Chapter 1548 Catch the princess?I am the most active!

Because, from the main city, brand new troops have come out, the fourth-level armored cavalry, and the fifth-level cavalry archers have already appeared on the stage.

Although the number of these troops is not large, they occupy the advantage of rank after all. As soon as they appeared on the stage under the command of Lei Zhenzi, a powerful general, they wiped out two stubborn field soldiers.These two places control a gold mine and a secret realm of thieves.As a result, under the mopping up of powerful arms, they were quickly demolished successfully, and the strength of the Western Zhou Dynasty increased step by step.

"Du Yu, you probably haven't repaired Meng Jin yet, let's see how you deal with my iron cavalry!" Jiang Ziya sneered.

After suffering from Du's treacherous plan, he decided to change his style of play and fight steadily.

Du Yu's disadvantage in the first week will be magnified a little bit.

The war has entered its cruelest stage.

"We can't sit still!" Catherine slapped the table: "It won't work like this!"

The seriously injured Su Daji, with a pretty pale face, felt pity for me, and still insisted on attending the military meeting, and whispered, "Sister Catherine, what's your opinion?"

"Since Jiang Ziya made a mess of us, we should send an army to fight back, so that the enemy can also taste the feeling of being destroyed in the rear!" Catherine said word by word: "We have many generals who are good at long-distance raids. Like General Zhao Yun!"

This strategy surprised everyone.

The enemy has destroyed our base, we should return the color, go back and make trouble!

That's a good idea!
Everyone was talking.

Zhao Yun cupped his fists and said: "If the second brother can be trusted, Yun is willing to go deep into the enemy's rear. Attack the enemy's villages, towns and cities, and cause trouble for the enemy."

Shen Luoyan frowned: "There is one thing we must guard against. It is Princess Longji."

She pointed to the map of the Yellow River and said: "The enemy and us are facing each other across the river. At this moment, the Jiming Ferry is still in our hands. If General Zhao Yun leads troops there, I am afraid that Jiang Ziya will also notice our army's actions. You must know that Princess Longji is in control Water Fairy, if she hits halfway across the Yellow River and uses fairy arts to deal with General Zhao's troops, we will suffer great losses."

Du Yu thought for a while and smiled: "After taking care of Yang Jian, this time I will get rid of Princess Longji! Brother Zhao Yun, I will give you the fastest elf army of 1000 people. You are responsible for crossing the river and making trouble for Jiang Ziya!"

Zhao Yun said generously: "Yun will not disgrace his life!"

Du Yu handed over a thousand elves to Zhao Yun, and watched Zhao Yun leave.

Looking at the back of Zhao Yun leaving by boat, Shen Luoyan said softly: "Jiang Ziya will definitely not let Zhao Yun go."

Du Yu sneered and said, "I have my own way. If Jiang Ziya is only allowed to call the wind and rain in this world, wouldn't he be lonely? I'll show him something novel!"

Shen Luoyan's guess was correct.

Of course, Jiang Ziya would not sit back and watch Du Yu send the armed forces team led by Zhao Yun to the west bank of his Yellow River to wreak havoc.

He immediately summoned the generals to discuss countermeasures.

After the initial Thunder offensive, the generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty gradually felt the strength of Du Yu's side.After several blows, Du Yu beat back all of them, and his heart was full of anger.

This time it was hard to catch Du Yu's sore foot, how could he let Du Yu go?
"I, Lei Zhenzi, will accept Zhao Yun and the thousand spirits." Lei Zhenzi waved the golden rod, and said majesticly with Fenglei's wings.

"I can use Tudun to carry out a sneak attack behind Zhao Yun's back," Tu Xingsun said with a smile, a hint of viciousness flickered in his eyes.

"No!" Jiang Ziya said in a letter: "This time we will use the safest method to completely smash Du Yu's plan to attack our rear camp!"

He turned to Princess Longji and said with a smile: "I think the only one who can complete this important task is Princess Longji. You can control the great water, and the water system is amazing. It is best for Zhao Yun to drown in the Yellow River. I will accept him on the list of gods." !"

The generals were shocked.Everyone knows the power of the list of gods, and it was so painful that King Zhou was predestined.

Zhao Yun is Du Yu's number one general, and he is well versed in the art of war. If he hadn't been able to turn the tide with great speed and save Jiming Village from Tu Xingsun's men, the first battle would have ended long ago.

Such a person, being made a god by Jiang Ziya, is it a blow to Du Yu?

"Prime Minister, please don't worry!" Princess Longji bowed her hands in awe and retreated.

She led the troops to the ferry.

The ferry of the Yellow River is at Mengjin. Although the distance is not too long, the current is fast and full of torrents, which is very dangerous.As long as the person crossing the river is careless, he may be buried in the rapids.

This kind of river is most suitable for water-based spells, mobilizing floods, and carrying out reverse attacks.

Princess Longji was full of confidence and dived underwater.

Zhao Yun's fleet could already be vaguely seen in front, bumping in the fierce battle.Standing on the bow of the boat with his sword in his hand, Zhao Yun looked heroic, and he was indeed a dragon among men.

Princess Longji smiled faintly, turned her hand, and a dust-avoiding bead appeared in her hand.

"General Zilong, I can't live with you. I will apologize to you when I switch camps in the future and turn to the light!" Princess Longji whispered.

