Chapter 275: Pretending to be Xiao Feng in a Martial Arts Tournament to Recruit a Marriage! - Ask for a ticket at the third watch!

Du Yu failed to find an inn, so he had to find a temple to settle down temporarily.Child Elder likes the quiet environment here very much, saying it is good for practicing Kungfu.

It's just that, besides practicing exercises, her old man has to bring back some dogs, kill them alive, and drink the dog's blood.

It is common for a dog to bite a person, but it is rare for a person to bite a dog. It is even rarer for a cute six-year-old girl to chase a big yellow dog for a bite.

I don't know who has offended this temple, throwing dead dog corpses everywhere, it's really a sin, a sin.

With each passing day, Tianshan Child Elder's appearance becomes one year older. In the past few days, she has grown to the appearance of a 10-year-old cardamom girl.

In addition to practicing Kung Fu, Child Elder also taught Du Yu the skills of folding plums from Tianshan Mountain one by one.

When Du Yu plundered Mantuo Mountain Villa, he also obtained the secret book of Zhe Meishou in Tianshan Mountain, but if he exchanged it with villain points, he would need to spend precious villain points, so Du Yu was reluctant.

Tianshan Child Elder is so clever, she came to teach Du Yu, Du Yu learned very quickly.

On the fourth day, Du Yu actually received a reminder: "You have received special training from Tianshan Child Elder, and you have learned the Xiaoyao School martial arts—the first layer of Tianshan Zhemei Shou."

The first layer of Tianshan Zhemeishou: B-level exercises.Three ways of palming, three ways of grasping, a total of six ways of martial arts, but it contains the essence of Xiaoyao School martial arts.Among the palm and grasping hands, there are sword skills, knife skills, whip skills, spear skills, claw skills, ax skills, etc., and various weapon skills, and the changes are complicated.This skill is based on deep internal strength, the higher the internal strength, the greater the effect of folding plum hands.The current priority is 22. Attack power is internal force * skill level * 1.2.
Du Yu's current internal strength is 45 points, and the power of Zhemei Shou is 53 points.

But this folding plum hand is a profound kung fu that can never be learned, especially good at grappling. Du Yu's attainments in grappling kung fu are very ordinary. After learning this move, he will be handy when dealing with the continuous intensive moves of small-scale masters.At the same time, this Tianshan Zhemei Shou is one of the 8 great stunts of the Xiaoyao School, which can enter the skill tree sequence, and together with Lingbo Weibu, etc., does not occupy the skill slot alone.

Tianshan Child Elder was satisfied that Du Yu could comprehend the first level in a few days, nodded and said: "Although your aptitude is not very good, but you can pass it. From now on, you need to speed up your cultivation, and try to get it before that bitch comes back." , Practice the move to the second level. I don’t ask you to be able to deal with her with this move, but I hope you can comprehend her special skills or be able to deal with it properly.”

Du Yu was about to answer when he heard Deng Baichuan rush in.

Through contacting the cannon, Du Yu naturally found Deng Baichuan, Wang Yuyan and others who came to Lingzhou City first, and lived in this temple all day long.

"My lord, the Western Xia National Ritual Department has posted a notice that all young talents who come to apply for consorts will enter the palace tomorrow and participate in the grand competition." Deng Baichuan said.

"Who is here to compete for the Xixia princess this time?" Du Yu asked.

"The most threatening ones are Prince Songtsan of Tubo Kingdom and King Yelunegulu of Nanyuan Kingdom of Liao Kingdom." Deng Baichuan said.

Du Yu narrowed his eyes.

"Yelune Gulu? King Chu? Didn't he have a wife and concubine? Why did he go to Xixia to beg the princess? Besides, he is the king of the Southern Court of the Liao Kingdom, and Li Renxiao will agree to him as a son-in-law?" Du Yu asked strangely.

