Chapter 277: A Conspiracy to Recruit a Marriage Competition! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Ye Erniang giggled coquettishly: "Princess, there is no need to panic. Our boss just heard that the princess is as beautiful as a flower, and that she is as beautiful as a flower, and she intends to marry the princess and marry Qin and Jin, so that a good deed will come true."

Princess Yinchuan scolded: "My father and king are recruiting relatives in the martial arts competition. If you want to, you can participate in the martial arts competition. Why did you use this vicious method to rob me?"

Duan Yanqing's voice sounded like metal rubbing: "You Xixia, this martial arts competition to recruit relatives is simply a deceitful cover!"

Du Yu and Child Elder were startled, they looked at each other, this contest to recruit relatives, how could it be a lie?
Duan Yanqing laughed bitterly, his voice echoed in the cold and dark cellar.

"After I finished the martial arts competition today, I was notified by the Western Xia Ritual Department that I was disabled and could not participate in the next round. Thinking that I was so humiliated as the dignified prince of Dali, I simply strangled the notified officials from the Ritual Department and sneaked into the palace. Come on. One does not do the other. Who would have thought that he would hear a shocking secret from the emperor!"

Li Qinglu tremblingly said: "Why do I never know any secrets?"

Duan Yanqing smiled: "The four of us are all masters of Yipintang, and we often enter the palace. Although the palace is strictly forbidden, there is no way to stop us. When we sneaked around the emperor's palace, we accidentally heard a song between the emperor and his ministers. Li Renxiao, the king of Xixia, said, Xixia wants to use this opportunity to provoke the war between Daliao and Song, Tubo and Dali, stand on the side of the winner, and profit from it. Such a princess of Yinchuan is up for grabs, worth at least 30 cities!"

Du Yu's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly figured out the joints.

The surrounding countries certainly saw that marrying the princess of Xixia was a good chess game that was beneficial and harmless to their own country's strategic security, so experts from the four countries rushed here.But Li Renxiao of Xixia is an unborn hero, how could he not have thought of this festival?
How could Li Renxiao marry off his beloved Princess Yinchuan for no reason, and marry a son-in-law selected from other four countries?
How did this kind of plot in the playbook happen?

Xu Zhu is neither Menglang at this time, nor is Li Qinglu Menggu, she will not persuade Li Renxiao to search for a lover in the name of recruiting relatives.

The only reason is that Li Renxiao is luring the heroes of the world into the trap!

He wants to use Princess Yinchuan to cause disputes in the world!
If a person from the Song Dynasty married the princess of Xixia, what should Daliao do?
The answer is, preemptive strikes!

Yelu Hongji and Yelu Negulu will immediately dispatch experts or soldiers to destroy the marriage between the two parties!

As long as Princess Xixia is not married, Xixia will not stand on the side of Song Dynasty and attack Daliao.

In the same way, if Prince Duan Yu of Dali married Princess Xixia, what would happen to Tubo?

It is necessary to strike first and beat Dali weakly to echo Xixia.

As long as the troops are strong enough and show enough strength, Xixia will cancel the marriage alliance with the weak and reconsider.

What Li Renxiao wants is the war of the other four countries!
In this way, he only needs to sell the princess Yinchuan, the jewel in his palm, for a price, and he doesn't even need to give the princess away. As long as he forms a verbal marriage contract with one party, he can draw the focus of the conflict to that party!
Which side will instantly become the focus of siege by the other sides!

No country can sit back and watch the enemy country marry and form an alliance with Xixia, and remain indifferent!
As long as Li Renxiao sits in Lingzhou, laughs at the four countries in the world, and fights for Li Qinglu, and then follows the trend, a large piece of land is at your fingertips!
For example, when the Liao and Song Dynasties were at war and the Liao Kingdom was victorious, he took advantage of the situation to rise up. The armored cavalry stepped across the frontier and drove straight in, and he could get a share of the pie. If he married Li Qinglu, he could get another generous dowry and share with the Liao Kingdom. alliance.

vice versa.When the Song Dynasty was victorious, it attacked the Liao Kingdom.

After Du Yu figured this out, he smiled wryly.

No one in this world is a fool.Not even Li Renxiao!
He is a hero of a generation.

Du Yu let out a sigh of relief. It was a surprise to discover Xixia's conspiracy this time.

Yun Zhonghe said sharply: "Brother, there is a difficulty here, even if you occupy the body of the Yinchuan chick, you will not be able to get the help of Xixia's soldiers and horses to restore the country."

Duan Yanqing chuckled: "But as the prince of Dali, since I know about the plot of the Xixia people, if I don't destroy it, Duan Yu's idiot and Duan Zhengchun's trash will definitely try their best to snatch this princess. As everyone knows, when the princess gets married, It's the day when Tubo invades! Xixia will never send troops to rescue, but waits to collect benefits from Tubo. How can I allow this princess to live?"

Yun Zhonghe was startled: "Boss wants to destroy flowers with his hands? Why don't you leave it to me, I'll kill it after I enjoy it."

Duan Yanqing yelled: "You want a woman, how many good families are you spoiling? This little girl, you have to be imprisoned here first, and we are up for sale. Anyway, there are only four of us, we can come and go when we want. Xixia will take us as well." no way."

Duan Yanqing ordered Ye Erniang and Yue Laosan to guard Li Qinglu, and he took Yun Zhonghe away by himself, obviously afraid that Yun Zhonghe would steal himself.On the one hand, going out is to show up to avoid suspicion, and on the other hand, it is to inquire about Xixia news.

Du Yu thought it was wonderful.

Seeing that Du Yu took out the Jade Bee Golden Needle again, Child Elder shouted: "You boy have been with me for so long, how about I teach you the first Enrollment Death Talisman? Every time I use this poisonous needle, it seems that you can't show better kung fu." gone."