It seems that people with good looks are good.A handsome guy like Zhao Zilong even likes his beauty.

Princess Longji chanted the incantation, a yellow torrent flowed suddenly from the Yellow River, forming a yellow flood dragon in the water, jumping out of the water with a roar, and rushing towards Zhao Zilong's fleet.

This flood dragon was transformed by immortal power, wrapped in the water of the Yellow River that flew down three thousand feet, suspected to be a yellow dragon falling into the sky, roaring, stirring, and rushed towards Zhao Yun with incomparable speed.

On the battlefield, Zhao Yun was a heroic and fearless peerless good man, but in the face of this kind of fairy art, he could only barely protect himself with his powerful skills, and he was powerless to protect the thousand elf troops behind him.

Even though the elf troops were elite, they were a little panicked and in a mess when they encountered such a catastrophe.

Jiang Ziya, Nezha, Yang Jian and others who were watching the battle in the dark looked up to the sky and laughed.

Unexpectedly, just when Princess Longji's spell was about to devour the poor Zhao Yun fleet, suddenly, a louder voice suddenly rose from in front of Zhao Yun's fleet.

That voice, like a giant wild beast, lurking under the water of the Yellow River, was enraged by Princess Longji's spell, and let out a roar of resentment!

"What's going on here?" Jiang Ziya was stunned.

Nezha, Yang Jian and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

I've never heard of it. Who else in Du Yu's camp is proficient in water spells and can fight against Princess Longji, the queen mother's daughter?
The answer will be revealed soon!

Du Yu!

Omnipotent prevention!
He stood at the head of the tide, holding a gleaming golden artifact in his hand!

The Trident of the Sea God!

Whoever owns this has mastered the sea.

Even the sea can be controlled, let alone the Yellow River?

This is the strength of Du Yu!

He has experienced too many adventures, and the treasures in his hands are enough to deal with any variables.

If it wasn't for the Sea God's Trident, how could he have sent his loyal elder brother Zhao Yun and a thousand elves across the Yellow River to fight behind the enemy lines?
Poseidon's trident, a magical property is the chant of the sea: it can quell any abnormal spells next to any water system.

As we said before, the priority of Western magic arts, generally speaking, cannot overwhelm Eastern fairy arts.Du Yu is not the god of the sea, even if he holds the trident of the god of the sea, he can only exert 7% to 8% of the power of the divine weapon!

Although Princess Longji was shocked by Du Yu, this beauty's willow eyebrows stood on end, she was slightly angry, and urged the water treasures with all her strength to arouse Huanglong's power to the maximum.

In an instant, the yellow dragon formed from the water of the Yellow River actually went upstream, as if swallowing thousands of miles and the Yellow River was flowing backwards.

But Zhao Yun's fleet, protected by Du Yu's divine art [Song of the Sea], became turbulent again, and some elves fell into the water from time to time.

The priority of this kind of divine art is a little lower than that of Eastern Immortal Art.

"Good job!" Jiang Ziya was overjoyed, his eyes glowing brightly: "Princess Longji, you have made great contributions to Xiqi! Du Yu, do you think that after experiencing several western worlds and becoming the God of War in the West, you will be invincible?" ?In the world where I made the list of gods, there are as many gods as dogs, and half-immortals are everywhere. Your supernatural powers are powerful in other worlds, but here they are worthless!"

The four gods who were on the sidelines were also stunned by Du Yu and Princess Longji's battle of the Yellow River.

"Unexpectedly, Princess Longji is so good at water spells? On this map of the Yellow River campaign, her role is comparable to that of two Yang Jians!" Nuwa Empress frowned, shaking her head and sighing.

"Jiang Ziya has made every effort to let Princess Longji play. He really chose the right person." Athena also shook her head and said, "I think Du Yu's water spells are no match for Princess Longji."

The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky!
Under the urging of Princess Longji, thousands of tons of Yellow River water flowed upstream with the momentum of Mount Tai pressing down on the top and Huanglong swallowing the river. It was about to swallow Du Yu and Zhao Yun's fleet together!

The big waves in the front row were already more than 30 meters high. Princess Longji stood proudly on the tide, like a goddess of Luoshui, quietly watching Du Yu and Zhao Yun who were about to be destroyed!
"everything is over!"

Princess Longji announced proudly.

But Du Yu is a person who likes to take all factors into consideration before doing things.

Even though he has an ace-level hole card like the Trident of the Sea God, what if Princess Longji or other heroes of the Conferred God have more magical water spells?
So, Du Yu took out something and threw it into the Yellow River with a smile!
This thing has played an important role in history!

Heshi Jade Seal!
When Qin Shihuang traveled across the Yellow River, there was a strong wind, and the boat was about to capsize. Prime Minister Li Si threw Heshibi into the river as a suppression.Unexpectedly, the strong wind stopped immediately, and the big waves disappeared.Qin Shihuang was safe and sound.

Du Yu also threw Heshibi into the Yellow River!
The characteristic of He's Bi is to increase the priority of our skills by 40 points!
As a result, Du Yu's [Song of the Sea] divine art has overwhelmed Princess Longji's immortal art in priority.

Princess Longji exclaimed.

She watched helplessly as the water of the Yellow River beside Du Yu rose suddenly, forming a terrifying blue dragon in the air that was not inferior to her fairy art at all!
Huanglong vs. Qinglong, countercurrent vs. upper stream!
(End of this chapter)

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