Tianshan Child Elder sneered and said: "This Chu king, Yelu Nie Gulu, I heard that he has objected for a long time. If we can get Xi Xia's marriage, the two families join hands to overthrow that idiot Yelu Hongji, it will be easy! Songzan, the little prince of Tubo, has already The heart of destroying Dali is due to the fact that the Song Dynasty has always supported Dali. If Xixia can get married, Xixia can start a war and let the Song Dynasty look south. Tubo took the opportunity to attack Dali! Among the five countries, there is intrigue, how can there be peace for a day? "

Du Yu laughed and said, "In other words, only by marrying Princess Yinchuan to me can the tragic war between the five kingdoms be resolved."

Tianshan Child Elder shook her head and said: "It's so easy for you? Leaving aside Li Qiushui's attitude, Tubo and Daliao are not easy to deal with. Western Xia has a pinnacle hall, Daliao and Tubo each have master recruiters, although they are not as good as you Murong Fu However, there are many people and powerful forces. When you are in a martial arts competition to recruit relatives, you will be beaten by a wheel. You dare not show your true identity by turning around the stars, what should you do?"

Du Yu laughed, "I have an idea."

He pulled A'Zhu and turned around to enter the door.

When he came out, he had a square face, thick eyebrows and wide eyes, majestic and heroic, just like Xiao Feng!
"You pretended to be Xiao Feng?" Although Child Elder had never seen it, she had heard about Bei Qiao Feng and Nan Murong.

"Why not? Xiao Feng is now thousands of miles away from the customs, and he won't jump out and identify me as Xibei. I simply used his image, but didn't reveal my identity. Li Qiushui couldn't think of this either. Am I so daring?" Du Yu smiled.

Child Elder didn't answer, she hit Tianshan Zhemei with her hands, now she has recovered her 11 year old skills and can hit people.

Du Yu used Lishe Dachuan with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to block Tianshan Zhemei Shou, and made three consecutive moves, using all eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms very skillfully.

Tianshan Child Elder sighed: "Murong has learned everything, so that's good."

The next day, a group of people entered the palace under the guidance of officials from the Xixia National Ritual Department.

Li Renxiao governed the country well, and Xixia's national power was strong at this time. Although the palace was not luxurious, it was magnificent, showing the majesty and imperial power of Xixia.

Du Yu was dressed in Xiao Feng's attire, and wherever he went, he attracted everyone's attention.

"Xiao Feng is Xiao Feng's Liao dog."

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful to be heard by him."

"Didn't this Xiao Feng go far outside the pass and stop meddling in affairs in Jianghu?"

"Is he back?"

Du Yu led a group of attendants and beauties pretending to be servants, and walked into the Xixia Palace swaggeringly.

In the palace, there are a large number of Yipintang masters sitting in command to maintain order.

Du Yu personally executed Helian Tieshu, the chief manager of Yipintang, and after realizing the profound meaning of self-created kung fu, he walked straight into the exquisite outer court square without any awe.

On the square, a large number of young talents who have heard the news from all over the world have gathered.There are not only Song and Dali, but also Daliao, Tubo and Xixia natives, and even people from distant countries such as Persia and Dashi.

I heard that Songtsan, the little prince of Tubo, sent out warriors domineeringly to intercept young talents who came to compete for the position of son-in-law, and blocked nine out of ten of the candidates from outside Lingzhou City, otherwise the young people here would still be here. several times more.

When Du Yu heard this, his heart trembled.

"The Tubo national teacher, Jiumozhi, will probably come here to preside over the overall situation, right? He can be regarded as a formidable enemy."

Duan Yanqing, Ye Erniang, Yue Laosan, Yun Zhonghe and other four villains had already stood aside, proudly out of the crowd.The Central Plains martial arts knew their notoriety and dared not provoke them.

Seeing Xiao Feng coming, Duan Yanqing's expression changed, although Xiao Feng lost to Murong Fu, his strength should not be underestimated.

Duan Yu, Zhu Ziliu and Ba Tianshi also stood aside.There are also two girls, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling, by their side.The idiot looked around, obviously still looking at when Murong Fu would arrive, where is Wang Yuyan's beautiful figure?
Young handsome people from all over the world don't know how many people there are.All seem to be strong.

