Chapter 281 Breakthrough at the Frontline of Life and Death!
Du Yu hastily used his internal energy to inject her into her body to help her recover.

But Li Qinglu, a delicate princess, was unable to recover from the double cold of the environment and Du Yu this time.

Seeing that she was about to die, Du Yu kissed her hard on her small mouth.

Li Qinglu was double stimulated by the breath and the hot kiss, and finally gave a warning, and Yoyo woke up, seeing Engong healing her mouth to mouth, her face turned an abnormal blush.

Du Yu sighed inwardly.

If this continues, Li Qinglu will definitely not be able to hold on for too long.

He wants to attack with all his strength, summon Xiao Longnu and others, and fight Child Elder to the death.

Child Elder smiled slightly, and recited the mantra, Du Yu suddenly felt like ten thousand ants eating away at his bones, only then remembered that Child Elder had already planted a life and death talisman in his body, and he couldn't resist even if he wanted to resist.

Li Qinglu was rescued by Du Yu regardless of her life, and she smiled brightly, as beautiful as a summer flower.

Du Yu felt a pain in his heart.

Li Qinglu said in a low voice: "Brother Engong, I know you are a good person."

Du Yu smiled wryly.

In the space, he is the big villain, the big villain that everyone shouts to kill.The imperial court did not hesitate to do anything, and wanted to punish her quickly, but Li Qinglu said that she was a good person?

nice guy?

This name seems to be too old.

Up to now, even Du Yu himself doesn't know, is he considered a good person?

Tangled with contradictions

Li Qinglu tremblingly said: "Engong, I have been rescued by you countless times, but this time if Engong wants to save me, he will be drowned by the rising water. I really can't bear to drag Engong any more. If there is an afterlife , Qinglu must wrap reeds around stones, serve benefactors, and marry each other for a lifetime."

After she finished speaking, she deliberately tilted her body to the side, and fell into the pool with a plop.

This is to prevent her from being able to save her.

The two of them went from one to the other to lie side by side in the water. If Du Yu refused to make ice, they would all be drowned.

Du Yu was very anxious, and suddenly the Lingtai became clear.

He remembered that Child Elder said that the life and death talisman in him can be removed by himself if the attainment of the life and death talisman itself is raised to the fifth level.

As long as it breaks through, the life and death talisman can be removed, and the little dragon girl can be summoned to fight to the death with this old witch.

Du Yu opened his eyes and glanced at Li Qinglu, and saw that the princess of Xixia was lying side by side in the icy water with affection in her eyes and a smile at the corner of her mouth, as if this was not a freezing hell where she could be drowned at any time, but a wedding night , Splendid mandarin ducks are paved with jade beds, and the couple lie side by side, looking at each other sweetly.

As soon as Du Yu's heart moved, the internal energy in his whole body began to circulate crazily.



We must break through before Li Qinglu drowns and freezes to death!

He has never been so focused.

Generally speaking, with Du Yu's obtuse aptitude, it would take at least a month to practice a level B skill.This is still the result of the Yijing Bone Forging Jing increasing the speed of practice.

But he doesn't have that much time.

Li Qinglu may die at any time.


Only strength is the foundation to protect a beloved woman!

Du Yu's internal force spun crazily.

The water around him gradually condensed crazily, turning from water to ice.

Du Yu and Li Qinglu were gradually elevated.

But Li Qinglu's beautiful eyes, while proudly watching her benefactor so powerful, able to turn water into ice, gradually felt extremely heavy, and she wanted to close them tiredly.

She knew that at such a low temperature, once she closed it, she would never be able to wake up again.

Tianshan Child Elder watched as Du Yu gradually turned a pool of water into ice, and Princess Xixia gradually froze, expressionless.

"Give up useless things like feelings, and you can go further. This is what Child Elder wants to tell you."

"If it wasn't for being obsessed with Wu Yazi and being trapped by love, I would have already practiced the art of self-respect in the world, that bitch Li Qiushui would have been killed by me a long time ago, why did I end up in today's land?" Tianshan Child Elder said in a low voice.

"From the fourth floor to the fifth floor, with your aptitude, it will take at least 5 days, right?" Child Elder lowered her head and calculated, "If you can practice the fifth floor life-death talisman, then you can practice Zhemei Shou. You can help me to fight that Li Qiushui."

Li Qinglu finally couldn't hold on anymore.

She slowly closed her beautiful eyes: "Benefactor's kindness in this life can only be repaid in the next life."

No matter how much Du Yu practiced, he couldn't keep up with the footsteps of the god of death, and he was so anxious that he almost lost his breath and became mad.

Li Qinglu's spiritual platform suddenly became clear, like a flash of light, she opened her beautiful eyes: "I have heard from the Empress Dowager that she found a rare ice silkworm from the Daxue Mountain in the Western Regions and raised it here. This ice silkworm is always there. At this moment, it can exude a threatening coldness. This is how the cellar is so cold. She said that if a person who practices Yin and cold inner strength can obtain this ice silkworm, his skill will be greatly increased. She thought that she would Absorb the ice silkworm, but unfortunately the ice silkworm was still 10 years away from the millennium, so she was temporarily fostered here. Brother Engong, if you can absorb the power of the ice silkworm, you will be able to break through, right?"

Du Yu nodded frantically.

Li Qinglu's beautiful eyes dimmed again: "Unfortunately, I don't know where the ice silkworm is."

