Chapter 280 Child Elder's Rigorous Special Training! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
In the original plot, the King of Chu took advantage of Yelu Hongji's hunting trip to the north, suddenly launched a rebellion in Nanjing, invaded Shangjing of the Liao Kingdom, controlled thousands of empress dowagers, empresses and concubines, and captured relatives of Yelu Hongji's soldiers in the imperial camp. With an absolute superior force of more than 50, they surrounded Yelu Hongji with more than 10 imperial guards.

Ordinarily, King Chu's chance of winning is ten to ten, but unexpectedly, Xiao Feng joined Yelu Hongji's formation at this time.As soon as the Khitan hero made a move, all the troops captured the King of Chu and the Emperor Taishu alive, and eliminated the civil strife in Liao that was destined to be brutally fought!
But the result Du Yu wanted was clearly not the case.

What he wants is Yelu Hongji and Yelu Negulu, to divide the Liao Kingdom into two, to face each other from north to south, to fight fiercely, and it is best to kill Liao Kingdom's vitality!
So, he pretended to be Xiao Feng, and let Yelune Gulu suffer a lot!
A person like Yelune Gulu, who was beaten into a pig's head, will have a deep impression on Xiao Feng, and will even mobilize his strength to take revenge on Xiao Feng at all costs.

Once Xiao Feng enters Yelu Hongji's camp, Yelu Negulu will definitely attach great importance to it.At the critical moment, Xiao Feng wanted to capture the thief and the king, and surprise Yelu Nie Gulu, it was not so easy!
Don't underestimate these small changes. In history, how many major events related to the fate of a country were caused by the butterfly effect of small people?

A bullet fired by a youth in Sarajevo started World War I.

A bullet in sympathy with a Southern power play actor ended the life of Lincoln, America's greatest president.

If Yelu Niegulu was beaten so badly by Xiao Feng, and he didn't pay attention to it, it only shows that the King of Chu is too muddy to stand on the wall, and Du Yu can only accept his fate.

While reducing the possibility of Xiao Feng's surprise attack on the King of Chu, he also weakened the King of Chu's power.Otherwise, the King of Chu would threaten Yelu Hongji's 50 people with an army of 10, and the strength of the two sides would be very different. After a few days of fighting, the King of Chu would win.

Therefore, Du Yu broke the plan of the King of Chu in public. On the one hand, he reminded Yelu Hongji, and on the other hand, he forced the King of Chu to launch a rebellion in advance!

The sooner the king of Chu's rebellion came, the less prepared he was, and Yelu Hongji would be on guard after receiving the news.What's more, Du Yu also forced the king of Chu to hand over a huge amount of military funds as a ransom?
In this way, while eliminating the possibility of Xiao Feng capturing the thief and the king, it also weakened part of the power of the King of Chu, so that the strength of both sides can be evened out.

It's hard for Du Yu to predict what kind of consequences his own arrangement will have.As expected, the two sides were evenly matched and had to engage in a tug-of-war, which still destroyed the original balance of the plot, resulting in a quick victory for either Yelu Hongji or Yelu Negulu.

He has no way of knowing, so he can only try his best to change the plot according to his imagination.

At the same time, in case he cannot complete the final task, he must seize the last time to collect martial arts from all over the world, and try to collect [-] villain points to prevent being wiped out.

Tianshan Child Elder's carvings on the vulture palace wall and Li Qiushui's collection of books are the ones he wants to get.

Du Yu handed over Yelune Gulu to Deng Baichuan and others, then he escaped into the palace and went back to the cellar, avoiding the eyes of the crowd.

Tianshan Child Elder is practicing kung fu, seeing Du Yu coming back on time, she sneered and said: "If Child Elder doesn't hide this little beauty, I'm afraid you won't come back?"

Du Yu blushed, he laughed and said, "Where is the child elder?"

Child Elder suddenly came over, Tianshan Zhemei started!

In an instant, he shot like lightning, hitting Du Yu's major acupuncture points.

Du Yu urged the fight to turn the stars away, and tried his best to block Child Elder's hands.

After a day, Child Elder's skill has improved to that of a 17-year-old girl, and her power is even more mature.

But Du Yu knew a little bit about Zhemei's hands, and the defense took a little longer, the two sides confronted each other until the 30th move, and was hit by Child Elder's shoulder, unable to move.

Child Elder shook her head: "Although your kung fu is good, you still have a long way to go against that bastard Li Qiushui. My kung fu at the age of 17 can surpass you, and Li Qiushui's ability is at least about the same as my 90 years old."

Du Yu fell to the ground straight, and smiled wryly: "Child Elder, I can understand that your old man wants to force me to practice hard. Why do you want to touch my acupoints?"

Child Elder laughed and said: "If not, how could you break through? Let's play something exciting this time."

She kicked Du Yu down a pool.

Du Yu felt his whole body was bitingly cold. It turned out that the pool was filled with ice water.The pool was very shallow, but in the ice cellar, soaked in ice water, it was already freezing to the bone.

Du Yu's teeth were gritted from the cold, and he scolded: "Child Elder, I am the head of the Xiaoyao Sect after all, why are you treating me like this?"

Child Elder smiled and said: "Do you see what else is in the pool?"

Du Yu couldn't move his body, but he bumped into a cold body. He turned his head and saw that it was Li Qinglu.

I saw Princess Xixia's eyes were picturesque, she was still naked, but she was covered by a layer of ice, and even she seemed to be breathing.Suddenly, it seemed as if he had been frozen to death.

