Chapter 1549 Du Yu's hole card!Elf troops!
The huge waves more than 30 meters high collided with the taller ones fiercely!
Zhao Yun's fleet is like a leaf fluttering in the storm, swaying in the wind and waves.

But no matter what, Princess Longji's tricks and celestial sneak attack completely failed.

Princess Longji's face paled.

She was defeated in water for the first time.

Unexpectedly, this person has so many methods and is so powerful.

This person cannot be an enemy.

Princess Longji instinctively felt that danger was approaching rapidly.

She chose water escape.

But unfortunately, Du Yu will not let her go.

Du Yu would never let go of any beauties.

Refuse to surrender?No list of gods?

It doesn't matter!
You have the list of gods, and I have the secret room training!
There are three Western goddesses, and only one Eastern fairy, He Xiangu, who is quite lonely every day.

How about asking Princess Longji to be with He Xiangu too?

Du Yu turned into a fish in the water and chased after Princess Longji.

The so-called water escape is not completely flawless.

The techniques of water escape, earth escape, and wood escape sound very cool, and their speed is indeed unparalleled, but they seem to be poor in priority.

Otherwise, how could Tu Xingsun be dragged out of the soil later and die tragically on the spot?

Any escape technique, as long as it is interrupted, it will be forced to surface on the ground and water, and at the same time fall into dizziness.

At that time, it is often the time when these unlucky people die.

The so-called good swimmer drowns in water. If you rely too much on these escape methods, you will often die without a place to die when you meet a fairy who restrains you.

Princess Longji is very unfortunate.

She met a fairy who restrained her.

Du Yu.

Why did Du Yu restrain Princess Longji?
Because he has mastered spatial abilities!
Water is also a part of space.

After Du Yu's cultivation base broke through the void, his spatial ability also evolved from the second stage to the third stage!

Space ability, evolved again.

The first stage ability [space teleportation], the second stage ability [space tearing], and the third stage, Du Yu's ability is [space blockade]!
Simply put, under the urging of Du Yu's ability, a cage-like ability barrier will be formed around it, which can prevent all enemies from escaping.

From escaping by himself to preventing the enemy from escaping, Du Yu's spatial ability changes, reflecting the change in his strength—he has changed from a prey to a predator.

Dealing with Princess Longji this time is also the first actual combat application of [Space Blockade].

good results.

Princess Longji slammed into the space-blocking barrier hard, making her dizzy.

Involuntarily, she floated to the surface.

On the dim yellow water, a girl as beautiful as a fairy floated up, dazzled endlessly.

"Not good!" Jiang Ziya exclaimed.

This time it was really impossible to steal the chicken, and it lost a lot of rice. It didn't count if Yang Jian lost it, but Princess Longji was also lost.

What he didn't know was that after Jiang Ziya completed the first wave of raids, Du Yu had a heart for Tu Xingsun, Princess Longji, Lei Zhenzi and others.

These strange people with special skills must not be allowed to survive, they must be destroyed one by one.

The sooner the better.

Du Yu jumped up from the Yellow River.

He launched a fierce attack on Princess Longji.

Here again reflects the second weakness of Princess Longji.

She is a one-trick fairy who eats the sky. She is almost invincible in the water, but once she is driven out of the water, she is very vulnerable among heroes of the same level.

Thus, the tragedy of Princess Longji came.

Du Yu mercilessly slapped her on the back of the head with one palm, and with eighteen dragon-subduing palms, she knocked this delicate fairy in heaven so dizzy that she fell to the ground in one fell swoop.

Like a really evil big devil, Du Yu picked up Princess Longji and laughed wildly. A gust of evil wind blew by and disappeared on the river.

"Damn it!" Jiang Ziya slammed the whisk on the ground furiously, cursing viciously.

He couldn't understand why Du Yu was so defiant, so versatile, and could defeat the enemy in the river.

Du Yu is like the goldfish monster in Journey to the West, diving into the water.

Princess Longji was thrown to Pandora by him.

Pandora ordered soldiers like Han Xin, the more the better, Bingshan smiled gracefully, and accepted the daughter of the Queen Mother.

Since then, the world has lost a good fairy.

In Du Yu's secret room, there was another training object.

Du Yu won a complete victory.

Zhao Yun bravely boarded the other side of the Yellow River.

But he wasn't happy for long.

Because Jiang Ziya, who was in a state of desperation, had already notified the commander-in-chief on the other side, God General Hou.

General Hou Shen led Tu Xingsun and other generals and galloped towards Zhao Yun.

This is a battle of wits on both sides.

But Du Yu did not intervene.

He has great trust in Zhao Yun's ability and loyalty. He believes that Zhao Yun will be able to defeat the God General Hou, who is known as the God General in space, by relying on a thousand elf warriors.

Du Yu turned his gaze back to his territory.

He believes that the battle will start here, brutally.

Du Yu mobilized his army again and surrounded Dukou Village.

