Chapter 276 The hero saves the beauty and enters the ice cave! - Four more outbreaks asking for votes!

Most of the people present were Jiujiu warriors, who were the most sympathetic to them in the martial arts competition to recruit relatives, so they rushed forward in a swarm to draw lots.

But this time everyone understands that there are only five people who are the most powerful and can embrace the beauty.

King Chu of the Southern Court of Liao Kingdom.

Songzan, the little prince of Tubo.

Duan Yu, the son of Prince Dali.

Dali Duan Yanqing.

Xiao Feng, former leader of the beggar gang.

Originally, it was heard that Gusu Murong Fu also came, he was a rising star with the highest voice, but he has disappeared so far, there must be something stuck.

Du Yu pretended to be Xiao Feng and stepped forward to draw a lottery.The opponent is a warrior from Xixia, who is also a master of Yipintang—Desert Scorpion Mo Dahai.

Du Yu didn't care, and jumped onto the stage to duel with him.

Yipintang has set up 20 battle tables, and if you fall off the table, you will lose.

Du Yu's fists and feet were like the wind, and the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon quickly took care of the poisonous desert scorpion and knocked him down.

People didn't take it seriously at all, this Xiao Feng is a well-known strong man in the world, he can be called a seed player.It would be an anecdote if he was defeated by this Western Xia warrior during the martial arts competition, and it would be a big upset.

Du Yu's purpose at this time is to follow the Tianshan Child Elder in the Western Xia Palace and hide for a while as Xiao Feng's courtship.This Xixia divided the competition into three stages, which were held at different times, which was the best.It would be better than three months before Child Elder can recover.

He jumped off the platform and looked at the crowd.

In other games, Duan Yanqing was naturally no problem, he beat a big dark man in Tubo until he vomited blood and retreated, and finally pierced his chest with a fine steel crutch.

Duan Yu's situation was extremely critical, but he still couldn't use the Six Meridians Excalibur. He just circled around the hostile Liao warriors and fled all over the ground, chanting various Buddhist teachings constantly, trying to dispel the anger .

That warrior from the Liao Kingdom was originally a master of rivers and lakes, but under the eloquence of Mr. Duan, he became dizzy and was confused. Accidentally, he bumped into a pillar on the sidelines and passed out.Duan Yu, an annoying guy, even stepped forward to greet him.

The little prince Songzan of Tubo, as the apprentice of Jiumozhi, his martial arts are not vulgar at all. He practiced Tantric Kungfu horizontally, combining hardness and softness, combining internal and external, fists and feet like the wind. die.

Yelu Nie Gulu, the great king of the Southern Academy of Liao Kingdom, was also a seasoned fighter. With a brilliant Liao Dao, he used it superbly. In just a few strokes, he killed a famous swordsman who was wielding a two-handed sword.

The Xixia Yipintang is only responsible for maintaining order, group fights are not allowed, only one-on-one, but it doesn't care about life and death. Instead, it looks at and points with a smile.

In the eyes of the Xixia people, the life and death of these foreign suitors is irrelevant, life and death are destiny and wealth.

Du Yu was very pleased to see that after the first round of competition, the masters of Yipintang stopped the fight.The Minister of Rites of the Western Xia Dynasty took the stage and loudly announced that the winner will automatically qualify for the next round, but everyone has spent a lot of energy today, and will play the second round tomorrow.

Du Yu secretly calculated that based on the number of proposals, it would take rounds to compare, and it would take at least 20 or 7 days to select 8 people to enter the next stage.The time gained is extremely precious to Tianshan Child Elder.

At the end of the competition, Tianshan Child Elder suddenly said: "It turns out that Li Qiushui promised to marry Princess Yinchuan to you. She probably lied to you. But Child Elder wants to compete with her, so how about I let you be my son-in-law?"

Du Yu was taken aback: "How to do it?"

Child Elder proudly said: "Do you know how that bitch's face was disfigured? Child Elder has come to the Western Xia Palace no less than ten times, and no one can stop her. Today, taking advantage of the crowd, the palace Make a mess, sneak into the residence of Princess Yinchuan, and cook her uncooked rice, you have to do it if you don’t want to.”

Du Yu was sweating profusely, the Tianshan Child Elder was indeed extremely powerful, she even uttered the words of sneaking into the palace and directly becoming a princess.

"Isn't that bad?" Although Du Yu loves beauties and has a lot of collections, both parties are in love with each other. You love me and I wish. This kind of Tian Boguang's unsightly method of cooking cranes and burning pianos has never been done.

Child Elder glanced at Du Yu: "What's in your coffin?"

Du Yu was surprised: "Child Elder, have you checked it?"

Child Elder sneered slightly: "Yes, I took advantage of your unpreparedness and secretly opened it to take a look. It turned out to be the only daughter of that bastard Li Qiushui, naked, moaning inside. I saw that you used a secret medicine to concoct it. She. She looks like your aunt? You have done such things, let alone a Yinchuan princess?"

Du Yu shook his head resolutely: "I want to concoct her because she wants to kill me. Princess Yinchuan has no grievances with me, how can she do such nasty things?"