Suddenly, a high-spirited and long voice announced: "The Great King of the Southern Academy of Liao Kingdom, Yufeng Chu King, and Yelu Niegulu of Shangzhu Kingdom have arrived!"

A man with a sullen look, a burly figure, a hulking waist, and the arms of a crane, with a jeweled cloak on his back, a sharp sword on his waist and hips, and a long and hard bow on his back, surrounded by a large number of fierce warriors from the Liao Kingdom, walked into the palace quickly.With an arrogant look on his face, he ignored the courteousness of the Minister of Rites of Xi Xia, walked straight to the position closest to the princess's seat, and sat down gracefully.

Is this Yelune Gulu of the Liao Kingdom?
A few months later, the king of Chu who is going to rebel?
Du Yu's gaze was fixed on Yelune Gulu.

This person is his hope to complete the revival of the Yan Kingdom.

Yelune Gulu's hawk-eyed, keenly aware of Du Yu's gaze, looked directly at him.

The eyes of the two collided in the air.

Yelune Gulu said coldly: "You are Xiao Feng? You are very famous in Southern Dynasty."

Du Yu cupped his hands: "See King Chu."

Beside the King of Chu, a powerful master of Wu Kong said sharply: "You are a member of the Hou Clan, why don't you bow down when you see the King of Chu?"

Du Yuxin said, paralyzed, I kneel down for you?Anyway, he is pretending to be Xiao Feng at this time, he is not afraid to cause trouble for Xiao Feng, anyway, Xiao Feng will kill the King of Chu in two months, he simply laughed, and proudly said: "I came this time as a Jiang Hu person, to marry Princess Xixia came here, but not to see the court. The King of Chu and I are the same people who welcome the bride, how can there be a ceremony of bowing down?"

That master was furious, he pulled out his sword that was radiating cold light, jumped down and said: "Xiao Feng! You have made a great name among the Han people, but you don't know what skills you have? Let me try your strength. If you don't have the skills, return it." Dare to compete with His Highness King Chu?"

Du Yu said leisurely: "If that's the case, you'll be offended!"

Just as he was about to make a move, a Xixia Yipintang master sternly said: "Anyone who dares to fight privately will be disqualified!"

Bao BuTong jumped out: "My old Bao is over [-] years old, I guess the princess doesn't like me, so let's have a fight with this Liao country master first."

At this moment, a strong man with dark skin and short stature, surrounded by a group of warriors, strode into the hall.

Du Yu looked, but it was Songzan, the little prince of Tubo, and behind him was Jiumozhi, an eminent monk.

There is also the right servant of the Western Xia Rites Department, who is accompanying the Prince Songtsan.

Prince Songzan saw that Bao BuTong was confronting the master of the Liao Kingdom, he laughed, and sat in another seat closest to the princess, facing the King of Chu of the Liao Kingdom, and said: "Go on! Go on! This king loves to watch people duel. "

When he said this, the masters of the Liao Kingdom couldn't fight anymore.If he insisted on fighting, wouldn't he become a subordinate of the King of the South Court of Liao Kingdom and a master of the Liao Kingdom, fighting like a monkey for the Tubo prince to watch a play?What is the system?
He gave Du Yu a hard look, and shouted: "Xiao Feng, let's make a note today!"

Du Yu smiled slightly.

The Shangshu of the Western Xia Ministry of Rites saw that almost everyone had arrived, so he unfolded the decree and said: "My Emperor Daxia has a decree. Princess Yinchuan is the jewel in my palm, and I cherish it very much. It is necessary to choose a young talent with a few achievements in one year. A young man with strong martial arts is married. Martial arts competition to recruit relatives It is divided into three steps. Today is a martial arts competition, only the 20 people with the highest martial arts can enter the next round. The martial arts competition is here to draw lots, the winner can stay, and the eliminated ones can also go to the Ministry of Rites to get 100 taels to wrap back."

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(End of this chapter)

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