Du foreseeing her fainting again, he was very anxious, but suddenly saw a snow-white ice silkworm wriggling beside Li Qinglu!
The ice silkworm has gradually changed from snow white to snow blue, and is completing its transformation of a thousand years.

After the transformation is complete, the ice silkworm is like a piece of emerald jade, transparent throughout, but the all-pervasive biting chill is even more breathtaking.

Du Yu didn't care much, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed the ice silkworm as soon as he struggled!

His mouth and eyebrows immediately froze!
A bone-piercing icy cold, from the mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, all the way down, everywhere it goes, it is all frozen into ice.

In the bottom of Du Yu's heart, he kept only the last sliver of clarity, desperately mobilizing the internal force of the Yi Jin Jing, turning it in the meridians of the body!
The millennium ice silkworm is certainly a natural treasure, but it must follow certain procedures to absorb its icy cold power safely, even You Tanzhi from that year also used the Shenmu King Ding to complete the absorption of the thousand year ice silkworm.

Du Yu made a mistake, but learned of the existence of ice silkworms in the ice cellar from Li Qinglu, and was eager to save people, so he devoured the ice silkworms regardless of Sanqi 21.

If it weren't for his digitalized body, the stomachs of ordinary people would be directly chilled by ice silkworms, freezing into lumps of ice, and eventually dying.

Tianshan Child Elder devoted herself to practicing kung fu, she didn't notice Du Yu's abnormality at all, even if she found out, she was powerless to prevent the ice silkworm cold poison from attacking.

Du Yu could only run the Yi Jin Jing over and over again to fight against the cold poison of the ice silkworm.

Gradually, his Yi Jin Jing and the cold poison merged into one.

Inadvertently, Li Qinglu, whom Du Yu desperately rescued, actually told Du Yu about the thousand-year-old ice silkworm that Li Qiushui had found with great painstaking efforts, and because of his eagerness to save people, Du Yu forced Du Yu to eat the ice silkworm.

Thanks to Du Yu, he has practiced the Yi Jin Jing to the height of 8 layers. Although he cannot be said to be unique in the world, he has greatly widened his tendons after all, and protected his tendons when the cold poison invaded.Otherwise, if ordinary people take this ice silkworm, they will definitely die from cold poison.

In Du Yu's veins, the internal strength of the Yi Jin Jing and the cold poison of the thousand-year-old ice silkworm gradually merged into one without distinction.

Tianshan Child Elder finished practicing, but she didn't see Du Yu's breathing, she went to the pool to watch in shock.

Du Yu shouted angrily, and three Life and Death Talismans, as thin as cicada's wings, were shaken out from three big holes in his body!

Self-elimination of life and death talisman!
Tianshan Child Elder was astonished: "The fifth layer of life and death talisman? So fast? Impossible?"

But without thinking too much, Du Yu let out a roar, and the huge ice cubes under him and Li Qinglu were shaken and splashed all over the sky!
In this ice cellar, the sky is filled with crystal clear and colorful crushed ice!

Du Yu yelled, these shattered ice, like an ice storm, shot towards Tianshan Child Elder!
Tianshan Child Elder sneered, her 6-year-old girl's body drew a graceful arc in the air, and hundreds of life and death talismans fell into nothingness!
But in her heart, she was surprised by Du Yu's internal strength.

As expected, Wu Yazi, who had input all his internal energy for 70 years, was able to control so many life and death talismans in one go.

From the power of the life-death talisman, she felt even more that this was clearly not the fifth-level life-death talisman!
But at least the sixth floor!
This kid, under the pressure of life and death, has achieved two consecutive breakthroughs in such a short period of time!
As expected of Nan Murong!

It is indeed the person I fancy!
With the power of the sixth layer of life and death talisman, it is easier to succeed in dealing with Li Qiushui's plan.

She let out a long laugh, and was about to hit Du Yu again.

But he saw light flashing in front of Du Yu, Xiao Longnv, Li Mochou and Ning Zhong all appeared in front of him, looking at her coldly.

Child Elder knew that she couldn't move Du Yu anymore, she just smiled coldly and didn't answer.

Du Yu picked up Li Qinglu who had been frozen into a lump of ice, frantically mobilizing his internal energy and pouring it into her body.

"You must not die. Princess Yinchuan!" Du Yu's inner strength continued to pour in.

"Lucky like that, you just sent her to the Palace of the King of Hell faster!" Tianshan Child Elder said leisurely.

Du Yu looked up angrily: "How do you save her?"

Tianshan Child Elder slowly said: "Originally, Li Qinglu's cold poison has penetrated into the body too much, and it is hopeless."

Seeing that Du Yu was going to have an attack, she smiled and said, "But since you have mastered the sixth layer of life and death talisman, you can use your internal energy to guide the cold poison in her body into your own body. Now you are using internal energy to invade her veins." The method is like ice and fire, fighting in her body, how can she stand it if she doesn't know martial arts?"

Du Yu suddenly realized.

A frozen person cannot be rescued with fire, but with ice and snow, rubbing his body surface quickly to restore consciousness.Roasting with fire can cause organ necrosis.

In the same way, when Li Qinglu was frozen, the best way was to use her icy internal energy to suck out the cold poison in her body, and input the internal energy to warm her up.

Du Yu is running at full capacity.

Thanks to his life and death talisman practiced to the sixth floor at this time, under full speed, Li Qinglu's frozen face turned livid, and gradually returned to normal, with traces of blood appearing.

Du Yu ran for two weeks to remove the cold poison from the princess's body, and then slowly poured his inner breath into Li Qinglu's body.

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(End of this chapter)

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