Chapter 286: The Bewitching Magic Sound Comes Down! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Jiumozhi felt that he had been cheated, and shouted loudly: "Hero Xiao, I respect you as a hero respected by everyone, so I made such an agreement with you, how can you be dishonest?"

Xiao Feng was stunned and said: "What agreement?"

Jiumozhi was furious, thinking that Xiao Feng is also a pious person, and scolded: "I used a secret book of Tantric Buddhism, in order for you to leave Xixia quickly and give up competing with my prince for the princess of Yinchuan, isn't that the case?"

Du Yu laughed loudly: "Why did you look for me yesterday? Why didn't I know? Tell me another secret book, how can you change a princess? It's a joke!"

Jiumozhi was so angry that his lungs exploded. He was about to make a move when he heard the eunuch call: "His Majesty the Emperor is here."

He glared at Xiao Feng fiercely before sitting back in his seat.

Evil monk meets liar.

Duan Yu secretly said to Xiao Feng: "Brother, what did you do? Make those monks so angry that they want to die?"

Du Yu smiled and didn't answer.

Since Duan Yu saw him, he invited him to live with him every day, but of course he declined.

Duan Yu would like to say more, a middle-aged man, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, with arrogance, boarded the dragon chair from the side door, and said warmly: "Everyone, you young men, have traveled a long way to come to Xixia to apply for consort. I am very relieved. Open the banquet , give wine!"

It was Li Renxiao, the emperor of Xixia.

After drinking for three rounds, Li Renxiao said: "Everyone, although I am rich in a land of thousands of miles and have millions of armor, it is very difficult to live a child. There are not many sons, and there is only one princess of Yinchuan as a daughter. Pity the hearts of parents in the world. I Naturally, I don't want my daughter to be wronged by marrying off. Today, in the second round of selection, I only listen to the handsome men, how do you plan to marry Yinchuan, and how to treat her?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

It turned out that the old man wanted a bride price?

Prince Songtsan looked around proudly. If he was rich, as a Tubo prince, he naturally took advantage of it.

Li Renxiao cast his eyes on Duan Yu of Dali first, and said gently: "I have heard that the son of the king of Dali is handsome and handsome. When I saw him today, he is really extraordinary. Let the son of Dali talk about it first."

Duan Yu looked at Li Renxiao and said embarrassedly: "Dali is a small country on the border, the country is small and the people are poor, so it is not possible to offer too heavy a gift, but my father has a letter here, and I am entrusting it to His Majesty."

Li Renxiao thought that Duan Zhengchun, the regent of Dali, would have something to say, and when he opened the letter, he found that there were millions of gold, silver and jewels, and several martial arts from Duanshi Tianlong Temple in Dali, as a congratulatory gift.Looking at the Central Plains, this gift is considered generous.

Li Renxiao smiled more mellowly, nodded slightly and sighed: "The regent father and son, I appreciate the painstaking efforts of Princess Yinchuan."

He turned to Prince Songtsan: "I don't know Prince Songtsan, how should I express it?"

Prince Songtsan said swaggeringly: "I am extremely rich in Tubo."

Jiumozhi interrupted the two hundred and five princes, folded his palms together and said with a smile: "Although our country is not very rich, the prince's wedding is a major national event. Here is a list of gifts, the king entrusted me to deliver to His Majesty the Emperor before he left. .”

He handed over a gift list made of pure gold and gold leaf.

Li Renxiao took it over, and was secretly surprised in his heart.

In order to marry Princess Yinchuan, Tubo was willing to cede more than [-] cities in the twelve prefectures of Shannan and Jiannan, in addition to a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry, as a congratulatory gift!
Li Renxiao smiled brighter, accepted the pure gold and gold leaf, and solemnly handed it to the Minister of Rites: "How can Prince Songtsan drink this inferior tea? Bring the tribute tea from my study."

Jiumozhi glanced triumphantly at Xiao Feng without any trace.

You kid lied to my exercises, why don't you leave?
It doesn't matter, when it's time to compete for strength, I have the backing of the Tubo Empire, and I will crush you in minutes, a dick who has no house, no car, no rights and no money!
Li Renxiao waved his hand: "In addition to everyone coming to marry Yinchuan, the second prince of the Song Dynasty and the King of the South Court of Liao Kingdom also sent envoys to send us a wedding gift list. Read it!"

The Ministry of Etiquette was very enthusiastic in writing, shaking his head and thinking: "The Song Dynasty is willing to add 1000 million coins and 100 million bolts of silk to cut Yuci City, Shaanxi Province, and ask Princess Yinchuan to marry the second prince."

"Although Yelune Gulu, the great king of the South Court of the Liao Kingdom, was eliminated in the competition, he has a strong desire to ask for a marriage and is willing to come out."

Li Renxiao finally looked at "Xiao Feng": "Hero Xiao, you are a world-renowned master, what dowry gift do you have?"

Prince Songtsan, Jiumozhi and the royal ministers of Xixia all looked at Du Yu gloatingly at his misfortune.