Du Yu was shocked, he supported Li Qinglu with his body, and dragged her out of the water. The Yi Jin Jing was running at a high speed, and as his body temperature gradually warmed, Li Qinglu gained some popularity. He slowly opened his beautiful eyes, and when he saw Du Yu, he was so wowed. A cry came out.

Du Yu said angrily: "Child Elder! Why are you going to torture this poor girl five times?"

Child Elder raised her eyebrows and said: "What? I feel distressed? I am more powerful than you right now, if I want to punish you, I forgive you for not being able to resist. I just don't like this Xixia princess, so I have to torture it."

Du Yu became increasingly angry.This child elder, when she was in trouble, Shang Zi was polite to herself, gradually recovered her skills, her temper gradually grew, and her tyrannical side was fully revealed.

"You treat me like this, are you afraid that Li Qiushui will come, and I won't help you fight? With your 17-year-old skill, it's not enough to deal with Li Qiushui, right?" Du Yu shouted.

Child Elder laughed loudly: "Those four villains, as I said, hijacked a woman and fled towards the Song Dynasty. The bitch has already chased her there, and within three or five days, don't even think about coming back. If you find this place, don't go back." It will take some time. Although my skills were not fully recovered at that time, I still have a little bit of self-preservation. As for you, you have defiled Li Qiushui's daughter and two granddaughters, how could Li Qiushui let you go?"

Only then did Du Yu realize the deep meaning of Child Elder giving the princess to him, and said angrily: "Princess Yinchuan is dying, quickly pull her out, I will follow your orders."

Child Elder shook her head: "Your skills are strong at this moment, if you meet Li Qiushui, even if we join forces, the odds of winning are extremely slim. Instead of taking risks, I'll just check your skills, if you really can't, I'll simply drown you."

Only then did Du Yu see that above the pool where he was, a drop of water fell from the sky and poured into the pool.

The water in the pool is still shallow at present, only reaching Du Yu's ears, but if the water keeps pouring in, over time, it will definitely flood the nose and mouth, causing suffocation.

Du Yu was shocked and furious, this child elder was so vicious.

Child Elder said calmly: "I taught you how to reverse the internal energy and condense the life and death talisman ice pieces. If you want to not die, you have to keep using that exercise to condense the ice water in the pool into ice cubes, and then lift your body up. If the ice cannot condense, or the speed is not enough, you and Li Qinglu will have to drown in the pool together. I estimate that you need at least 5 layers of life and death talisman to save your life."

Du Yu was furious and was about to call out beautiful women such as Xiao Longnu and Li Mochou to fight this ungrateful child elder to the death.

But seeing that Child Elder was fully alert, Du Yu sighed.

Child Elder knows that she can summon Xiao Longnv, etc., but she has nothing to fear, one is her powerful skills, two is close to her, she can take her life at any time.

Du Yu closed his eyes, and began to reverse his inner strength, pouring the cold water into the pool.Freeze into ice cubes.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Li Qinglu's teeth were chattering, and her delicate body was icy cold.At this time, she was naked, relying on Du Yu's internal body temperature to maintain her life.Du Yu concentrated on the reverse luck technique, turning the water into ice, and Li Qinglu lost the source of warmth, and couldn't bear it immediately.

Du Yu was in a hurry.

The water is still dripping, and the water level in the pool is slowly rising.

Originally, this place was an icehouse, and the temperature was very low.It is not too difficult to turn water into ice by going against the law.But Child Elder deliberately put a basin of hot spring on the water basin, dripping slowly, it is very difficult to turn this warm water into ice cubes.

Du Yu was faced with a dilemma at this time.

If she tried her best to make ice for self-protection, she would certainly survive, but Li Qinglu would inevitably freeze to death.

If it was for Li Qinglu, he would have to use his internal strength to radiate heat, but in this way the ice would melt again, causing him to drown.

Child Elder glanced at Du Yu, didn't say much, and continued to concentrate on practicing.

She wants to restore her skills at full speed to deal with her senior sister Li Qiushui who is about to find her.

"This man's martial arts and mind are all powerful, but the biggest shortcoming is that he is too kind-hearted. The so-called small amount is not a gentleman, non-toxic and not a husband. If you want to achieve a big event, how can you be indecisive and benevolent? Between Princess Xixia, make a choice, how do you choose?"

Du Yu was in a dilemma.

Li Qinglu opened her beautiful eyes, and said tremblingly: "Grandfather, the water is almost up to the nose and mouth, why don't you use your skills to turn the water into ice? Could it be that I am afraid that I will freeze to death?"

Du Yu nodded.

Two hot tears dripped from Li Qinglu's beautiful eyes, she fell on Du Yu's chest, and kissed her passionately.

Du Yu felt her cold lips and felt a pain in his heart.

Why did this innocent girl suffer so much?

Li Qinglu gasped for a while, gritted her teeth and said, "Grandfather, let's make ice quickly. Li Qinglu endures it!"

Child Elder laughed loudly: "If you are drowned, she will die sooner or later."

Du Yu was right when he thought about it, Li Qinglu would be dead if he was drowned by this cruel child elder.

He reversed his luck and gradually froze the water into ice cubes.

Race against the water level, Du Yu has never had such a thrilling practice experience.If it is slow to make water into ice, it is the tragic fate of drowning alive.

A gigantic life and death talisman gradually took shape.

Gradually gaining support behind him, Du Yu struggled to get up, temporarily out of danger.

But looking at Li Qinglu in front of her chest, she was almost frozen from the cold, and a layer of frost had condensed on her snow-white face.

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(End of this chapter)

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