook his head and smiled wryly: "I advise you to be more careful, Yang Jian is not easy to deal with. Doesn't your stomach hurt after eating it?"

Moliel laughed wildly and said, "I'm the Queen of Dragons, a mere Oriental Erlang God, arrogant, what's so great about it uh uh"

She hiccups suddenly.

Du Yu knew something was wrong.

Sure enough, Yang Jian's arrogant voice came from Molier's belly: "This strange reptile actually wants to eat me Erlang God, look at me!"

Mo Lier yelled in pain, it seemed that Yang Jian was stabbing her internal organs with a three-pointed two-edged knife.

Du Yu had no choice but to say, "Don't eat what you can't eat. What should I do if I eat bad stomach?"

He burst into a smirk, causing Molier to spit out Yang Jian.

Mo Lier took a breath of dragon breath and sprayed Yang Jian out.

Yang Jian was in a panic, his body was covered with the stomach juice of the dragon, but the three-pointed double-edged knife finally saw blood, which caused Molier a lot.

Seeing the light of day again, he did not dare to fight Du Yu again. In today's battle, Yang Jian had already developed a fear of Du Yu and fled backwards.

He had only one thought, to meet Jiang Ziya as soon as possible and escape back to a safe place.

In this battle, Xi Zhou lost all his chips. Not only did he put Magic Red and Magic Li Qing in, ruined the main force, but also almost sent Yang Jian himself to hell.Yang Jian was frightened.

But how could Du Yu let him go easily?

Yang Jian lost one leg and one arm, was severely chopped off by the Scythe of Souls, and limped ahead to the side of the Yellow River.

Jiang Ziya should be there to meet him.

Seeing Erlang God Yang Jian being chased by Du Yu with no way to go to heaven, no way to go to earth, not even eagles and dogs, and fleeing desperately, Empress Nuwa finally came out with a bad breath, laughed loudly, and teased in the tone of Yuanshi Tianzun: "It's still Tianzun, you can pinch and count, it's not that you don't repay, the time has not yet come! No, retribution is coming?"

Even Yuanshi Tianzun, who cultivated as a psychic and had pure six senses, was trembling with anger at the words of Nuwa empress gloating.

But he took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Even if Du Yu is a little smart enough to see through my apprentice's scheme, what's the point? He is still at an absolute disadvantage. Next Monday, we will see the outcome."

Nuwa empresses know that this is a fact.

It was indeed very difficult for Du Yu to fight against Jiang Ziya's four cities with the two dilapidated cities.The disparity in strength will increase.Although this ambush was a complete victory, Yang Jian was not easy to mess with.He fought desperately, killing and injuring Du Yu's troops in large numbers.The elf archer summoned was almost slaughtered by him.

The key depends on whether Du Yu can shoot down Yang Jian after chasing him.

As long as Yang Jian dies, Du Yu will win this battle.Although the strategy is still passive, at least the hateful Yang Jian will not be seen in the subsequent battles.

But Yang Jian's life is really hard to take away.

Du Yu chased and attacked all the way, but Yang Jian could barely dodge when there was no time to go.He was so fast that he arrived at the place where Jiang Ziya was.

The battle between Jiang Ziya and Su Daji was coming to an end.

Su Daji, a fiasco.

Two of the fox tails behind her hips have disappeared permanently.

This means that her cultivation has been reduced by another 2000 years.

There is no way, every time he has to deal with the magic whip and the heart-piercing nail, as well as the powerful Jiang Ziya, it is already a miracle that Su Daji can survive until now.

Jiang Ziya was also helpless.

Su Daji has nine lives, and it is not easy to kill.

He was about to kill the killer, but when he looked up, he saw Yang Jian, who was alone, fleeing through the clouds and mist, and shouted from a distance: "Prime Minister, save me!"

Jiang Ziya sighed, he knew this was the inevitable result.

But Yang Jian had to be saved, and the Jade Emperor couldn't explain it.

Jiang Ziya raised his whip and shouted: "Hey! How dare you be rude!"

Hit the magic whip and go straight to Du Yu.

But Du Yu's gaze was fixed on Su Daji who was covered in blood and lacked two fox tails.

In an instant, Du Yu was furious!

Su Daji is his beloved vixen mistress!


How could Jiang Ziya tolerate such a brutal attack?

Du Yu was completely furious.

He did not hesitate to use the acceleration function of the flying boots!
In an instant, Du Yu's speed suddenly increased by 50%, and he rushed towards Yang Jian like a rocket!
He wants these bastards to die for their lives!
When Yang Jian looked back, he was out of his wits and screamed in fright.

But Du Yu was determined, and wanted to cut off Yang Jian's head and give it to Xiaosan, a vixen, to kick as a ball!
Du Yu's speed was extremely fast, and he was behind Yang Jian in an instant.

A terrifying vortex of abilities formed in his hands!

[Crack in time and space! 】

This is Du Yu's most powerful move against the god-level existence Yang Jian!
Yang Jian was quickly drawn into the blood-red time rift, and his body trembled. Pieces of flesh and blood were rolled up by the violent time-space rift and flew away, as if he had been tortured by the 3000 knives.

Yang Jian howled in pain, like a dying dog.

At this moment, he is no longer a high-ranking Erlang God, but a dog held by Du Yu to be slaughtered!

But the magic whip was also struck at this moment, and it was struck down awe-inspiringly!
Du Yu had to summon his strength to block.

There is no way, hitting the whip is a great threat to any god.Unless Du Yu dies.

(End of this chapter)

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