This time, no matter how much Jiang Ziya procrastinated, he was determined to drive Jiang Ziya's troops back to the west bank of the Yellow River.

Jiang Ziya also suffocated his energy, wanting to completely reverse the double blow of Yang Jian's serious injury and the capture of Princess Longji, and severely suppress the rising momentum of Du Yu's side.

A fierce battle is imminent.

Nezha looked at Du Yu's army that had regrouped outside Dukou Village.

This time Du Yu gathered the main force in Mengjin City again.There are more than 1000 elf troops, more than 300 farmers, 220 sword-axe fighters, 160 crow soldiers, and more than 50 precious fifth-level soldiers with two heads. These are almost all the assets of Du Yu's army.Among them, there are many wild soldiers that Elizabeth used diplomacy to recover for Du Yu.

And Jiang Ziya's side also concentrated all the main forces on the front line.There are more than 200 personal soldiers, more than 100 swordsmen, more than 50 third-level sharpshooters, and more than 20 fifth-level cavalry archers.The latter was sent by Tu Xingsun to use the technique of earth escape to instantly move between different cities and teleport to support the front line.

But what attracts more attention is the city wall and arrow tower of Dukou Village.After a week of occupation, the original wooden city wall has been replaced by a magnificent and solid stone city wall.Towering and towering arrow towers were built on both sides, and the bows and crossbows of the archers flashed cold light in the sun.A moat with a width of 5 feet has even been dug in front of Ferry Village. Any ground troops who want to attack the city wall must pass through the moat slowly (delay action for one round), and in the process, endure the attacks of long-range troops and arrow towers behind the city wall .

Although Du Yu's side has the overall advantage in numbers, Xizhou's side also sent all the long-range troops to the city wall of Dukou Village, waiting to use the defensive terrain like a golden city pond to deal a painful blow to Du Yu's side.

Nezha is full of confidence in this.

But Jiang Ziya seemed preoccupied.

"Du Yu is really extraordinary." Jiang Ziya said with a heavy tone, "I summoned 2000 elf warriors in one breath, and my summoning ability is not enough."

"But we are still far from enough to take down our well-defended Dukou Village." Nezha said disapprovingly, and said with a grin: "I know you still have the tricks taught by your master, which are useless."

Jiang Ziya smiled faintly: "I don't want to turn over all the cards taught by the master too early. But it seems that I have no choice this time."

Before he finished speaking, the fierce battle began!

This is a decisive battle that neither side can afford to lose, nor does anyone want to lose.

For the first attack, Du Yu charged forward without hesitation with all the elite main force.

He wanted to completely pull out the nail that Jiang Ziya had wedged deeply in his own territory.

The crow soldiers, the fastest, covered the sky, rushed through the moat and the city wall, and rushed towards the archers in the castle, seemingly desperate.

Their actions were also seen through by the city, and the sharpshooters and horse archers raised their bows and arrows and shot at the crow soldiers.Even the arrow tower turned its muzzle and opened fire on the crow soldiers.

More than 160 precious third-level crow soldiers were targeted by artillery fire all over the sky, and suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

Not only that, Lei Zhenzi himself jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the crow soldiers in the air.

His wind and thunder wings, coupled with the golden stick, swept a storm of flesh and blood in the air, killing the crow soldiers screaming again and again, and the black crow feathers fell down one after another.

This is an out-and-out massacre.

However, relying on the rapid speed of action and the number of 160, despite being concentrated fire by the defensive troops in the city, more than 80 crow soldiers successfully approached the more than 50 sharpshooters in the city.

As the third-level soldiers of both sides, the crow soldiers of the flying arms just restrain the archers of the long-range arms.

The archers are tragic.

Although the attack of more than 80 crow soldiers failed to kill all the archers in one round, it also disrupted the formation of the archers and killed more than 20 people.

To Du Yu, the more than 160 crow soldiers were just cannon fodder.

He has an advantage in the total number of troops, and Du Yu's siege strategy is a complete exchange tactic.

As long as Jiang Ziya's army can be wiped out, even if this army is completely wiped out, Du Yu will brazenly change it!
The next attack was more than 500 elf archers.

The battlefield power of elf archers has been fully reflected in "Lord of the Rings".They have strict discipline, extremely long range, dense arrow rain, and terrifying lethality.

The 500 elf archers instantly aimed their firepower at the cavalry archers of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Although these cavalrymen were covered with thick armor, they were completely knocked down in the city by the arrow rain from the elf archers that Du Yu commissioned Galadriel to command in just two rounds.The corpses of armored cavalrymen and horses were everywhere.

Such terrifying firepower!

But Jiang Ziya was not very surprised, and was furious.

Witnessed that his carefully organized long-range troops were killed by Du Yu's siege troops in the first round.But he methodically organized swordsmen and personal soldiers, and killed more than 80 remaining crow soldiers who rushed into the city.

And the elf shooters were also violently suppressed by the towers on the city.After two rounds, more than 50 elf archers were killed in the city, and Du Yu was heartbroken to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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