Prince Songtsan muttered, "A poor warrior, what good things can you give me?"

Du Yu shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I have no money, I am poor, and have nothing but kung fu."

Li Renxiao didn't take it lightly, and nodded: "A good man is a real hero when he conquers the world with his bare hands. When my ancestors and ancestors of Western Xia founded the country, they were also alone and alone. It was all with a heroic spirit that they laid a foundation that will last forever. "

Du Yu smiled and said: "But what I can give Princess Yinchuan is far from all of you here, the king of Liao, and the prince of Song Dynasty!"

As soon as he said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Jiumozhi came out angrily and said: "If you say you have no money or power, I won't come to laugh at you. You are obviously poor, but you are here to brag about it, you are just asking yourself for humiliation!"

Du Yu laughed: "It's easy to get a thousand gold treasures, but it's hard to find a lover. If His Majesty the Emperor Xixia decides that Yinchuan belongs to him after seeing the generous betrothal gifts, wouldn't he sell the princess for a price? That would only be ridiculed by the people of the world."

What he said immediately made Jiumozhi speechless, and Li Renxiao's face was displeased, but the words of the shit stick really made sense.

You Emperor Xixia claimed to be rich all over the world, and even married his daughter to the person with the highest betrothal gift. It seems that you are greedy for wealth and honor, and you are not thinking about your daughter's life.

Li Renxiao shook his head and said: "Since this is the case, I can't say any more. After forty days, everyone will come to Yinchuan Palace, and Yinchuan will choose his husband and son-in-law."

He walked away.

Jiumozhi gloated and said: "Xiao Feng, you have offended His Majesty the Emperor Xixia, how can you marry Princess Yinchuan?"

Du Yu shrugged, got up and left.

Ever since he knew of Li Renxiao's plot, he never planned to get Princess Yinchuan in a peaceful manner!

The ownership of Princess Yinchuan is not only related to the completion of the task of "Marrying the Princess of Xixia", but also related to the process of the final restoration of Yan's country, and even more related to the life happiness of Li Qinglu, a beautiful and gentle girl!
By chance, Du Yu came into close contact with Li Qinglu, how could he sit by and watch her fall into the hands of a rough man like Prince Songzan and an ambitious man like Yelune Gulu?

In a flash, he disappeared on the road, found Li Qingluo, and entered the cave when Li Qiushui was out.

Child Elder is still practicing kung fu, and her solitaire kung fu is gradually approaching a great achievement.

There are more than 40 days.

Du estimated that the time limit for his revival of Dayan was only 2 months away, and he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

I don't know what happened to Xiao Feng?
Whether the various arrangements I made before will take effect.

All he can do is practice, help Tianshan Child Elder, and defeat Li Qiushui.

Although Child Elder lost a leg, under the hatred, the progress of her practice continued to speed up. In the following days, she gradually recovered the martial arts of her heyday.

Du Yu's life and death talisman, also nourished by the insidious internal power of the thousand-year-old ice silkworm, entered the country very quickly and broke through the seventh floor.

Li Qiushui searched all over the Xixia Kingdom, digging almost three feet, but couldn't find Child Elder and Murong Fu anymore, so anxious and irritable.Hearing from the burrow, she kept giving orders, lost her temper, and even killed people for no reason.

Child Elder sneered and said: "This bastard, you know that I am not far from the great success of my magic skills, so I can't hold back anymore."

Du Yu looked at Ding Chunqiu.

This Xingxiu old fairy has suffered a lot under the hands of Child Elder and Du Yu, although there is no hope of escaping, what's more, he is tortured to the brink of death by the devil Li Mochou.If it wasn't for Du Yu still wanting to collect the treasures he treasured in Xingxiuhai, he would have died long ago.

Child Elder said with a smile: "My divine skill is faster than expected. In 12 hours, I will break through. This pass is extremely dangerous, you have to protect me."

Du Yu nodded.

After dinner, Child Elder went to retreat for the last time.

It's dawn when the retreat arrives, white mist gradually rises above Child Elder's head, implying that she is about to break through in her practice.

Du Yu let out a sigh of relief.

Taking Child Elder to hide in Tibet, avoiding Li Qiushui for so long, finally saw the dawn.

As long as Child Elder has successfully practiced, she will not be afraid of Li Qiushui.

Li Qiushui stood on the astrologer, staring at the sky, and suddenly found a purple cloud coming from the east.

"The vision of Ziyun!" Li Qiushui lost his voice in surprise: "Then that bitch is still in my Xixia Palace? Is it about to break through? This is earlier than I expected!"

"Where is she hiding? I searched all over the palace, especially that child's palace in Yinchuan. I didn't find any trace of Murong Fu or that bitch?"

"If she masters Liu He Ba Huang's only self-respecting skill, I will no longer be her opponent! We must spoil her good deeds!"

Child Elder closed her eyes tightly, she has reached the final bottleneck.In the past, he practiced to grow into an immortal body, killing that Li Qiushui was easy.

After 90 years of practice, I gave up love and everything, and finally got this day.