Du Yu was overjoyed.

This life and death talisman is a secret of the Xiaoyao School, a hidden weapon used by the Tianshan Child Elder of the Vulture Palace.Those in the middle can't live or die, and are controlled by others, so it's called life and death talisman.

Du Yu received a reminder from the space: "Tianshan Child Elder wants to teach you a Xiaoyao school technique, the B-level skill Life and Death Talisman. Do you agree to learn it? This skill and the Jade Bee Golden Needle are both needle-type hidden weapons, and the skill similarity is 81.4%. Skill fusion can be achieved, do you want to learn?"

Du Yu was overjoyed, another space was vacated.

With the introduction of skill trees such as Nine Yin Scriptures, Tantric Kungfu, and Xiaoyao School martial arts, many skills in Du Yu's skill slots can be attributed to the skill tree, which greatly saves slots.

Child Elder briefly explained how to make and use the Life and Death Talisman. If you want to learn the technique of the Death Talisman, you must first learn how to make it.Don't look at this small piece of thin ice, it is not easy to make it as thin as paper without being worn or broken.Du Yu put some water in the palm of his hand, and then reversed his inner strength, so that the zhenqi from the palm was several times colder than ice, and the clear water naturally condensed into ice.

Du Yu received a reminder from the space: You have accepted Tianshan Child Elder's B-level skill Life and Death Talisman, and you have been rewarded with 1000 villain points.Currently 1630.
"Your Free and Unfettered Skill Tree Life and Death Talisman has been integrated with the Jade Bee Golden Needle skill."

"The attributes of the life-death talisman become: [Life-death talisman] 4th floor: B+ level skills, each time a maximum of 8 pieces of life-death talisman can be shot, each hit will cause 6 points of compulsory damage, and interrupt the enemy's skills. Those who hit the talisman will live and die When the talisman strikes, it is like ten thousand ants gnawing, itching and excruciating pain is unbearable, you can’t live or die, you have to obey your orders, the priority of this skill is 32 points. Branch ability: can stab the enemy’s acupoints and cause various abnormalities The status and skill power are related to the acupoint-relieving skill, and the priority is equal to the acupoint-relieving skill.”

Yue Laosan was watching boredly, but his neck felt cold, and a life-death talisman as thin as a cow's hair had shot into his neck.

He was furious, and turned to Ye Erniang: "Are you looking for fault?"

Erniang Ye giggled: "What happened to me?"

South Sea Crocodile God was furious: "You obviously attacked me. I'll kill you!"

The two of them ping-pong-pong, fighting viciously.

What Du Yu wanted was this opportunity. Taking advantage of the fierce fight between the two, he threw out another wave of life and death talismans.

Although the four villains are full of evil, they are powerful and they are usable soldiers.

Ye Erniang resisted again and again, her martial arts were originally higher than the South Sea Crocodile God, and finally put the South Sea Crocodile God on the line, stepped on it hard, and was about to hurt the killer, but felt a sharp pain in her ear!
She was as careful as a hair, knowing that she had encountered a strong enemy, she rushed to Li Qinglu's side like a gust of wind, drew out her knife and shouted: "Who is plotting against me? If you don't come out, I will pierce eighteen holes in this little girl."

Du Yu walked out slowly in the form of Murong Fu.

Ye Erniang and Yue Laosan looked at each other, jumped up at the same time, and rushed towards Du Yu frantically.

Yue Laosan is holding a crocodile scissors, while Ye Erniang is a square thin knife, the blade is rectangular and thin, surrounded by extremely sharp edges, holding the short handle, as if waving it, it rolls into a circle of light .The two came in a pincer attack, naturally they were aggressive, and they wanted Du Yu's life.

Du Yu clapped his hands, Ye Erniang and Yue Laosan's expressions changed drastically at the same time, they fell to the ground, rolling in pain.

It is the performance of being planted with a life and death talisman.

Du Yu ignored Ye Erniang and Yue Laosan who were wailing on the ground, walked up to Li Qinglu, and pulled her up.

In the darkness, Li Qinglu couldn't see Du Yu's appearance, but when the girl was hesitating and afraid, a gentle gentleman walked out to save herself, her heart was naturally surprised and delighted, and she trembled: "Who is your Excellency?"

Du Yu smiled and said: "Princess, don't be surprised. I am a young man who came to propose marriage this time. Seeing these four villains approaching Yinchuan Palace with malicious intentions under the cover of being a master of Xixia Yipintang, I felt a little strange , broke in regardless of the palace ban. I hope the princess will forgive me."

Li Qinglu said in a trembling voice: "These four people are the masters of my Western Xia Yipintang. I heard their voices at the Empress Dowager's place. But I didn't dare to expose them just now. The young master saved me, and Qinglu will remember it in his heart. "

Yue Laosan and Ye Erniang finally recovered from howling.Huo Ran stood up and attacked again.

Du Yu activated the Life and Death Talisman, and the two of them fell down again, wishing to tear their own skin and grab the bone-biting itch of ten thousand ants.

But Du Yu found that there was something wrong, the life and death talisman was actually inside Ye Erniang and Yue Laosan, and with the impact of their internal strength, it became smaller and smaller.

Child Elder shook her head and said: "Your life and death talisman can't be practiced well enough, these two are considered first-class masters in the world, much better than Boss Wu's trash. At most one more time, they will disappear without a trace."

Du Yu smiled wryly, "Can you stop being so calm, Child Elder?"

 Yesterday, I couldn't make it to the monthly ticket list. This month is really cruel!Continue to ask for monthly tickets for the fourth update today!Thanks to the enthusiastic book friends such as Undulating Wave, Musiyu 100, yjimilyker and so on!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Please subscribe and reward!
(End of this chapter)

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