Seeing Du Yu's resolute refusal, Child Elder changed her tactics and said, "A man does not care about small things. If you want to realize your dream of restoring the country, Xixia is the force you must rely on. I have seen that little girl Li Qinglu, she is such a delicate beauty. This time Yelune Gulu and the little prince Songtsan are coming very aggressively, if they don't win by surprise, how can they succeed?"

Du Yu smiled wryly: "Since Child Elder has already achieved something, I am willing to obey orders and take risks."

Du Yu and Child Elder took advantage of Xixia Yipin Hall and officials from the Ministry of Rituals, among hundreds of suitors, to sneak into the Xixia Palace secretly.The others continued to click Mao out of the palace.Li Qingluo pretended to be a palace lady and followed her.

This Xixia palace is very big, and it is heavily guarded by Yipintang masters, thanks to the Tianshan Child Elder who hates Li Qiushui to the bone, she comes here a lot, and she knows the time of shift change and the distribution of secret whistles like the palm of her hand.Under her command, Du Yu moved forward and backward, like walking in a maze, he stopped when he wanted to stop, and went in when he wanted to go in. He swayed back and forth until he entered the imperial garden.

According to Child Elder, the outside of the Imperial Garden is the Yinchuan Palace where Li Qinglu lives.

Du Yu lay under a clump of peony flowers, watching a group of 8 Xixia warriors who had just passed the sky and was about to go out when Child Elder shouted: "Stop!"

She pointed to the rockery cave in front of her: "There are 2 masters inside, they are constantly monitoring this place, they are secret sentinels. Kill them with poisonous needles."

Du Yu's internal strength is strong, and he has practiced 8 layers of Jade Bee Golden Needle. When he shook his hand, he fell to the ground with two muffled groans, and there was silence in the rockery.

Child Elder swept over and checked the ground, but saw two masters of Yipin Hall, Du Yu's Jade Bee Golden Needle pierced through the narrow gap in the cave, pierced into the Ya cave, the poison entered into the body, they couldn't make a sound, they were killed alive success.

She smiled: "I can't tell, your little Murong is quite powerful."

Du Yu said, "Child Elder praises you a lot. Where is Princess Yinchuan?"

Child Elder sighed in admiration: "Don't you look upright, don't you want to steal jade and incense? Why are you so active at this time?"

Du Yu was about to answer, but he heard footsteps in the distance.

He listened intently, but found a figure passing by, it was Duan Yanqing and Yun Zhonghe.

What are these two people doing in the palace?
Yun Zhonghe whispered: "Brother, I have observed carefully these few days, and the Princess Yinchuan must be in the Yinchuan Palace. Let's steal her out and marry you tonight. At that time, you will not be a son-in-law, but you will also be married." Consort!"

Duan Yanqing laughed: "This Xixia person is actually rude! If I hadn't been physically disabled, with my youthful handsomeness, how could I not be worthy of that Yinchuan princess? But those who achieve great things don't care about small things."

Du Yu glanced at Child Elder, it seemed that someone had said this too.These words have become the special language of thieves.

To put it simply, Yun Zhonghe went back to his old business and took the head of the four villains to steal the Yinchuan princess.

Du Yu laughed heartily.Duan Yanqing seems to be upright, but the leader of the four villains, he really does bad things with agility, I can give way to other younger brothers, but Princess Yinchuan cannot give way.

After the two stayed away, he and Child Elder jumped out and followed them to Yinchuan Palace.

The Yinchuan Palace has strict guards, but Duan Yanqing's martial arts is very strong, and Yun Zhonghe's lightness kung fu is so good that he managed to avoid all the guards along the way.

Du Yu and Child Elder listened intently.

Child Elder was a little impatient, and shouted: "Let's rush in, send away the crippled and prostitutes who lost their legs, and then take the princess away, won't it be over?"

Before Du Yufu could answer, he heard the sound of the air cracking.Duan Yanqing and Yun Zhonghe, holding a young woman in their arms, performed brilliant lightness kung fu and came through the air.

Du Yu put on an exquisite human skin mask, changed into a Xixia Yipintang clothes, drew out a golden sword and a black sword, and chased after him.

Child Elder suddenly understood that this kid was playing with the idea of ​​being a hero to save the beauty.

Duan Yanqing and Yun Zhonghe hugged the girl, fell into a secluded place, and entered it in a flash.

Du Yu was taken aback for a moment, observed carefully, and found

This is actually an ice cellar.

Back to the main line of the original drama, but this time the enemies are the four villains.

Du Yu performed lightness kung fu, and sneaked into the ice cellar like a cat.

This ice cellar is divided into three layers, the outermost layer is made of cotton to keep out the scorching sun of Western Xia, and the second and third layers are made of ice.

Du Yu knew that the four villains might gather here.If so, be careful.

Duan Yanqing, Ye Erniang, Yue Laosan, and Yun Zhonghe are all good at martial arts.

Child Elder said in a low voice: "These four bastards are very good at choosing a place. This is the ice cellar of the Xixia Palace, ordinary patrols will not come here, it is autumn now, the palace does not use much ice, and the servants will not come. I am here This practice is much more convenient than in the temple."

Walking to the depths of the second floor, Du Yu heard Yun Zhonghe's voice: "Boss, how will you reward me this time?"

The girl's panicked voice sounded: "Who are you? If you dare to disrespect me, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of Xixia alive."

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(End of this chapter)

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