Du Yu felt bad.

Li Qiushui's plan!

She uses any vicious scolding and insults in the world, but she can't impress the child elder who is about to achieve great feats.

But only Wu Yazi is Child Elder's fatal weakness in her life!
Sure enough, the child elder couldn't help Li Qiushui and Wu Yazi's joyful screams, and cursed loudly: "Shameless bitch! Damn it!"

As she spoke, she was about to jump up.

Du Yu cried out inwardly, and shouted: "This is Li Qiushui's insidious plan. When he discovers the abnormality of your breakthrough, he wants to trick you out. Hurry up and calm down and regain your sanity!"

This was a blow to the head, coupled with his strong internal energy, Child Elder sat down slowly, her sanity gradually became clear.

But Li Qiushui saw that this move didn't work, so he changed to a more shameless move: "Senior Brother, do you love me or Senior Sister?"

Wu Yazi's deep voice came, "That little guy? It's so ridiculous! He's only a 6-year-old girl, how can he compare with my junior sister? But she still haunts me all day, which makes me upset. In terms of affection, it's not easy to refuse."

Child Elder finally couldn't hold back anymore, she stood up and yelled loudly: "Brother-in-law! Wu Yazi would never say that about me! You"

Du Yu sighed.

I could only hear the mechanism being opened, and Li Qiushui's sweet voice came from the upload: "Senior Sister! It turns out that you have been in the tunnel under the little sister's bed. This is my little sister's rudeness, miscalculation, and miscalculation!"

Her voice was sweet and gentle, with an indescribable trace of viciousness.

An embroidered shoe was slowly stepped on, and Li Qiushui's peerless appearance was revealed at the entrance of the cave.

Li Qiushui's face was as indifferent as water: "I never thought that you guys are so bold that you are still lingering in my palace. This time, you will not be able to get away. Senior sister, you broke the magic power of the only one in the world, right? It's a pity, It's a pity, 90 years of youth, with the flick of a finger, you get nothing."

Child Elder's complexion is miserable, she naturally knows that once her cultivation technique is broken, she will never see the Dao again in her life.

She has practiced this skill since she was six years old, and her 90 years of youth have disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Giving up on Wu Yazi, giving up on love, giving up on beauty, in the end it was still in the hands of this woman!

"I'll fight with you!" Child Elder leaned on one leg and shot at Li Qiushui.

With a wave of Du Yu's hand, the Level 7 Life and Death Talisman shot out.

Li Qiushui chuckled: "Senior Sister, you really recovered your kung fu, but it's a pity that you lost a leg, no matter how strong your kung fu is, you can only use half of it."

She has a ruthless kick, and she specializes in the child elder's tricks, and her moves are vicious and despicable.

Although Child Elder recovered her martial arts, but her right leg is gone, her lower body is not stable, and she is in danger all of a sudden.

Du Yu knew that this was his last chance to kill Li Qiushui, so he shot the life and death talisman desperately.

Pieces of ice-like jade life-death talismans, driven by the thick and vicious internal force, greatly increased their power, and they rushed forward.

Xiao Longnv quietly appeared behind Li Qiushui, and the Gentleman and Lady swords slashed at Li Qiushui together.

Li Mochou slapped Ding Chunqiu with her palm, and shouted: "Li Qiushui, here is your match! Catch it!"

She grabbed Ding Chunqiu alive with one palm, turned it into rotting corpse poison, and threw it at Li Qiushui!

Ding Chunqiu's generation of super old monsters was actually killed by Li Mochou. Before he died, he didn't even have time to let out a scream.After death, he turned into a rotting corpse poison, an old monster that harmed countless people, and in the end, his reincarnation was impermanent, and his retribution was unhappy, and he was also buried under his own insidious martial arts.

Li Qiushui saw Ding Chunqiu being killed in front of her eyes, although she didn't have much affection for Ding Chunqiu, after all she had been friends for half a lifetime, she was emotionally agitated, and shouted: "How dare a bitch do this?"

With a palm of Baihong, she supported Ding Chunqiu's body without touching it directly.

But Ning Zhongze's Quanzhen long sword had already slashed to the back. Ning Zhongze, who had made great progress in martial arts, imbued his sword with super-strength true energy, and the tiger roared and the dragon groaned, and the sound shook the nine heavens!

Li Qiushui was simultaneously besieged by five strong men, Child Elder, Du Yu, Xiao Longnv, Ning Zhongze and Li Mochou, and immediately fell into a disadvantage!
She barely brushed her acupoints with her cold sleeves to block Kai Ning Zhongze's slashing, and the rotting corpse poison followed her body like a shadow.

Ding Chunqiu's rotting corpse poison is the most insidious. Li Mochou, as a red-trained fairy, studied it with great concentration, and the blue is better than the blue.

 Thanks to Prince Pu, Working Together, Staying in the Green Mountains, Undulating Waves, Passers-by in the Red Dust, Sore Throat, So Cold Ice and other enthusiastic book friends for their rewards!Please subscribe!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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